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Rising anger in Thailand's boom-to-bust Isaan


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"when they sell their crop in coming months with rice prices near an 8-year low"

This must be an error. Thaksin - who everyone agrees is a business genius - said his withholding of Thai rice would increase world prices. I - who knows dickall about business - claimed other countries would increase production and when Thai sales resumed would be increased worldwide supply hence lower prices. Seems I know more about business that Dr.T, can somebody give me a telecoms monopoly to play with now?

the only bit you didn't get right was to hedge against the mess you caused by using your ill-gotten gains to make even more money out of the mess.

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Finally the Thai people have happiness,peace and tranquility restored,the plan is working well isn't it.

All the woes cited in the OP could be just as equally ascribed to here in Phuket. Bugger all to do with the price of rice. It's not only the North East suffering. However, some locals have worked their way around the downturn in simply raising the prices of everything, as per.

Edited by dageurreotype
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I think the people in Issan are still a long way away from doing anything earthshaking. Mr. P has a strangle hold on this country and he has all the guns and tanks.

My heart is with the people in Issan, but I don't think they stand a chance in hell of improving their life style for a long time to come.

Edited by oneday
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The Isaan farmers should stop growing rice except for enough to feed their family. The rest of the year they can go work in a factory or drive taxi in bangkok, to service the debts.

They wouldnot sell one grain of rice. Bangkok citizens could import their rice. The export of rice would be finished. 5% of the economy gone. Stop being used and fight back where it hurts. As long as they produce it the rich will try to get as cheap as they can. Stop production and donot start again till they get some of their demands met.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Of course one can thank yinglucks unsustainable, bad political and poorly thought out populist policy for this. Th farmers have grown so accustomed to that carrot that is just out of reach they become reliant on anyone that can offer them extravagant amounts of money for their crop. Like a drug addict without his hit they collapse without that easy unsustainable "hit". I did say 2 years ago that populism destroys prosperity. In 2 years populism destroyed Thailand's ranking in the global rice market. Indonesia exported oil. Decided to subsidize on fuel for its citizens, demand increased, roads were congested and they started importing oil. Greece was giving welfare pledging the future of its citizens. Look at it now. Populism destroys human values of pride, self-respect and hard work. Populism, when unleashed, doesn't go away and often eats its own master. It certainly contributed to the fall of the PTP. History is a good teacher, but the PTP and Yingluck knew better and now their erosive corrupt policies are coming back to haunt them, but the current govt is the target of blame on the uneducated as they are conditioned to focus on a carrot just out of reach. Like the fallout from a nuclear holocaust the famers would blame the people trying to decontaminate the area instead of the people that dropped the bomb. They know no better. I pity them.

Of course has the tax money assisted the sector towards sustainability, such as research and development, irrigation, transportation, financial management, cooperatives and agriculture education that Prayut is looking at pushing on with the sustainable agricultural framework to help the farmers, not bribe them. These efforts of sustainability have multiplier effects that have the power to eventually lift poor farmers out of poverty.

I feel that funding for these longer-term measures however should have been accompanied by several sensible short-term measures to alleviate the innocent, "handout addicted" victims of the populist unsustainable fallout.

The PTP...Really keep on giving and giving well after they have gone. I bet you will, not see anyone from the UDD or PTP offering constructive advice on how to help the farmers because the farmers cannot vote now. As soon as they have the power to vote the PTP and UDD will magically start caring as that is when it suits their agenda.

EDIT - I love this comment "People want to protest," said Sabina Shah, a local leader of Thaksin's "red shirt" supporters in Khon Kaen" Well Sabina the farmers wanted to protest when yingluck was in power as well, but they were unfortunately turned back by the red shirts, intimidated and their families threatened.

Edited by djjamie
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I hope when they really start to protest, that they direct their anger towards the person mostly responsible, the one who screwed them over on the rice scheme and ruined Thailand for years to come, the one who encouraged them all to get into debt and buy new cars, trucks, houses and smartphones, the one who claimed to be doing everything for their benefit. But they won't, cos he's their hero and can do no wrong and it's always someone else's fault.

They might want to start looking at growing alternative crops and different ways of farming rather than repeating the same old tired cycle over and over again hoping for a better result. That's insanity. One of my friends up North has done this, and they're laughing. Diversification, works wonders.

If they all bought new cars, n houses, and smart phones, then they have themselves to blame not 'their hero" for money problems.

As for the poor farmers that I see and have known over the last several years, well not to many are getting around in their "new car's, and most still live in the family home that is in much need of repair.

The problem is rice is at an 8 year low, and cost of living is going up, simple math, less money and more expense, Not only that but the lack of and sometimes NO mains water supply in some areas for weeks on end brings further challenges to the working poor.

Now as for them new cars n houses augment, I'll help you out a little to understand a bit more, You see these things were mainly purchased by government workers, not poor farmers. BTW, not real sure how familiar you are with farming in Isaan but they don't just grow rice, like wood for paper, sugar, fish farming, prawns, Thai potatoes, fruit & vegie growers, chicken and egg farms, corn, so there is diversification in Isaan,

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The Isaan farmers should stop growing rice except for enough to feed their family. The rest of the year they can go work in a factory or drive taxi in bangkok, to service the debts.

They wouldnot sell one grain of rice. Bangkok citizens could import their rice. The export of rice would be finished. 5% of the economy gone. Stop being used and fight back where it hurts. As long as they produce it the rich will try to get as cheap as they can. Stop production and donot start again till they get some of their demands met.

Let them do that or get some cooperatives working (seems Thais don't like those don't trust their own). Let them try to improve their own lot in a good way. Not by handouts but like you said stop producing. The price of rice will go up again and then they can start over. But they have hurt the rich rice millers then.

Normal people wont hurt as there is an oversupply of rice anyway that can be imported from countries like Vietnam that are far more productive per rai of land.

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It'll all come to a head one day and I am convinced Yingluck will be treated far more kindly by history than the current installed PM. The rice scheme was poorly managed but well intended and now the subsidies have stopped and the farmers, once AGAIN, will suffer and does the Junta care? we know the answer to THAT.

So much ignorance in one post!

Does 'poorly managed' = financially raped of over 600 Billion Baht?

Who do you think instigated the 1,000 Baht per rai payments last year and the support payments this year?

You obviously have not done your homework and bought into the 'raped billions' propaganda. Where have these 'raped billions' gone? has anyone been arrested for corruption? or are you making it all up?

It was all in a dream last night.................... coffee1.gif

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Blaming the current government for the legacy of the last. They'll never see that, though.

The current government has been in power for almost as long as the Yingluck regime before it was forced into a caretaker government. Care to:

- compare the economic performance between the two?

- distinguish the populist economic policies of Yingluck to Prayut?

- contrast the infrastructure programs of Yingluck to Prayut?

- disaccociate the energy policies of Yingluck to Prayuy?

Prayut came to power not out of economic concern for the nation but for preservation of the military organization and its way of life. It was only after 14 months in power that Prayut realized his lack of priority to the economy was going to damage the military's image, thus its ability to retain power. Now his new economic team predicts no substantial economic improvement for the next several years.

Prayut created his own legacy. Whether he or any PM really has control over its making is irrelevent. What matters is the end result and for that Prayut must as commander in chief and Head of State take FULL RESPONSIBILITY.

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It'll all come to a head one day and I am convinced Yingluck will be treated far more kindly by history than the current installed PM. The rice scheme was poorly managed but well intended and now the subsidies have stopped and the farmers, once AGAIN, will suffer and does the Junta care? we know the answer to THAT.

Whilst I harbour an intense dislike of authoritarian Prayuth, I fail to see how Puppet Yingluck and her maladministration should be 'treated far more kindly'? blink.png After all, she was barely there/aware when things were rapidly going pear shaped.

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I hope when they really start to protest, that they direct their anger towards the person mostly responsible, the one who screwed them over on the rice scheme and ruined Thailand for years to come, the one who encouraged them all to get into debt and buy new cars, trucks, houses and smartphones, the one who claimed to be doing everything for their benefit. But they won't, cos he's their hero and can do no wrong and it's always someone else's fault.

They might want to start looking at growing alternative crops and different ways of farming rather than repeating the same old tired cycle over and over again hoping for a better result. That's insanity. One of my friends up North has done this, and they're laughing. Diversification, works wonders.

If they all bought new cars, n houses, and smart phones, then they have themselves to blame not 'their hero" for money problems.

As for the poor farmers that I see and have known over the last several years, well not to many are getting around in their "new car's, and most still live in the family home that is in much need of repair.

The problem is rice is at an 8 year low, and cost of living is going up, simple math, less money and more expense, Not only that but the lack of and sometimes NO mains water supply in some areas for weeks on end brings further challenges to the working poor.

Now as for them new cars n houses augment, I'll help you out a little to understand a bit more, You see these things were mainly purchased by government workers, not poor farmers. BTW, not real sure how familiar you are with farming in Isaan but they don't just grow rice, like wood for paper, sugar, fish farming, prawns, Thai potatoes, fruit & vegie growers, chicken and egg farms, corn, so there is diversification in Isaan,

1. The car, house, smartphone argument = if you truly believe it's only Govt workers that got themselves in hock cos of the previous Govt's "incentives" to buy, then you're mistaken

2. Rice is at an 8 year low = yes, it is, and why do you think that happened? Magic? Or the stupid attempt to manipulate the world markets that they told everyone about before they did it?

3. Diversification = well, yes, "some" do diversify, but not enough ... it needs to be each farmer growing multiple different crops, not each farmer growing solely one different crop for example

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Of course one can thank yinglucks unsustainable, bad political and poorly thought out populist policy for this. Th farmers have grown so accustomed to that carrot that is just out of reach they become reliant on anyone that can offer them extravagant amounts of money for their crop. Like a drug addict without his hit they collapse without that easy unsustainable "hit". I did say 2 years ago that populism destroys prosperity. In 2 years populism destroyed Thailand's ranking in the global rice market. Indonesia exported oil. Decided to subsidize on fuel for its citizens, demand increased, roads were congested and they started importing oil. Greece was giving welfare pledging the future of its citizens. Look at it now. Populism destroys human values of pride, self-respect and hard work. Populism, when unleashed, doesn't go away and often eats its own master. It certainly contributed to the fall of the PTP. History is a good teacher, but the PTP and Yingluck knew better and now their erosive corrupt policies are coming back to haunt them, but the current govt is the target of blame on the uneducated as they are conditioned to focus on a carrot just out of reach. Like the fallout from a nuclear holocaust the famers would blame the people trying to decontaminate the area instead of the people that dropped the bomb. They know no better. I pity them.

Of course has the tax money assisted the sector towards sustainability, such as research and development, irrigation, transportation, financial management, cooperatives and agriculture education that Prayut is looking at pushing on with the sustainable agricultural framework to help the farmers, not bribe them. These efforts of sustainability have multiplier effects that have the power to eventually lift poor farmers out of poverty.

I feel that funding for these longer-term measures however should have been accompanied by several sensible short-term measures to alleviate the innocent, "handout addicted" victims of the populist unsustainable fallout.

The PTP...Really keep on giving and giving well after they have gone. I bet you will, not see anyone from the UDD or PTP offering constructive advice on how to help the farmers because the farmers cannot vote now. As soon as they have the power to vote the PTP and UDD will magically start caring as that is when it suits their agenda.

EDIT - I love this comment "People want to protest," said Sabina Shah, a local leader of Thaksin's "red shirt" supporters in Khon Kaen" Well Sabina the farmers wanted to protest when yingluck was in power as well, but they were unfortunately turned back by the red shirts, intimidated and their families threatened.

"farmers have grown so accustomed to that carrot that is just out of reach"

Yes those pesky poor farmers why don't they just shut up and love the Junta? so accustomed to that "carrot" they really should know their place huh??? why should the last government want to try and help them with subsidies eh? (yes we know it was mis-managed) why not let them starve! EU and USA too!!! stop ALL the farming subsidies dear WORLD

One might think this all has nothing to do with politics and something to do with RICE - if one were a fool that is

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Stories like this are just unnecessary sh** - stirring. They have no editorial value.

I live in rural Issan, and there is no evidence to me (and I am a long term resident, and have personal contact with area administrators and headmen) that the general population feels this way. Sure they are pissed off with Mr. P and his cohorts, just as much as other provinces I might add, but are ready to light the fuse again, no way. People are tired of politics they just want to get on with life. I know folk who supported the red shirts, but now just turn their backs on them in the talat. Most were thugs driven by greed. One old member of my extended family said to me, wisely, that these people were an affront to Thai culture. I was so pleased when I heard him say that.

Edited by Mot Dang
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It'll all come to a head one day and I am convinced Yingluck will be treated far more kindly by history than the current installed PM. The rice scheme was poorly managed but well intended and now the subsidies have stopped and the farmers, once AGAIN, will suffer and does the Junta care? we know the answer to THAT.

So much ignorance in one post!

Does 'poorly managed' = financially raped of over 600 Billion Baht?

Who do you think instigated the 1,000 Baht per rai payments last year and the support payments this year?

You obviously have not done your homework and bought into the 'raped billions' propaganda. Where have these 'raped billions' gone? has anyone been arrested for corruption? or are you making it all up?

Why is it the red shirts always seem to say these words when they're dysfunctional government was finally kicked to the curb !! Propaganda, wasn't us, we don't lie, we didn't bomb anyone, they started it, what rice what money, what thugs, we didn't kill anyone they killed them selves and the best one of all was/is T is not running the circus YL is 100%......... Lol

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It's a basic rule of thumb that you need a 50k+ monthly salary in order to buy a new car on credit and run it. Many financial problems in low income Isaan are self inflicted. One hardly sees any red plates in the area now though.

My maid got a new truck with a very small downpayment. And we pay her WAY less than 50k/month! LOL

Thats the core of the problem, isnt it. My simple car costs me about 20k a month. Gas, insurance, tax, maintenance and depreciation. Once you drive a car, you want to keep doing that and need to depreciate your asset. Took me years to explain that to my in-laws and they still don't really understand it.

I bought my Ford Ranger 4 door 4x4 pick up truck back in 2001. 50% down and the rest over 4 years.

In running costs it is about 6,000 THB per month which includes tax, insurance, tyres etc and it now has 326,xxx on the clock and is needing a bit more in the way of repairs. It has cost about 45,000 this year but very little in the years before. I could probably afford to replace it with a new one but it doesn't get used as much now and it is probably cheaper to keep fixing it than paying say 15,000 baht a month or 180,000 a year.

We live in rural Thailand so the pickup is the most convenient vehicle to have.

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Their economic hardship is self-made, due to their reliance on paddy farming.

Issarn was never suited for growing crops requiring much water, as much of this region is hilly terrain. But cleared the forest and jungle they did to plant rice...

OK... I'll go out on a limb here (perhaps). How labor intensive is rice farming? How much skill/technical know how or education (of any sort) is required?

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Thais are rolling snake eyes. Alternatively known as "crapping out."

Thats not right. "Crapping out" is throwing a 7 when you are on a point. You still control the dice when you roll a 2; you just lose your bet.

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They thought loans were gifts, probably what the PTP told them. Now they have to pay back they blame the current government. Instead of changing their ways they are constantly asking for handouts. This is how they are bought by the PTP, and the reason they are angry now. They are not being bribed to vote this time.

They should be helped to change crops, not paying over market price and doing the same stupid thing over and over again. Farming rice does not work but they keep doing it. They say Thailand has a low unemployment rate, let these guys work plenty of immigrants doing work so why can't these guys do the same jobs ?

Sounds almost the same as those living of welfare in my own country, always wanting more and help but not working while others do work.

" Farming rice does not work..."

Huh? Thailand is the world's second largest rice exporter and farming rice does not work?? Even if market prices are depressed right now it doesn't mean they will remain so forever. Farming rice will never make the actual farmers rich but it's put bread on the table (pun intended) for centuries. Besides, it's a winning situation for the junta. Keeping the rural population suitably poor, uneducated and indoctrinated is a way to ensure the continued domination of the old elite.

Of course, if they get too poor then the lid might come off despite dancing girls in camo shorts, reciting Uncle Too's principles, marching and flag waving.

The system in Thailand for farming has to change but it will take a long time. Small hold farming is struggling and the only way out for the farmers is some kind of fixed price assistance.

However, it would be interesting also to see where the current budget is being disbursed. Under previous trt govt, money was also being spent in the provinces for infrastructure. The moment the previous coup happened and then the dems were installed, that tap was cut off too.

What odds the same is happening now?

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What amazes me is the total lack of intellectual curiosity by the majority of Thai's I meet, which also carries over to the present state of government in their country, they could truly care less. When I talk with my Thai acquaintances (as an ATM card it's impossible for me to have a friend except for my favorite ATM machine, she's always there for me when I need to rent a "friend") they seem to be oblivious to the present state of affairs in their country and how the coup has affected their country's standing in the world's view. When I try to explain that eventually the chickens are going to come home to roost and that the Thai economy's slow and steady decline over the last 18 months is directly connected to the the takeover of the country by the dictatorship presently in place, I get blank stares and "did someone say we're eating chicken tonight!!" biggrin.png

After being here for an extended period of time I have come to realize that there's no hope for Thailand, because they have no interest in helping themselves. And the powers that be have no desire of elevating Thai's education system, I assume because an uneducated and uninformed population can be more easily manipulated than an educated and informed population. As the present dictator said (paraphrasing), we need our children and teachers to be less engaged in critical thinking and more engaged in showing respect for tradition's of Thailand.

All that said, this is such a beautiful country with a wealth of resources and it's very sad that a nation of people (mostly good and willing to work hard) will not have the opportunity to live up to their potential mostly due to the factions on both sides of this argument having their own self serving interest at heart.

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Time to open up many more industries in Thailand to foreign companies. Look at the benefits to Thai consumers foreign investment and competition has brought to the retail sector. Foreign investment has brought hundreds of thousands of well-paying jobs to Thailand, particularly in the industrial areas.

Yet, Thailand still clings to its protectionist policies to ensure one or two Sino-Thai families retain complete control of each sector of the economy.

The trouble is the same Sino-Thai families control the politicians and the government so things are unlikely to open up unless forced from outside. Who will pay for this policy of protectionism? The Thai consumer in terms of lower quality products and services at higher prices and lower wages and lower returns for their agricultural produce.

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What a complete load of BS : who writes these articles ?.

The 'generous subsidies' had already run out of money before the last government left office because the scheme was unsustainable and rife with corruption. They had already 'borrowed' from other budgets. Farmers were not being paid and had taken out loans because they were planting as many crops each years as they could to take advantage. Suicides of those unable to pay them back were on the increase long before the coup.

If those 'mega loans' had been taken out off-budget, they would have been siphoned away on vote buying schemes like this leaving the tax-payer with a 50 year burden and little to show for it.

It has nothing to do with the red-shirt threats of revolt. They think they lost their free lunch and they want it back. We won't see any spontaneous protests from these people : only free parties on organised coaches. Contrast that with the protesters against the amnesty bill who turned out on a matter of decency and principle even though they knew they might get murdered on the streets without any police protection.

In case this joke of a journalist didn't realise, the whole world has been suffering economic hardship for more than 6 years now.

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The Isaan farmers should stop growing rice except for enough to feed their family. The rest of the year they can go work in a factory or drive taxi in bangkok, to service the debts.

They wouldnot sell one grain of rice. Bangkok citizens could import their rice. The export of rice would be finished. 5% of the economy gone. Stop being used and fight back where it hurts. As long as they produce it the rich will try to get as cheap as they can. Stop production and donot start again till they get some of their demands met.

Let them do that or get some cooperatives working (seems Thais don't like those don't trust their own). Let them try to improve their own lot in a good way. Not by handouts but like you said stop producing. The price of rice will go up again and then they can start over. But they have hurt the rich rice millers then.

Normal people wont hurt as there is an oversupply of rice anyway that can be imported from countries like Vietnam that are far more productive per rai of land.

I have stayed in Issan and was thinking exactly the same.

The farmers should start co-operatives together like investing in a tractor among small farm holders. They should clean and pack products for retail; i.e. add value to the products.

They also need to diversify into other crops and farm more for self sufficiency like the king suggested 30:30:30:10 and therefore not be reliant on a crop of rice or sugar cane for finances for the rest of the year.

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What a complete load of BS : who writes these articles ?.

The 'generous subsidies' had already run out of money before the last government left office because the scheme was unsustainable and rife with corruption. They had already 'borrowed' from other budgets. Farmers were not being paid and had taken out loans because they were planting as many crops each years as they could to take advantage. Suicides of those unable to pay them back were on the increase long before the coup.

If those 'mega loans' had been taken out off-budget, they would have been siphoned away on vote buying schemes like this leaving the tax-payer with a 50 year burden and little to show for it.

It has nothing to do with the red-shirt threats of revolt. They think they lost their free lunch and they want it back. We won't see any spontaneous protests from these people : only free parties on organised coaches. Contrast that with the protesters against the amnesty bill who turned out on a matter of decency and principle even though they knew they might get murdered on the streets without any police protection.

In case this joke of a journalist didn't realise, the whole world has been suffering economic hardship for more than 6 years now.

Oh John, here you go again. Sometimes I think you're just trolling like djjamie.

"Contrast that with the protesters against the amnesty bill who turned out on a matter of decency and principle even though they knew they might get murdered on the streets without any police protection."

Decency and principle, John? Led by the decent and principled robber rubber baron? If you think that Suthep is decent and principled then you are so far out there that even some of your fellow junta lovers will shy away from you!

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I hope when they really start to protest, that they direct their anger towards the person mostly responsible, the one who screwed them over on the rice scheme and ruined Thailand for years to come, the one who encouraged them all to get into debt and buy new cars, trucks, houses and smartphones, the one who claimed to be doing everything for their benefit. But they won't, cos he's their hero and can do no wrong and it's always someone else's fault.

They might want to start looking at growing alternative crops and different ways of farming rather than repeating the same old tired cycle over and over again hoping for a better result. That's insanity. One of my friends up North has done this, and they're laughing. Diversification, works wonders.

A few friends and I converted the rice field to mix by digging swales by hand. It holds more water and gives you a raised area to plant bananas or whatever. The locals antagonised us, laughed at first, but now everyone can see the huge difference.

Got the same shit down here in Pranburi ( i knew it was one of he driest places in Thailand) when I dug an 8 metre deep lake of more than 1 rai then also drilled two 85 metre deep wells and they all though i was mad as the cost was about 150k for all and "rainy season will come".

The local irrigation channels get almost zero maintenance, crumbling concrete and left to get so overgrown they use a Makro to try and clean them off, nn the process of doing so demolishing even more of the concrete side walls

To be honest.............theyre idiots.

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I hope when they really start to protest, that they direct their anger towards the person mostly responsible, the one who screwed them over on the rice scheme and ruined Thailand for years to come, the one who encouraged them all to get into debt and buy new cars, trucks, houses and smartphones, the one who claimed to be doing everything for their benefit. But they won't, cos he's their hero and can do no wrong and it's always someone else's fault.

They might want to start looking at growing alternative crops and different ways of farming rather than repeating the same old tired cycle over and over again hoping for a better result. That's insanity. One of my friends up North has done this, and they're laughing. Diversification, works wonders.

Your statement is spot on.

They were conned by Thaksin and puppet Yingluck who it would appear was working on behalf of the USA (maybe Thaksin was working for the CIA? ) as he was basically selling the western model (get into personal debt to live beyond one's means).

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What a complete load of BS : who writes these articles ?.

The 'generous subsidies' had already run out of money before the last government left office because the scheme was unsustainable and rife with corruption. They had already 'borrowed' from other budgets. Farmers were not being paid and had taken out loans because they were planting as many crops each years as they could to take advantage. Suicides of those unable to pay them back were on the increase long before the coup.

If those 'mega loans' had been taken out off-budget, they would have been siphoned away on vote buying schemes like this leaving the tax-payer with a 50 year burden and little to show for it.

It has nothing to do with the red-shirt threats of revolt. They think they lost their free lunch and they want it back. We won't see any spontaneous protests from these people : only free parties on organised coaches. Contrast that with the protesters against the amnesty bill who turned out on a matter of decency and principle even though they knew they might get murdered on the streets without any police protection.

In case this joke of a journalist didn't realise, the whole world has been suffering economic hardship for more than 6 years now.

Oh John, here you go again. Sometimes I think you're just trolling like djjamie.

"Contrast that with the protesters against the amnesty bill who turned out on a matter of decency and principle even though they knew they might get murdered on the streets without any police protection."

Decency and principle, John? Led by the decent and principled robber rubber baron? If you think that Suthep is decent and principled then you are so far out there that even some of your fellow junta lovers will shy away from you!

Silly me and I thought it was the police that need protection against the PDRC decent and principle mob.

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