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Draft law 'will help' reduce teen pregnancies


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How about teaching the Thai boy something instead of just letting them behave like a bunch of animals and get away with it every time while they expect the girls to be quiet and subservient. They boys grow up watching the older men beat, abuse and live off the women of their country like a bunch of slaves.

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I've got an 17 year old niece (by marriage) who was absolutely stunning. The girl could have been a fashion model if only a little taller. About a year ago she "fell in love" with this 21 year old punk in another province. I tried to talk to her about it, but she was adamant that she loved him, and that he loved her, and was being faithful to her. I was able to gather some information on this kid. He worked for a music company that provides music entertainment to various clubs and venues. He's surrounded by young, beautiful girls every night. He has about 400 "friends" on FB, and 90% of them are girls. I've seen various photos of this kid and you can tell he thinks he is totally hot, which, he really isn't. I tried to explain to her that since she had never been with a boy before, only Tomboys, he just wanted the bragging rights of being the first "man" to screw her, and that he didn't love her. Words fell on deaf ears.

She managed to sneak off to go be with him. Sex for 3 days (she later admitted), and then she came home. After that, he didn't seem to want to talk to her as much. Then she found out she was pregnant. She managed to hop on a bus to go see him again, without telling him she was coming. Got to his apartment, knocked on the door. He opened it, and she saw another girl in his bed. When she told him she was pregnant, he laughed at her and said: "How do I know it's mine? You have probably F&&&ed 10 other guys," and slammed the door.

Now she's home, living with her mother, who barely makes a living, has dropped out of school, and looking at a life of motherhood and no future. And now, because of the shame, she won't face me. She told my wife that I was right, and she had been so stupid in not believing me.

Som nom na.

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I've got an 17 year old niece (by marriage) who was absolutely stunning. The girl could have been a fashion model if only a little taller. About a year ago she "fell in love" with this 21 year old punk in another province. I tried to talk to her about it, but she was adamant that she loved him, and that he loved her, and was being faithful to her. I was able to gather some information on this kid. He worked for a music company that provides music entertainment to various clubs and venues. He's surrounded by young, beautiful girls every night. He has about 400 "friends" on FB, and 90% of them are girls. I've seen various photos of this kid and you can tell he thinks he is totally hot, which, he really isn't. I tried to explain to her that since she had never been with a boy before, only Tomboys, he just wanted the bragging rights of being the first "man" to screw her, and that he didn't love her. Words fell on deaf ears.

She managed to sneak off to go be with him. Sex for 3 days (she later admitted), and then she came home. After that, he didn't seem to want to talk to her as much. Then she found out she was pregnant. She managed to hop on a bus to go see him again, without telling him she was coming. Got to his apartment, knocked on the door. He opened it, and she saw another girl in his bed. When she told him she was pregnant, he laughed at her and said: "How do I know it's mine? You have probably F&&&ed 10 other guys," and slammed the door.

Now she's home, living with her mother, who barely makes a living, has dropped out of school, and looking at a life of motherhood and no future. And now, because of the shame, she won't face me. She told my wife that I was right, and she had been so stupid in not believing me.

Som nom na.

That's a really sad story, mate. If you show her support and reassurance, let her know you don't judge her, she'll come around. We all make mistakes in life. Some unfortunately are bigger than others.

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I've got an 17 year old niece (by marriage) who was absolutely stunning. The girl could have been a fashion model if only a little taller. About a year ago she "fell in love" with this 21 year old punk in another province. I tried to talk to her about it, but she was adamant that she loved him, and that he loved her, and was being faithful to her. I was able to gather some information on this kid. He worked for a music company that provides music entertainment to various clubs and venues. He's surrounded by young, beautiful girls every night. He has about 400 "friends" on FB, and 90% of them are girls. I've seen various photos of this kid and you can tell he thinks he is totally hot, which, he really isn't. I tried to explain to her that since she had never been with a boy before, only Tomboys, he just wanted the bragging rights of being the first "man" to screw her, and that he didn't love her. Words fell on deaf ears.

She managed to sneak off to go be with him. Sex for 3 days (she later admitted), and then she came home. After that, he didn't seem to want to talk to her as much. Then she found out she was pregnant. She managed to hop on a bus to go see him again, without telling him she was coming. Got to his apartment, knocked on the door. He opened it, and she saw another girl in his bed. When she told him she was pregnant, he laughed at her and said: "How do I know it's mine? You have probably F&&&ed 10 other guys," and slammed the door.

Now she's home, living with her mother, who barely makes a living, has dropped out of school, and looking at a life of motherhood and no future. And now, because of the shame, she won't face me. She told my wife that I was right, and she had been so stupid in not believing me.

Som nom na.

That's a really sad story, mate. If you show her support and reassurance, let her know you don't judge her, she'll come around. We all make mistakes in life. Some unfortunately are bigger than others.

My wife talked to her recently, assured her that I don't "hate" her, and I'm not going to make fun of her, and even told her she could come live with us if she wants. We have plenty of room for her and baby. My wife said that seemed to reassure her a bit, and that she would consider it. It really is her best option, so I hope she accepts it.

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"....Section 23 of the bill, which gives officials the right to question and inspect any teenage couple walking near a hotel, or even to break into a "suspicious room"."

NO, NO, NO, no, no, NO!

Oh no the end of the love motels. We maybe not unless your rich. Most young boys do not have a car but I remember getting a room there one time as a walk in. As my old grandmother used to say "Where there is a will there is a way"

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I've got an 17 year old niece (by marriage) who was absolutely stunning. The girl could have been a fashion model if only a little taller. About a year ago she "fell in love" with this 21 year old punk in another province. I tried to talk to her about it, but she was adamant that she loved him, and that he loved her, and was being faithful to her. I was able to gather some information on this kid. He worked for a music company that provides music entertainment to various clubs and venues. He's surrounded by young, beautiful girls every night. He has about 400 "friends" on FB, and 90% of them are girls. I've seen various photos of this kid and you can tell he thinks he is totally hot, which, he really isn't. I tried to explain to her that since she had never been with a boy before, only Tomboys, he just wanted the bragging rights of being the first "man" to screw her, and that he didn't love her. Words fell on deaf ears.

She managed to sneak off to go be with him. Sex for 3 days (she later admitted), and then she came home. After that, he didn't seem to want to talk to her as much. Then she found out she was pregnant. She managed to hop on a bus to go see him again, without telling him she was coming. Got to his apartment, knocked on the door. He opened it, and she saw another girl in his bed. When she told him she was pregnant, he laughed at her and said: "How do I know it's mine? You have probably F&&&ed 10 other guys," and slammed the door.

Now she's home, living with her mother, who barely makes a living, has dropped out of school, and looking at a life of motherhood and no future. And now, because of the shame, she won't face me. She told my wife that I was right, and she had been so stupid in not believing me.

Som nom na.

Very sad story, unfortunately all too common. Teenagers rarely listen to advice, they want to experience themselves and always believe they know better as an older person could not understand what its like for them.

But, her life is not over, she doesn't have to accept no future, no education etc. She can still have a life, the difference is that her priorities change and she will need to put her child into number 1 spot. For sure she will need help and support and it sounds like you would be willing to offer support.

I am sure she will come around and speak to you, as long as you are not judgemental she will be ok eventually. Don't forget 1 thing, although circumstances are not the best you will soon have a new born in your family, thats something to look forward to.

Hope it all works out for her and yourselves, good luck.

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"This is because the new law will prescribe comprehensive sex education. For example, students will learn about how to refuse sexual advances," Jetn said."

So: Who is going to provide this "comprehensive sexual education"?.....Thai teachers?....we all know they can't do that.

Laws will never stop kids experimenting with sex....it didn't stop me or my friends of which equal numbers were females.....50 years ago!

200+ years ago it was the same..........although nowadays social imedia has obviously changed things........

Thailand must have 1 million + working prositutes.........bar girl life is accepted as the norm...............

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Last year 5 of my students M1-M3 dropped out of school because of that they had gotten pregnant. We are talking about 13-15 year old girls that dropped out of school because of pregnancy!

This needs to be addressed and one main problem is the Thai culture about not talking about sex. Another problem is also cultural based with the men having many and young sex partners. One of the girls was forced to marry the father of her child, she was 15 and he 35 when they got married and then their daughter was already borne so she was only 14 when she got pregnant!

So, he was 34 and she was 14 when she got pregnant. Well, according to THAI LAW, that is considered as "Statutory Rape". But since he "married" her, then that makes everything okay. Absolutely disgusting!

so like it or not, many of the "teen" pregnancies are tolerated, sanctioned or even encouraged by village elders and parents and the Thai "Culture" of arranged / shotgun weddings contributes to the statistics significantly.

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"This is because the new law will prescribe comprehensive sex education. For example, students will learn about how to refuse sexual advances," Jetn said."

So: Who is going to provide this "comprehensive sexual education"?.....Thai teachers?....we all know they can't do that.

Laws will never stop kids experimenting with sex....it didn't stop me or my friends of which equal numbers were females.....50 years ago!

200+ years ago it was the same..........although nowadays social imedia has obviously changed things........

Thailand must have 1 million + working prositutes.........bar girl life is accepted as the norm...............

I might've read things wrong, but it appears the law would approve the use of sexual education. Yes, kids will still experiment, but hopefully they'll do it with a little more knowledge and thus bring that teen pregnancy rate down a bit.

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How about free oral contraceptives , both pre and post types for young ladies between the ages of 11 to 20? Those that wish to indulge can and will (regardless of the law), and those that do not wish to indulge will continue to not indulge. Or is this solution too easy, and will be said to encourage promiscuous behaviour. A horny girl who wants sex, will have sex, give her the means to avoid pregnancy. Sex is natural and IS NOT BAD. More open education in schools would help, from an early age, outlining risks, and consequences.

You also ignore the glaring fact of the problem: Informed choices, education.

Your attitude is let the rabbits root as that is what rabbits do.

And another thing you ignore is STDs. Give an 11 year old the pill but no education....no pregnancy but AIDS and the clap. Great!

Read my post seagelding. 'More open education etc.' Take off your moral blinkers, look at the real world.

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How about free oral contraceptives , both pre and post types for young ladies between the ages of 11 to 20? Those that wish to indulge can and will (regardless of the law), and those that do not wish to indulge will continue to not indulge. Or is this solution too easy, and will be said to encourage promiscuous behaviour. A horny girl who wants sex, will have sex, give her the means to avoid pregnancy. Sex is natural and IS NOT BAD. More open education in schools would help, from an early age, outlining risks, and consequences.

You also ignore the glaring fact of the problem: Informed choices, education.

Your attitude is let the rabbits root as that is what rabbits do.

And another thing you ignore is STDs. Give an 11 year old the pill but no education....no pregnancy but AIDS and the clap. Great!

Read my post seagelding. 'More open education etc.' Take off your moral blinkers, look at the real world.

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