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Clinton opposes construction of Keystone XL pipeline


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Clinton opposes construction of Keystone XL pipeline

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday she opposes construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, breaking her longstanding silence over a project assailed by environmentalists as a threat to the planet's climate.

The Democratic presidential candidate said she decided to speak out after concluding that the ongoing debate over whether the pipeline should be built had become a distraction to larger efforts to fight climate change "and unfortunately, from my perspective, one that interferes with our ability to move forward to deal with the other issues. Therefore I oppose it."

Clinton's announcement came as she has ceded ground in some polls to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has long opposed the project, and followed the appearance of protesters at some of her recent campaign events holding signs that read, "I'm Ready for Hillary to say no KXL."

The former secretary of state had previously said she shouldn't take a position on the issue, because she didn't want to interfere with the Obama administration as it considers whether to allow construction of a pipeline that would transport oil from Canada's tar sands to refineries on the Gulf of Mexico.

The announcement was viewed with disappointment in Canada, where Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said as recently as last month that he was confident the next U.S. president would approve the project.

"This is not a debate between Canada and the U.S.," said Stephen Lecce, a spokesman for Harper. "We know the American people support the project. We will not engage in presidential primary debates."

Less reluctant was Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush, who said on Twitter that Clinton's decision proves she "favors environmental extremists over U.S. jobs."

Spurred on by environmental activists and liberals who play a key role in the Democratic primaries and vigorously oppose the pipeline project, Clinton had expressed impatience in recent weeks over the Obama administration's drawn-out deliberations.

Her campaign said the White House was briefed on Clinton's position on Keystone prior to her comments and she privately made her opposition to the pipeline known when she discussed her plans with labor officials in recent weeks.

Clinton is scheduled to raise money in California over three days beginning Sunday and was sure to face questions from donors on why she had yet to stake out a position.

Tom Steyer, a leading environmentalist and top Democratic donor, said it was a "clear example of people power overcoming the special interests" and credited Clinton for joining with "thousands of Americans calling on President Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline in favor of building an American economy powered by clean energy."

Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, said Clinton was being "blatantly dishonest" when she said her role at the State Department prevented her from taking a position. He also said that she was acting out of concern about Vice President Joe Biden's potential entry into the campaign.

"Clearly, Hillary Clinton's rapid decline in the polls and the prospect of the vice president entering the race caused her to change course," Priebus said in a statement.

Clinton announced her decision moments after Pope Francis arrived in Washington at the start of a closely watched visit to the United States. Her opposition came in response to a question from a Drake University student attending a forum on prescription drugs.

"I was in a unique position having been secretary of state, having started this process and not wanting to interfere with the ongoing decision making," Clinton said. "I thought this would be decided by now and therefore I could tell you whether I agree or disagree. But it hasn't been decided and I feel now I've got a responsibility to you and other voters who ask me about this."

Clinton's main rivals for the Democratic nomination have campaigned against the project. Sanders, who has surpassed Clinton in some polls in Iowa and New Hampshire, said in a statement he was "glad that Secretary Clinton finally has made a decision and I welcome her opposition to the pipeline. Clearly it would be absurd to encourage the extraction and transportation of some of the dirtiest fossil fuel on the planet."

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, who trails Clinton and Sanders by a wide margin in polls, used the moment to criticize the Democratic front-runner, saying her late-breaking opposition to Keystone is akin to how she arrived at her positions on gay marriage, offering driver's licenses for people not living in the country legally and the Syrian refugee crisis.

"On issue after issue," O'Malley said in a statement, "Secretary Clinton has followed — not forged — public opinion. Leadership is about stating where you stand on critical issues, regardless of how they poll or focus group."

Clinton said she would roll out a plan aimed at fighting climate change in a few days and noted proposals released earlier in the campaign that would bolster solar energy and produce more renewable energy.

She said the nation had "a lot of work to do" and that shifting to more renewable energy would create jobs.

Thomas reported from Washington.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-23

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Clinton is now double digits behind Senator Sanders in the polls, but the media and DNC call her their darling and run free advertorials like this article for her on an almost daily basis.

I would rather vote for Mickey Mouse than Hillary.

The harlots at the DNC are all determined to try and stuff her down voters' throats, but none of the moderates want her, and she is strategically a very bad choice.

What idiots.

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There isn't any of them that have a cogent plan to actually help people. The United States has more people in jail than any other country in the World mostly drug related. A person with a bold plan would find a way to push decriminalization and empty American prisons while setting in motion a rehabilitation plan. There is no plan by any of them to reform Social Security by making the wealthy actually pay their fair share and raising pension amounts. None of them have any plan to reduce the huge defense budgets; reduce federal employment and generally balance the budget. None of them have a tax plan to reduce taxes for the average American and make the code fair for everyone and not cater to the wealthy.None of them have a plan to assist the poor that have grown exponentially under the Bush and Obama administration. I could go on but you get the point. What the American public is going to get is more of the same- a bunch of talk and no action while those who are wealthy become wealthier and those in the middle class slip into the ranks of the poor.Unless Americans wake up- they will get more of the same-mediocrity.

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She has been to silent to long on all issues. Its a game of how soon we forget. Not to long ago before fracking came into vogue all the American politicians were wooing Canada for oil. After all they are neighbors. Now after the advent of fracking the honeymoon is over. Next on the American menu fresh water. Wonder how long before they start knocking on the Canadian door looking for this. They are already eyeing the Great Lakes trying to figure out how they can tap them. America is a great country but like Thailand they do little to conserve water. That being said most of the world are water wasters. We have defecated on this precious resource to long.

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What took her so long? Its only because it was hurting her but now she looks like she did it for political reasons, and she did!

Jeb Bush is a douchebag! He has a big mouth and has to backtrack all the time but never says the right thing even when he backtracks. He has totally lost touch with ordinary people and is a typical Bush who can do no wrong, he thinks. There are only a few thousand jobs if that dirty pipeline was built and those are very temporary. After its built there is only dirty potential oil spills that could ruin Americas Aquifer. He could care less, a typical Bush!

The only longterm benefit of the pipeline goes to the Koch Brothers who are dirty rich scum who will do anything to get what they want, not whats best for anyone else. That is who Jeb really gets money from along with all the other Republican running for office except for Trump. Trumps problem is he's deflatable. Someone needs to stick him with a needle and all the hot air bill blow him out of the room.

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What took her so long? Its only because it was hurting her but now she looks like she did it for political reasons, and she did!

Jeb Bush is a douchebag! He has a big mouth and has to backtrack all the time but never says the right thing even when he backtracks. He has totally lost touch with ordinary people and is a typical Bush who can do no wrong, he thinks. There are only a few thousand jobs if that dirty pipeline was built and those are very temporary. After its built there is only dirty potential oil spills that could ruin Americas Aquifer. He could care less, a typical Bush!

The only longterm benefit of the pipeline goes to the Koch Brothers who are dirty rich scum who will do anything to get what they want, not whats best for anyone else. That is who Jeb really gets money from along with all the other Republican running for office except for Trump. Trumps problem is he's deflatable. Someone needs to stick him with a needle and all the hot air bill blow him out of the room.

Yeah, let's not take a chance on the possibility of a pipeline leak when we can take the chances that one of the thousands of Warren Buffett's railroad trains will derail and spill oil into the aquifers and kill innocent citizens living near the rail lines in the process.

The only ones getting rich off NOT building the pipeline are Democrats.

Imagine that.

The long term benefit is given to the citizens who will reap the benefits of cheaper gas and oil products when the railroad system is cut out of the transport of the oil.

If you want to look at the safe nature of oil transport now, the following links are provided.





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