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What Happened?


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Last night I was watching a show on my computer, then when it finished, I stood up to go out the door when I felt

a prick on my back, I was going up the stairs to the living room when I felt it wet, it was blood which soaked through

my teashirt, it is like I had been stung.

I showed it to the wife, and she has no idea what it could have been, anyone got any idea?

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Sounds like too much George Jones played too loudly- a neighbour's dart in revenge.

Did the wound look like a sting? A sting should have hurt for at least a few minutes or did the pain stop immediately? I've been stung by hornets, bees and wasps but never any blood. Perhaps a thorn or something trapped inside the shirt which pressed against the skin when you stood up..

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Sounds like too much George Jones played too loudly- a neighbour's dart in revenge.

Did the wound look like a sting? A sting should have hurt for at least a few minutes or did the pain stop immediately? I've been stung by hornets, bees and wasps but never any blood. Perhaps a thorn or something trapped inside the shirt which pressed against the skin when you stood up..

Here's a song just for you Bannork, it's called Playing Possum.

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Probably a hornet. They can draw blood and they don't leave a stinger behind.

There's a thing, but can they sting through a teeshirt?

Yes, they certainly can. They have even killed elephants, so, a T-shirt poses no protection.


I suppose that may well be the answer.

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