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Trump declines to correct man who says Obama is Muslim

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Always amazes me how the right wing in the USA are frightened by the thought that someone is Muslim. I have many friends who are Muslim (one is actually called Jesus) and many friends who are Jewish, Buddhist, Christians and Atheists. Racial hatred is nothing new and is alive and well all over the world. It is almost always due to ignorance and bad or biased media bullsh*t.

If you look you can always find reasons to attach atrocities to one religion or another. Catholic priests anyone?

Obama may be a Muslim though I seriously doubt it. It is the fastest growing religion in the world whereas the Christian religion is shrinking fast.

Fear not, Trump has no chance of being the "leader of the free world". A term that has past it's sell by date in recent years

You are not paying much attention as to what is going on in America ... Trump is leading by wide margins -- unheard of percentage margins .. Get use to saying President Trump... hehehehehee

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The Donald will only be president in right wingnuts minds. But, he does represent the right wingnut Republican party and hopefully will drive the whole party off a very, very high cliff.


Ah the old right wing tactic. attack the person or the source. My sources are good, no matter if you consider left wing or not, I don't. What's the matter, can't handle the truth? Trump is an idiot and a dangerous one at that along with the rest of the clown bus. Some people have fallen for right wing extremist propaganda, but there will never be enough to make one of the Republican clown car president. Trump couldn't get elected dawg catcher in a one dog town. Those that think Obama is a Muslim and/or born in Kenya have lost the plot. Newsbusters, oh crap, a creation of right wingnut Leo Brent Bozell III, just more right wing lying propaganda.

From your quoted post...

"Ah the old right wing tactic. attack the person or the source."


From your quoted post...

" Newsbusters, oh crap, a creation of right wingnut Leo Brent Bozell III, just more right wing lying propaganda."


Typical liberal. Don't do as I do, do as I say do.


Ah, but that source, like all right wingnut sources, is full of lies and misinformation, unlike mine which tell the truth that you obviously can't handle. I'm no liberal, I'm a left wing radical militant and damn proud of it. In addition, when I can stomach the lies I actually read that crap and listen to the faux (not the) news. It pays to know yours and your country's enemies. As I said, the Donald couldn't get elected dawg catcher in a one dog town. The insane will hope for his fascist, homophobic, misogynist, racist, bigoted rise to power, but it won't happen. You know kinda' like crap in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up. Drive Donald drive, medal to the medal and take the entire right wingnut clown bus with you over that cliff.


Ah, but that source, like all right wingnut sources, is full of lies and misinformation, unlike mine which tell the truth that you obviously can't handle. I'm no liberal, I'm a left wing radical militant and damn proud of it. In addition, when I can stomach the lies I actually read that crap and listen to the faux (not the) news. It pays to know yours and your country's enemies. As I said, the Donald couldn't get elected dawg catcher in a one dog town. The insane will hope for his fascist, homophobic, misogynist, racist, bigoted rise to power, but it won't happen. You know kinda' like crap in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up. Drive Donald drive, medal to the medal and take the entire right wingnut clown bus with you over that cliff.


Nothing to see here, folks. Move along and keep the train of fools heading for oblivion.


There's this thing called a "single issue voter". That voter cares so much about just one thing that he'll vote for a person who will support his side of it.

This illegal immigration by Hispanics now coupled with a plan to repopulate the US with Muslims could get Trump elected. People are sick of watching the traditional American culture be assaulted and there could be a strong backlash against those who support it - the far out wacko progressive liberals.

This next election could be a bloodbath for the demented, anti-American liberals. A lot of liberals are really pissed off about all of this economic migration. They don't all walk in lockstep with the Dem party by any means.



No, they don't walk lockstep and the Democratic Party has long since failed to represent the people and present progressive ideas. The non-corporate true Democrats have started to fight back against the beltway Dems. Hence the rise of Bernie Sanders, the only decent person in the entire race. The Democratic mainstream i.e Clinton (neocon/neoliberal) is out of step with the people and were long ago bought and sold by Wall Street criminals and banksters. While I do believe if Bernie Sanders wins the primary he will undoubtable be president, Hillary has the money. In spite of the ignorance, stupidity and perhaps insanity of some Americans, one way or the other, there will be no right wingnut Republican in the White House, although most Republicans will be relieved that there isn't a black person in the White House.


There's this thing called a "single issue voter". That voter cares so much about just one thing that he'll vote for a person who will support his side of it.

This illegal immigration by Hispanics now coupled with a plan to repopulate the US with Muslims could get Trump elected. People are sick of watching the traditional American culture be assaulted and there could be a strong backlash against those who support it - the far out wacko progressive liberals.

This next election could be a bloodbath for the demented, anti-American liberals. A lot of liberals are really pissed off about all of this economic migration. They don't all walk in lockstep with the Dem party by any means.


No, Trump can never be elected POTUS. He may very well be nominated to represent the GOP. But the GOP is not the USA. It's the minority and getting smaller all the time. Most Americans are really not impacted by illegal immigration. Nor are they concerned about most of the issues that the Republicans are obsessed with at the moment. You were wrong in 2012 and you'll be wrong again.


There's this thing called a "single issue voter". That voter cares so much about just one thing that he'll vote for a person who will support his side of it.

This illegal immigration by Hispanics now coupled with a plan to repopulate the US with Muslims could get Trump elected. People are sick of watching the traditional American culture be assaulted and there could be a strong backlash against those who support it - the far out wacko progressive liberals.

This next election could be a bloodbath for the demented, anti-American liberals. A lot of liberals are really pissed off about all of this economic migration. They don't all walk in lockstep with the Dem party by any means.


No, Trump can never be elected POTUS. He may very well be nominated to represent the GOP. But the GOP is not the USA. It's the minority and getting smaller all the time. Most Americans are really not impacted by illegal immigration. Nor are they concerned about most of the issues that the Republicans are obsessed with at the moment. You were wrong in 2012 and you'll be wrong again.

Lets parse that. 1. No he could be elected. 2. Of course he will be nominated no one else is capable. 3. The GOP is the majority, "With 247 seats in the House of Representatives and 54 seats in the Senate, this Congress began with the largest Republican majority since the 71st Congress of 1929–1931." 4. Economy and Immigration are the top two issues in America today. http://www.gallup.com/poll/174809/government-economy-immigration-top-problems.aspx

5. Neversure being wrong in 2012 has no bearing on the coming election.

Berkshire looking at the facts I'd say you are completely wrong. wai2.gif


But the GOP is not the USA. It's the minority and getting smaller all the time.

That's wishful thinking on your part. Republicans hold the largest majority in the US Congress that they have in almost 100 years and that's been growing.

At the state level there are 31 Republican governors elected by the people and only 18 Democrat governors (and one independent.)

Republicans are very popular in the mainstream. Trump is even more popular than the "Republicans."

This next election could be a bloodbath for Dems if it comes down to the economy and immigration. That bale of hay Hillary has nothing to offer the people on pressing issues. Nothing.



The GOP has a majority in Congress because of several reasons. The wacko right wingnuts did vote in midterms whereas the Dems didn't. The Republicans have gerrymandered so many districts it is almost impossible to elect a sane person in them and then there is voter suppression that has stopped 1,000's from being able to vote, you know those poor, minorities, college students who tend to vote Democratic because they have more than one working brain cell and the Republicans admit this policy publicly. On the other hand, Democrats received more votes for Congress than Republicans did, gerrymandering. No Republicans are not the majority of Americans and their numbers are shrinking yearly. The clown bus will run off the cliff and while the Dems may not pick up many seats in Congress, a wacko right wingnut will not be elected president. There are enough sane people to recognize how dangerous the clown bus is, especially it's driver.


The GOP has a majority in Congress because of several reasons. The wacko right wingnuts did vote in midterms whereas the Dems didn't. The Republicans have gerrymandered so many districts it is almost impossible to elect a sane person in them and then there is voter suppression that has stopped 1,000's from being able to vote, you know those poor, minorities, college students who tend to vote Democratic because they have more than one working brain cell and the Republicans admit this policy publicly. On the other hand, Democrats received more votes for Congress than Republicans did, gerrymandering. No Republicans are not the majority of Americans and their numbers are shrinking yearly. The clown bus will run off the cliff and while the Dems may not pick up many seats in Congress, a wacko right wingnut will not be elected president. There are enough sane people to recognize how dangerous the clown bus is, especially it's driver.

Why not prove some of these ridiculous assertions with some credible links?

Notice the word "credible".


Look it up, the Democrats received more total votes for Congress than the Republicans, not all that hard to find and if you paid any attention to the truth you would already know. Why don't you disprove them with some "credible" links, oh wait, you have none and I'm not doing your work for you. Even if I did you wouldn't/couldn't read. Knock it off with the subject change and attacks. The Donald will never be president, rightly so, although he might win the right wingnut primary. Pedal to the metal Donald and take all the right wingnut wakos off the cliff with you.


LOL. The Donald doesn't correct some idiot who he had no obligation or need to correct and it's international news.

That just tells you what an impact Trump is having on the process. It's a complement to Trump and to the consternation of his detractors, keeps him even more in the news.

Most candidates are scrambling for money to get air time and Trump's detractors get him more than he can use for free.

Thank you TVF for keeping him on the front page headline. If the media had any brains they'd ignore Trump and focus on the (hidden unknown non-existent undiscoverable) good points of Bush, Fiorina, Carson, and Hillary. thumbsup.gif


43% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim/CNN poll. I don't know how many voting Americans think Obama is a Muslim but I suspect it is the majority.

Nope. The CNN poll claimed 43% of Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim.

You are correct but I really don't like you editing my posts because you are a sneaky fella. So In the future please quote my whole post because quoting small parts might change my meaning (especially to me)

So, it's not 43 it is 29. According to a CNN/ORC poll released Sunday, 29% of Americans polled think Obama is a Muslim, and 13% think he was born outside the United States.

Forty-three percent of the people polled who identify as Republicans said Obama is a Muslim, while only 15% of those who identify as Democrats agreed he is Muslim.

Of those who identify as Republicans, 20% of them said Obama was born outside the United States, while only 10% of those who identify as Democrats said he was born outside the United States.

Just goes to show there's a lot of odd people in the USA; why is that so?


There's this thing called a "single issue voter". That voter cares so much about just one thing that he'll vote for a person who will support his side of it.

This illegal immigration by Hispanics now coupled with a plan to repopulate the US with Muslims could get Trump elected. People are sick of watching the traditional American culture be assaulted and there could be a strong backlash against those who support it - the far out wacko progressive liberals.

This next election could be a bloodbath for the demented, anti-American liberals. A lot of liberals are really pissed off about all of this economic migration. They don't all walk in lockstep with the Dem party by any means.


No, Trump can never be elected POTUS. He may very well be nominated to represent the GOP. But the GOP is not the USA. It's the minority and getting smaller all the time. Most Americans are really not impacted by illegal immigration. Nor are they concerned about most of the issues that the Republicans are obsessed with at the moment. You were wrong in 2012 and you'll be wrong again.

What was that old song ... 'Wishing - Hoping and Praying' ... There is a ground swell - Populist uprising going on in America and 65 + million Americans will show up at the poll including many blacks and Hispanics - celebrating the overthrow of the Republican Establishment, the demolishing Political Correctness and smashing the Democrat Party ...




You are not paying much attention as to what is going on in America ... Trump is leading by wide margins -- unheard of percentage margins .. Get use to saying President Trump

Leading whom by wide margins? Since you said "President Trump", I'm going to assume you meant leading Hillary, in which case I'd like to see that poll.

By the way, how did that Dukakis presidency turn out? He was leading Reagan by ten points just six months before the election.


There's this thing called a "single issue voter". That voter cares so much about just one thing that he'll vote for a person who will support his side of it.

This illegal immigration by Hispanics now coupled with a plan to repopulate the US with Muslims could get Trump elected. People are sick of watching the traditional American culture be assaulted and there could be a strong backlash against those who support it - the far out wacko progressive liberals.

This next election could be a bloodbath for the demented, anti-American liberals. A lot of liberals are really pissed off about all of this economic migration. They don't all walk in lockstep with the Dem party by any means.


No, Trump can never be elected POTUS. He may very well be nominated to represent the GOP. But the GOP is not the USA. It's the minority and getting smaller all the time. Most Americans are really not impacted by illegal immigration. Nor are they concerned about most of the issues that the Republicans are obsessed with at the moment. You were wrong in 2012 and you'll be wrong again.

Lets parse that. 1. No he could be elected. 2. Of course he will be nominated no one else is capable. 3. The GOP is the majority, "With 247 seats in the House of Representatives and 54 seats in the Senate, this Congress began with the largest Republican majority since the 71st Congress of 1929–1931." 4. Economy and Immigration are the top two issues in America today. http://www.gallup.com/poll/174809/government-economy-immigration-top-problems.aspx

5. Neversure being wrong in 2012 has no bearing on the coming election.

Berkshire looking at the facts I'd say you are completely wrong. wai2.gif

The proof is in the general election. Who's been POTUS last two cycles, dem or rep?


The Democrat for president has won the popular vote in five of the past six elections of the president. Yet the Democrat for president has won four of the past six quadrennial elections of the president.

Democratic party in 2012 got one million votes more for members of the US House of Representatives yet the Republicans increased their majority control of the House. It is called gerrymandering.

Maybe pretty soon the USA will need to invite election observers from Bangkok, Moscow, Tehran to mediate elections of POTUS and Congress.

It may soon come to pass that the dapper Vladimir Putin will want to meet the orangeman Donald Trump, so we'll see if the Trump people can pull that one off.


Here are 38 reasons why Americans who are not mind-numbed like you suspect Obama is not a Christian, but is a Muslim.

Pretty sure that's the very definition of spamming a discussion thread. Duane Gish, is that you?

The Gish Gallop is the debating technique of drowning an opponent in such a torrent of small arguments that the opponent cannot possibly answer or address each one in real time. More often than not, these myriad arguments are full of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments the only condition is that there be many of them, not that they be particularly compelling on their own.


A vitriolic troll post disrespecting another poster has been removed:

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


26. It is Obama who ordered the United States Postal Service to honor the Muslim holiday with a new commemorative stamp.

That's the EID stamp, which I remember using well before Obama's time. And sure enough, the USPS archives says its issue date was September 1, 2001.

I have to wonder what it's like to hate somebody so much that you're compelled to make up (or pass along) obvious lies that could be fact-checked in five seconds. Okay you hate Obama, we get it. But it would be sporting if you could at least find a sliver of respect for your fellow TV members and not dump a metric ton of dog turds into a thread expecting us to do all the fact-checking.


Has anybody heard who this guy posing the question to Trump is?

There are rumors floating around that he has been seen in a number of political ads bashing the Tea Party.

Anybody else heard of this?


No, hadn't heard anything mainly because I don't read the highly financed mass of rightwingnut media that's always cooking up stuff.

The right would need to call on its well known fact-finders who research matters painstakingly and in detail to present this one way or the other. A helpless inquiry leaves much open to question.


" a questioner at a town hall event who incorrectly stated that President Barack Obama is Muslim "

We have members here who assert the same falsehood.

Greetings. Please count me among those proudly impugned by this suggestion, and that of the OP. An OP that bears this title clearly opens the topic to its validity- Obama and islam.

Gaslighting the narrative that Obama is not a muslim, that saying so is a "falsehood" or is "incorrect" is no more than ad hominem libel. The truth is no man can know the heart of another and presuming so is arrogant and base. Saying Obama is "not a muslim" is equally retarded. A man's faith is his own and only public property when it acts upon the public polity/space. However, a man can be judged, and inferences made, by his actions. Every single islam related initiative Obama has effected in his years in office has enabled islam in a way that is antithetical to the West, and virtually legitimatized radical islam, both sunni and shia. This does not make Obama muslim, however.

It is noteworthy that Obama has claimed to be muslim, attended mulsim school, recited koranic passages in arabic, and was registered otherwise as muslim. But it is none of anyone's business. It may be a choice to weigh this beside his attendance in Rev Wright's Anti American pews but it is just a choice. It is no more valid to conclude Obama is not muslim then to declare he is. The real crime is implying those who think he might be muslim by virtue of his actions are haters. After all, we are all the total of our deeds (and thoughts). What are his deeds?

In this case, why one's faith may be of issue, is suggested by Carson's suicidal but fair comment that one who follows sharia should not be president. So, this is the issue- the oath, the allegiance, not the islamic faith itself. The fact is, sharia is not negotiable, nor is it a choice like Vatican II or Latin, virgin birth or joseph. Sharia demands our deeds act in the public space; the faith falters without the underlying sharia. Sharia fundamentally acts upon the public space and in this regard one can make inferences, or muse reverse engineer motivations. It does not mean the conclusion is correct but it is equally ridiculous to impugn those who see Obama's consistent islamic preference as suspect. In this regard, the notion that Obama is muslim continues and even has grown in the US because his actions have served to primarily further islam globally.

" a questioner at a town hall event who incorrectly stated that President Barack Obama is Muslim " So what? Should a man have a litmus test of his faith? If so, why not islam? Why would other faiths be okay? Have the conversation, but don't pretend there is no difference; there is!


His actions have never shown any favoritism towards muslims, nor has he claimed to be a muslim, in fact the opposite. That is in the mind of those that want to believe he is a "secret moooslim". Come on he has never embraced or helped radical islam. Yes he may have attended a muslim school, not much choice as a child. I didn't have any choice but to attend baptist sunday school, church either as a child. Too much bratbart etc. and faux (not the) news there and you are far more intelligent than that. As far as the 38 lies. Jesus h. christus, what a load of crap. 38 outright lies, provide anything near a credible source for that, no not bratbart or some other loony tune right wing lying bullcrap hate mongering racist link. USMC Vet the Reverent Wright is a Christian, has never condemned his own faith and has some strong words to say about the treatment of black people in the US. For sure, they would make many white folks uncomfortable, not me. Really nothing in those 38 lies are worth the time to reply, I repeat, LIES. Where is a source of real, true information. Classical right wing misdirection, yet again.

Here is one your right wingers won't like and even if you read will refuse to believe because it describes you: http://www.alternet.org/civil-liberties/8-reasons-white-people-get-suckered-racial-demagogues-donald-trump?akid=13508.85778.iB2RbZ&rd=1&src=newsletter1042842&t=4



There's this thing called a "single issue voter". That voter cares so much about just one thing that he'll vote for a person who will support his side of it.

This illegal immigration by Hispanics now coupled with a plan to repopulate the US with Muslims could get Trump elected. People are sick of watching the traditional American culture be assaulted and there could be a strong backlash against those who support it - the far out wacko progressive liberals.

This next election could be a bloodbath for the demented, anti-American liberals. A lot of liberals are really pissed off about all of this economic migration. They don't all walk in lockstep with the Dem party by any means.


Fiercely trying to demonize Hispanics and Muslims in the United States is not the path to electoral victory, nor is it the path to a successful community, society or country.

It is accurate to say however the single issue fanatical voter is on the right, not the left. The guy Trump declined to correct and still will not disavow is an intemperate paranoid crackpot which makes him perfectly comfortable supporting Trump and the Republican party for president. Hand meets glove.

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