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Bangkok blast: Thailand's police say they consider case solved, receive cash awards again

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Truly unbelievable, no convictions but case closed and cash handed out.

Do Thai people really find it impressive when wads of cash are displayed in such a way? i think it is in the poorest possible taste to do such a thing,, people were killed during these bombings and they treat it like they have just hit some trivial sales target,, disgusting.

like all things in Thailand, no substance just dressing, where life is cheap and face is everything.

Hope this is closed, hope there are no more bombings and pointless deaths and i hope the families of the victims are not watching this crass display.

" Do Thai people really find it impressive when wads of cash are displayed in such a way?".....

Yes they do. Thais don't respect people, they respect money, no matter how it's attained. They think money is status and class. Rich mobsters are treated with the same respect as industrialists and old money families.

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"It was the second time "award" money has been given to police teams working on the case."

That case being the Koh Tao murders where police received a cash award from Prayut for solving the case so quickly.

Actually it is the second time the police have been given the reward for the bombing case.

Yes, now they are waiting eagerly for another bombing whistling.gif


"It was the second time "award" money has been given to police teams working on the case."

That case being the Koh Tao murders where police received a cash award from Prayut for solving the case so quickly.

No Srikcir I am sorry but you are wrong. The RTP devied out 3MB when they 1ST arrested the 2 suspects that we are now being told that one of them is the actual bomb planter.


Is this disrespectful to the people who were killed and their families?

What's your opinion?

Yes. 100% disrespectful to victims' families. Not only is the act of the reward disgusting in itself, but the photo of the police chief looking like a child who just got a new toy and shit his diapers in glee tops it off.

I want to puke.


Oh man, take a look at this:

Police Link Bomb Attack to Uighurs, Deep South and Thai Politics


Best bit - they used a special technique by high-tech equipment, which is classified.

The other good part is now they are saying that the bomb resembled the ones in the South. It has been reported since the start of this that the bomb had NO resemblence to the South.

They sure look and are foolish to think people will accept this but hew it is the RTP. So sad!!!!!


Typically stupid and ultimately tasteless, these brown clowns. Even if you want to celebrate closing (allegedly) a case, please do it behind closed doors and without brandishing wads of cash in public? Think of the dead, and the families that have to read (and see) your stupid clown acts, ok?


"revenge by a gang that was smuggling ethnic Uighurs out of China and had been damaged by a police crackdown."

Quite some hubris diplayed by police.

A more relevant description might be: "a potential terrorist attack directed against Thailand for deporting Uighurs"

Regarding reward money, it does look silly and its premature. But the apparent policy of sticks and carrots may actually be necessary to improve the overall competence in the police force.

A fundamental problem is low salaries in combination with power, which feeds corruption and fails to attract the right people.

Higher salaries will not make them less corrupt I don't believe it for a second. The last famous international bombing was is Boston, Massachusetts. The average Boston police patrol officer makes 57K per year. They MUST live within the city boundaries and the average rent is 2K per month. Now they have car payments and loans, utilities etc and possibly a family to raise and of course high income taxes both federal and state. How can anyone get by on this? Yet they do a good job, bribes are rare and they find and CONVICT bombers there. MILLIONS OF US$$$ were raised and the victim families and the injured were given these funds. Not the police. That is how it should be done.

The police have also again been awarded 'fat wads of cash' in front of (Thai) journalists - but it takes a journo from The Straits Times to report it!

You got to take it any way you can get it!



Unbelievable, simply unbelievable! The mind boggles!

Being rewarded for doing their expected work, not yet complete, And to hell with the victims and their families and no thanks to citizens who also helped. TITS is all about money and "face" (and some belief in deities for luck as officially promoted by Government)?


This investigation, like the Koh Tao case before it, has been a complete and utter disaster. Bold statements made on a daily basis to be contradicted the next day by yet more ill considered statements while they strut about the place like naked emperors full of their own misplaced praise.

Cartoon characters with real money. There must be a job for them at FIFA


So no citizens helped at all with information? coffee1.gif

They get nothing.. the police and much of Thailand is so corrupt.. I am actually not even surprised. I have been here too long.

Unbelievable, but not in Thailand it's not. I'd love to know who actually gets this 'reward' money and/or how it is divvied up among the police. WIll this money be a nice little retirement bonus for Thai police chief Somyot Poompunmuang? Seems to be rushing to get the cash rewards before he leaves his job. 55555


Rewards are for "information leading to the arrest and conviction of the Person" Where is the reward for the Took Took Driver who showed them where he dropped them off

That is critical

Not someone just performing their Duty to uphold the Law

This is a farce no wonder no one trusts the police

The world is laughing at this. Again Like I always say Key Stone Cops 100%

Why do you half to reward then with money for just doing their Jobs


any jobs going in the thai police for old fat white gent ,qualifications i can still walk slowly

You seem eminently qualified, but my dear fellow, the tight brown shirt?

So case solved just days before Somyot retires. Money handed out with big smiles to celebrate the huge success and he leaves basking in glory and 'face' gone through the roof.

Except the glory is all self-imposed and he fails to see that the smiles are people laughing at him for how obvious and shallow it is.

@aussieinthailand: it's pretty straightforward if you care to think about it. A political connection is virtually certain to mean the only group who has already committed terrorism in Bangkok on numerous occasions - and people of that group would never dare to do such a thing without the permission from the man in charge. I don't know if you are unable to work it out or hypocritically refuse to acknowledge it. I expect you argued the protesters fired grenades at themselves right up until the red-shirt was caught. Who do you think ordered that ?.

Now, come on English John. Don't be shy, come out and say what you've been itching to proclaim since the blast happened. Did the bogeyman in Dubai order people to set of a bomb in Bangkok that was certain to kill scores of people?

Out with it, John. It will probably make you feel better!

So, it's 'handbags at ten paces' between 2 posters who have no say (vote) or influence on political events in LOS! Please calm down. The TAT based bu####it offered by Somyot is that this wasn't a terrorist attack, merely a group of disgruntled Human Traffickers gaining revenge on the police crackdown. If that was the case, then why wasn't the bomb directly aimed to cause death/destruction to a police establishment, rather than the general public? This was not a political crime, but a revenge attack for the abominable treatment by the Thai government in returning Uighers to China.


"It was the second time "award" money has been given to police teams working on the case."

That case being the Koh Tao murders where police received a cash award from Prayut for solving the case so quickly.

We may be opposite on most topics. BUT i agree this stinks to high heaven, makes me PEWK when the role of the police is to do this as part of their work description.

So the case is if no money ( WE NOT EVEN TRY)

I hope some of you PM haters realise that I know everything done is NOT rosy.


Well that's a relief to know.

All done and dusted and all boxes ticked.

1. Multiple rewards to the Police now proven as totally justified.

2. Chief Somyot Pumpanmuang now confirmed as world's best Chief of Police. Excellent timing just days before his retirement.

Thailand and Bangkok can now relax. That is until the still at large mastermind gets himself organised to set off the next bomb just to prove them wrong and that he is still out there.

The coming change in National Police leadership reminds me of an old story.

The Police Commissioner inspected his officers on parade, and afterward told the duty officer that his men smelled bad.

The Commissioner suggested perhaps it would help if the constables changed their underwear occasionally. The first mate responded, "Yes sir, I'll see to it immediately!"

The duty officer went straight to the men after parade and announced, "The Commissioner thinks you guys smell bad and wants you to change your underwear."

He continued, "Pittman, you change with Jones, McCarthy, you change with Witkowski and Brown, you change with Schultz."


Someone may come along and make "Change", but don't count on things smelling any better.


any jobs going in the thai police for old fat white gent ,qualifications i can still walk slowly

You seem eminently qualified, but my dear fellow, the tight brown shirt?

It's OK the material is multi stretch brown denim.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Unbelievable !!! First if all the police is doing their job and they get reward like this for doing their job??? And they said YET they need to find more facts so how can the case be closed ?!?

That's why they have no interest in finding the real criminal/s?!?! And that's the reason they didn't wanted to go to Malaysia at the first place, I have all the doubts if they really caught the real criminals or not, I have a feeling it's all just an eye wash. And the out going police chief is trying make his assets white by awarding him self with the reward money. This is such an awful joke. Incompetency seems have no limits for RTP


Deeply worrying and disturbing. The smile on that cop's face is one of pure greed.

And he is the one giving it away.

but yeah, maybe he is reflecting on his stroke of genius on his stockmarket skills?

350 mill baht or something like that?


What a disgusting outcome,,, Hey big Chief they were only doing what they are paid to do and mind you it the publics help

You did not much and you can sell your srories there great by the way.. I have never seen so many suspects in my life.

HOW ABOUT,, Doing something admirable and giving the 3 million to the homeless children :) :)

Oh NO not YOU...... You only here to get the money not actually help the country


any jobs going in the thai police for old fat white gent ,qualifications i can still walk slowly

Well you certainly sound qualifiedlaugh.png


Whats the Thai media saying?or have they all been re adjusted by now?

It would be interesting to know.

But what can they say? From what i see from the few Thais i know, they either shake their head, or chuckle, then get back on with the toils of daily life...Thats the more moderate ones.

I fear there are also those not so forgiving, who tick one more memory box marker of this nonsense, hold it all in until...


yeah not a word from the Thai media, nor from his boss nor from Prajuth.

It frustrates me not to be able to find words for this disgusting show of ...........

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