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US: Outcry after Muslim teen is detained over homemade clock

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Well, if it is proven somehow that it was a well orchestrated hoax, I said IF, then I certainly hope all the special treats this boy has been offered will be withdrawn. No, he doesn't deserve for his life to be ruined, he's only a kid, but it's the totally WRONG message to reward that kind of stunt.

Anything in the name of "science". Global warming is another fine example.

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US haters will not believe one word of it as it doesn't fit their agenda.

But you believe it hook, line and sinker because it does fit your agenda.

Your link goes to this very thread. Try again.

Most of those items get a big fat "so what?" from me - especially #8. What's wrong with that?

Even if he did plan this, it brought to light the incompetence and bigotry of the police force and several teachers at the school. Bravo.

"Your link goes to this very thread. Try again."

So it does. My apologies. Try this one.



A briefcase bomb looks exactly like this. Of course, this was the intention- to ostensibly make an alarm clock that looks like a bomb- but only to islamophobes of course. Everyone else would automatically know a muslim named Ahmed carrying a briefcase with lots of wires to school was a NASA aspirant, as evidenced by all the other islamic scientific stories in the modern age. If white and one did this they would certainly be guilty of terrorist deportment. Think not? Recent history proves this point.

Briefcase bombs have the explosive, the battery (in this case an AC converter-not even DC), the circuit, and perhaps a mercury switch and light sensor as well. This kid's father is an islamic agitator provoking islamohophobic boogeymen for years. While this alone should not indict the young man his own actions should: if a science project, he plagiarized it. If a provocation act in conjunction with dad's social engineering, he is guilty. Either way its made to look like a bomb or its a piece of garbage, but it is not science, it is not cutting edge, it is not even inventive. I agree with Judge Napolitano, this should be impartially investigated and if valid their should be charges. ...too much smoke not to be fire...


perhaps someone else can find another and quiet the unease I feel of the POTUS commenting a full 2 hours before the picture of the clock was available?

Why do you feel uneasy? When I first read the story there was no picture attached and I thought it sounded cool, too. Actually I thought it was a lot less cool when I finally did see a picture of it. Are we not allowed to think something's cool unless we can see a picture of it?

One is allowed to think as they wish...but as I have been urging caution in regards to this incident since it came to life due to the preponderance of instances where the charge of Islamphobia has been proven to be contrived, I still contend that assuming it was a homebuilt clock and everything was above board is pretty naive. The fact that POTUS injected his pearls of wisdom again before he could have seen the picture or even known all the facts, rather than jumping on 'those racist bigots' bandwagon, causes unease as to his ability to be a person to unite rather than continously provide negative, and often blatantly wrong, commentary. The POTUS should be above that...especially on an official account.


No it doesn't. A briefcase bomb looks like a briefcase. This is a pencil box. I bet you feel mighty silly saying "pencil box bomb".

Look at the plug for scale. That "briefcase" is about 8-9 inches long. The perfect length for a standard #2 pencil.

If white and one did this they would certainly be guilty of terrorist deportment.

Seven kids not named Mohamed who brought homemade clocks to school and didn't get arrested.

Look at all the bombs!


Sadly, if this story turns out the way it might be looking now, a cynical political theater HOAX, the result will more likely be an increase in Islamophobia rather than the opposite.

No it doesn't. A briefcase bomb looks like a briefcase. This is a pencil box. I bet you feel mighty silly saying "pencil box bomb".

Look at the plug for scale. That "briefcase" is about 8-9 inches long. The perfect length for a standard #2 pencil.

If white and one did this they would certainly be guilty of terrorist deportment.

Seven kids not named Mohamed who brought homemade clocks to school and didn't get arrested.

Look at all the bombs!

Having actually been trained to build, detect, and disarm devices that were packaged like I'll rely on my decades of judgement that this most surely passes as a bomb, primae faciae. Your wrong. This was contrived to look like a bomb. One of the many tools used to teach others to detect VB/IEDs is creating makeshift devices just like this, inert, for detection. Often they'll be wiped with residue so even dogs can train. A person in 2015, of any age, can hardly be so stupid as to create this by accident. Not in an activist household.

Only a f..ing idiot would go to school with this unless this outcome was the aim. Jeez. its exhausting constantly having intelligence drained from our collective reasoning. That people believe these nihilists is as frightening as the future they bring us.


The "activist household" is headed by a self made businessman turned political aspirant who is a leader of the National Reform Party in Sudan. The political platform is to counter Islamist parties in Sudan, including reforms that include abolishing the Sharia crime of apostasy. He also responded to Terry Jones call for someone to defend Islam, which he did so based upon his personal belief in Sufism.

The father made the following comments reported in the Sudanese press “All countries today respect the United States because it is a nation of laws. Refugees come from all over the world seeking protection there,” & “We will have a moderate view of religion. Anyone who breaches [that view] and harms people will be swiftly dealt with by law,said El-Hassan who holds dual US-Sudanese citizenship. To me this background does not come across as a household formulating plans for attacking America.



Read earlier today that this kid's older sister was suspended from the same school earlier this year or last for what was perceived to be a bomb threat of some type.

Stupid of the left to parade this kid around like some type of hero.


A briefcase bomb looks exactly like this. Of course, this was the intention- to ostensibly make an alarm clock that looks like a bomb- but only to islamophobes of course. Everyone else would automatically know a muslim named Ahmed carrying a briefcase with lots of wires to school was a NASA aspirant, as evidenced by all the other islamic scientific stories in the modern age. If white and one did this they would certainly be guilty of terrorist deportment. Think not? Recent history proves this point.

Briefcase bombs have the explosive, the battery (in this case an AC converter-not even DC), the circuit, and perhaps a mercury switch and light sensor as well. This kid's father is an islamic agitator provoking islamohophobic boogeymen for years. While this alone should not indict the young man his own actions should: if a science project, he plagiarized it. If a provocation act in conjunction with dad's social engineering, he is guilty. Either way its made to look like a bomb or its a piece of garbage, but it is not science, it is not cutting edge, it is not even inventive. I agree with Judge Napolitano, this should be impartially investigated and if valid their should be charges. ...too much smoke not to be fire...

If it doesn't look like a bomb perhaps TSA should be instructed to separate progressives from conservative passengers so the former can take flights with 'school projects' in transit on.

Sadly, if this story turns out the way it might be looking now, a cynical political theater HOAX, the result will more likely be an increase in Islamophobia rather than the opposite.

Which is exactly as it should be seeing as the word itself is an Orwellian abuse of language painting the rational as a disorder and the ignoring of overwhelming evidence Islam has a problem as being rational.

Read earlier today that this kid's older sister was suspended from the same school earlier this year or last for what was perceived to be a bomb threat of some type.

Stupid of the left to parade this kid around like some type of hero.

Yep, a real nest of terrorists, suspended from school for a few days due to an allegation by a school kid...

The sister claimed after the arrest that she had been suspended from a school for several days. “I got suspended from school for three days from this stupid same district, from this girl saying I wanted to blow up the school, something I had nothing to do with,” she said, without providing evidence or proof.



Read earlier today that this kid's older sister was suspended from the same school earlier this year or last for what was perceived to be a bomb threat of some type.

Stupid of the left to parade this kid around like some type of hero.

It's even funnier that once the scam has backfired they still can't stop digging.

I can't believe how many people posted their support for this orchestrated hoax. Ahmed Mohamed "Clock Boy" took an 80's alarm clock out of its outer case, placed it into a mini briefcase metal pencil box, and wrapped the handle with wire, to make it look like a bomb. Ahmed claims he built a clock to impress his engineering teacher.

The engineering teacher upon seeing the device, told Ahmed to put it away since it might make people nervous. Ahmed ignores his engineering teacher and while in his English class, plugs the devise into an electrical outlet which set off the clocks alarm.

Can you imagine if one of the Obama's were at that school when little Ahmed pulled this stunt. The secret service agents would have beat this kid like a piñata on Cinco de Mayo.

This stunt actually woke Obama up. Obama thinks the kid is a genus, and even invited Ahmed to the White House. You just can't make stuff like this up.


His future is already set from the lawsuits. MIT, Harvard they would kill to have this kid and so would NASA.

He's 1 in 100 million because only 1 in 100 million kids are bright enough to think this mechanical stuff at a freshman age. Most just think about how to be a bigger jock and woo the girls. This kid's already thinking how to be a billionaire.

Too bad he had to go through this to prove his worth to the world but obviously a beautiful mind!

1 in 100 million? Nonsense! He's 14, I think kids 10-11 can learn from electronic kits and put a clock together.

But he didn't even do that, he just took an old clock and spread its parts.


Now the conspiracy theorists comes up with the kid wants to bring the innocent "bomb" to meet Obama and blow the White house up.

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