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time for football to go to the TMO.


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its time for football to go down this road.after seeing what could have happened in the rugby world cup if there hadnt been the TMO. its time for the NEW FIFA to implament it.

the cheaters are ruining the game,along with bad decisions by the officials.the difference it could make,IS IT A GOAL OR NOT?

bad tackles,off the ball incidents,is it a penalty or not,it could also mean that one goal for or against could mean staying up or going down.

there is too much money involved not to go the way of the TMO.

so if FIFA are to clean up the game what are they frightened about.

rugby league has it,cricket has it,rugby union,speedway and more than likely many more.

i have always been a sportsman but seeing whats happening to our great game its goner go down the drain if something like this does not happen.

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All football needs is some quality refs who have a pair of balls that's it.

They are frightened and intimidated by these overpaid players and managers,as well as being pressured by the large crowds that are present at today's games.

Edited by stoneyboy
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England v Fiji Rugby WC game had an extra 11 minutes for TMOs. How much extra time for TMOs would there have been for the Chelsea v Arsenal game yesterday? OK for sports that have to generate excitement artificially, not for footy.

so you are ok.with players diving in the box to get a penalty,players losing the ball only to go down holding their face as if they had been hit with a sledge hammer.

yesterday arsenal game who was the cause of getting a player sent off?the same bloke that got ronaldo a red card after he poked him in the face when the ref wasnt looking.as for extra time players will soon get the message, and if they are found cheating give them 10minutes in the bin.and go the same way as rugby league if a player is found to have caused injury[broken bone] after a bad tackle put them on report.

we saw last week when a man-u player got a double fracture by a bad tackle yet he never even got a yellow card.

if nothing is done then suporters who have to pay hard earned money to watch a game and see their team being cheated are goner walk away.

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England v Fiji Rugby WC game had an extra 11 minutes for TMOs. How much extra time for TMOs would there have been for the Chelsea v Arsenal game yesterday? OK for sports that have to generate excitement artificially, not for footy.

I agree that was the worst advertisement for TMOs. The ref and TMO did not seem to speak the same language and the TMO must have been phoning a friend! It ruined the flow of the first half.

TMO works well in the Aviva Prem though and I'm a big advocate in principle. Meanwhile there should be a couple of goal line assistants in the top league with an eye to sorting out the ridiculous bollux that goes on in penalty boxes. In many games there are more goals that have not been awarded than have been scored (typically pull-backs, holding downs and late shoves). Pundits don't help by saying that it's what you expect.

I loved the comment by John Champion or whoever in the Chelsea game yesterday that "Walcott 'was allowed' to continue to score a goal even though his arm was offside" (mid-week at Zagreb). No prizes, but respect for anyone else who spotted that blooper and why it's a stupid blooper for a senior man in football.

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something has to be done,how many times have you heard the commentry,everyone saw it bar the OFFICIALS.

there is a lot of presure on the refs.and trying to keep up with some of the players today is amost impossible,same with the linesman how can they watch a player who might be slightly offside and the ball which might be 20yds.away.

then you have corners with players wanting to hug each other in the box.

this morning 2am.no rugby so i watched one of last weeks euro qualifiers,player lost the ball,he then does a double twist and jump,fell to the floor,then a

roly-poly with both hands clutching his face.the ref.finally stopped the game,replay showed he wasnt touched.no action taken only a drop ball.



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another incident that sticks in my mind was the red card that pepe got in the 2014 world cup.

its on u-tube what led up to it,germany's muller all 6ft.+ goes down like a sack of spuds holding his jaw as if tyson had wacked him,the reply showed the minimal of contact yet he continued to milk it,then pepe couldnt resist giving him a few choice words and a forehead rub.the ref.had no choice but to send him off[rightly] but if the ref.had seen what led to it muller would have been booked at least for cheating faining injury.

germany went on to beat portugal 4-0. MULLER GETING A HAT TRICK.

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another incident that sticks in my mind was the red card that pepe got in the 2014 world cup.

its on u-tube what led up to it,germany's muller all 6ft.+ goes down like a sack of spuds holding his jaw as if tyson had wacked him,the reply showed the minimal of contact yet he continued to milk it,then pepe couldnt resist giving him a few choice words and a forehead rub.the ref.had no choice but to send him off[rightly] but if the ref.had seen what led to it muller would have been booked at least for cheating faining injury.

germany went on to beat portugal 4-0. MULLER GETING A HAT TRICK.

seeing the costa incident last night on sky news against arsenal does anybody know where the REF AND HIS ASSISTANTS WERE.

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another incident that sticks in my mind was the red card that pepe got in the 2014 world cup.

its on u-tube what led up to it,germany's muller all 6ft.+ goes down like a sack of spuds holding his jaw as if tyson had wacked him,the reply showed the minimal of contact yet he continued to milk it,then pepe couldnt resist giving him a few choice words and a forehead rub.the ref.had no choice but to send him off[rightly] but if the ref.had seen what led to it muller would have been booked at least for cheating faining injury.

germany went on to beat portugal 4-0. MULLER GETING A HAT TRICK.

seeing the costa incident last night on sky news against arsenal does anybody know where the REF AND HIS ASSISTANTS WERE.

news is that the FA.after viewing the video of the incident they are deciding wether to take action against costa. that will be FA.

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What about Rivaldo getting hit in the "face" in the World cup in Korea?

That was a good one.

one of the best has got to be,ZINADINE ZIDAN'S HEADBUTT ON MARCO MATERAZZI 2006 world cup.

if he had connected with his face he could have been faceing a manslaughter charge.

the ref.did see this one along with everyone else.

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Different sport ,different set of problems but for years in Oz Rugby League, where a lot of indiscretions are on the ground melee's,the referee,and they have 2 now on the field,signals to the video boys upstairs that he is unsure what happened putting that incident on report.Its dealt with on the Monday night and appropriate action taken. All done in seconds.

Almost impossibe to get away with amy sneaky incidents with the number of cameras at a BPL game.Why do the FA not have a similar review committee? 1 experinced retired referee and 2 experienced retired players

Many things wrong with our game and authorities don't seem to have the balls to fix it.

(a) Every set piece or corner its an arm wrestling ,shirt pulling event. Action required....immediate yellow card/penalty if in the box,It would stop overnight.

(B) Currently players in the referees face on every decison forcing him to retreat backwards.never would happen in Rugby Union players would be out for a long,long time.

Union referees have the respect of players,and always have, even they may not agree with the decision.

© Use of a sin bin for 10 minutes could defuse many confronations.Eg when a team is awarded a free kick an opposition player stands over the ball preventing it from being taken.

That "gamesmanship" as it is called needs stopping.It takes forever formost free kick to be taken as long as a video replay would take but is never mentioned.

Lastly credit to Koscielny who did not retaliate to having Costa's fingers in his face , a back hander to his face and being pushed to the ground.His restraint was admirable and should be applauded ,pity the officials did not back him up.

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(a) Every set piece or corner its an arm wrestling ,shirt pulling event. Action required....immediate yellow card/penalty if in the box,It would stop overnight.

Except the attacking team do it too.

Trying to sort out that mess on set pieces and corners with replay would be an absolute mess and disaster. Given the huge amount of holding and tugging that goes on, nearly every set piece would result in a stoppage of time whilst the eyes in sky work to ferret out infractions. Ludicrous.

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(a) Every set piece or corner its an arm wrestling ,shirt pulling event. Action required....immediate yellow card/penalty if in the box,It would stop overnight.

Except the attacking team do it too.

Trying to sort out that mess on set pieces and corners with replay would be an absolute mess and disaster. Given the huge amount of holding and tugging that goes on, nearly every set piece would result in a stoppage of time whilst the eyes in sky work to ferret out infractions. Ludicrous.

Or e.g in the event of a goal and if the ref saw an infringement but didn't have a clear view, he could simply ask the TMO if there is any reason why he couldn't allow the goal. The thing is, most people compare what is happening today and what would happen with TMO in place. I think people should view it the other way and ask yourself how would players behave if TMO was in place. Players would know they wouldn't get away with it and so would stop doing it. I think most people would find TMO to be a pretty good deterrent. Don't forget, the ref is still in charge and would only use it as an additional aid if he felt he needed it.

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(a) Every set piece or corner its an arm wrestling ,shirt pulling event. Action required....immediate yellow card/penalty if in the box,It would stop overnight.

Except the attacking team do it too.

Trying to sort out that mess on set pieces and corners with replay would be an absolute mess and disaster. Given the huge amount of holding and tugging that goes on, nearly every set piece would result in a stoppage of time whilst the eyes in sky work to ferret out infractions. Ludicrous.

Or e.g in the event of a goal and if the ref saw an infringement but didn't have a clear view, he could simply ask the TMO if there is any reason why he couldn't allow the goal. The thing is, most people compare what is happening today and what would happen with TMO in place. I think people should view it the other way and ask yourself how would players behave if TMO was in place. Players would know they wouldn't get away with it and so would stop doing it. I think most people would find TMO to be a pretty good deterrent. Don't forget, the ref is still in charge and would only use it as an additional aid if he felt he needed it.

There is a panel that looks at games on a monday and anything the ref hasnt seen goes to that panel who decide whether to dish out a punishment or not. Usually not!

What I want to see is a ref being questioned after a game and answering as to why he didnt give a penalty for example, when the crowd and home viewers saw it as blatant?

Im not sure they would bottle decisions on the pitch if they knew they were going to be questioned after.

As for TMO in football I dont think it would work. Rugby is palyed with many players around the ball so a ref cannot see everything, whereas in football that does not happen, 8 or so players in a tackle? Basically a ref should see what he is looking at in football and decide to play on or penalise. If someone elbows someone in the face or spits at someone behind the ref's back, then the panel on Monday morning can judge and ban the player.

Also, we all know how soft and fake todays players are. So if someone says something about someones mother or steps on someones toe, can you imagine how many times in a game players would run up to the ref crying and demanding he goes to the TMO

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There is a panel that looks at games on a monday and anything the ref hasnt seen goes to that panel who decide whether to dish out a punishment or not. Usually not!

What I want to see is a ref being questioned after a game and answering as to why he didnt give a penalty for example, when the crowd and home viewers saw it as blatant?

Im not sure they would bottle decisions on the pitch if they knew they were going to be questioned after.

As for TMO in football I dont think it would work. Rugby is palyed with many players around the ball so a ref cannot see everything, whereas in football that does not happen, 8 or so players in a tackle? Basically a ref should see what he is looking at in football and decide to play on or penalise. If someone elbows someone in the face or spits at someone behind the ref's back, then the panel on Monday morning can judge and ban the player.

Also, we all know how soft and fake todays players are. So if someone says something about someones mother or steps on someones toe, can you imagine how many times in a game players would run up to the ref crying and demanding he goes to the TMO

Fair point about the enhanced need in the rugby game. But there is no panel to judge a referee's decision, only one to judge missed events. The problem in football is the difficulty refs are placed under in making decisions that are sometimes crucial to the game, usually re a penalty, sending off or tight offside. As a ref you know the cases where you really are not 100%, but feel bound to make the call notwithstanding the maxim if in doubt don't blow. That maxim in itself is the cause of many of the annoying 'blatant penalty' charges.

The ref should be allowed say a maximum of 4 opportunities a game to call for a TMO. Penalties should not be automatically referred, as some suggest (their equivalent in rugby, the penalty try, is not). No way should managers be given even one chance (a la US NFL) to call a TMO.

The whole thing should be minimal impact and an aid to good reffing, not a surrogate for angry fans.

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  • 3 months later...

Looks like Video replays has moved a step closer to being introduced.

FA Cup could host trials as IFAB proposes new video use

The FA Cup could trial new video technology next season after football's law-makers agreed in principle to increase the use of replays.

The International Football Association Board is proposing to experiment with further video assistance for officials in four key areas: contentious goals, penalty decisions, red cards and cases of mistaken identity.

The plans will now be put to the vote at IFAB's 130th Annual General Meeting in March, where delegates will be given the "strongest possible recommendation" to agree.

And the trials could even take place in next season's FA Cup or Scottish Cup, with FA chief executive Martin Glenn and Scottish counterpart Stewart Regan both willing to act as guinea pig.

Glenn said: "I'm very happy for things within my direct control - the English FA's direct control - to be part of that. We are big supporters of the use of technology. So, what do we control? We control the FA Cup."

Regan said: "It's one that we would certainly discuss as a board. As a personal preference, it's something I'd like to see push forward." Full details are yet to be finalised, but it would be up to the referee to ask for video assistance and two years of trials would be needed before the changes became law.


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