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Donald Trump: I would send Syrian refugees home

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It marks a reversal in policy - earlier this month he told Fox News the US should take in more refugees.

So once again Trump shows that he actually has no clear policies, but just turns his coat to the wind direction.

Good luck with such a mental unstable person in the white house.

Trump is not in the White House nor will Trump be in the White House. Far from it and you can bet the farm on the fact the only way in for Trump is as a tourist.

One rare occasion I hope you are right ...electoral votes are at times dumb and easily fooled by the glamor of TV and cheap tough talk ...hopefully at the end of the exercise we can breathe easy knowing not all are that easily fooled

Take it to the bank.

It also merits pointing out the people who support Trump are not being fooled by Trump or the other candidates of either political party. The people who support Trump are consciously nativist, anti-immigrant, anti-black, oppose feminism, detest gay equality under law, believe the president is a Muslim brother and that that's bad, want the US military to bomb the bad guyz back to the stone age (all of 'em, everywhere, enemies of the USA), throw up tariffs....one gets the idea about these Trump people.

Nobody's fooling them cause they believe this crackpot madness. It's not like they're being misled or exploited by Trump or politicians like Trump. Recall the rightwing extremist racist Jean-Marie LePen against Jacques Chirac in the 2002 presidential election in France in which election French voters re-elected Chirac with 80% of the total vote. LePen voters knew what they wanted, LePen met the demand, and the 20% of voters cheerfully and with full trust and belief voted for LePen. Nobody fooled anybody then and there, and nobody is fooling anybody in the USA in the here and now.

Trump supporters are evangelical church goers, Republicans, rightwingnuts, tea party extremists, people who knowingly want simple answers that are direct and to the point, such as "deport 'em all, now." There's no tomfoolery involved in this. People who support Trump know what they want and why. Only a few would have strayed over to mingle among the Trump crowd of supporters.

Which is why Trump won't ever be elected POTUS unless Hillary Rodham Clinton has a sex change operation which is as likely as Trump himself having one. The two could then switch party and still no one would be fooled. The Trump supporters who say they will vote for him know what and why. That they are idiots is beside the point because they are natural born losers and every society has 'em.

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It marks a reversal in policy - earlier this month he told Fox News the US should take in more refugees.

So once again Trump shows that he actually has no clear policies, but just turns his coat to the wind direction.

Good luck with such a mental unstable person in the white house.

Trump is not in the White House nor will Trump be in the White House. Far from it and you can bet the farm on the fact the only way in for Trump is as a tourist.

Unfortunately, the 'wack-job do-gooder middle-American pseudo-intellectuals' have left the barn-door open...and yes...he will gain access to the White House.

'People get the government they deserve'


Millions of Americans probably don't even know where Syria is !!

Why would that make any difference? Americans watch the news where people from the Middle East are throwing poop at the police and shouting ala something F you. They know Obama wants those poop throwing people to come to America.

Refugees Chant “Alxxxxx,” “<deleted> You,” Attack Citizens, Throw Feces you can google it.

I realize you all want to bash those uneducated Americans but in 2014 more Americans traveled abroad than the total population of the UK. http://www.ibtimes.com/americans-traveled-abroad-record-numbers-2014-1826816

  • Europe: 11.9 million American visitors
  • Caribbean: 7.2 million American visitors
  • Asia: 4.5 million American visitors
  • Central America: 2.7 million American visitors
  • Middle East: 1.8 million American visitors
  • South America: 1.8 million American visitors
  • Oceania: 601,000 American visitors
  • Africa: 358,000 American visitors

Unfortunately, the 'wack-job do-gooder middle-American pseudo-intellectuals' have left the barn-door open...and yes...he will gain access to the White House.

'People get the government they deserve'

Then we don't have to worry about those folks from Syria and Yemen and........ coffee1.gif After all they got the government they deserve.


He's in buffoon mode again.

He would be damaging the credibility of entire U.S.A. brand doing stuff like that.

Give asylum, it's done, as the new U.S. president he would be obligated to honor previous asylum grants.

If he could manage his mouth, he might really have a chance. But it's clear he can't, so he doesn't.

The USA 'brand' no longer has any credibility.

Guess then the disillusioned will need to turn to Moscow and Beijing.


I say send all the Asylum seekers home and not accept any more.. like the Japanese they plan to take care of their citizens first.



He's in buffoon mode again.

He would be damaging the credibility of entire U.S.A. brand doing stuff like that.

Give asylum, it's done, as the new U.S. president he would be obligated to honor previous asylum grants.

If he could manage his mouth, he might really have a chance. But it's clear he can't, so he doesn't.

The USA 'brand' no longer has any credibility.

For you when did the credibility go? 1944?


He's in buffoon mode again.

He would be damaging the credibility of entire U.S.A. brand doing stuff like that.

Give asylum, it's done, as the new U.S. president he would be obligated to honor previous asylum grants.

If he could manage his mouth, he might really have a chance. But it's clear he can't, so he doesn't.

The USA 'brand' no longer has any credibility.

For you when did the credibility go? 1944?

Probably after he found out we faked the moon landings. laugh.png

If not then certainly for sure when Barack Obama was elected prez clap2.gif (Apologies to friends on the lunar right biggrin.png )


Millions of Americans probably don't even know where Syria is !!

Why would that make any difference? Americans watch the news where people from the Middle East are throwing poop at the police and shouting ala something F you. They know Obama wants those poop throwing people to come to America.

Refugees Chant “Alxxxxx,” “<deleted> You,” Attack Citizens, Throw Feces you can google it.

I realize you all want to bash those uneducated Americans but in 2014 more Americans traveled abroad than the total population of the UK. http://www.ibtimes.com/americans-traveled-abroad-record-numbers-2014-1826816

  • Europe: 11.9 million American visitors
  • Caribbean: 7.2 million American visitors
  • Asia: 4.5 million American visitors
  • Central America: 2.7 million American visitors
  • Middle East: 1.8 million American visitors
  • South America: 1.8 million American visitors
  • Oceania: 601,000 American visitors
  • Africa: 358,000 American visitors

And according to 2013 figures, 64% of American citizens have never been abroad.

The past summer, 58% of UK citizens travelled abroad.

Proportionally, the number of students from EU countries who study abroad is huge. It is now an expected part of the curriculum for all students, not just the wealthy few.

The sad fact is that huge numbers of USA citizens have never experienced what it is like to be surrounded by people who do not speak your language and do not share your culture. For the rest of the Western countries, this is a normal experience.


Millions of Americans probably don't even know where Syria is !!

Why would that make any difference? Americans watch the news where people from the Middle East are throwing poop at the police and shouting ala something F you. They know Obama wants those poop throwing people to come to America.

Refugees Chant “Alxxxxx,” “<deleted> You,” Attack Citizens, Throw Feces you can google it.

I realize you all want to bash those uneducated Americans but in 2014 more Americans traveled abroad than the total population of the UK. http://www.ibtimes.com/americans-traveled-abroad-record-numbers-2014-1826816

  • Europe: 11.9 million American visitors
  • Caribbean: 7.2 million American visitors
  • Asia: 4.5 million American visitors
  • Central America: 2.7 million American visitors
  • Middle East: 1.8 million American visitors
  • South America: 1.8 million American visitors
  • Oceania: 601,000 American visitors
  • Africa: 358,000 American visitors

And according to 2013 figures, 64% of American citizens have never been abroad.

The past summer, 58% of UK citizens travelled abroad.

Proportionally, the number of students from EU countries who study abroad is huge. It is now an expected part of the curriculum for all students, not just the wealthy few.

The sad fact is that huge numbers of USA citizens have never experienced what it is like to be surrounded by people who do not speak your language and do not share your culture. For the rest of the Western countries, this is a normal experience.

Last year Americans made 23 million trips to Mexico and 12m trips to Canada. People from USA account for 70 percent of Canada's $75 bn tourism industry and even more for Mexico.

I myself traveled to Canada a dozen times before I got a passport, given it wuz a 6-hour easy drive along scenic roads in New Hampshire, Vermont, Quebec province. As for a foreign language, it's just much easier for an American to converse with most Canadians than to try to understand most Brits or even moreso almost any Australian. wink.png In Bangkok I talked with a guy from Ireland one time and still have no idea what he said. A Canadian here once asked me what the f*** a fortnight was so I told him it was something I'd read from Shakespeare in high school but that wuz all I could say to him about it. One of my Thai 10th graders went to Wales to live and study a year and I since haven't understood him either. smile.png I did ask him whether England and Wales was one word there yet (EnglandandWales).

Since 9/11 passport rules have changed either way among USA, Mexico, Canada, but its still pretty liberal and flexible.

I didn't get a passport until I went to visit some American friends who'd relocated to Italy where most Americans living abroad reside, more than in any other country.

Something like 80K Americans are retired in Mexico and I may go there myself just to be closer to home than I have been around here for so long.

Do you know how far UK and Greece are from Boston or New York? When I first came over to this neck of the woods I flew from Atlanta to Seoul and we'd flown for so long I thought I'd arrived on Mars. It seemed we flew for dayze and nights, to include a stop in the pitch dark at 3 pm in Anchorage. Have some perspective plse thx.

I can tell you Korean food in the US is hardly different from what it is in S Korea...same is true of USA-Thailand food except for sometimes going easier on the hot stuff. Korean restaurants in the USA are run by Koreans; same for Thai restaurants there; same for Chinese, and for many Italian restaurants, French etc etc.

There's somebody's ethnic or religious festival each weekend anywhere in the USA. It's not being abroad but it is a great exposure to the cultures and ethnic groups of the world than to live only in Thailand or only Germany or only China etc etc. At one festival in the sticks of Thailand some old rich farmer said to me we don't have that stuff in the USA so I had to say, except somewhat for the language thingy, been there, done this ethnic festival stuff.



The funniest show in Bollywood - watching Americans electing their Presidents.

The results are just as funny as the process.

Yes especially since the trump wont even be the candidate. Its funny watching the extremists get their knickers in a twist over someone who wont even be the nominee.


He is winning in his opinion by driving the talking points of the election so far.

He's touching third rail stuff that career politicians avoid.

He has nothing to lose and will spin his participation to improve his "brand".

U.S. Elected a peanut farmer not so long ago so

a political outsider is not so far fetched.

I think Putin in Syria has only bolstered his opinion that Obama is weak and we have idiots running the government and U.S. Foreign Policy is a disaster.

I think many people love to hear him say what they are thinking and saying amongst themselves.

He is breaking the equivalent of LM laws here,,

Politically Correct speech at all times or suffer the wrath of pitchfork and torch carrying mobs.

He's making the election entertaining so far and I'm enjoying watching the "the talking heads" (on the left and right) heads explode trying to explain his poll numbers and discredit him all at the same time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Millions of Americans probably don't even know where Syria is !!

Why would that make any difference? Americans watch the news where people from the Middle East are throwing poop at the police and shouting ala something F you. They know Obama wants those poop throwing people to come to America.

Refugees Chant Alxxxxx, <deleted> You, Attack Citizens, Throw Feces you can google it.

I realize you all want to bash those uneducated Americans but in 2014 more Americans traveled abroad than the total population of the UK. http://www.ibtimes.com/americans-traveled-abroad-record-numbers-2014-1826816

  • Europe: 11.9 million American visitors
  • Caribbean: 7.2 million American visitors
  • Asia: 4.5 million American visitors
  • Central America: 2.7 million American visitors
  • Middle East: 1.8 million American visitors
  • South America: 1.8 million American visitors
  • Oceania: 601,000 American visitors
  • Africa: 358,000 American visitors

And according to 2013 figures, 64% of American citizens have never been abroad.

The past summer, 58% of UK citizens travelled abroad.

Proportionally, the number of students from EU countries who study abroad is huge. It is now an expected part of the curriculum for all students, not just the wealthy few.

The sad fact is that huge numbers of USA citizens have never experienced what it is like to be surrounded by people who do not speak your language and do not share your culture. For the rest of the Western countries, this is a normal experience.

33 states out of 50 in USA are larger than England. You take a train across to France in minutes practically. Take a one or two hour flight out of London and you hit so many countries I couldn't even count them. Fly from Boston to San Fran it's 6 hours, drive maybe 5 days. Again perspective.


Millions of Americans probably don't even know where Syria is !!

Why would that make any difference? Americans watch the news where people from the Middle East are throwing poop at the police and shouting ala something F you. They know Obama wants those poop throwing people to come to America.

Refugees Chant “Alxxxxx,” “<deleted> You,” Attack Citizens, Throw Feces you can google it.

I realize you all want to bash those uneducated Americans but in 2014 more Americans traveled abroad than the total population of the UK. http://www.ibtimes.com/americans-traveled-abroad-record-numbers-2014-1826816

  • Europe: 11.9 million American visitors
  • Caribbean: 7.2 million American visitors
  • Asia: 4.5 million American visitors
  • Central America: 2.7 million American visitors
  • Middle East: 1.8 million American visitors
  • South America: 1.8 million American visitors
  • Oceania: 601,000 American visitors
  • Africa: 358,000 American visitors

And according to 2013 figures, 64% of American citizens have never been abroad.

The past summer, 58% of UK citizens travelled abroad.

Proportionally, the number of students from EU countries who study abroad is huge. It is now an expected part of the curriculum for all students, not just the wealthy few.

The sad fact is that huge numbers of USA citizens have never experienced what it is like to be surrounded by people who do not speak your language and do not share your culture. For the rest of the Western countries, this is a normal experience.

I don't think i have ever been abroad....but i did date a broad once. she was crazy!!

UK? Is that Kentucky?? They have a good basketball team...

Once I went to Mississippi and was surrounded by tons of people who didn't speak my language. crazy vernacular!!!

what is this BKK i keep seeing on this site? Burger King.....mmm....love burgers...

kap kap kap



U.S. Elected a peanut farmer not so long ago so


"Peanut farmer" JIMMY CARTER had been a state SENATOR and also state GOVERNOR before his election as PRESIDENT.

His is now very ill.


Millions of Americans probably don't even know where Syria is !!

Why would that make any difference? Americans watch the news where people from the Middle East are throwing poop at the police and shouting ala something F you. They know Obama wants those poop throwing people to come to America.

Refugees Chant “Alxxxxx,” “<deleted> You,” Attack Citizens, Throw Feces you can google it.

I realize you all want to bash those uneducated Americans but in 2014 more Americans traveled abroad than the total population of the UK. http://www.ibtimes.com/americans-traveled-abroad-record-numbers-2014-1826816

  • Europe: 11.9 million American visitors
  • Caribbean: 7.2 million American visitors
  • Asia: 4.5 million American visitors
  • Central America: 2.7 million American visitors
  • Middle East: 1.8 million American visitors
  • South America: 1.8 million American visitors
  • Oceania: 601,000 American visitors
  • Africa: 358,000 American visitors

And according to 2013 figures, 64% of American citizens have never been abroad.

The past summer, 58% of UK citizens travelled abroad.

Proportionally, the number of students from EU countries who study abroad is huge. It is now an expected part of the curriculum for all students, not just the wealthy few.

The sad fact is that huge numbers of USA citizens have never experienced what it is like to be surrounded by people who do not speak your language and do not share your culture. For the rest of the Western countries, this is a normal experience.

The sad fact is more Americans travelled abroad than the total population of the UK. 68 million Americans travelled abroad in 2013. Americans are surrounded by people who do not speak their language and culture every time they go to Florida or Texas. 10 million Hispanics live in Texas and 5 million Florida.

40 million Americans were not even born in America let alone traveled outside of America.

America is a land of many cultures and Americans travel abroad in larger numbers than almost any other country. Last year China spent the most in travel abroad and America was 2nd. http://uk.businessinsider.com/tourists-from-these-countries-spend-the-most-when-traveling-abroad-2015-4?r=US&IR=T

Trump realizes even though America has many different cultures the majority don't want it to turn into a terrorist country with Sharia law and all the other stuff that goes along with that culture. See the news stories about German women asked to cover up because the refugees can see them.

A school in Bavaria has sent a letter home to parents warning them not to let their daughters wear revealing blouses or short skirts, because emergency accommodation for refugees has been set up next to the gym.



The thing is: Trump (and many other modern politicians who tap into the anger that so many ordinary people in various countries feel as they see their countries trampled upon) is expressing what a lot of people (maybe the majority) deep down feel.


Another moron destined for failure ...if he gets elected ...it's because the democratic electorate is truly dumb and want to send USA foreign policy to the gutters and be an international embarrassment

Moron or not......he's looking pretty darn good in the polls......and unless some of the other candidates pull something special out of the hat.....they're gone!


At least Donald Trump has sound economic policies. Ha!

Conservative economists have broken down his massive 'make everyone happy' tax cut plan (especially the top 1%), showing it leaves the federal government with a $10 trillion revenue hole over ten years.

When pressed on the details, he fired back," Don't worry about it. I have the best minds and the best business people on my team." Have to wonder if these are the same great business minds which drove four Trump companies into bankruptcy, leaving many investors holding the bag.

Donald Trump 2016
Leaving America Holding the Bag.



Half a million people have crossed the Mediterranean into Europe in 2015, with the largest number from Syria, where 250,000 people have been killed in a civil war.

Just to get some figures right here:

Since Sept. 1st 270.00 refugees came to Germany alone, half oft hem unregistered.

By now it is almost a daily routine for the police to stop fights between different ethnic and religious groups in the camps. It looks like the "refuge seekers" only import the problems which left their home countries in a mess to a new location where they receive shelter, food, housing, and money.

How long will the native population tolerate this behavior?

Until a guy like Trump runs for office in Germany and France and the UK.

I think Germany tried one solution but it didn't work out too well for them.


Half a million people have crossed the Mediterranean into Europe in 2015, with the largest number from Syria, where 250,000 people have been killed in a civil war.

Just to get some figures right here:

Since Sept. 1st 270.00 refugees came to Germany alone, half oft hem unregistered.

By now it is almost a daily routine for the police to stop fights between different ethnic and religious groups in the camps. It looks like the "refuge seekers" only import the problems which left their home countries in a mess to a new location where they receive shelter, food, housing, and money.

How long will the native population tolerate this behavior?

Until a guy like Trump runs for office in Germany and France and the UK.

I think Germany tried one solution but it didn't work out too well for them.

Because of aging populations both Germany and Japan really need more working age people to support large groups of retired people.


Don't count on it the electorate body has been dumb enough to send two Bush into presidency even though they were idiots too

There are people abroad who need to improve their alleged analysis of the US political system from primary voting to the nominating convention, on to the general election and electoral college.

These amateur analysts need to be advised in the most clear terms that Donald Trump will never be elected POTUS. As just one real world indicator, the current odds on Trump being elected POTUS are 8-1 which converts to an 11% probability. On Sept 1st Trump was at 4-1 (20% probability). For the Republican party nomination, Trump is at 9-2 odds (18% probability). Oddsmaking moves more cautiously than public polling does and while oddsmaking has a qualified predictive value, it has a strong track record in elections of the president (excepting the year 2000 when all bets got hit by a bushfire).

(Hillary Rodham Clinton is currently at 4-11 or 73% for the D party nomination and 5-4 or 44% for POTUS which is far and away from competitors for either.)

So only the rightwingnutosphere in the US and some certain other outliers abroad believe Donald Trump has some kind of realistic shot at being elected POTUS (or to be nominated by the R party for POTUS).

Again, let's deal with reality. Donald Trump will never be elected POTUS.

Not in a million years.

It is nonetheless entertaining to see the clown in action and to log the reaction of his clone clowns. And it is amusing to see Trump popularise the Regressive Era of the Republican party in the USA.

In speaking of it to anyone CCP Chinese or of CCP Chinese ancestry , it could be said Donald Trump is America's Jiang Zemin, except that, unlike Jiang who ruled for ten years of tyranny in the CCP, Trump is already a has been that never was or will be.


Love his comment. If he sends all Syrian refugees home and all illegal aliens home especially the mexicans and the muslims! Go Trump!


Did he actually say 'refugees' or 'migrants'? There is a difference.

Edit having seen the video, Trump talked about Mass Migration and used the phrase 'They are going back'. So the yellow press replaces they by the word refugees without even seeking to get clarification of there were any ambiguity. There should be ambiguity there, especially in light of Trumps previous comments on quote 'refugees'.

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