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Foreigner arrested at Suvarnabhumi with cocaine worth 20 million Baht

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Really risking life imprisonment for $590.000, that is really sad.

He may be forced to do this otherwise he is stupid ass <deleted>.

More likely a Mule where he might get $1,000. Drug King Pins don't carry drugs. That is why they don't get caught often.

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Excuse me as I am no expert in this, but aren't you supposed to move drugs from a poor country to a rich one? What good are they in a country that the average person only makes a couple of dollars a day? It seems to me it is like trying to get them to deep in the jungle at the Golden Triangle.

In Saudi Arabia they also have the Death Penalty for trying to smuggle in drugs. I had a Saudi Friend who used to work for Customs their. He told me they would catch quite a few each month. He told me most of the Mules came from poor countries like Pakistan. When I asked him why people would do such a crazy thing like this he told me that some did this for as little as $100. Made me wonder how some people from other countries can value their life for so little.

I think you will find that the final destination would have been Australia or somewhere else, as mentioned by a previous poster.

Some people from "other countries" don't have the choices in life that most of us do. Plus $100 to some is like $100,000 to others.

So you were correct in saying you are no expert in this...

Thank you for the insight. I never met an Expert Drug Smuggler before.

Would it surprise you that I wouldn't carry these drugs for even $100,000? Or even double that. Or triple. For a Million I might start to think about it though, but that is about as far as I would go with it.


Excuse me as I am no expert in this, but aren't you supposed to move drugs from a poor country to a rich one? What good are they in a country that the average person only makes a couple of dollars a day? It seems to me it is like trying to get them to deep in the jungle at the Golden Triangle.

In Saudi Arabia they also have the Death Penalty for trying to smuggle in drugs. I had a Saudi Friend who used to work for Customs their. He told me they would catch quite a few each month. He told me most of the Mules came from poor countries like Pakistan. When I asked him why people would do such a crazy thing like this he told me that some did this for as little as $100. Made me wonder how some people from other countries can value their life for so little.

I think you will find that the final destination would have been Australia or somewhere else, as mentioned by a previous poster.

Some people from "other countries" don't have the choices in life that most of us do. Plus $100 to some is like $100,000 to others.

So you were correct in saying you are no expert in this...

Thank you for the insight. I never met an Expert Drug Smuggler before.

Would it surprise you that I wouldn't carry these drugs for even $100,000? Or even double that. Or triple. For a Million I might start to think about it though, but that is about as far as I would go with it.

No it wouldn't surprise me but like I said, not everyone is blessed with that choice...


Excuse me as I am no expert in this, but aren't you supposed to move drugs from a poor country to a rich one? What good are they in a country that the average person only makes a couple of dollars a day? It seems to me it is like trying to get them to deep in the jungle at the Golden Triangle.

In Saudi Arabia they also have the Death Penalty for trying to smuggle in drugs. I had a Saudi Friend who used to work for Customs their. He told me they would catch quite a few each month. He told me most of the Mules came from poor countries like Pakistan. When I asked him why people would do such a crazy thing like this he told me that some did this for as little as $100. Made me wonder how some people from other countries can value their life for so little.

I think you will find that the final destination would have been Australia or somewhere else, as mentioned by a previous poster.

Some people from "other countries" don't have the choices in life that most of us do. Plus $100 to some is like $100,000 to others.

So you were correct in saying you are no expert in this...

Must be easier to get into Australia from Cambodia then U.A.E. then.


He cannot possibly be guilty , He's not even pointing at the drugs

And his face isn't even blurred,,,

let me fix that,

political correctness etc,,,



I've heard that the other gear that was popular is cut so much now that its pretty ineffectual , so that's why the Yay-ho may be getting popular again.


Cocaine=worlds fastest leg opener

Meth is far worse , turns women and men into animals. A lot of Porn actors used to take it, many sick sex crimes committed by people who are on it


A foreigner? What does a foreigner mean? Don't answer! Think!

Well, i am only guessing here, but perhaps it means someone who is not a Thai! Unless of course you know different, in which case please enlighten us with your wisdom!


Really risking life imprisonment for $590.000, that is really sad.

He may be forced to do this otherwise he is stupid ass <deleted>.

being poor in bolivia is probably not same same as your nation .....

his family or his kids lives maybe a deposit on that coke

if it wasnt more complicated he could have just stolen it and moved to another city in bolivia and lived like a millionaire ??


Really risking life imprisonment for $590.000, that is really sad.

He may be forced to do this otherwise he is stupid ass <deleted>.

"stupid ass"---------- No,STUPID MULE !!!!!!!clap2.gifclap2.gif


He obviously liked living on the edge if he/they were prepared to route through Dubai with a suitcase full of the stuff........................wink.png

Keep in mind that he was just in Transit

Yep, i understand. i also understand that the chances of getting stopped in transit is remote, Dubai use the latest technology in sensors. Regarding their absolute zero policy with drugs, and not knowing what sniffers they have in their detector units, it seems an additional risk for a mule's journey.

For anyone that isn't aware of the zero tolerance, the below link is worth a read...................wink.png



Thai customs nab Bolivian with 5 kg of cocaine in luggage

BANGKOK: -- Thai authorities said Wednesday a Bolivian had been charged with drug trafficking after more than five kilograms of cocaine was found hidden in his luggage at Bangkok's main airport.

Jose Alberto Martinez Soto, 45, was arrested at Suvarnabhumi Airport on Tuesday afternoon when authorities discovered the 5.2 kilogram (11.5 pound) haul on his arrival from Sao Paulo via Dubai.

Airport officials found five plastic bags of white powder hidden in special compartments when they X-rayed his two pieces of luggage, the Thai Customs Department said in a statement released Wednesday.

A test revealed the substance was cocaine with a street value of 20.8 million baht (nearly $580,000), it added.

Soto was handed over to police. He faces a maximum penalty of life imprisonment if convicted of attempted drug smuggling and trafficking, according to an anti-narcotics official.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Thai-customs-nab-Bolivian-with-5-kg-of-cocaine-in--30268983.html


-- The Nation 2015-09-17

Wrong again!...writers at the nation and most "authorities"....

What is a "narcotic" drug?

The word "narcotic" is used incorrectly more than it is used correctly.
One good, quick way to tell whether someone knows anything at all about this subject is to listen to their use of this word. If they tell you that marijuana, cocaine, and meth are "narcotics" then count them among the vast legions of totally clueless people on this subject.
The word "narcotic" comes from the Greek word "narkos", meaning sleep. Therefore, "narcotics" are drugs that induce sleep. Specifically, that means the opiates such as heroin, morphine and related drugs. This is the correct meaning. There are other meanings out there...and they are wrong.
Cocaine and meth are not "narcotics". They are "stimulants", the exact opposite of a "narcotic". They cause people to be more awake and more active, not sleepy. Calling them :"narcotics" makes as much sense as calling coffee a "narcotic". Too many educated idiots around.
I rest my case.... until next time I come a' trolling....

Wrong again!...writers at the nation and most "authorities"....

What is a "narcotic" drug?

The word "narcotic" is used incorrectly more than it is used correctly.
One good, quick way to tell whether someone knows anything at all about this subject is to listen to their use of this word. If they tell you that marijuana, cocaine, and meth are "narcotics" then count them among the vast legions of totally clueless people on this subject.
The word "narcotic" comes from the Greek word "narkos", meaning sleep. Therefore, "narcotics" are drugs that induce sleep. Specifically, that means the opiates such as heroin, morphine and related drugs. This is the correct meaning. There are other meanings out there...and they are wrong.
Cocaine and meth are not "narcotics". They are "stimulants", the exact opposite of a "narcotic". They cause people to be more awake and more active, not sleepy. Calling them :"narcotics" makes as much sense as calling coffee a "narcotic". Too many educated idiots around.
I rest my case.... until next time I come a' trolling....

Labelling cannabis a narcotic was probably just way back at the beginning of the WOSD (war on some drugs) of making ganj look like something as dangerous as heroin. Labelling it schedule III etc.

So the police in their infinite wisdom will ask people they bust for smoking a joint "where did you get these narcotics?" I saw a guy asked this question sincerely say "VV T F I don't have any narcotics on me" and the cop had to school him that that bit o' joint was a dangerous narcotic. Probably funnier to a bystander than the guy it was happening to but ludicrous regardless.

Looked at from another angle, it's well-known that people chew coca leaves or drink poppy tea for decades with little or no ill effects on body or mind. They live about as long as the rest of us, and don't go on murdering rampages (unlike drinkers). Chinese doctors have prescribed plants with ephedrine in them for thousands of years. But these modern powder drugs are all highly refined, powerful extracts of these plants, something on the order of 100 times stronger. That means their effects on the body and mind aren't only stronger, but different altogether.

And why they're a very different thing from the plants the originate from, and even more so from the one plant erroneously grouped with them.


Really risking life imprisonment for $590.000, that is really sad.

He may be forced to do this otherwise he is stupid ass <deleted>.

If he is just the mule, he is getting nowhere near the more like $556k.


Dose Thailand still have the death penalty for drugs smugglers?

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

its on the books but hasnt been used in a decade or more

death sentences even when handed oiut are normally commuted to life

if you change your plea to guilty which basically everyone does i think


I would far rather be sitting next to this lad with his 5 k's on a plane, than next to Kamronwit with his loaded and unregistered gun. Doubt the punishment will reflect that.

Well, I am not so sure I would agree with that for this reason.

I used to fly out of India where I was working to visit my Girl Friend in Poland. On my first trip their I was surprised that the sniffer dog had my suitcase detected and pulled out for drugs. The first time I honestly wondered if I had something in their or perhaps a pill bottle open up and the dog detected something. But after it was hand inspected by the Customs Official everything was in order and I was let go.

But on my next trip back in to Poland I was again surprised when this same sniffer dog pulled out my suitcase again, and again after that. It must have happen 5 or 6 times in a row. It was getting so bad that I got to know the Customs Official by his first name and "Brutus" the dog would smile at me when he saw me coming.

I finally asked the Customs Official why Brutus always sniffed my bag out, and although he did not know for sure he gave me a plausible explanation. He said it could be that my suitcase rubbed with another suitcase that did have drugs in it and the Brutus could still detect that. Amazing how a dogs nose can work that way. Makes me wonder why mine likes to lie down next to my feet.

But anyway I did get a new suitcase next trip and sure enough I was allowed to pass with no problems. Although Brutus still smiled at me and wagged his tail every time I walked by him. So now I wonder what would have happened to me if I was sitting next to a guy who was handling drugs and some of that go on me instead of my suitcase.

The way I got it figured, that is unless you like to be strip searched at every airport you land in, and get the Old "Stoonga" up the "Petunia" in a body cavity search, in think I would rather be sitting next to a man with a gun then one with drugs.

Lovely story thanks for sharing. But, it has nothing to do with an above-the-law hit man on a black overseas job arrogantly carrying his piece on board the plane, or a poor Bolivian drugs mule.

The reason I would prefer to sit next to the drug smuggler is the worst could happen you would lose track of time, talk a lot of rapid guff and annoy nearby passengers with grandiose nonsense. The reason I would not fancy sitting next to the hit man is of course there is every chance you would be shot and killed and there is no chance he would ever be charged or investigated. Dying like at the hands of the mafia would truly suck.


No, just another poor guy caught up in a web spun by ridiculous drug laws sponsored by Big Pharma and Alcohol Corporations.

You think cocaine should be legal ?.

I just read on the internet that it is so addictive, if you train a mouse to get a tiny bit each time it presses a lever, eventually it will simply stand there pressing the lever until it dies from overdose. It wont stop for a drink or food or anything.

Was this guy working for you ?.

And if you train some humans to drink alcohol will they not do the same thing? Different people have different addictions. Some to food, some to sex, some to their favorite drug or drink. Why should one be legal and the other not?

Legal considerations aside, cocaine is a different animal. Cocaine is one of the few drugs that directly stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain. Therefore, it's addictive qualities are quite different from other drugs like alcohol, cigarettes, and even heroin. So chemically, it is very different. That said, all addictions, whatever their character, have been a part of society for as long as humans have walked the planet. Decades of the current approaches to dealing with drugs have proven to be ineffective. It would be nice to see another approach.

@Broken Record. Actually, the drug laws we are familiar with today originated from the end of the prohibition era in the US. It was the result of large government alcohol control bureaucracies whose employees did not want to lose their well paying jobs. So they pushed to criminalize drugs that were not mainstream, thus providing their bloated departments with new purpose and funding.


it's hilarious when in Cambodia someone asks, "do you want drugs?" i try not to laugh and just say 'no.' i like good coffee, about it. of course it's a set-up and whatever....i'm surprised they just don't throw the drugs at me, i catch it, and then arrest me to get money...but that is another topic.

550k is certainly enough for people to risk prison. Of course. Even in America people are killed for less than a few dollars. and what is they take their own product? i read a story of people breaking in houses and just stealing food....it's crazy.

we will never know the entire story. Anyhow, drugs is a good way to shorten your life expectancy by decades.


But, come on guy. Coming from Columbia, a country with a rather substantial history of cocaine trafficking, and still trying to smuggle it in through an airport. I am not sure if getting caught in Dubai would have been better or worse for the guy


He obviously liked living on the edge if he/they were prepared to route through Dubai with a suitcase full of the stuff........................wink.png


Get online and see if you can find a direct flight from Bolivia to cambodia or even Thailand. If you can I'll buy you a beer! ?



Are serious?

Lets make drugs legal and everyone ges and dead, Great idea.

If you make drugs accesible to people what do you think would happen.....

Alcohol, sex, food etc is controlable by people and less addictive, and the most drugs one time use is addictive and deadly.

Next time just use your brain instead of talking bla bla bla

Making drugs legal doesn't mean everyone starts using them, and definitely doesn't mean they all start dying.

Read this article and educate yourself a bit - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/portugal-decriminalised-drugs-14-years-ago--and-now-hardly-anyone-dies-from-overdosing-10301780.html


It is unlikely that the Bolivian mule carried the coke as cabin baggage. As we have already been informed that this "mule" arrived in Thailand from Dubai,

he clearly did not take a direct flight from somewhere. In all probability, therefore, his cases were "hold" luggage, and would have been routed from his

point of origin directly onto his connecting flight in Dubai, once he arrived there from wherever.

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