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US: Multiple deaths in school shooting in Oregon State

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If he really wanted an Abraham's tank or a LAWS rocket or a flamethrower he could have gotten one of those if he looked hard enough too but the difference between those things and pistols is that there are so many guns in the U.S. that you only have to break into 2-3 houses until you've got your self an untraceable gun. If you only want to murder someone and and burglary isn't your thing you can go to a local gun show and walk out with a gun, or find an ad on Craigslist or the news paper and legally buy a gun from a private party. When I lived in Houston I saw an ad for a Walther PPK, called the guy up went to his house and paid $400 and walked out with a unregistered handgun. He was a Baptist preacher and was wearing a holder with Glock 9mm.

It's the proliferation and the ease in obtaining handguns that's the problem, too easy for angry, mentally unstable or criminally-minded people to buy unregistered weapons. Too easy to buy or find one in the heat of the moment before people have a chance to cool down and consider their actions. If you can easily stockpile weapons and sit in you house dry-firing weapons and playing Robert De Niro from Taxi Driver in front of a mirror it's not a long jump to loading up and going out and shooting up a school or shopping mall.

I'm all for people owning hunting rifles and shotguns and even sidearms if they're trained on them, approved to own one and the weapons are registered.

I can even own a pistol in the Netherlands where even most police aren't armed. I can't carry it around loaded and when it's home it has to be locked in a safe that the police wrote off on. If the U.S. had laws like like there wouldn't be a fraction of these public massacres by crazy people.

If you have to fly to Australia to buy a gun and then take a boat back, that alone would weed out all but the very determined. BTW Australia tightened up their gun laws after the worst gun massacre on record in 1996 and they haven't had a single mass shooting since and firearm fatalities have dropped 7% every year since then. Crime's gone down, not up, people still drink beer, go out, have fun, enjoy their lives, the world didn't end just because the government instituted sensible gun laws.

Not true!

"But not only was UCC not a gun free zone by law, there were also people who brought guns onto campus at the time of the massacre.

John Parker Jr., a veteran and student at UCC, spoke with MSNBC and revealed that he was in a campus building with a concealed handgun when the shooting started. He suggested other students with him at the time were also carrying concealed handguns."


So you think if everyone in the country was carrying a side-arm, nobody would ever get shot? cheesy.gif

I have a friend who is a cop, he accidentally shot himself in the leg. This is a guy who was trained in using firearms.

I was in the office of a gun range getting ready to do shooting and I head a shot. The manager called out to the room next to the office "Are you okay?...Are you okay?"

After a pause, his disgusted-sounded wife finally replied. "yes...". "I didn't know it was loaded!" "you never know it was loaded when this happens". (Evidently not the first time.)

This time the round when through the cherrywood case of a set of dueling pistols on the shelf.

This is a guy whose life revolves around guns.

A baby reached into her mother's purse and shot her mom in the head and killed her last month. Countless children are killed or injured playing with handguns, and these are just the accidents.

The U.S. has by far the highest number per capita of firearm deaths. The U.S. has the most guns per capita. Think it's just a coincidence?

The U.S. also has the highest prison population per capita. 698 per 100k, England, where they like to drink, a lot has only148. Scotland where drinking heavily and brawling on the weekend is almost a national pastime is only at 145, Japan is only 45 per 100k. You know what they all have in common? An idiot with a bad attitude can't walk into a gun trade show at the local auditorium and slip $200 under the table and walk out with a loaded weapon and proceed to slaughter innocent people.

It's easier to get a gun than is it to get a dentist appointment. It's easier to get a gun than get an abortion. A license to drive, where you'd have to be extra skilled to kill more than 4 people at once takes from 3 weeks to 3 months and you have to study and pass tests, provide ID and proof of ID and have your picture taken before the government trusts you to drive a car.

Sorry, more guns mean more problems, not the other way around.

It was a gun free zone, and like most of these places that makes them a turkey shoot. Even the security guards were unarmed.

US prison pop, baby shooting mom, cop shoots self in leg; what does this stuff have to do with an anti Christian nut asking people if they were Christian and then killing them? If the guy really wanted a gun and they were not available in the USA he could go to Australia and buy one and sail back to Oregon with it. You think every boat docking in Oregon is adequately searched?

My point is how he got the gun has nothing to do with the murders.


The Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good..... Oh.

HOUSTON -- One man is injured after a carjacking and shooting at a gas station in north Houston Saturday night.

Houston police responded to a shooting call around 11:15 p.m. Saturday at a Valero gas station on Jensen Drive at Reid Street in north Houston. Officials say two men jumped another man in the gas station parking lot and took the victim's Chevrolet pickup truck. Police say a witness then pulled out a gun and began shooting at the suspects, accidentally hitting the carjacking victim in the head.



The Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good..... Oh.

HOUSTON -- One man is injured after a carjacking and shooting at a gas station in north Houston Saturday night.

Houston police responded to a shooting call around 11:15 p.m. Saturday at a Valero gas station on Jensen Drive at Reid Street in north Houston. Officials say two men jumped another man in the gas station parking lot and took the victim's Chevrolet pickup truck. Police say a witness then pulled out a gun and began shooting at the suspects, accidentally hitting the carjacking victim in the head.


Petrol stations should be made gun free zones.


States should keep making gun free zones. Pretty soon the whole country will be one big interconnected gun free zone. It follows logically that if all areas are gun free, nobody really needs a gun anymore. Simples!


And 70 million students went to school that day and didn't get killed. So the odds of being killed that day were 1.85714286e-7 percent. Of course, on all the days since, they've been zero.


And 70 million students went to school that day and didn't get killed. So the odds of being killed that day were 1.85714286e-7 percent. Of course, on all the days since, they've been zero.

In no time at all it will be more than zero.


And 70 million students went to school that day and didn't get killed. So the odds of being killed that day were 1.85714286e-7 percent. Of course, on all the days since, they've been zero.

True, but nine mum's and dad's were still devastated......sad.png

That's true...just reiterating that going to school is still very safe.

No matter how many people weren't shot dead on that day; nine dead students is nine too many!

America's Top Killing Machine

Gun deaths are poised to surpass automobile deaths in the United States this year.

Car crashes killed 33,561 people in 2012, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Firearms killed 32,251 people in the United States in 2011, the most recent year for which the Centers for Disease Control has data.

But this year gun deaths are expected to surpass car deaths. That's according to a Center for American Progress report, which cites CDC data that shows guns will kill more Americans under 25 than cars in 2015. Already more than a quarter of the teenagers—15 years old and up—who die of injuries in the United States are killed in gun-related incidents, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Before anyone else points it out; most of those deaths were suicides or accidental, as if that makes them ok!

But, according to FBI data, in 2012, the latest year for which I can find figures, out of 12,765 murder victims in the USA 8,855 were murdered by firearms. That's an average of over 24 gun homicides per day!


No matter how many people weren't shot dead on that day; nine dead students is nine too many!

America's Top Killing Machine

Gun deaths are poised to surpass automobile deaths in the United States this year.

Car crashes killed 33,561 people in 2012, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Firearms killed 32,251 people in the United States in 2011, the most recent year for which the Centers for Disease Control has data.

But this year gun deaths are expected to surpass car deaths. That's according to a Center for American Progress report, which cites CDC data that shows guns will kill more Americans under 25 than cars in 2015. Already more than a quarter of the teenagers15 years old and upwho die of injuries in the United States are killed in gun-related incidents, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Before anyone else points it out; most of those deaths were suicides or accidental, as if that makes them ok!

But, according to FBI data, in 2012, the latest year for which I can find figures, out of 12,765 murder victims in the USA 8,855 were murdered by firearms. That's an average of over 24 gun homicides per day!

So what's that, an average of one homicide in each state every other day...I think as a nation of over 300 million, the United States can absorb that attrition rate.

No matter how many people weren't shot dead on that day; nine dead students is nine too many!

America's Top Killing Machine

Gun deaths are poised to surpass automobile deaths in the United States this year.

Car crashes killed 33,561 people in 2012, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Firearms killed 32,251 people in the United States in 2011, the most recent year for which the Centers for Disease Control has data.

But this year gun deaths are expected to surpass car deaths. That's according to a Center for American Progress report, which cites CDC data that shows guns will kill more Americans under 25 than cars in 2015. Already more than a quarter of the teenagers15 years old and upwho die of injuries in the United States are killed in gun-related incidents, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Before anyone else points it out; most of those deaths were suicides or accidental, as if that makes them ok!

But, according to FBI data, in 2012, the latest year for which I can find figures, out of 12,765 murder victims in the USA 8,855 were murdered by firearms. That's an average of over 24 gun homicides per day!

So what's that, an average of one homicide in each state every other day...I think as a nation of over 300 million, the United States can absorb that attrition rate.

I guess its all ok unless one of your family members is killed, or should I say absorbed.

Why should there be any absorbing?


And 70 million students went to school that day and didn't get killed. So the odds of being killed that day were 1.85714286e-7 percent. Of course, on all the days since, they've been zero.

And today....

A fight that broke out between two groups of students at Northern Arizona University’s Flagstaff campus left one person dead and three hospitalized after one of the students shot the others with a handgun.

The shooter has been identified as Steven Jones, an 18-year-old freshman at the school, who has been taken into custody by campus police, according to NAU police chief Greg Fowler.

Colin Brough has been identified by the school as the student who was killed in the incident, and Nicholas Prato, Kyle Zientek and Nicholas Piring were named as the individuals who were shot but are being treated at Flagstaff Medical Center.




Yes still muslim. No dont follow islam.

I'm calling BS on this assertion. Have you ever read to Qur'an or hadiths?

Yes, and I am taught the meanings and interpretations. You?

Why would you need another person to explain the " Meanings " or have the words " interpreted " of a book you have read ?

These are the very words of Allah so shouldn't need anyone to tell you the meaning of them. They are very clear and precise in fact unlike other religious books like the Bible which are often very vague indeed

Maybe you could link us to a section of the Quran or the Hadiths that promotes love for your neighbour, turning the other cheek or treating people as you would like to be treated etc. You know anything that would maybe convince us of the religion of peace is full of love and tenderness ?


Yes still muslim. No dont follow islam.

I'm calling BS on this assertion. Have you ever read to Qur'an or hadiths?
Yes, and I am taught the meanings and interpretations. You?

Why would you need another person to explain the " Meanings " or have the words " interpreted " of a book you have read ?

These are the very words of Allah so shouldn't need anyone to tell you the meaning of them. They are very clear and precise in fact unlike other religious books like the Bible which are often very vague indeed

Maybe you could link us to a section of the Quran or the Hadiths that promotes love for your neighbour, turning the other cheek or treating people as you would like to be treated etc. You know anything that would maybe convince us of the religion of peace is full of love and tenderness ?

Why do you have teachers at school. You have text books which are clear and concise so you dont need them explained to you.

The Koran is not clear and concise.

Im afraid nothing would convince you to change your view. Ignorance is an effect of closed mindedness. I am not muslim but interested enough to want to learn what it is about.

Edit: a quick google search on muslims love their neighbours will find many quotes and interptetations. All you have to do is want to look.


Why do you have teachers at school.

Basically, to teach you how to learn. In order to do they will obviously throw in examples to use as a working subject such as mathematics. You are being taught the method to discern fact from fiction which you can then use to gain future knowledge outside of the education system.


If he really wanted an Abraham's tank or a LAWS rocket or a flamethrower he could have gotten one of those if he looked hard enough too but the difference between those things and pistols is that there are so many guns in the U.S. that you only have to break into 2-3 houses until you've got your self an untraceable gun. If you only want to murder someone and and burglary isn't your thing you can go to a local gun show and walk out with a gun, or find an ad on Craigslist or the news paper and legally buy a gun from a private party. When I lived in Houston I saw an ad for a Walther PPK, called the guy up went to his house and paid $400 and walked out with a unregistered handgun. He was a Baptist preacher and was wearing a holder with Glock 9mm.

It's the proliferation and the ease in obtaining handguns that's the problem, too easy for angry, mentally unstable or criminally-minded people to buy unregistered weapons. Too easy to buy or find one in the heat of the moment before people have a chance to cool down and consider their actions. If you can easily stockpile weapons and sit in you house dry-firing weapons and playing Robert De Niro from Taxi Driver in front of a mirror it's not a long jump to loading up and going out and shooting up a school or shopping mall.

I'm all for people owning hunting rifles and shotguns and even sidearms if they're trained on them, approved to own one and the weapons are registered.

I can even own a pistol in the Netherlands where even most police aren't armed. I can't carry it around loaded and when it's home it has to be locked in a safe that the police wrote off on. If the U.S. had laws like like there wouldn't be a fraction of these public massacres by crazy people.

If you have to fly to Australia to buy a gun and then take a boat back, that alone would weed out all but the very determined. BTW Australia tightened up their gun laws after the worst gun massacre on record in 1996 and they haven't had a single mass shooting since and firearm fatalities have dropped 7% every year since then. Crime's gone down, not up, people still drink beer, go out, have fun, enjoy their lives, the world didn't end just because the government instituted sensible gun laws.

I think you made a false statement about "not being registered", the gun was registered to the person you bought it from, is there a law in TX that you need to re-do registering of a gun? I don't know TX laws, but the gun show cash and carry days in CA were over in the 80's. Sales between privet individuals in some States needs no paperwork except a receipt. If you knowingly sale to a X-felon you can be charged.



The US love to arm the many mentally unstable people living in their dysfunctional society.

Let them live with the consequences.

This will not be the last mass murder!


No matter how many people weren't shot dead on that day; nine dead students is nine too many!

America's Top Killing Machine

Gun deaths are poised to surpass automobile deaths in the United States this year.

Car crashes killed 33,561 people in 2012, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Firearms killed 32,251 people in the United States in 2011, the most recent year for which the Centers for Disease Control has data.

But this year gun deaths are expected to surpass car deaths. That's according to a Center for American Progress report, which cites CDC data that shows guns will kill more Americans under 25 than cars in 2015. Already more than a quarter of the teenagers15 years old and upwho die of injuries in the United States are killed in gun-related incidents, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Before anyone else points it out; most of those deaths were suicides or accidental, as if that makes them ok!

But, according to FBI data, in 2012, the latest year for which I can find figures, out of 12,765 murder victims in the USA 8,855 were murdered by firearms. That's an average of over 24 gun homicides per day!

So what's that, an average of one homicide in each state every other day...I think as a nation of over 300 million, the United States can absorb that attrition rate.

I am sure it can absorb that attrition rate until it is your child or grand child, or wife, brother, Sister, Mother, Father on the end of the statistically unlikely bullet!

  • 2 weeks later...

Well we have a religious zealot here...I move that all Christians shall be burned for being the cause to all problems in the world. Afterwards, someone please discard the gay Pope.

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