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Reporting work permit violation

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Department of labour, and immigration, given that immigration are police as well

Go ahead with the Ministry of Labour and at the same time tell the school involved that you are going to publish their name and it will damage their reputation - I assume it is a private school.

I think it is a disgrace to Thailand and to the schooling system as a whole that school want to and are allows to employ "criminal" teachers, dangerous to children. I really think it is the duty of every parent, Thai or foreign to do whatever he/she can to get rid of such teachers, again foreign or Thai. The safety of the children should be the first and utmost concern to and of ALL!!!

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Department of labour, and immigration, given that immigration are police as well

Go ahead with the Ministry of Labour and at the same time tell the school involved that you are going to publish their name and it will damage their reputation - I assume it is a private school.

I think it is a disgrace to Thailand and to the schooling system as a whole that school want to and are allows to employ "criminal" teachers, dangerous to children. I really think it is the duty of every parent, Thai or foreign to do whatever he/she can to get rid of such teachers, again foreign or Thai. The safety of the children should be the first and utmost concern to and of ALL!!!

And get yourself on the end of a defamation court case...do you live in Thailand or Kansas ?

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The picture and you may have a point. Has the teacher involved been faced with the accusation and if so how did he react? His reaction may say a lot.

However, I tend to believe the child in view of some conversations of expatriate teachers I have overheard in a restaurant in a town in Issan. The language they used, their descriptions of the children they teach ( remarks referring to their bodies and the like), made me wonder how people like this become or are allowed to be teachers. Luckily enough my two daughters are grown ups and I have no worries in this respect, personally. However, I believe this is something which should be of concern to ALL!!

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I would personally get a letter from your lawyer sent to the head of the school stating the alleged offence and your intention to report it to the relevant authorities including the Army and media also including the illegal working practice within the school and see what follows...

This is exactly what I would do.

Be careful if making accusations without proof, because there are strict defamations laws here.

The police and authorities in Thailand are a load of crap, not interested unless they see a money bonus in it for them.

Get a lawyer to write to the school and immigration, let them know you mean business.

Edited by cyberfarang
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I would personally get a letter from your lawyer sent to the head of the school stating the alleged offence and your intention to report it to the relevant authorities including the Army and media also including the illegal working practice within the school and see what follows...

This is exactly what I would do.

Be careful if making accusations without proof, because there are strict defamations laws here.

The police and authorities in Thailand are a load of crap, not interested unless they see a money bonus in it for them.

Get a lawyer to write to the school and immigration, let them know you mean business.

Most Lawyers would not be keen on writing about essentially unproven allegations as by doing so they could be accused of deformation.

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I would personally get a letter from your lawyer sent to the head of the school stating the alleged offence and your intention to report it to the relevant authorities including the Army and media also including the illegal working practice within the school and see what follows...

This is exactly what I would do.

Be careful if making accusations without proof, because there are strict defamations laws here.

The police and authorities in Thailand are a load of crap, not interested unless they see a money bonus in it for them.

Get a lawyer to write to the school and immigration, let them know you mean business.

Most Lawyers would not be keen on writing about essentially unproven allegations as by doing so they could be accused of deformation.

It is a difficult situation for the OP.

All I can say is try to hire a lawyer, don`t have any other suggestions.

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the good news is that due to pressure from the other teachers, the perp has had his contract terminated.

The bad news is that he'll probably be re-applying to a school near you.

All school minibuses have a driver and teacher aboard, for the children's safety!

The children are still technically 'in school' until they arrive home.

My wife is doing all the talking to the cops, other than my first encounter with the tourist police.

She is just as frustrated with their inaction as I am.

I was looking for a Pavena web site, not an e-mail address, and what sort of famous personality has an e-mail address like "[email protected]"

"I was looking for a Pavena web site, not an e-mail address, and what sort of famous personality has an e-mail address like "[email protected]"

The hot line number, regular phone numbers and email address that I provided to you were all taken from the pavena website, which, as I said, took me 2 minutes to find using google.

So their hot line number wasn't good enough for you?

I smell a troll.

Edited by nahkit
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Pavina hotline is for damsels in distress.

The perp has already left the school.

If you check my OP you will see that what I want is the perp deported for working illegally, not help for a distressed child.

Mike, no offence meant but i think you have your priorities all mixed up here.

Your claim that your child was sexually (?) assaulted by a foreign teacher's assistant, or indeed anyone for that matter should take president over all other matters. If indeed your child was assaulted, you can be sure they will be distressed.

You have just stated that it is more important to get someone deported for working illegally than helping a distressed child, your own flesh and blood??

Something isn't right in this scenario...............................sad.png

Edited by chrisinth
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my 4-year old has recently been the subject of a kiddie fiddler at her school in Pattaya.

A report to the local police has resulted in passing the buck to 3 other police stations..but too much of a hot potato for any of them to handle.

When I surreptitiously obtained details of the teacher's passport and visa I found he had a tourist visa with no work permit.

The school won't get rid of him although he poses a risk to children, so I informed the police of his work permit violation.

I was told to forget it, as they had an 'arrangement' with the school not to upset the boat...I presume a tea money bribe.

I think my only course of action is to inform immigration but I can't see from their website any way of doing this.

Can any of you help me get rid of this 'Gary Glitter' clone?

man up and protect your child by any means
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Well Buddy he ain't getting deported for working illegally. Probably at best gets a fine. As for this whole story. I smell a big troll right now.

I got that feeling as well reading some of the OP posts and thought this might have been some sort of personal vendetta, but it then occured to me that someone couldnt be that twisted to make up stories about child abuse involving their own child to settle some sort of personal "score"....would they....?

If the OP is trolling or making stuff to settle some sort of score then the OP is must be a real sick puppy indeed

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I don't see the point of reporting him for working permit violations. That's a waste of time and sounds like some childish behaviour a TV member would do for kicks. And seriously, he'll be back in the country after a week at a new school doing the same thing anyway.

This is a criminal matter. That is the only line of action you should be following. Discuss this with the school if you want. But do nothing except pursue police investigation into this person. Otherwise, nothing will change.

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I'm now starting a new investigation at yet another police station, and have to sign a statement later this morning.

The reason I'm being routed around, apparently, is that the bus was driving around several districts, delivering children, and the police can't decide in which

district the offence was actually committed, and so are passing the buck.

I wan't to thank all the forum members who honestly offered support and good advice.

It's a pity moderators don't discourage snide comments from the many obviously sick individuals on this site.

bigt3116 and swampdonkey...the visa info was obtained via a concerned teacher at the school.

I have to show my passport and visa info all the time, so it seems everyone has the right to know those details.

It's not like a social security number or credit card pin.

nahkit...what makes you think that all forum users are as computer literate as you say you are?

Soutpeel...of course I have a personal vendetta, wouldn't anybody in this situation?

jacky54...at what point did I mention that the perp only has one hand?

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I'm now starting a new investigation at yet another police station, and have to sign a statement later this morning.
The reason I'm being routed around, apparently, is that the bus was driving around several districts, delivering children, and the police can't decide in which
district the offence was actually committed, and so are passing the buck.
I wan't to thank all the forum members who honestly offered support and good advice.
It's a pity moderators don't discourage snide comments from the many obviously sick individuals on this site.
bigt3116 and swampdonkey...the visa info was obtained via a concerned teacher at the school.
I have to show my passport and visa info all the time, so it seems everyone has the right to know those details.
It's not like a social security number or credit card pin.
nahkit...what makes you think that all forum users are as computer literate as you say you are?
Soutpeel...of course I have a personal vendetta, wouldn't anybody in this situation?
jacky54...at what point did I mention that the perp only has one hand?

Thanks for clarifying, so it was the concerned teacher who broke the rules/law - they had no right to know those details and no right to pass them on to you. The people who have the right to know those details are the various forms of law enforcement.

As you said, you have to show YOUR passport all the time, that is totally different to being given the details of someone else's.

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I break the law probably everyday in traffic...speeding...crossing yellow lines etc.

I feel about as guilty as when I look on a tabletop and 'accidentally' see a visa photocopy that someone has left there 'accidentally on purpose'.

I also look at the Daily Mail content on the internet.

You have to differentiate between illegal, unlawful, against the rules, right to know, and need to know, and then make your own decision.

I know what mine was.

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I just bought a new sim card from the local mobile shop and they demanded to see my passport and visa and departure card.

That means that every mobile shop, every mom and pop shop, every employee who sells sim cards, has suddenly become a 'law enforcement' agent by your standards.

Nope, because you had the option of NOT showing them, that is not an option when asked by law enforcement.

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