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Thai govt spokesman defends political roadmap and Section 44


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Government spokesman defends political roadmap and Section 44


BANGKOK: -- The government spokesman on Thursday hit back at Human Rights Watch for its statement calling on the United Nations to put pressure on the Thai government to speed up election in Thailand and to return democracy to the people.

Maj-Gen Sansern Kaewkamnerd said the government is determined to set the foundation for a strong democratic system for Thailand. The government does not want a cosmetic democratic system which advocates election as the only means to resolve all problems in this country, he added.

The government spokesman said Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha who is currently in New York attending the UN General Assembly would use this opportunity to tell the international community of the government’s political roadmap which should lead to strong democratic rule.

Defending Human Rights Watch’s accusation that the Thai government’s use of Section 44 amounts to human rights violation, he argued that the special powers were used in a constructive manner to usher the country towards reforms and to resolve complicated problems within limited timeframe.

He maintained those who were summoned by the junta for attitude adjustment harboured political opinions which could lead to more divisiveness if not restrained.

He also said that the government still respects press freedom and has not imposed any restrictions on the media if they perform their duty in accordance with the media’s code of conduct.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/government-spokesman-defends-political-roadmap-and-section-44

-- Thai PBS 2015-09-25

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You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time (e.g. the UN), but you can't fool all of the people all of the time (e.g. the international press). The reaction of the UN and the international press will be watched by many people in Thailand. A mute response from them will be claimed as an endorsement by the current government. However many farangs anticipate something very different. Just be careful of what you wish for, as there could be repercussions if the General gets a really hostile reception.

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Maj-Gen Sansern may as well talk to a brick wall , you can not tell me sir that having a Junta in charge is anything but ruling by thuggery , Junta's have a set pattern, start by coning the people then introduce section 44 rules by default and who is going to argue at the point of a gun , attitude adjustment, just what the hell is that , brainwashing more to the like, and grown men scared of a few students speaking out about how narrow minded you really are, a Military living in the past , , by introducing silliness into the roadmap you have became a laughing stock of the international community , Prayut - O plan at first , was only as caretaker style government, get the constitution sorted then back to Democratic elections , for a Administration ( I won't use the term government as you are not elected ) all these grand plans of infrastructure, huge out lay's should be left for a people's government to decide, after all they are the one's who will be left with the legacy. coffee1.gif

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"He maintained those who were summoned by the junta for attitude adjustment harboured political opinions which could lead to more divisiveness if not restrained."

In other words, no freedom of speech!

And to think that some of the junta lovers have likened the attitude adjustment sessions with a hotel stay. Well, for another side of the story read the article in Bangkok Post two days ago written by one who has actually been subjected to it and tell me if you would like a hotel stay like that.

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"Speed up election and returning democracy to the people". Puke time. Last recalled, the military try to sneak in clauses to include a 23 member panel that will take over the government which is more akin to a silent coup, non elected prime minister and more appointed senators. And the NLA vote was simply a political theater to prolong the junta stay in power. Sansern is a loyal military joke.

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Maj-Gen Spokesman asserts that the government, “ … has not imposed any restrictions on the media”. He qualifies this by saying “… if they perform their duty in accordance with the media’s code of conduct”.

Is referring to the Code of Conduct for Members of the Thai Journalists Association (http://www.mediawise.org.uk/thailand-2/)? If so, it could be argued that the media have tried to adhere to this code.

Despite the assurance, it is possible the media in Thailand have been restricted by what he sees as “special powers being used in a constructive manner to usher the country towards reforms and to resolve complicated problems within limited timeframe”.

The timeframe seems much less limited than the Thai media's freedom to perform its duty. The junta has already had 16 months to progress its ‘political roadmap’, and is suggesting a similar future timeframe before their efforts “… should lead to strong democratic rule”.

So, rather than ‘attitude adjustment’ and ‘restrictions on the media’, isn’t it about time for the junta to engage those who “…harboured political opinions which could lead to more divisiveness if not restrained”, and work with the media (rather than expect them to blindly report approved happy propaganda).

A good start would be for the junta to look at the TJA Code of Conduct and then contemplate its own navel!

Code of Conduct for Members of the Thai Journalists Association

  1. Promote and maintain freedom of expression and news reporting.
  2. Provide only accurate news information and arrange to correct those found to be inaccurate.
  3. Be polite and honest in discharging function, especially in obtaining documents, photographs and other informative materials useful for news reports.
  4. Respect the confidentiality of news sources.
  5. Perform duties for the greatest benefit of the public and restrain from seeking self-gain and from being an instrument of any group of people.
  6. Refrain from any act that may be damaging to the profession's integrity and image.
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The oxymoronic dialogue from the official spokespeople has been a series of contradictory prevarications, outright and thinly veiled threats, coercive rhetoric, and self-effacing grandiose statements that run contrary to fact and observable reality.

In short, the West has taught them nasty tricks, and the Chinese are showing them new ways to use the propaganda machine.

Nothing to see here, the eighteenth episode of Coups R Us....is identical to the previous seventeen episodes. Cue Old Lang Syne and the old lady dabbing a tear away, bring up the patriotic slogan, and on 3...2...


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The oxymoronic dialogue from the official spokespeople has been a series of contradictory prevarications, outright and thinly veiled threats, coercive rhetoric, and self-effacing grandiose statements that run contrary to fact and observable reality.

In short, the West has taught them nasty tricks, and the Chinese are showing them new ways to use the propaganda machine.

Nothing to see here, the eighteenth episode of Coups R Us....is identical to the previous seventeen episodes. Cue Old Lang Syne and the old lady dabbing a tear away, bring up the patriotic slogan, and on 3...2...


Oxymoronic? You're being too kind. Drop the "oxy" part and you're spot on.

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Anyone else noticed how less vocal the junta lovers have become lately with all the amazing stuff coming from Uncle Too and his merry band of minions?

It's been a long while since I've seen anyone refer to Prayut as "the good general". Still plenty of people using "But, but, but...Thaksin!".

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Anyone else noticed how less vocal the junta lovers have become lately with all the amazing stuff coming from Uncle Too and his merry band of minions?

Shhhh, pin drop wink.png

I hear crickets chirping is all.

What worries me is that this comes on the heels of the guy saying "Don't worry" about the Great Firewall.

Something is up & it ain't good.

Timed while the Admiral-General is off in New York as well.

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It's amazing how much BS can be squeezed into such a short article.

Methinks Uncle Prayuth will be speaking to an audience of one at the UN when he tries to explain his future "plans" for Thailand. Why do these people keep on saying all this crap is in our best interests who the heck made them the keepers of our grey matter. Its one thing to play this game here in Thailand but take it abroad and its a different story. Instead of clapping you could receive a round of belly laughs.

Edited by elgordo38
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Quote He maintained those who were summoned by the junta for attitude adjustment harbored political opinions which could lead to more divisiveness if not restrained.

He also said that the government still respects press freedom and has not imposed any restrictions on the media if they perform their duty in accordance with the media’s code of conduct.

No need to read between the lines there it is for all to see even junta lovers should be able to absorb this. He sure makes a lot of assumptions in the first part.

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Anyone else noticed how less vocal the junta lovers have become lately with all the amazing stuff coming from Uncle Too and his merry band of minions?

Shhhh, pin drop wink.png

I hear crickets chirping is all.

What worries me is that this comes on the heels of the guy saying "Don't worry" about the Great Firewall.

Something is up & it ain't good.

Timed while the Admiral-General is off in New York as well.

"Something is up & it ain't good"

True, and the writing has been on the wall for all to see for a long time already.

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Anyone else noticed how less vocal the junta lovers have become lately with all the amazing stuff coming from Uncle Too and his merry band of minions?

Even the Great Mass of People, the Muan Maha Prachachon has gone limp. Kasit has bailed, Chitpas failed to infiltrate RTP and Suthep has largely been ignored. This Adminstration not government as one poster correctly mentioned will just be another black mark in Thailand political history with no achievements just like the '06 coup. Sooner or later, the establishment must realized that this is not old times when the people can be subjugated. People are well informed now and their voices are getting louder and the world intolerance of military takeovers.

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Let's review the strong democratic foundation proposed in the zombie draft Charter:

1. Two thirds Senate appointed

2. All candidates for national assembly vetted by appointed committees

3. Option for unelected PM

4. Junta appointed Steering Committee with "emergency" takeover power.

A fine foundation indeed.

Because Democracy is Not Just Elections © 2015, Junta Productions, llc.

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"The government does not want a cosmetic democratic system which advocates election as the only means to resolve all problems in this country"

That is a very sensible statement as there are many other means to keep the military in power.

May the Democratic Monarchy live long and prosper. wai2.gif

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Is this as true as his other statement about the time extension for the IUU fishing?

The European Commission has dismissed as "without foundation" a claim that Thailand has been given more time by the European Union to tackle illegal fishing practices or IUU, reported Eureporter online on Tuesday.

The commission was referring to reports that quoted Thai government spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd as saying that Bangkok would be allowed to go beyond the initial deadline of October in taking the necessary corrective measures.

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Anyone else noticed how less vocal the junta lovers have become lately with all the amazing stuff coming from Uncle Too and his merry band of minions?

Even the Great Mass of People, the Muan Maha Prachachon has gone limp. Kasit has bailed, Chitpas failed to infiltrate RTP and Suthep has largely been ignored. This Adminstration not government as one poster correctly mentioned will just be another black mark in Thailand political history with no achievements just like the '06 coup. Sooner or later, the establishment must realized that this is not old times when the people can be subjugated. People are well informed now and their voices are getting louder and the world intolerance of military takeovers.

All quite correct.And in the meantime respected international commentators appear to take a less than fulsome view of this government's economic competence.


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Anyone else noticed how less vocal the junta lovers have become lately with all the amazing stuff coming from Uncle Too and his merry band of minions?

Even the Great Mass of People, the Muan Maha Prachachon has gone limp. Kasit has bailed, Chitpas failed to infiltrate RTP and Suthep has largely been ignored. This Adminstration not government as one poster correctly mentioned will just be another black mark in Thailand political history with no achievements just like the '06 coup. Sooner or later, the establishment must realized that this is not old times when the people can be subjugated. People are well informed now and their voices are getting louder and the world intolerance of military takeovers.

All quite correct.And in the meantime respected international commentators appear to take a less than fulsome view of this government's economic competence.



Thank you for providing the link to the excellent article.

Somkid Jatusripitak is going to have to apply more stimulus than a Sukhumvit hostess to get this country to 'rise up' out of its catatonic state.

As identified in the article, the simple reality for Thailand today is that it suffering from a lack of talent within the junta. Consequently, even though times are currently tough for many nations around the world, Thai people continue to endure an ever-declining standard of living, and the regime seems to be unable to produce any hint of a turnaround!

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Anyone else noticed how less vocal the junta lovers have become lately with all the amazing stuff coming from Uncle Too and his merry band of minions?

I am one who fully supported Prayut - O, as the Thai constitution doesn't have the capacity to handle the situation that developed , all parties are too pig headed to listen, learn and compromise , so something had to happen , however the Junta seem to think that they are now an Elected government , making decisions that I am of the opinion isn't the domain of a caretaker Government, just sit pat, past relevant bills to keep the country ticking over and get that Constitution up and running, that's all that's needed , not new harbours or High speed trains and massive outlays of Baht, they will bankrupt the country the way they are spending .

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