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Confirmed: New multiple entry tourist visa for Thailand available from November

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Thanks but that mean every 60 days need to make border run ?

Probably be able to do a 30 day extension for 1900 b at immigration, therefore a border run after 90 days. Sounds pretty similar to the existing one but it more flexible for people toing and froing.
how is this any different to a DOUBLE ENTRY tourist Visa ?

double entry = 60 days + 30 days extension,

then BORDER RUN,,,

and then another 60 days + 30 days extension.

Total = 180 days = 6 momths !! COST = 2000 baht !!! (+ 2x Visa extensions costs)

Do I take it this new 6 month Visa INCLUDES the extension cost ?

if not, then its WORSE than the current Double Entry Method.

This visa is not about maximizing your stay in Thailand. It is a bout giving you the freedom to come and go in and out of Thailand as many times as you like in a 6 month period.

ok, I understand wink.png

this visa is perfect for anyone who travels a lot smile.png


This visa won't sell very well considering every time you cross the border there is a full page of your passport gone.

Your passport must be very small, an arrival or departure stamp does not take up a full page in my passport, do you think that they will put a new Visa stamp every time you cross a border?


This visa won't sell very well considering every time you cross the border there is a full page of your passport gone.

Your passport must be very small, an arrival or departure stamp does not take up a full page in my passport, do you think that they will put a new Visa stamp every time you cross a border?

You would need a visa for example Cambodia. And that is a paper visa that takes up one page, although I believe you can get an e-visa now that is just a stamp but you have to apply for that earlier online.


This visa won't sell very well considering every time you cross the border there is a full page of your passport gone.

Your passport must be very small, an arrival or departure stamp does not take up a full page in my passport, do you think that they will put a new Visa stamp every time you cross a border?

You would need a visa for example Cambodia. And that is a paper visa that takes up one page, although I believe you can get an e-visa now that is just a stamp but you have to apply for that earlier online.

If you extend the E-visa for Cambodia when in Cambodia you get multiple entries and wont get the full page visa stamp every time you cross the border from Thailand, maybe an alternative for those who worry about running out of passport pages?


This visa won't sell very well considering every time you cross the border there is a full page of your passport gone.

No the normal re-entry stamp is no more than a stamp - you get the visa only once.


This Visa, if allowed to do back to back, similar to what you can do in Laos with the Double Entry, it will be perfect. I can/could see the Double Entry Tourist Visa being phased out. If you can do Visa extensions every 60 days and can get 9 months from this visa, it is perfect and for 5000 baht, cheap. If you cannot afford 5000 baht for a Visa and complain about it, what are you doing here? Too many tight @$#@ around saying this Visa is shit but they forget, this Visa gives you unlimited entries for that time. Even if I had to go home once every 9 months to get this visa, it is still way cheaper then a PE Visa.

For someone that is almost 47, has wanted to travel in an out of Thailand with his partner (I have a Thai same transgender partner now for 7 years, hence why I have not got a marriage visa) on a 6 weekly basis to do trips around Asia, but with visa restrictions how they were ( I want to do the slow boat trip in Laos shortly an spend time in Vietnam as well), the change of this Visa is a good thing. For someone like me under 50 years of age whom is retired (no work) and has plenty of funds (waiting just now for a Retirement Visa) and does not want to waste money on a PE Visa, this Visa will be perfect if it works out.

Once I turn 50, I will gain a Retirement Visa and all will be perfect then.


This visa won't sell very well considering every time you cross the border there is a full page of your passport gone.

I disagree, it will sell quite well to the targeted demographic, especially if the double entry is phased out. Not only will it sell as well as the double entry, add to that all the visa exempt border runners that can't do in-outs anymore.

I also see (and that's a good thing) a shift for some from ED visa to this. 20,000 for the school plus single entry nonB 2k plus trip to get that nonB plus minimum 4 extensions (8k) - unless the students learn at the "unlucky school" that is on the list for 1 month ed visa extension at a time. Yea all in all for the people never interested in learning Thai, they can get this multiple now and use the money saved from school fees to travel to say Singapore with Jetstar every 2-3 months or so for the weekend. If booked in advance you get dirt cheap prices. It's closer to the definition of tourism than learning Thai if you don't really want to learn it.


Maestro, can you explain to me logically from a tourism point of view the following concept:


If you want to be a long term tourist in Thailand (5 years) -no employment allowed - it will cost you 500,000 baht?

Thank you.

As far as I know, Thailand has no concept for a foreigner staying in Thailand for the purpose of tourism for five years.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Maestro, can you explain to me logically from a tourism point of view the following concept:


If you want to be a long term tourist in Thailand (5 years) -no employment allowed - it will cost you 500,000 baht?

Thank you.

As far as I know, Thailand has no concept for a foreigner staying in Thailand for the purpose of tourism for five years.
Yup they do, they call it Thai Elite Visa.

Thai Elite visa is promoted by the Tourism Authorithy of Thailand.

Thai Elite visa is classified as a tourist visa.

You cannot obtain a work permit on Thai Elite visa, you have to change to a NonB visa, which would probably make the Elite Visa redundant (?)- need further clarification myself in this area.

So there is this concept of a tourist getting one year extensions (yeah ok they are not called TR they are called PE) so it's a matter of semantics.

So there are 2 distinct categories of tourists: TR and PE. Ordinary and priviledged.

So technically you are right, a tourist cannot do ordinary tourism in Thailand for 5 years, but he can do priviledged tourism.

PS: The fact that this PE visa is advertised as "make Thailand your residence" is also a matter of semantics, because its not residency, it does not count towards PR like nonB+ WP do, it's simply long term tourism. For as long as you pay for it. You stop paying, your "residence" in Thailand is over.


This visa won't sell very well considering every time you cross the border there is a full page of your passport gone.

I disagree, it will sell quite well to the targeted demographic, especially if the double entry is phased out. Not only will it sell as well as the double entry, add to that all the visa exempt border runners that can't do in-outs anymore.

I also see (and that's a good thing) a shift for some from ED visa to this. 20,000 for the school plus single entry nonB 2k plus trip to get that nonB plus minimum 4 extensions (8k) - unless the students learn at the "unlucky school" that is on the list for 1 month ed visa extension at a time. Yea all in all for the people never interested in learning Thai, they can get this multiple now and use the money saved from school fees to travel to say Singapore with Jetstar every 2-3 months or so for the weekend. If booked in advance you get dirt cheap prices. It's closer to the definition of tourism than learning Thai if you don't really want to learn it.

From the perspective of the heretofore visa exempt border runners who can't do in-n-outs anymore, who would now logically have to consider obtaining DE or TE tourist visas somewhere, I don't see how the ME version helps all that much. They were only making the border runs to get the free 30d stamps, which can now be stretched to 90d with either the old DE or TE OR the new ME (if they get extensions). The ME still requires some form of "border run" every 60-90d, and a B1900 extension if they opt for the extra 30d on each leg, and still has but a 180d validity window, as do DE visas, and costs much more. And even the currently acceptable out-n-ins on the subsequent ME legs are always subject to Immigration Dept whim & caprice whenever they should decide to throw another hissy fit.

Nah. The ME and its "unlimited entires" has a catchy sound to it, but not really intended to help anybody except the Thai treasury and those who, emm, "benefit"... from that. People who're in and out frequently for reasons other than just needing their visa exempt stamps renewed, and currently paying for lots of re-entry permits, will be the only ones seeing any value added in this.


It would be nice to have a tourist visa that is good for 6 months, without having to leave Thailand at

all during that time. I am not on of the people that only wants a couple of months in

Thailand, then have to go elsewhere in only 2 months, as that is extra money from my wallet

just to make the visa people make more money from me leaving every 60 days.

Oh well I guess this is a start.


Amazing all the comments, and mainly they are coming NOT from genuine tourists, but from long stay individuals

Immigration needs to define tourist, and exclude long stays from using it

There are retirement and marriage visa extensions

There are working visa for school teachers etc

There is the Investment visa

There is the elite card

You can choose from quite a generous list but long stay should not be using tourist

Thai Immigration needs to completely drop the word 'Tourist' from any visa classifications. It is arcane and in this day and age, totally redundant. Most countries subscribe to a non-immigrant "Visitor" visa and sub-categories for business, investor, education, work, etc.. Clinging to this 'Tourist' label shows how myopic their whole view on the rapidly changing, totally dynamic nature of international travel and migration.

It would also serve to shut down the noisome debates that erupt frequently on TV between the pontifical over-50's that qualify for some form of domicile here and the younger, more mobile traveler, squatter, digital pikey, who can't retire, don't want to get married, invest or pay taxes, etc..

I repeat, there is always at least one redeeming reply on every TV thread—thank you NanLaew! wai.gif


Nah. The ME and its "unlimited entires" has a catchy sound to it, but not really intended to help anybody except the Thai treasury and those who, emm, "benefit"... from that.

Everybody who agrees with the above statement press Like


It would be nice to have a tourist visa that is good for 6 months, without having to leave Thailand at

all during that time. I am not on of the people that only wants a couple of months in

Thailand, then have to go elsewhere in only 2 months, as that is extra money from my wallet

just to make the visa people make more money from me leaving every 60 days.

Oh well I guess this is a start.

As explained before this cannot be done because the current law limits a tourist entry to a max of 90 days.

The law is in force since 1979 and is not likely to change any soon.

You can leave every 90 day paying Bt 1,900 at immigration for a 30 days extension.


I have a great idea

You can buy a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 month visa, no pissing about for extensions, no visa runs, you just buy what you need and show a certain amount in bank if required.

Why can't it be that easy


I have a great idea

You can buy a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 month visa, no pissing about for extensions, no visa runs, you just buy what you need and show a certain amount in bank if required.

Why can't it be that easy

Excellent idea.

And to add to that, buy your evisa online just like you can for Cambodia.

Everybody would be happy if they could do this.


I have a great idea

You can buy a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 month visa, no pissing about for extensions, no visa runs, you just buy what you need and show a certain amount in bank if required.

Why can't it be that easy

If it was that easy then I'm sure your home country would have this in place already. Don't forget, it is generally expected that '3rd world/developing' countries like Thailand would follow what works in the west.



It would be nice to have a tourist visa that is good for 6 months, without having to leave Thailand at

all during that time. I am not on of the people that only wants a couple of months in

Thailand, then have to go elsewhere in only 2 months, as that is extra money from my wallet

just to make the visa people make more money from me leaving every 60 days.

Oh well I guess this is a start.

I wonder if this new 6-month multiple-entry tourist visa will allow you to stay

in Thailand for 6 months in a row, without even having to leave Thailand

once during that period of time.

If you stay in Thailand for over 90 days on end, you must do a 90-day report,

and I don't think tourists are put in this category.


It would be nice to have a tourist visa that is good for 6 months, without having to leave Thailand at

all during that time. I am not on of the people that only wants a couple of months in

Thailand, then have to go elsewhere in only 2 months, as that is extra money from my wallet

just to make the visa people make more money from me leaving every 60 days.

Oh well I guess this is a start.

I wonder if this new 6-month multiple-entry tourist visa will allow you to stay

in Thailand for 6 months in a row, without even having to leave Thailand

once during that period of time.

If you stay in Thailand for over 90 days on end, you must do a 90-day report,

and I don't think tourists are put in this category.

"I wonder if this new 6-month multiple-entry tourist visa will allow you to stay

in Thailand for 6 months in a row, without even having to leave Thailand

once during that period of time."

As reported, no. The "six months" refers to the validity window, not the length of stay. Just like the existing tourist visa, 60d per entry (which can presumably be extended by 30d for B1900). The only difference between this and the existing tourist visa (assuming a 180d validity) is 1) it's more expensive; and 2) you can come & go as many times as you want without the need for any re-entry permit.

But if you were to execute your final entry with it on or close to the 180th day, then you could presumably squeeze close to 270d out of it (with some combination of 30d extensions and out-n-ins). (Assuming they don't renege on the unlimited entries part of it with some notional out-n-in dragnet or such...)


This whole mention of Tourist is a crap, You come as a Visitor for a certain lenght of stays would be a better naming for it. I visit countries where I can stay for up to 180 days just getting a stamp on the Airport, no Visa, no reporting, no hasle at all. By the way I like that new kind of visa as it will allow me to come and go as often as needed within 6 months, so getting some Consulting Jobs outside of Thailand I then still have a valuable visa when I return and wait for the next Job to do. On the other hand I am thinking possible to relocate to Cambodia or the Phillipines the next 3 months will show what will be done.


THere seems to be 2 main issues here.....

1- there is the actual detail of the visa, which, in typical Thai information style is not as yet clear. One has to assume what they mean - i.e. it is a multiple entry visa valid for 6 months. - We don't know the finer details or how it will work in practice yet, in particular as regards extensions withing the 60-day periods or with a stamp/entry right at the end.

However issue number 2 seems to be that some people are just not capable of understanding what this visa is or how it is different from the established "3-in-a-row" tourist visas...but that, it would seem, is just because they are too dim to get it?


8 pages into this.

"Confirmed: New multiple entry tourist visa for Thailand available from November"

The only thing that is confirmed is that everybody is more confused than ever.

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