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No attitude adjustment for those who toe the line, NCPO assures

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North Korea allows no reckless expression and there is none, other than Kim Jong-un's occassional executions.

I guess Prayut might say that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a perfect democracy.

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Says it all really.

Thais have the right and freedom to express their views PROVIDING they are officially approved.

The junta can hide behind behind expressions such a ' distort ', ' reckless expression ' etc but they're simple euphemisms for crticism will not be tolerated.

Criticism that might cause conflict in society will not be tolerated. For example, when reading the newspaper, the reader wants to have an accurate picture of the news, not a distorted version with one sided opinions. Reckless expressions might lead the reader to wrong conclusions and therefore create conflict in the mind of the reader.Freedom of speech is the right of all, but gossip and false reports can stir rumours that might bring unhappiness to the people.

Are you a speechwriter for the junta? If not, I suggest you apply, you've got the idiom down pat!

Obviously English is your second language.

Simplified version for those who didn't finish school : Red-shirts who want to take things back to how they were under the last government (ie corruption free-for-all and all the terrorism and intimidation that went with it) should shut their mouths and stop trying to incite hatred in the gullible masses.

Those of you saying this includes all criticism of the Junta should keep those lies for your friends because I've read plenty and nobody got arrested.

We have seen enough of you and your M79's against innocent people already.

Everyone else has nothing to worry about.

Says it all really.

Thais have the right and freedom to express their views PROVIDING they are officially approved.

The junta can hide behind behind expressions such a ' distort ', ' reckless expression ' etc but they're simple euphemisms for crticism will not be tolerated.

Criticism that might cause conflict in society will not be tolerated. For example, when reading the newspaper, the reader wants to have an accurate picture of the news, not a distorted version with one sided opinions. Reckless expressions might lead the reader to wrong conclusions and therefore create conflict in the mind of the reader.Freedom of speech is the right of all, but gossip and false reports can stir rumours that might bring unhappiness to the people.

Do you realize that all the great societies in history were borne from conflict?

What makes the US, UK, Germany, Japan, etc, great is that they have constant political conflict. It occurs within the framework of the countries' respective constitutions and laws governing lawmaking, but make no mistake, it is indeed conflict. Its all about the checks and balances my man.

Finally...can you give me an example of a "reckless expression"?


Obviously English is your second language.

Simplified version for those who didn't finish school : Red-shirts who want to take things back to how they were under the last government (ie corruption free-for-all and all the terrorism and intimidation that went with it) should shut their mouths and stop trying to incite hatred in the gullible masses.

Those of you saying this includes all criticism of the Junta should keep those lies for your friends because I've read plenty and nobody got arrested.

We have seen enough of you and your M79's against innocent people already.

Everyone else has nothing to worry about.

Its tough sleeping at night eh "EnglishJohn"? All those scary redshirted goblins crawling at you in the dark...I understand...


Criticism that might cause conflict in society will not be tolerated. For example, when reading the newspaper, the reader wants to have an accurate picture of the news, not a distorted version with one sided opinions. Reckless expressions might lead the reader to wrong conclusions and therefore create conflict in the mind of the reader.Freedom of speech is the right of all, but gossip and false reports can stir rumours that might bring unhappiness to the people.

Besides that I really disagree with your statement (which I ironically read as a distorted version of freedom of speech), you mention a few opinions which are really not true. The largest part of people reading newspapers are reading specifically these newspapers because they tell a one sides story, and which basically is exactly what the reader wants to read. If these same newspaper readers would read a newspaper supporting the other side of the political spectrum they will disagree with anything that is mentioned there (but might actually be the absolute truth). Reckless expressions are not those that make readers make the wrong conclusions (a conclusion is entirely up to the intellect of the reader), reckless expressions are only those which incite hatred, discrimination, violence, etc. Besides that, people should be able to say anything they like, regardless of whether other people like it or not.

Newspapers used to be (and in some places i.e. England still are) unabashedly opinionated, even the NYT with it's declaration "all the news that's fit to print" with the editors deciding what's fit. It's only relatively recently that news outlets have bogusly started claiming to be objective--"we report, you decide"--and made the "both sides of the story" narrative their model, all the while spinning as much of the information as they see fit to. Then of course control of the airwaves/cable networks allows all kinds of censorship on the one hand and promotion of propaganda (the word that was replaced by "advertising") on the other.

So a group with complete political power can only want to have that facade of objectivity when reporting the news under their control; instead of dealing with opposing opinions, just eliminate that paradigm altogether--one organ under state control (or a handful under corporate control in the so-called free Western countries) can then if necessary present "both" sides of a story while subtly or not-so subtly making clear which "side" is the approved one.


Says it all really.

Thais have the right and freedom to express their views PROVIDING they are officially approved.

The junta can hide behind behind expressions such a ' distort ', ' reckless expression ' etc but they're simple euphemisms for crticism will not be tolerated.

Criticism that might cause conflict in society will not be tolerated. For example, when reading the newspaper, the reader wants to have an accurate picture of the news, not a distorted version with one sided opinions. Reckless expressions might lead the reader to wrong conclusions and therefore create conflict in the mind of the reader.Freedom of speech is the right of all, but gossip and false reports can stir rumours that might bring unhappiness to the people.

Are you a speechwriter for the junta? If not, I suggest you apply, you've got the idiom down pat!

Obviously English is your second language.

Simplified version for those who didn't finish school : Red-shirts who want to take things back to how they were under the last government (ie corruption free-for-all and all the terrorism and intimidation that went with it) should shut their mouths and stop trying to incite hatred in the gullible masses.

Those of you saying this includes all criticism of the Junta should keep those lies for your friends because I've read plenty and nobody got arrested.

We have seen enough of you and your M79's against innocent people already.

Everyone else has nothing to worry about.

Thank you for your simplification: your chosen expression "gullible masses" belies a stench echoing the Thai for buffalo, in all it's top-heavy contempt for humanity. You did well in your simplicity though you might want to pull your pants back up now because there's going to be no stopping of modernity and those cheeks are going to get mighty sore (as opposed to poorly puffed).


Says it all really.

Thais have the right and freedom to express their views PROVIDING they are officially approved.

The junta can hide behind behind expressions such a ' distort ', ' reckless expression ' etc but they're simple euphemisms for crticism will not be tolerated.

Criticism that might cause conflict in society will not be tolerated. For example, when reading the newspaper, the reader wants to have an accurate picture of the news, not a distorted version with one sided opinions. Reckless expressions might lead the reader to wrong conclusions and therefore create conflict in the mind of the reader.Freedom of speech is the right of all, but gossip and false reports can stir rumours that might bring unhappiness to the people.

Are you a speechwriter for the junta? If not, I suggest you apply, you've got the idiom down pat!

Obviously English is your second language.

Simplified version for those who didn't finish school : Red-shirts who want to take things back to how they were under the last government (ie corruption free-for-all and all the terrorism and intimidation that went with it) should shut their mouths and stop trying to incite hatred in the gullible masses.

Those of you saying this includes all criticism of the Junta should keep those lies for your friends because I've read plenty and nobody got arrested.

We have seen enough of you and your M79's against innocent people already.

Everyone else has nothing to worry about.

I don't recall any violence and terrorism until Suthep took to the streets to obstruct government and elections, using violence to provoke more violence and give the military justification for a coup. Obviously you are happy with his success.

If you think this endemically corrupt military will do anything but restructure corruption more in its favor then you are truly a fool.


Says it all really.

Thais have the right and freedom to express their views PROVIDING they are officially approved.

The junta can hide behind behind expressions such a ' distort ', ' reckless expression ' etc but they're simple euphemisms for crticism will not be tolerated.

Criticism that might cause conflict in society will not be tolerated. For example, when reading the newspaper, the reader wants to have an accurate picture of the news, not a distorted version with one sided opinions. Reckless expressions might lead the reader to wrong conclusions and therefore create conflict in the mind of the reader.Freedom of speech is the right of all, but gossip and false reports can stir rumours that might bring unhappiness to the people.

Are you a speechwriter for the junta? If not, I suggest you apply, you've got the idiom down pat!

Obviously English is your second language.

Simplified version for those who didn't finish school : Red-shirts who want to take things back to how they were under the last government (ie corruption free-for-all and all the terrorism and intimidation that went with it) should shut their mouths and stop trying to incite hatred in the gullible masses.

Those of you saying this includes all criticism of the Junta should keep those lies for your friends because I've read plenty and nobody got arrested.

We have seen enough of you and your M79's against innocent people already.

Everyone else has nothing to worry about.

Pick thread. Deposit load. Run away.

Jolly good, old chap.


Hitler & Boneparte were about the same size, they also thought they were gods but were they as childish as the current one. Of course like most misguided dictatators they can only rule by intimidation and censorship.

Prayut on the otherhand seems a nice well adjusted fair sort of guy who is looking out for the masses and this edict is for their good as he wouldnt want them to be confused by hearing different viewpoints especially as he is right.


"THAIS STILL have full rights and freedoms in every way "as long as their expression remains [in accordance with] the set rules and regulations"

That would be a great start for the General when he speak to UN - he might expect some buhhhhhh tho ... blink.png


and we're still not allowed to use the "D" word to describe the current establishment.. says it all really whistling.gif

Nothing wrong with using Usurper which is particularly accurate, far as i'm aware its not anyway, or is it ?

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