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Sexual Harassment In Thailand


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My friend didnt tell his wife what exactly happened. She just asked if she trust her husband. The talk was all about trust, not about sexual harassment. He is cheating on her. I cant change the situation. What I can do is only to remind her. If I really wanna make them divorce, I would have found more evidences. I could have even pretended to go out with him again and recorded everything. But I didnt. I think forming a family is not easy and I dont wanna brake it.

Anna you have some cojones on you. How crazy can a person be, to approach a woman, no doubt older than you , your senior. Not classmates or work mates.. or whatever. The mother of a student. How the heck, do you get the balls.. to approach this WOMAN, your elder, and ask her.. if she TRUSTS her husband. IS that how you do things in China?

I mean that is a conversation you have with your friend..

Then where do you get off saying that he is cheating on her? Maybe he is, but that is not your place.. and unless you have proof it is slander. And then to carry on about "if I really wannna make them divorce".. you sound like fatal attraction gone wild!

DGOZ.. you need to learn how to read..

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dgoz and littleblackduck,

Anna WAS sexually harassed by this man. He repeatedly tried to touch her intimately against her wishes. That is harassment, and she has every right to be angry about it.

Anna, you are determined young woman and one day I hope you will be able to focus your strength in a worthwhile career and a happy life.

My problem with your post is that you asked for help and yet rejected the wise suggestions which many posters made to you. Why did you ask for advice if you already thought you knew better than the rest of us?

I have also noted that in other forums you have indulged in sexual banter. In this forum you have continually pointed out that you think you are beautiful. Yet you claim not to enjoy male attention and to be very "cold" towards men. There are some contradictions in your behaviour that you need to consider carefully in order to understand the mixed signals you give to other people.

Fruit Bat..Black Duck here ..I said I felt sorry for her at first as I dont condone Sexual Harassment but she twisted and turned everyones excellent advise because it wasn't what she wanted to hear..

She was a Silly Little Girl who unfortunately didnt know any better..She didnt get get badly molested and vendettas just dont work..

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First things first I don't believe I'm a troll (I might look like one) but I prefer hobbit thankyou.

And Feminism is what give us ladies a bad name. Stand on your own and ask for equality dont do behind a bunch of wooses who tend to hate men for their own reasons.

Dgoz - I've got to say that your words were fantastic

As for the O/P. What a joke.

"Ooh a man tried to touch me!".

Aah, you're not in the ridiculously political correct, anally retentive, leftist-feminist controlled west now sweetheart. Welcome to the real world.

I'm really not sure what this young lady actually wanted. If it was advice she doesn't seem t appreciate it nor heed any of it and I'm afraid that if she continues she will end up in all sorts of bother.

There is nothing worse than a tease. I'm beautiful, I've got a great body, yeh sure I'll go on the boat with you, oh your wife is not coming with us? But I'll go anyway. It seems to me to be a bit of come come come oh no go go go.

If you truly meant no harm and the signals got mixed then you are an extremely lucky lady. The bottom line is still - you said no, he stopped - END OF STORY

What exactly do you want from the people in this forum little lady???????????

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