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Risk assessment

Have you ever flamed your farts while wearing Lycra cycling shorts ? Or seen someone do so?

Obviously, no-one in their right minds would do so, but is this a hazard I should steer clear of (Guinness drinkers wearing Lycra in close proximity to smokers?) on Le Tour de Sid's?

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Luckily there was no-one smoking. There was a couple of chaps wearing lycra, though they stuck to cider and Tiger, in preference to Guinness.

Our beer sponsor excelled himself, driving the rescue truck as well (or maybe his wife drove, and he was navigating - there was more than one occasion he got lost on the detours where he couldn't follow us - over the footbridges, through a construction site...)

All six riders finished - the only casualty was the barmanager from Sid's, who twisted his ankle rushing to the pub to cheer us on, and had to be put in a taxi home.

We'd been worried about the haze, and I'd proposed changing the name of the ride from Le Tour de Sid's to the Marlboro Country Classic, but as it happened, the haze was virtually non-existent, and a good time was had by all.


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