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Late payment of uk pension


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I believe this delay is a temporary situation, and once all the codes have been updated payments will revert to normal, and yes in the meantime delays are occurring whilst banks here manually add the codes and the banks will get the interest benefit on the unallocated funds

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I believe this delay is a temporary situation, and once all the codes have been updated payments will revert to normal, and yes in the meantime delays are occurring whilst banks here manually add the codes and the banks will get the interest benefit on the unallocated funds

You believe that the Thai banks are manually changing the details held by the DWP, that is certainly a different slant on it.

Unless many are keeping quite there does not appear to be many on the forum that are actually paid their state pension here in Thailand. From the comments on the thread it would seem like almost an even split between those paid on time and those delayed.

I assume from your comment that your pension was one of the ones that experienced a delay.


Yes mine hit my Bangkok Bank account around 0930 this morning as usual so no delay, I notice that I have a eight letter code for Bangkok Bank which I put on my original application maybe that's what the difference is? Never had a problem in three years and have used that code when having other pensions paid direct.


Yes mine hit my Bangkok Bank account around 0930 this morning as usual so no delay, I notice that I have a eight letter code for Bangkok Bank which I put on my original application maybe that's what the difference is? Never had a problem in three years and have used that code when having other pensions paid direct.

John can I ask you what date you were paid last month? I have just got both my letters from DWP today telling me my pension will be paid in on the 15th of Sept.


Last payment was 28th August, four weeks ago, been paid every four weeks since it started and has only been late when the Thai banks are closed for a holiday on a Friday.


Last payment was 28th August, four weeks ago, been paid every four weeks since it started and has only been late when the Thai banks are closed for a holiday on a Friday.

So you were paid on the 28th Aug and if that was a late payment, am I right in saying you have 'lost' the period from when you should have been paid?

I got my letter from the DWP at 18.20 delivered by the mini postman (my neighbours 3 year old grandson).

It was dated 25th August 2015 and posted by airmail and it arrived days after 18 days after I was due to be paid and 6 days after I actually got paid.

It states in the letter that the change is from July 2015, so the management must have known at least a month before the change but did nothing for at least a month.

Such dreadful inefficiency whoever I have no doubt that the person in charge will still get his knighthood in due course.

From what I remember of the civil service you were promoted in the "Buggins turn next" system until reach the level where you are no longer capable of doing the job and there you remain until you retire.

I quit the civil service after 4 years.


Last payment was 28th August, four weeks ago, been paid every four weeks since it started and has only been late when the Thai banks are closed for a holiday on a Friday.

So you were paid on the 28th Aug and if that was a late payment, am I right in saying you have 'lost' the period from when you should have been paid?

No, 28th August was the due date, my payments have never been late.


Last payment was 28th August, four weeks ago, been paid every four weeks since it started and has only been late when the Thai banks are closed for a holiday on a Friday.

So you were paid on the 28th Aug and if that was a late payment, am I right in saying you have 'lost' the period from when you should have been paid?

No, 28th August was the due date, my payments have never been late.

Thanks for that John, looks like we're going to have to sit it out till we (the people who were paid late) get definitive proof next month.

It would be interesting to find out why some were late and some not, especially if those late were from the same bank albeit different branches? I'm with Bangkok Bank.


It would be interesting to find out why some were late and some not, especially if those late were from the same bank albeit different branches? I'm with Bangkok Bank.

I posted something about this in the other thread when it first came up. In my opinion, and it is purely personal, it has to do with branch codes.

I believe that the general scenario is that Citibank maintains a current account with BOT on behalf of the DWP. The evening before payment is due Citibank would instruct BOT by way of a datafile to convert so much into Thai baht and distribute it to the recipients. This would happen overnight and the payments queued on Bahtnet. The fact that my payments have always arrived shortly after Bahtnet coming online would indicate the payments have come direct from source.

The 8 digit Swift code used by Thai banks is for the head office, you need an 11 digit Swift code to identify the branch. There is no way that payments can be made direct to an account based on the Thai bank Swift codes alone. For a direct payment the branch code would need to be included in the datafile.

I believe that in the past the BOT have just forwarded payments without a branch code to the Thai bank head office and let them sort it out. To improve the efficiency of the system they may be now insisting that a branch code be included. This would not be a verbal instruction, all financial datafiles are validated to ensure all essential field are populated and in the correct format.

I do not know if DWP were supposed to check for a branch code on the initial setup or not. When I completed my application I put the branch code in the required field but I suspect that some may have left that blank.

I believe that Citibank has to check the bank details and if the branch code is present the payment is processed as normal and if not DWP has to amend the bank details and then include the payment in another payment schedule.

I noticed that one person that got delayed had said his payment was due Friday but was normally received Monday and I wonder how many others that have been delayed normally got their payment after 10am on the day it was due. I would hope that after this is resolved that all state pensions come in first thing on the due date.


I believe this delay is a temporary situation, and once all the codes have been updated payments will revert to normal, and yes in the meantime delays are occurring whilst banks here manually add the codes and the banks will get the interest benefit on the unallocated funds

You believe that the Thai banks are manually changing the details held by the DWP, that is certainly a different slant on it.

Unless many are keeping quite there does not appear to be many on the forum that are actually paid their state pension here in Thailand. From the comments on the thread it would seem like almost an even split between those paid on time and those delayed.

I assume from your comment that your pension was one of the ones that experienced a delay.

Sandy I think he means just adding the branch code. The Swift code for KBank is 8 characters and if you add the 3 characters of the branch code that would make it the 11 characters and put it straight to the branch.


It would be interesting to find out why some were late and some not, especially if those late were from the same bank albeit different branches? I'm with Bangkok Bank.

I posted something about this in the other thread when it first came up. In my opinion, and it is purely personal, it has to do with branch codes.

I believe that the general scenario is that Citibank maintains a current account with BOT on behalf of the DWP. The evening before payment is due Citibank would instruct BOT by way of a datafile to convert so much into Thai baht and distribute it to the recipients. This would happen overnight and the payments queued on Bahtnet. The fact that my payments have always arrived shortly after Bahtnet coming online would indicate the payments have come direct from source.

The 8 digit Swift code used by Thai banks is for the head office, you need an 11 digit Swift code to identify the branch. There is no way that payments can be made direct to an account based on the Thai bank Swift codes alone. For a direct payment the branch code would need to be included in the datafile.

I believe that in the past the BOT have just forwarded payments without a branch code to the Thai bank head office and let them sort it out. To improve the efficiency of the system they may be now insisting that a branch code be included. This would not be a verbal instruction, all financial datafiles are validated to ensure all essential field are populated and in the correct format.

I do not know if DWP were supposed to check for a branch code on the initial setup or not. When I completed my application I put the branch code in the required field but I suspect that some may have left that blank.

I believe that Citibank has to check the bank details and if the branch code is present the payment is processed as normal and if not DWP has to amend the bank details and then include the payment in another payment schedule.

I noticed that one person that got delayed had said his payment was due Friday but was normally received Monday and I wonder how many others that have been delayed normally got their payment after 10am on the day it was due. I would hope that after this is resolved that all state pensions come in first thing on the due date.


I was the one that said that and my next payment should be due Friday 02 October and is usually in the bank on the Monday following, in this case 05 October but we shall see.


It would be interesting to find out why some were late and some not, especially if those late were from the same bank albeit different branches? I'm with Bangkok Bank.

My BKKB was 3 days late..Usually Monday, turned up Thursday..

Might it not be better for those of you with Bangkok Bank accounts to, in effect, get your pension payments processed via BBL's London branch instead of Citibank (assuming, of course, that you still have UK accounts)? Based on my experience of using this service your pension should then end up in your BBL account the next working day after the DWP due payment date.

Further details for anyone interested at http://www.bangkokbank.com/bangkokbank/personalbanking/dailyBanking/TransferingFunds/TransferringIntoThailand/ReceivingFundsfromUK/Pages/ReceivingFundsfromUK.aspx


I believe this delay is a temporary situation, and once all the codes have been updated payments will revert to normal, and yes in the meantime delays are occurring whilst banks here manually add the codes and the banks will get the interest benefit on the unallocated funds

You believe that the Thai banks are manually changing the details held by the DWP, that is certainly a different slant on it.

Unless many are keeping quite there does not appear to be many on the forum that are actually paid their state pension here in Thailand. From the comments on the thread it would seem like almost an even split between those paid on time and those delayed.

I assume from your comment that your pension was one of the ones that experienced a delay.

Sandy I think he means just adding the branch code. The Swift code for KBank is 8 characters and if you add the 3 characters of the branch code that would make it the 11 characters and put it straight to the branch.

The Thai banks are not going to have anything to do with it and it is very unlikely that the DWP general staff would be involved which may account for some of the confusion.

It is more than likely the changes would be carried out by the IT dept, bear in mind the branch code is embedded in the account number. A list of the database amendments would be drawn up and a script run directly on the database to make the changes. Doing it this way hundreds of records can be updated in a few minutes, as opposed to weeks sat at a terminal. The downside is that it could only be done out of hours or under scheduled downtime.


It would be interesting to find out why some were late and some not, especially if those late were from the same bank albeit different branches? I'm with Bangkok Bank.

I posted something about this in the other thread when it first came up. In my opinion, and it is purely personal, it has to do with branch codes.

I believe that the general scenario is that Citibank maintains a current account with BOT on behalf of the DWP. The evening before payment is due Citibank would instruct BOT by way of a datafile to convert so much into Thai baht and distribute it to the recipients. This would happen overnight and the payments queued on Bahtnet. The fact that my payments have always arrived shortly after Bahtnet coming online would indicate the payments have come direct from source.

The 8 digit Swift code used by Thai banks is for the head office, you need an 11 digit Swift code to identify the branch. There is no way that payments can be made direct to an account based on the Thai bank Swift codes alone. For a direct payment the branch code would need to be included in the datafile.

I believe that in the past the BOT have just forwarded payments without a branch code to the Thai bank head office and let them sort it out. To improve the efficiency of the system they may be now insisting that a branch code be included. This would not be a verbal instruction, all financial datafiles are validated to ensure all essential field are populated and in the correct format.

I do not know if DWP were supposed to check for a branch code on the initial setup or not. When I completed my application I put the branch code in the required field but I suspect that some may have left that blank.

I believe that Citibank has to check the bank details and if the branch code is present the payment is processed as normal and if not DWP has to amend the bank details and then include the payment in another payment schedule.

I noticed that one person that got delayed had said his payment was due Friday but was normally received Monday and I wonder how many others that have been delayed normally got their payment after 10am on the day it was due. I would hope that after this is resolved that all state pensions come in first thing on the due date.


I was the one that said that and my next payment should be due Friday 02 October and is usually in the bank on the Monday following, in this case 05 October but we shall see.

I was aware Bill, didn't want to put you name to it. Here's hoping for Friday.


Sandy, that thought reminds me of the old Everly Brothers song

All I have to do is Dream

Great song Bill from the good old days. I think we saw the best years.

My son is only 24 and I think he will be more concerned about a late pension than late payments.


Sandy, that thought reminds me of the old Everly Brothers song

All I have to do is Dream

Great song Bill from the good old days. I think we saw the best years.

My son is only 24 and I think he will be more concerned about a late pension than late payments.

My son is 37 and I think he is stuffing as much as he can away in a personal pension fund.


I got my second letter from the DWP today dated 09 September telling me that my pension will be paid into the account that I chose (no change there) on 15th September.

Actually it was the 17th, 2 days later as usual but I think that is the Thai side of the banking.

If it goes back to normal as it should it will be paid this Friday, 02 October and I should get it on Monday morning, 05 October.


I got my second letter from the DWP today dated 09 September telling me that my pension will be paid into the account that I chose (no change there) on 15th September.

Actually it was the 17th, 2 days later as usual but I think that is the Thai side of the banking.

If it goes back to normal as it should it will be paid this Friday, 02 October and I should get it on Monday morning, 05 October.

Will keep my fingers crossed for you Bill, but will not hold my breath, chock dee.

I received both letters yesterday stating payment may be late and the second letter confirmed bank details were changed.

Said letters were mailed dated September 4th .

As an aside does anyone have an email address for H.M.R.C ?

I am about to enter a joust concerning a cock up from a private pension provider and the cock up they've made concerning my taxation status and tax liability..


As an aside does anyone have an email address for H.M.R.C ?

I'm pretty sure that they wont allow tax queries to be dealt with via email, you either need to phone them or write, they cite the reason that email correspondence isn't secure.

I normally write so I have a paper trail.



I received both letters yesterday stating payment may be late and the second letter confirmed bank details were changed.

Said letters were mailed dated September 4th .

As an aside does anyone have an email address for H.M.R.C ?

I am about to enter a joust concerning a cock up from a private pension provider and the cock up they've made concerning my taxation status and tax liability..

Not to digress or stray but it's worth noting that your pension provider must deduct tax in accordance with the tax number given to them by the Revenue. I also went through that loop whereby my pension provider deducted tax at source because Revenue had not given them the correct code, it was easily resolved by contacting the Revenue, not the pension provider.


Thanks chiang mai.

That is exactly the course of action I am following hence my plea for a contact point via Email to start the joust.

I, and I am not alone have some suspicion concerning this matter and the system at the pension providers office.

This is why I want to obtain a record of taxation matters for the last three years.


Thanks chiang mai.

That is exactly the course of action I am following hence my plea for a contact point via Email to start the joust.

I, and I am not alone have some suspicion concerning this matter and the system at the pension providers office.

This is why I want to obtain a record of taxation matters for the last three years.

I had a similar problem with underpayment and overpayment of tax and I called them up.

We discussed the problem over the phone and the lady I talked to managed to sort it out for me.

She then followed it up by a letter.

I don't think that there is an email contact address for them but perhaps this link may help you.



I received both letters yesterday stating payment may be late and the second letter confirmed bank details were changed.

Said letters were mailed dated September 4th .

As an aside does anyone have an email address for H.M.R.C ?

I am about to enter a joust concerning a cock up from a private pension provider and the cock up they've made concerning my taxation status and tax liability..

You cannot deal with them by email, but if you register with the government gateway you can access the website and there is a message system available. You can also recover details of previous tax years from the website.


Now sandyf that is indeed interesting.

The only reason I want an email point of contact was to see if I could actually get the correct address for H.M.R.C.

I certainly was not going to send detail of the matter nor did I expect to receive any response concerning the matter other than by old fashioned postal system.

The problem is that I am being told I am and have received monies for the last three years when in fact I've seen neither hide nor hair of the funds, yet I get a tax receipt every year something is wrong and I want to know what.

If funds have been paid where have they gone?,

The artistic, creative use of computers is not an unknown art in the world of finance and being as the sum involved is not so large (around 9,000 pounds sterling) possibly there is someone somewhere who is hoping I do not see or understand what is happening due to being a non U.K resident citizen !!

As an aside the pension providers paying agent bank has some rather interesting cases and records of the creative use of funds and dubious clientele; said bank not so long back was fined a hefty sum due to their '' financial practices ethics,'' hence my concern.


Now sandyf that is indeed interesting.

The only reason I want an email point of contact was to see if I could actually get the correct address for H.M.R.C.

I certainly was not going to send detail of the matter nor did I expect to receive any response concerning the matter other than by old fashioned postal system.

The problem is that I am being told I am and have received monies for the last three years when in fact I've seen neither hide nor hair of the funds, yet I get a tax receipt every year something is wrong and I want to know what.

If funds have been paid where have they gone?,

The artistic, creative use of computers is not an unknown art in the world of finance and being as the sum involved is not so large (around 9,000 pounds sterling) possibly there is someone somewhere who is hoping I do not see or understand what is happening due to being a non U.K resident citizen !!

As an aside the pension providers paying agent bank has some rather interesting cases and records of the creative use of funds and dubious clientele; said bank not so long back was fined a hefty sum due to their '' financial practices ethics,'' hence my concern.

Sounds to me like the problem should be directed to the source of the funds rather than the Inland Revenue. They should be able to say how and to where the funds were remitted. If for example the money was sent out by cheque or voucher to a redundant address they may well remain uncashed. It is unlikely they would come chasing after you, more likely to put the onus on you to contact them.

If they fail to respond then there are agencies that can help with that. Good luck.


Now sandyf that is indeed interesting.

The only reason I want an email point of contact was to see if I could actually get the correct address for H.M.R.C.

I certainly was not going to send detail of the matter nor did I expect to receive any response concerning the matter other than by old fashioned postal system.

The problem is that I am being told I am and have received monies for the last three years when in fact I've seen neither hide nor hair of the funds, yet I get a tax receipt every year something is wrong and I want to know what.

If funds have been paid where have they gone?,

The artistic, creative use of computers is not an unknown art in the world of finance and being as the sum involved is not so large (around 9,000 pounds sterling) possibly there is someone somewhere who is hoping I do not see or understand what is happening due to being a non U.K resident citizen !!

As an aside the pension providers paying agent bank has some rather interesting cases and records of the creative use of funds and dubious clientèle; said bank not so long back was fined a hefty sum due to their '' financial practices ethics,'' hence my concern.

I have been doing self employed tax assessments online with HMRC since 2001 and whilst I have had a few problems over the years I must admit that they have always helped me out when my tax return is screwed up by me 9 times out of 10.

They are easy to talk to, know their stuff, are customer friendly and one of the best UK government departments I have ever dealt with.

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