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The 2,000 Baht Question on the 90 Day Report

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Is the 90 day report to Immigration due 90 days after an “O” Visa extension is approved or is it due 90 days from the previous 90 day report or is it due the same day the extension is granted?

Very confused about this and this is about my 34th 90 Day Report.


Completed the 90 Day on-line June 2nd. Good until June 30th the expiration date of my “O” visa extension.

Visa extension granted on June 30th.

I made the 90 day report at Chiangwattana in person a week before the “understood” 90 day report was due (from June 30th) because the online site was not working. I have been doing the 90 day report 90 days after extension date the past 9 years without a hitch. First with Non “O” and now “O” the last two years.

Upon reporting the Immigration officer said I was late and hit me with a 2,000 Baht fine. The Immigration officer said the 90 days starts from the last 90 report. I said yes but my last 90 day report was good only until June 30th when my visa extension expired. She saw all the dates on the June 90 day report and the visa extension ... didn't matter ... It was pay up or suffer the consequences.

What’s right? If the Immigration officer is correct, then I should have done the 90 day report the same day I renewed my visa extension and Immigration has been getting it wrong with me since 2008.

Anyone know if there any fixed immigration rules on this?

When I deal with Thai Immigration people I feel like I am in a card game with a 7 year old that picks up his hand and says “OK … all red fours are a wild card this time.”

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From my experience renewal of an extension resets the 90 day report clock, they always staple a reminder in my passport upon extension approval.

Edit, with the new online reporting they may require a new full/physical 90 day report so as the get the "inefficient" reporting site in line with the current situation.

Edited by bdenner
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Only the first extension counts as a 90 day report. You should of done a report on the 30th of June.

So the immigration officer didn't show the OP the courtesy of pointing to the 90 day report desk and telling him to do a report. Just proves they don't want us here, just our money. As with the OP I have been doing extensions for many years and this is the 1st I've heard of this rule change! Is it officially gazetted?

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Only the first extension counts as a 90 day report. You should of done a report on the 30th of June.

As with the OP I have been doing extensions for many years and this is the 1st I've heard of this rule change! Is it officially gazetted?

There has been no change to the rule. I has been the same for many years.

Some offices (very few) will reset your report date when you do the extension. If they don't give you a new date on a slip of paper it has not been reset and you need to do the report.

Other than this year I have submitted a TM47 with my extension application other the first one. I have timed my applications to coincide with the report date.

When I did a report that made my next report date past my extension date they would reset my report date to to when my extension ends. This year they didn't do it so I had a report date a month after my extension.

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I recently did my last 90 day report by mail to Sakhon Nakhon as I always do. and they counted the 90 days from the day they processed the info, it was early by ten days, as opposed to making it from the date of notice of 90 day report due. So now my next report is due actually ten days before it should have been.

Ours is not to question why, ours is but to live or die.

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"Anyone know if there any fixed immigration rules on this?"

The 90 day report is due every 90 days and the extension of stay doesn't reset.

​Some IO's processing an extension will clear (reset) any outstanding report and give a new date. If you don't get a new date when doing the extension then you have to assume the report is still due 90 days from the last report or entry.

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From my experience renewal of an extension resets the 90 day report clock, they always staple a reminder in my passport upon extension approval.

Edit, with the new online reporting they may require a new full/physical 90 day report so as the get the "inefficient" reporting site in line with the current situation.

Nope only on the first one.

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If you cross a border on say a marriage Visa you do not need to report correct ? You ahev already reported by crossing and this I assume is smae all 12 month multi entry Visas

If you have a multi entry visa you don't need to do any 90 day reports. With that visa you can only stay a maximum of 90 days. As long as you stay a maximum of 90 days and exit the country that's all you need to worry about.

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Hey guys a little help please.

I just got my 3rd Non O visa extension on the 2 September. My wife went to go and collect my extension visa and when she came back I still saw the old 26 July 90 day report slip in their.

So when is my next 90 day report?

90 days from the slip or 90 days from the 2nd September??

Edited by Jody0012
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Hey guys a little help please.

I just got my 3rd Non O visa extension on the 2 September. My wife went to go and collect my extension visa and when she came back I still saw the old 26 July 90 day report slip in their.

So when is my next 90 day report?

90 days from the slip or 90 days from the 2nd September??

Unless they gave you a new date then it's 90 days from the last report.

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OK ... thanks ... I am still confused ... How can they give me a 90 day that's good for two months after my visa extension expires? And why would they validate my 90 day report only until my extension expired?

BTW .... the Immigration officer also told me we had to make appointments for a 90 day report in person and advised me not to use the mail service because it was so slow and could cost me another late fine.

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From my experience renewal of an extension resets the 90 day report clock, they always staple a reminder in my passport upon extension approval.

I believe it's only the first extension the rests the clock, future extensions don't. Of course your immigration office may be doing you a favour by processing your report at extension time.

As a general rule, your 90 day is due 90 days after your last report unless you leave and re-enter the country which does reset the clock.

That has been my experience.

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OK ... thanks ... I am still confused ... How can they give me a 90 day that's good for two months after my visa extension expires? And why would they validate my 90 day report only until my extension expired?

BTW .... the Immigration officer also told me we had to make appointments for a 90 day report in person and advised me not to use the mail service because it was so slow and could cost me another late fine.

  • The 90 day report isn't an extension of stay and is completely separate to your extension expiry date.
  • The date given for the next report assumes that you aren't going to leave before then.
  • If you leave the country when you extension ends then forget about the 90 day report date.
  • If you stay and renew your extension they will either give you a new 90 day report date OR expect you to keep the existing report date.
  • If they don't give you a new date then your next report will be 2 months after the extension.
  • If they do give you a new date then your next report will be 90 days after the date of your extension.
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If you cross a border on say a marriage Visa you do not need to report correct ? You ahev already reported by crossing and this I assume is smae all 12 month multi entry Visas

If you have a multi entry visa you don't need to do any 90 day reports. With that visa you can only stay a maximum of 90 days. As long as you stay a maximum of 90 days and exit the country that's all you need to worry about.

So you would rather pay money to cross to another country,except Malaysia and come back,against doing a free painless 90 day report.Weird logic

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I've been reporting to the Jomtien Immigration Office for the last 10 years and in that time, they have never re-set the 90 day clock (other than my first extension). I did once do the 90 day report on the same date as my extension but that was just co-incidence as they were both due around the same date.

Incidentally, when I reported in May, I was given a date in August to report again. I left the country for about 2 weeks in June which gave me a new report date for this month. I reported 5 days late with no problem though the officer did look at the stamp in my passport to confirm when I had last re-entered the country.


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When I went to the immigration office for a single re-entry permit,

I told the IO that I would be away from Thailand for more than 2

weeks and asked him when my next 90-day report would be. I

had already got a slip of paper in my passport with my next 90-day

report date on it.

He answered me that this wouldn't reset the clock and the date on

the slip was still my next 90-day report. I have been doing a 90-day

report since that date no problem.

It'd be best to ask the IO about the date.

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Only the first extension counts as a 90 day report. You should of done a report on the 30th of June.

So the immigration officer didn't show the OP the courtesy of pointing to the 90 day report desk and telling him to do a report. Just proves they don't want us here, just our money. As with the OP I have been doing extensions for many years and this is the 1st I've heard of this rule change! Is it officially gazetted?

Maybe it's proof they expect us to act like adults and make an effort to learn for ourselves what the rules are?
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If you cross a border on say a marriage Visa you do not need to report correct ? You ahev already reported by crossing and this I assume is smae all 12 month multi entry Visas

If you have a multi entry visa you don't need to do any 90 day reports. With that visa you can only stay a maximum of 90 days. As long as you stay a maximum of 90 days and exit the country that's all you need to worry about.

So you would rather pay money to cross to another country,except Malaysia and come back,against doing a free painless 90 day report.Weird logic

tajtom said "visa" not an extension of stay! If they have a 90 day stay visa they need to exit and 90 day reports are not relevant.

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For the last few years the immigration officer staples a notice in my passport telling me the date the next 90 day report is due. This is in Nakhon Sawan, but it looks like a standard official form, so I thought every office did this. Since I never leave the country, my 90 day reports are usually aligned with extension renewals. While I was still living in Bangkok I had to go to the one section for my visa extension and another room for the 90 day report, but they still stapled the notice of when the next report was due in there. I've been on a retirement visa (non-immigrant, type "O") since my first wife died in 1995. I always refer to extending my stay as extending my visa, because that's idiomatic English and also what the Immigration office has in English on their wall.

Edited by Acharn
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Only the first extension counts as a 90 day report. You should of done a report on the 30th of June.

So the immigration officer didn't show the OP the courtesy of pointing to the 90 day report desk and telling him to do a report. Just proves they don't want us here, just our money. As with the OP I have been doing extensions for many years and this is the 1st I've heard of this rule change! Is it officially gazetted?

Maybe it's proof they expect us to act like adults and make an effort to learn for ourselves what the rules are?

What sort of convoluted statement is that when it is obvious we are here trying to figure WHAT the rules are!!--- like adults. If you know anything about the system here you know the goal posts continually move, hoops are thrown and one immigration office interpret their laws different to others --- OH WISE, EDUCATED ONE!

As stated I HAVE ALWAYS had a new, reset, 90 reporting date stapled into my passport on every 12 month extension (over 12 years) without actually having to submit one. Udon Thani Immigration office.

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From immigration webpage for 90 day reporting. http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=90days

"5. The first application for extension of stay by the foreigner is equivalent to the notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days."

Also no mention of a new extension being equal to a report in this immigration notification. 90day_notification.pdf

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Only the first extension counts as a 90 day report. You should of done a report on the 30th of June.

So the immigration officer didn't show the OP the courtesy of pointing to the 90 day report desk and telling him to do a report. Just proves they don't want us here, just our money. As with the OP I have been doing extensions for many years and this is the 1st I've heard of this rule change! Is it officially gazetted?

Maybe it's proof they expect us to act like adults and make an effort to learn for ourselves what the rules are?

What sort of convoluted statement is that when it is obvious we are here trying to figure WHAT the rules are!!--- like adults. If you know anything about the system here you know the goal posts continually move, hoops are thrown and one immigration office interpret their laws different to others --- OH WISE, EDUCATED ONE!

As stated I HAVE ALWAYS had a new, reset, 90 reporting date stapled into my passport on every 12 month extension (over 12 years) without actually having to submit one. Udon Thani Immigration office.

It's a pretty simple statement. It is not immigrations responsibility to hold your hand through the process.
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