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SURVEY: Do you believe the police have the right suspects?

SURVEY: Have the police arrested the right suspects in the Erawan bombing case?  

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In your opinion, do you believe that the police have gotten the right suspects in the Erawan bombing case?

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I doubt deep down that the Police believe it.

Theatrical performance relies upon " the suspension of disbelief", as it seems does the RTP!


Without testing the police's evidence how the hell can any of us know the answer to that question. The question is an inane one.


As I stated in another post, I believe they got some people that are indirectly involved in the planning of the bombing but do not have the actual culprits. The confessions are simply to protect the actual perpetrators.


No vote, no opinion. Just can't believe anything here in this country regarding cops and justice.

I`m with you.

Wouldn`t want to hedge my bets either way when the Thai police are involved, especially after the Koh Tao farce.


In my opinion, until recently, the RTP nationwide hasn't really had to be accountable for a serious criminal investigation. They have just gone to a crime scene, said what they think happened and that was it. That was the investigation. They are not trained to do serious investigations, they are not motivated to work that hard and I think there may be an issue with education and intelligence. It is something that can be fixed.This is why there is no confidence in police among the Thai population and among the expat population.


I believe you have made wrong possible answers.

They should be:

- Yes

- No

- Maybe

I would vote for Maybe like the majority of people.


no I don't think the police have the right suspects in custody quite frankly I don't think they have a cat in hells chance of catching the culprits they went about it the wrong way to begin with washing away any evidence that might have been there allowing people to walk all over the crime scene poor cctv coverage refusing outside help .


One can only wonder what happens to criminal suspects in 'special prisons'. Then, there is the issue of crime scene re-enactments. These are self-serving events to reinforce in the public's mind that the suspects have, in fact, confessed and are guilty. In this particular instance, the suspects will be tried in a military court. I presume it will be a 'closed' court proceeding with no avenue of appeal available to the defendants.

As much as the junta trumpets 'reform', the 'rule of law' is being ignored. A reform of judicial/court procedures is needed to insure that justice is served. Police investigations are haphazard at best and the use of military courts under the junta is a serious derogation of civil liberties in the name of political expediency.


They said this guy when into the bathroom and changed his clothes. So tell me what happen to the Yellow T-Shirt? Where the hell the shirt he was wearing when he dropped off the backpack? Unless you can show the Yellow T-Shirt I don't believe a damn thing the police are telling me.


this is difficult to answer. One day they tell you a story, the next day another one. This is very disturbing. I believe that the two may be involved or paid to do it but I believe there must be some "boss" of these men. The guy with two different (probably wrong) names looks much smaller than the yellow shirt man on the CCTV. But again, with the quality of their cameras, it's difficult to be sure. I really hope they caught the right ones. I don't get it that they don't want any help from outside. Losing face would be better than lose more people in such a tragedy. The guy (with two different names) could be the one coming out of the restroom at Lumpini but again, where are the wig and the glasses? I find also very disturbing that this guy has to wear a yellow shirt when he is going to be seen by the public. I guess they know more than we do and this is normal that they cannot reveal everything they know. I really hope they will catch all of them soon, really


Can't participate in the poll, because my answer isn't there.

Yes, I believe they may have one or two people that may have been involved in some way, but there is nothing else they say I can believe. The information coming from them is all over the place and with one article stating one thing one day and then being contradicted the next day, how can anybody take anything they say with certainty.

I also don't believe as many people were involved as indicated by the amount of arrest warrants issued.


They said this guy when into the bathroom and changed his clothes. So tell me what happen to the Yellow T-Shirt? Where the hell the shirt he was wearing when he dropped off the backpack? Unless you can show the Yellow T-Shirt I don't believe a damn thing the police are telling me.

It went out with the trash, mate. Not exactly a great conspiracy theory you got going there.


They said this guy when into the bathroom and changed his clothes. So tell me what happen to the Yellow T-Shirt? Where the hell the shirt he was wearing when he dropped off the backpack? Unless you can show the Yellow T-Shirt I don't believe a damn thing the police are telling me.

It went out with the trash, mate. Not exactly a great conspiracy theory you got going there.

Now you sound like one of those Thai keystone cops.


They said this guy when into the bathroom and changed his clothes. So tell me what happen to the Yellow T-Shirt? Where the hell the shirt he was wearing when he dropped off the backpack? Unless you can show the Yellow T-Shirt I don't believe a damn thing the police are telling me.

He goes in to a toilet and change the yellow t-shirt I think one can se the t-shirt in the plasticbag he carries on the photo. Yes I think for once they got the right guys.



They said this guy when into the bathroom and changed his clothes. So tell me what happen to the Yellow T-Shirt? Where the hell the shirt he was wearing when he dropped off the backpack? Unless you can show the Yellow T-Shirt I don't believe a damn thing the police are telling me.

It went out with the trash, mate. Not exactly a great conspiracy theory you got going there.

Well he seems to still be wearing it every time they trot him out to pose with him (sorry, demonstrate their investigative and media skills).

The DNA must be getting pretty rich by now!


The boys in brown are simply not THAT good to capture the culprits that quickly. The political pressure to get ANYONE was enormous, to begin with. coffee1.gif

Actually, the BIB were a lot slower than they usually are, which leads me to believe that it has taken some time to set this whole charade up.

I have a good friend who is closely connected with the police and apparently there were some rather big errors in the reenactment that would indicate that the accused didn't really know how it all happened. It was also apparent the mistakes were not on purpose.

Word has it that the guy accused of the actual bombing is mentally deficient.

The question I have is was there a 'patsy' cell set up to take the fall or did they get a part of them, but not all.

The whole thing was very well orchestrated and is quite ominous. Pulling off a bombing far outside the perpetrator's comfort zone is very, very difficult. They did it and they did it well and they evaded capture for quite a while. Not an easy task.


Karadag thru his lawyer stated he was not in the county at the time of the bombing - He stated that he entered the country on the 21st (4 days after the blast) at the Thai/Lao border where he bribed immigration with 20K baht... It would seem the BIBs could easily confirm/disprove this by looking at the date stamp in his fake passport and tracking it back the border station where I assume there are some sort of security camera that recorded his entry...

But I have seen no reporting of any BIBs confirming or disproving the above statement... this might jeopardize their 3 Million baht narrative... coffee1.gif

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