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Other forums are less than friendly


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I decided to sign up to another forum; the one with the wooden door. I must say, I was shocked to the very core. Some of the threads are unspeakable! I was also immediately verbally harassed by a very grumpy poster who seemed a shade angry about my suggestion of changing the color scheme. The whole forum seemed to be full of bitter balcony jumpers arguing among each-other. Talk about giving expats a bad name!

Anyone else had any experience like me?

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It's not a forum for wussies who can't stand-up for themselves.

You can't hide behind the skirts of Mods as moderation is virtually non-existent.

They do have great building threads with photos, though.

I bet they have many keyboard warriors, the type who would say things they wouldn't say to your face.

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It's not a forum for wussies who can't stand-up for themselves.

You can't hide behind the skirts of Mods as moderation is virtually non-existent.

They do have great building threads with photos, though.

I bet they have many keyboard warriors, the type who would say things they wouldn't say to your face.

So what?

Just give as good as you get and you'll find quick acceptance by the regulars..........especially if you have a good sense of humour.

Edited by KarenBravo
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There is one forum who had meetings at that pub next to Asok BTS which I think is now closed.

They had meetings every Tuesday (I think) night,

It was hosted by a Spanish guy who was always boasting about how drunk he was after the meeting finished.

I was never there, but was told about it.

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It's not a forum for wussies who can't stand-up for themselves.

You can't hide behind the skirts of Mods as moderation is virtually non-existent.

They do have great building threads with photos, though.

I bet they have many keyboard warriors, the type who would say things they wouldn't say to your face.

So what?

Just give as good as you get and you'll find quick acceptance by the regulars..........especially if you have a good sense of humour.

In most cases you are probably right, but there was one on this forum who threatened me with a head butt.

I wish I knew where he hung out.

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Non existing administration, not following any rules, almost all threads going off topic.

Few relevant posts about Thai related topics.

A small circle of frequent writers swearing, shying away many members, fighting personal wars.

Childish, useless.

Thats the reality in two Thai related German language forums that I have abandoned.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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I WAS a member of the other forum. The viciousness of a few members was not called for.

However, "jailing" of the innocent seemed to be acceptable to mods.

"House construction" - excellent.

The entire forum seems to be controlled members. Democracy - what is it? Crudities - unnecessary.

The entire forum seemed to be rather small cf to TV.

TV for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

People also need to allow for the fact that some 90%+ of communication is non-verbal. Body language, expression and tone, and eye contact play a huge part.

You see a string of words, its not always whats said, but how its perceived by the reader and their own attitude and feelings, the most common phrase "you took it the wrong way", can very easily happen.

So next time you feel upset, or want to trip someone a new one, just stop step back, and ask, maybe, just maybe I have taken that wrong. Ideally, when in doubt do nothing, after all its just words on a page, and that page or topic can just be closed and move on to another, just as you would put down a magazine or newspaper.

Its that reaction, that is a game and sport for the "troll", so dont get drawn into it, its pointless.

Silent dismissal can be more powerful.

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People also need to allow for the fact that some 90%+ of communication is non-verbal. Body language, expression and tone, and eye contact play a huge part.

You see a string of words, its not always whats said, but how its perceived by the reader and their own attitude and feelings, the most common phrase "you took it the wrong way", can very easily happen.

So next time you feel upset, or want to trip someone a new one, just stop step back, and ask, maybe, just maybe I have taken that wrong. Ideally, when in doubt do nothing, after all its just words on a page, and that page or topic can just be closed and move on to another, just as you would put down a magazine or newspaper.

Its that reaction, that is a game and sport for the "troll", so dont get drawn into it, its pointless.

Silent dismissal can be more powerful.

Well said...but unfortunately some people mistaken the virtual world with the real one...

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I look to a forum for information, help, a tool and because of the nature of people in a forum there is definitely an entertainment factor to be enjoyed.

When it gets ridiculous as it often does I lose interest and put down the newspaper as you say.

I have enough triggers in life to elevate my heart rate.

A voluntary presence in an online forum isn't going to be on the list.

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