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PM in New York: Some reflected glory, some casual meets


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The Nation article is completely one sided because they do not like the Junta or the General as they have already been warned of their attitude. I listened to the General give his comments in Thai and I was impressed by his delivery which was much different when he speaks Thai to Thai reporters. I was also impressed by his decorum and the way he greeted and interacted with others while in New York. I am not impressed with the firewall concept that has been put forth by the cabinet. I doubt this will go forward and when the Prime Minster returns we shall see that idea scrapped. I still say give the man some room to succeed. The criticism of him is way over the top. I din't hear Obama give his speech in Thai or the Pope give his in English.

Seems I read a comment where even interpreters even had trouble translating his Thai into English. Methinks you impress to easily. Give him room to succeed? What about the year and a half since the coup? Beach cleanups, lotto prices to high, Government land infringement, crackdown on Jet Ski operators, playing a little chess moving around some low level police into inactive posts did I leave out anything important? Oh yes twice handing out money to the BIB who should have graciously passed on the money to people hurt and the families of loved ones who lost their lives in the bombings. This move would have bought them a lot of love here on TV. I know he was not personally involved in this but I am sure Somyot ran this by him before doing it.

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Well- you most likely have guessed wrong. People of substance do not denigrate other people or their opinions. You continue to use language about others opinions which are combative without accepting everyone has the right to their opinion. I was in Thailand when The Nation first appeared and they have a long history of opposing military takeovers. They also have a history of criticizing governments that are dictatorial in nature such as the previous one.

In regard to speaking at the United Nations, most people speak in their native languages , That is why the UN has highly skilled interpreters.

Frankly, it does not matter whether you or I like the current regime in Thailand. Thai people will decide their fate. However, I shall stand by my opinion on giving the current Prime Minster a chance to either excel or fail.

Why do you think people of substance don't denigrate people with morally defective or absurd opinions? Sometimes it's a duty to point out idiocy or lack of integrity, arguably a responsibility "people of substance" must assume.It's a common error to believe that each person's opinion is as valid as another's.On a forum like this it is however possible, subject the the usual caveats, for all to express a view.Isn't that good enough for you?

You are hopelessly mistaken on the editorial policy of The Nation which for at least 10 years has been to support the established elites against mass democracy.It gave overt support to the PDRC which had military intervention as a key agenda item.

The UN language arrangements have already been explained to you.Prayuth chose to speak in Thai which is his right.But equally he could have spoken in English which I understand he speaks quite well.

I am sorry you did not appreciate my imagined reaction of Obama to Prayuth in their brief "brush by".I have revised it slightly so that it meets with your approval, and it takes the form of remarks by the President to his aide after the encounter:

"Well knock me down and call me Susan.What a delightful and intelligent fellow that Prayuth guy is, and a wicked sense of humour too.Why hasn't the State Department told me about this great guy.I really appreciated his incisive and intelligent strategic analysis of S.E Asia and the China question.I've been looking for an Asian elder statesman since Lee Kwan Yew left us, and Prayuth seems to fit the bill.Hey, remind me to ask him over to the White House so he can meet Michelle and the kids.Wow, what a guy ..and so hot with it too.Didn't wholly get that sufficiency economy stuff, but hey let's ask him for a state visit so I can spend more time with this wonderful guy.My new best friend etc etc"

Ideally the Thai people should decide their own fate,What do you think the attempts to rig the constitution are designed to prevent? Exactly that objective.

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The 2002 Universal Health Care Scheme was lauded from his very lips!!!

That's the greatest comeback since Lazarus for Thaksin (it's ALL his fault)

As usual. you have plenty to say about Thaksin/Shin Clan.....how about replying to the questions I put to you Post #40 on the Subject"Yiinglucks Lawyer Complains"

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The 2002 Universal Health Care Scheme was lauded from his very lips!!!

That's the greatest comeback since Lazarus for Thaksin (it's ALL his fault)

As usual. you have plenty to say about Thaksin/Shin Clan.....how about replying to the questions I put to you Post #40 on the Subject"Yiinglucks Lawyer Complains"

I point out merely that your hero now support and LAUDS the Thaksin installed universal health plan after berating the SAME PLAN as "populist"

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I can assure that people of substance and those that actually have to have discourse in public and meet each other personally do not describe others as idiots or lunatics and generally denigrate them as people. There are too many on this board that continue to use this type of rhetoric because they are invisible. In my opinion they lack any substance and for me their argument means nothing. I seriously doubt they could hold their own in a real confrontation and sure don't want them around me. I can guarantee you if you meet a Thai person and speak them in Thai the same way you speak on this board, you will find out just how interesting a place Thailand can be. The problem is that so many of you grew up trying to bully your way through life. I feel sorry for you.

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Many people on this board continue to criticize the current Prime Minister and call him names but no one has given us the name of who they would have as his replacement. Please do not name anyone that is associated with the Shin clan as it is a known fact that they are controlled by a convicted criminal who is afraid to return to his own country. I cannot remember anyone on this forum putting forth any program that brings reconciliation to Thailand or any program that improves the economy or assists reform in education or helps the poor. You all seem to think you are smarter than the Prime Minister, yet all you do is complain and denigrate those who voice their approval of what he is trying to do. You all have no program- he does. I am willing to wait to see if he succeeds. Then there is plenty of time for recrimination. If you can't wait- the airport is open 24/7.

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Many people on this board continue to criticize the current Prime Minister and call him names but no one has given us the name of who they would have as his replacement. Please do not name anyone that is associated with the Shin clan as it is a known fact that they are controlled by a convicted criminal who is afraid to return to his own country. I cannot remember anyone on this forum putting forth any program that brings reconciliation to Thailand or any program that improves the economy or assists reform in education or helps the poor. You all seem to think you are smarter than the Prime Minister, yet all you do is complain and denigrate those who voice their approval of what he is trying to do. You all have no program- he does. I am willing to wait to see if he succeeds. Then there is plenty of time for recrimination. If you can't wait- the airport is open 24/7.

That is an absurd statement. It's not for me to suggest a replacement, but the Thai people.

I don't know the General, but I do know he was due to retire last summer from the army and woke up one day and figured he wanted to carry on working, and the PM job seemed an attractive alternative.

It's not who he is, it's how he got where he is that rankles many people. He also seems to want to stay where he is for some time.

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Many people on this board continue to criticize the current Prime Minister and call him names but no one has given us the name of who they would have as his replacement. Please do not name anyone that is associated with the Shin clan as it is a known fact that they are controlled by a convicted criminal who is afraid to return to his own country. I cannot remember anyone on this forum putting forth any program that brings reconciliation to Thailand or any program that improves the economy or assists reform in education or helps the poor. You all seem to think you are smarter than the Prime Minister, yet all you do is complain and denigrate those who voice their approval of what he is trying to do. You all have no program- he does. I am willing to wait to see if he succeeds. Then there is plenty of time for recrimination. If you can't wait- the airport is open 24/7.

Thaidream, please explain the PM's program for Thailand and his achievements to date.

I wish the best for the Thai people, the changes required for Thai society to be fair and equal are substantial and will require a leader of great vision, intellect, courage and unshakable honesty. Is there someone of this caliber ready to take the reigns, I don't know.

This PM's performance so far is that of a lightweight with no integrity, his lack of transparency on how he gained great wealth and the fact that he gets irate when asked condemns him to be fairly judged as not fit to govern this country. This is just one example of him being not a fit and proper person for the highest public office, there are many more.

I write this comfortable with my opinion and even more comfortable with fact that I reside in a country that allows me the freedom freely express this view.

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The PM Prayuth Chan o cha did as he was expected to do.

Attend the UN General assembly, speak briefly at the Assembly, mingle with President Obama and President Xi Jinping as he did both at the UN and at a couple of reception parties.

I am sure the world powers and the UN General Assembly would certainly rather it be him attending than any previous controversial PM.

What did some on here expect him to do .... ?? cartwheels in the foyer !! whistling.gif

Khun Prayuth Chan o cha . wai2.gif

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I write this comfortable with my opinion and even more comfortable with fact that I reside in a country that allows me the freedom freely express"

So you do not live here, but think you should express an opinion on the Thai political scene?

Is there not a forum in your home country on which to pontificate?

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Many of your comments are well stated and certainly reflect many people's opinions. Please remember why the military decided to intervene in taking over the government. There was an undeclared war going on in the streets of Bangkok and it was impossible to get either side to sit down and discuss how to stop the demonstrations and violence let alone actually bring the parties together for reconciliation. In addition, the incessant corruption of the Shin clan and its operatives in buying elections and placing people in power as a substitute for the convicted criminal subverted the democratic process. The military reluctantly decided to seize power. In addition, it is the responsibility of the Thai military to protect Thai culture.


I don't know the General nor know how much wealth he actually has nor does anyone really have this information that I am aware of. Remember, this man is not a politician and does not like to be questioned because he is a military man. In the military, your subordinates salute and follow orders. Of course, it is different in civilian life and the General has made some missteps in both speech and actions. There is plenty of freedom in Thailand. We are having this discussion right now. Some of the newspapers and television have voiced other opinions regarding the running of the country.

It appears to me that what he is trying to do is eliminate money politics from Thailand and clamp down on some of the blatant corruption in which percentages of the national budget go missing each year. All the organic laws need to be rewritten as well as a Constitution that works. All of this has to be done slowly and carefully to eliminate any chance in the future of a megalomaniac being able to seize power by buying ii and keep it forever. True democracy allows everyone to have their say; everyone to be able to elect their representative; and have the government work for them. There has to be economic programs to grow the country; education programs to reform the current system; and onward. All this takes time. It has been ignored by a whole series of governments. Why would anyone expect the General to be able to solve it in a little over a year, when others couldn't do it over many years.

I have no recommendations who should govern or should not because that is for the electorate to decide. I am aware that there is not a whole lot of choice out there and the people have kept going back to the same politicians in the hope one of them can put together a cabinet that does work. I say give the General a chance to see if he can accomplish what so many have failed to accomplish. His words are rough but he is not a politician and I don't think he aspires to be.

Anyway, that is my take on the situation. I am sure others have their own opinions.

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I write this comfortable with my opinion and even more comfortable with fact that I reside in a country that allows me the freedom freely express"

So you do not live here, but think you should express an opinion on the Thai political scene?

Is there not a forum in your home country on which to pontificate?

I have opinions on the leadership of many countries I do not live in, I have opinions on football that i do not play in, I have opinions on the state of F1 racing in which I do not participate.

I will continue to freely express my thoughts on whatever I feel, and as I have had a 10 year association with Thailand visiting many times and residing for a 2 year period, not in Thai at present, I think it fair I post my opinion of things on this forum.

The former leader of the Thai military and now current PM is not a good choice for the country as it would seem his job is to ensure the elites have it their way and only their way.

I repeat, he has had ample time to achieve something even a minor push for change I do not see it.

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I can assure that people of substance and those that actually have to have discourse in public and meet each other personally do not describe others as idiots or lunatics and generally denigrate them as people. There are too many on this board that continue to use this type of rhetoric because they are invisible. In my opinion they lack any substance and for me their argument means nothing. I seriously doubt they could hold their own in a real confrontation and sure don't want them around me. I can guarantee you if you meet a Thai person and speak them in Thai the same way you speak on this board, you will find out just how interesting a place Thailand can be. The problem is that so many of you grew up trying to bully your way through life. I feel sorry for you.

What a bizarre post.This is a forum where expatriates can exchange information and news.It is also anonymous which permits wide ranging argument subject to forum rules.Obviously if one was to speak to somebody face to face there would be a different kind of exchange.There are very few Thais with whom I would discuss politics seriously or even at all.Most will understand the reasons for this.

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Why should there be different ways of dealing with people face to face and dealing with them anonymously . There is no place for rudeness in discourse of any kind. If we can't be civil in our conversations- then maybe we should not have a conversation. The thing that is bizarre to me is the way some posters keep calling others idiots or morons or other adjectives in an attempt to prove they are superior. It doesn't work. When one does this it makes them look uneducated and uncouth.

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Why should there be different ways of dealing with people face to face and dealing with them anonymously . There is no place for rudeness in discourse of any kind. If we can't be civil in our conversations- then maybe we should not have a conversation. The thing that is bizarre to me is the way some posters keep calling others idiots or morons or other adjectives in an attempt to prove they are superior. It doesn't work. When one does this it makes them look uneducated and uncouth.

I have to say your interest in polite exchanges on Thai visa are welcome but you will have to get a little thick skinned to deal with this forum, coarse it may be at times but it is a slice of the real outside world.

I also need to say the forum rules and the moderators keep it far more tame than some other forums I have had a look at.

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Many people on this board continue to criticize the current Prime Minister and call him names but no one has given us the name of who they would have as his replacement. Please do not name anyone that is associated with the Shin clan as it is a known fact that they are controlled by a convicted criminal who is afraid to return to his own country. I cannot remember anyone on this forum putting forth any program that brings reconciliation to Thailand or any program that improves the economy or assists reform in education or helps the poor. You all seem to think you are smarter than the Prime Minister, yet all you do is complain and denigrate those who voice their approval of what he is trying to do. You all have no program- he does. I am willing to wait to see if he succeeds. Then there is plenty of time for recrimination. If you can't wait- the airport is open 24/7.

An utterly disgraceful post compounded by some idiotic logic.

1.How is it relevant that you ask for a replacement name for the current general who seized power by force? That is a matter for the Thai people in a free democracy.Would you give Assad in Syria the benefit of the doubt because there is no agreed successor?

2.The current regime has effectively accepted the agenda of the PDRC (hardly surprising since its key members had been colluding with the gangster Suthep for months prior to the coup) with the result reconciliation is further away than ever.

3.Nothing has been done in education reform.

4.Nothing has been done to assist the poor (even though Thaksin's populist policies have been copied.) Indeed at the UN last week Prayuth boasted of several social initiatives all of which had been initiated by Thaksin associated governments.

5.Are a child? Who is interested in suggesting they are more intelligent than Prayuth.Actually I believe he IS quite intelligent - that's not the issue.

6.I find it appalling you are so indulgent to this dreadful administration, and you insult all Thai democrats and those who battled and sometimes gave their lives for Thai freedoms.I also find your sanctimonious tone objectionable as though only you have the interests of Thailand and the Thai people at heart.Finally your comment about the airport being open 24/7 simply marks you out as someone who is unable to make a reasoned argument.

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If that is the case so be it- my issue is not over languages other than how people on this board use the English language to attempt to invalidate others opinions by using terminology that one would not use directly to their face. I do not know the Thai Prime Minster but he sure is a lot better than some they have had before. The last one attempted to corner the rice market and plunged Thailand, one of the top rice growers in the World, into a crisis. I would not call her stupid but very inexperienced in economics and being manipulated by a convicted criminal in another country.

As opposed to the current inexperienced one being manipulated by _____________?

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I don't want a thick skin- I want people to stop yelling at each other and return to some civility.

That's a bit rich coming from someone who has just called me uneducated, inferior and uncouth but can't actually address any of my points.I suppose that is your way of admitting you have lost the argument.

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How do you know I was referring to only you- My, we do have an inferiority complex with paranoia. Don't worry though- you still may be salvageable as a human being. And by the way, I don't give opinions to try and win any argument. I am confident in my own skin.

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The actual issue is not who wins or loses an argument. My issue with you is how you put forth your argument. It is fine when two people do not agree, However, I can feel your anger and your blood pressure rise when you answer. The problem is that you argument is lost in the way you present it. You may may have solid points but many people will not see these points because you insist on using inappropriate language to present them. You will never convince anyone this way. If you truly want to engage with people, change your rhetoric. If you don/'t care- then carry on and many of us will simply ignore you.

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How do you know I was referring to only you- My, we do have an inferiority complex with paranoia. Don't worry though- you still may be salvageable as a human being. And by the way, I don't give opinions to try and win any argument. I am confident in my own skin.

You talk of civility and in the same breath bandy around such phrases as "you still may be salvageable as a human being", which to me at least sounds far more coldly sinister than words such as 'idiot' or 'moron'. I would far rather be called those..

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I don't see the current Pm being manipulated by anyone. He has the power- and with power comes gret responsibility. Time will tell.

Then you obviously need to look into the state of play in contemporary Thailand in greater detail. The hagiographies you seem to be lauding are not necessarily the exact, literal and absolute truth if you dig deeper.

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I am not going out of my way to laud the current administration, I don't know the background of the PM and I am not sure I care at this point. What I am saying is let's give him a chance and calm the rhetoric. He will either succeed or fail. For the Thai Nation, I hope he succeeds.

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What a terrible article : snippets of facts interwoven with the authors 'opinion' and condescending interpretations.

They got their bottom spanked for misbehaving and lost some 'face' and now they are sulking like spiteful schoolboys.

I've seen this many times from Thai men in various aspects of society - it's like they got stuck at 12 years old. There's no wonder this country makes such a mess of everything.

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