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Do they ever grow up?


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True that I cannot stand their behavior anymore, and I am speaking about the high educated ones.

Sometimes I envy guys who care nothing but seeex and can stay with some branless without being annoyed, but i can't ! Not old enough maybe !

speaking for yourself are ya ?

If you can't stand the heat... go back living in your fridge....

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I read an article some years back that compared Asian people with European/Western folk

It said that up until the age of 50 Asians generally behave very immaturely but beyond their wisdom starts showing and maturity sets in

For western maturity starts much earlier and develops from 20 but as they reach 55 they tend to u turn and become more immature - old age child like behaviour

I can see alot of truth in this


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NOPE ! Going on 11 years and mine still laughs at accident scenes, watches

Thai totally indigestible shows and any movie with no plot but death, puts

sugar on toast and uses 12 rolls of toilet tissue a week !

How come she doesn't use a bum-gun???

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Coming to Thailand and expecting intellectual stimulation from your girl is the same as ordering food and expecting it to be as you ordered. Doesn't happen here!

Thai women seem less complex but don't doubt for a minute there not your intellectual equal, the circle I travel in are smart and savvy, it's actually refreshing not having to deal with a woman with high testosterone levels.

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You will be surprised to learn, I come from a Western European country, and probably 90% of all the well educated females around 40 uses Facebook.

I think it is not specific to only Thailand.

Of course not, it is a global pandemic. I hope one day people will look back and say "remember when half the world was addicted to Facebook" and then chuckle to themselves.

Have you noticed when you go out you can see a whole table of 10 people or more and there is no conversation because they are all buried in their smartphones? I hate it, I wish people would just leave it in the pocket or bag and concentrate on practicing face to face social interaction. I have noticed that many people do not know how to simply chew the fat over their day, they seem to appear bored and disinterested in engaging in normal conversation, and then they go back to looking at pictures of their friends newly purchased clothing item 10 miles away which is much more interesting to them,, very sad.

It's ironic that what is now called "social networking" is actually something people mostly do on their own..

So, when I have people round I simply say no phones please unless emergency.

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NOPE ! Going on 11 years and mine still laughs at accident scenes, watches

Thai totally indigestible shows and any movie with no plot but death, puts

sugar on toast and uses 12 rolls of toilet tissue a week !

How come she doesn't use a bum-gun???

the good toilet tissue is used at the table. I always know when I'm at a hiso restaurant when they have patterned or Pokemon date roll on the table
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Coming to Thailand and expecting intellectual stimulation from your girl is the same as ordering food and expecting it to be as you ordered. Doesn't happen here!

Thai women seem less complex but don't doubt for a minute there not your intellectual equal, the circle I travel in are smart and savvy, it's actually refreshing not having to deal with a woman with high testosterone levels.

Maybe opening a can or worms here but,, what women have high testosterone levels?

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NOPE ! Going on 11 years and mine still laughs at accident scenes, watches

Thai totally indigestible shows and any movie with no plot but death, puts

sugar on toast and uses 12 rolls of toilet tissue a week !

How come she doesn't use a bum-gun???

the good toilet tissue is used at the table. I always know when I'm at a hiso restaurant when they have patterned or Pokemon date roll on the table

Yuck, I wouldn't want to sit at your table whilst someone is using the toilet tissue, surely it would put you off your dinner.

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I love threads like this. Makes me feel like my relationship and life in Thailand is NORMAL

lol.. I agree wholeheartedly. Its a scary thought isn't it ?

It makes you wonder... Thai girls and facebook VS Farangs on TVF...

Which is more childish ?


Next... coffee1.gif

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A Thai lady I know posted a picture of a milk jug and cereals on her page, with the comment, my son says he doesn't like it but when adding a lot of sugar he want double portion.

She got 83 likes for it.

Another one posted pictures from a fruit market.

She got 278 likes for it

I guess we are too stupid to understand the importance of all this facebook thing.

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A Thai lady I know posted a picture of a milk jug and cereals on her page, with the comment, my son says he doesn't like it but when adding a lot of sugar he want double portion.

She got 83 likes for it.

Another one posted pictures from a fruit market.

She got 278 likes for it

I guess we are too stupid to understand the importance

This is normal. I saw my girl speedily going through all her friends post's one night liking everything without reading them. If you like all Ur friends posts they'll like urs back (Dont cha know)

Edited by Kenny202
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A Thai lady I know posted a picture of a milk jug and cereals on her page, with the comment, my son says he doesn't like it but when adding a lot of sugar he want double portion.

She got 83 likes for it.

Another one posted pictures from a fruit market.

She got 278 likes for it

I guess we are too stupid to understand the importance of all this facebook thing.

inadvertent double post sorry Edited by Kenny202
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Coming to Thailand and expecting intellectual stimulation from your girl is the same as ordering food and expecting it to be as you ordered. Doesn't happen here!

You're obviously eating in very cheap restaurants and hanging out with very cheap women. And they are probably wondering why they are hanging out with someone who has to stereotype and pigeon hole everything in order to try and understand the world, and then claims they're an expert by making sweeping statements.

Thank heavens you can explain your insights to us all


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I know one, a 23-year-old from Chiang Mai, who is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my 65 years and many years in Asia. So she gets off being in love with herself (she even admits it in several photo posts). She takes sexy pics of herself and has 4,500 followers and is a nasty piece of work. Works out hours a day to show off her six-pack abs and suggestive views of her bottom in tight panties.

You should provide a link, so we can judge for ourselves.


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No, I am speaking for any educated white guy who knows highly educated girl from the west and who can compare with the :high" educated girls here...

But of course as I said people who just care not to sleep alone must be more than pleased because a body is the only thing that they will find here !

True that I cannot stand their behavior anymore, and I am speaking about the high educated ones.

Sometimes I envy guys who care nothing but seeex and can stay with some branless without being annoyed, but i can't ! Not old enough maybe !

speaking for yourself are ya ?

If you can't stand the heat... go back living in your fridge....

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Not long ago I would come home from a meal out with the missus, she would close the door and then proceed to tell me what I should not have said at the table with our friends, scolding me for not understanding Asian culture. This would escalate a bit until she was flying around the room thrashing her arms and legs around, knocking stuff over and hurling abuse at me,, so a normal end to the night for most with an Asian girlfriend.

Then bought her a tablet and Facebook entered her life, now she walks in closes the door and disappears peacefully into her cyber world reading crap about people she does not know,, thank heaven for Facebook.

Personally, I find that reading stuff abut people that I never gave ten sh*ts about a depressing way to live, and I do not need to see a picture of the Macdonalds meal that someone I barely know had for dinner.

Yeah. Having someone 'flying round the room' and thrashing their arms and legs around, shouting abuse at you and knocking things over isn't anywhere close to a normal end of a night for most people with an 'Asian girlfriend'.

That's not normal behaviour at all.

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Hear hear OP, I too am a FB widower (there's both good and bad points about that as people have observed).

I've often wondered what the gender split is with core Facebook users (i.e. people who are active as opposed to having a dormant account). My suspicion is that it's an overwhelmingly female demographic that drives the platform growth.

I'm also horrified at how casual people are about including you in their digital fishbowl - go out for a meal and pretty soon some twit will be taking a group photo and 2 seconds later it's on the Internet. Objecting to that just makes you come over like an old fogey (guilty as charged), however people don't even give it a second thought or ask if you'd mind the erosion of your privacy. Modern manners have gone out the window IMO.

BTW bbbbooboo - it's right about now that we could do with one of your classic "stupid is what stupid does" posts...

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Oh dear, another thread lumping all Thai women in to one category.

"What are Thai women like?"

"I heard they are all prostitutes".

"I heard they all want to marry rich foreigners."

"I heard they all want a visa /green card".

"I heard they all eat cockroaches".

"I heard they are all immature"....


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Coming to Thailand and expecting intellectual stimulation from your girl is the same as ordering food and expecting it to be as you ordered. Doesn't happen here!

What are you for a dumb person?? Go back back to your whole where you came from! Idiot!

The ehs818 dude only dates uneducated hookers, so you'll have to forgive him.

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