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'Single Gateway' denials contradict Thai Cabinet resolutions

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'Single Gateway' Denials Contradict Cabinet Resolutions
By Khaosod English

BANGKOK — Facing broad criticism to its plan to funnel all internet traffic through a single, government-managed choke point, the military government now insists the project has not been initiated despite evidence to the contrary.

Weeks after the cabinet ordered officials to “speed up” development of the single-gateway project, officials from the top down have done an about-face after internet users banded together to bring down at least six government agencies’ websites to protest the plan.

“I have not ordered [the government] to go ahead with this. I merely told them to study it, but there has been some misinterpretation,” junta chairman Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha said today. “Right now, this matter is only under study. There’s nothing.”

Several other officials including the top telecommunications minister have come forward to echo the assertion the project hasn’t left the concept stage.

Section 1.2 of the June 30 Cabinet Resolution, a legally binding document, includes this section: The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology must also work with related agencies, such as Ministry of Justice and Royal Thai police, to proceed with implementation of a single gateway to be used as a device to control inappropriate websites and flow of news and information from overseas through the internet system.

“Let me insist this is just an idea,” Minister of Information and Communication Technology Uttama Savanayana said yesterday. “Since I took up the post a month ago, there has been no policy plan, no conclusion of what it will look like, and I have not yet proposed anything for the prime minister to deliberate.”

Junta chairman Prayuth Chan-ocha raised the project as a priority in June, according to minutes of his cabinet meetings. In subsequent meetings in July and August, the cabinet stepped up orders for officials to urgently expedite the project.

Panadda Diskul of the Prime Minister’s Office wrote on online “the prime minister merely told us to study the facts” of implementing such a system after it was proposed to the cabinet.

Panadda also took a swipe at those who participated in Wednesday’s crude denial-of-service attack, accusing them of spreading false information and rumors about the project.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1443777645

-- Khaosod English 2015-10-02


"“Let me insist this is just an idea,” Minister of Information and Communication Technology Uttama Savanayana said yesterday"

Let me insist I don't believe you!


About face!

Saving face in the era of digital communication and social media is IMPOSSIBLE cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif , but the insanity in it is, that the influential people in power are trying to save it again and again and again, no matter how much they lose face..............


this is about direction, and the PM is listening way too much to the north - this is Thailand not China dear PM, let them build your/their railway through your country and you have to pay for it ....really

The point being - this is not China - charge them for the trouble of hooking them up with south Asia, their IT network is poor - Thailand is doing better and in front


I said it on another thread recently where they were denying it was going to happen, that the denial was 100% proof it WOULD happen.


"To proceed with implementation" "to control inappropriate websites and news and information from overseas".

Not reading anything about a study there, so the confusion is coming from where???.

Leaks, they have their uses but sometimes they can come back and bite ya on the ass.

So waiting for the spinners to come out and retrieve this chest nut, especially when the order is presented in black and white huh?

As another poster said "This is not China", Hmmm anyone else remember the PM's words about China and foreigner's, "they eat bread we eat rice".

It's not looking good for the freedom of info in the future where information is controlled by a govt to decide what is and is not ok for the people.

Again the name (Thailand) translates to freedom, seems that's not the case as each day passes.


"To proceed with implementation" "to control inappropriate websites and news and information from overseas".

Not reading anything about a study there, so the confusion is coming from where???.

Leaks, they have their uses but sometimes they can come back and bite ya on the ass.

So waiting for the spinners to come out and retrieve this chest nut, especially when the order is presented in black and white huh?

As another poster said "This is not China", Hmmm anyone else remember the PM's words about China and foreigner's, "they eat bread we eat rice".

It's not looking good for the freedom of info in the future where information is controlled by a govt to decide what is and is not ok for the people.

Again the name (Thailand) translates to freedom, seems that's not the case as each day passes.



Misinterpretation is only caused when someone does not explain things properly

and if that is not the case, then the statement about misinterpretation is a lie

How do you like them Apples


Minister of Information and Communication Technology Uttama Savanayana said he is having a "Thailand internet on off switch" app written for his ultra secure Android phone. That way he can shut down the internet anytime he wants. He went on to say "Turning the internet completely off is a simple solution to a complex problem. Sometimes people over think things."


"Well, we'll study the Single-Gateway, after we install it."

There, PR problem solved.

How do you know when a Military or Police official is prevaricating?

His lips are moving.

That said, the PM has a horrible "tell" when he is playing fast/loose with the "truth".


OMG! The PM wants and despite what his underlings say (to deflect criticism) the PM will get! They got caught with their hands in the cookie jar this time. Anything in the future you will never know.

Despite the fact that they can already block inappropriate sites, one gateway will NOT lower costs (competition does that) and corporations will be concerned about the confidentiality of their information. What happens if this single gateway crashes for any reason?

This sort of Governmental control can stifle commercial entrepreneurs and e-commerce. So much for free enterprise! How about EDUCATION for kids and parents about good ways to use the internet?

All in the name of a "north korea style" control of information! And the proclaimed happiness of all Thai peoples! B.S.!

Third world soon to become fourth world? coffee1.gif


'... Uttama Savanayana said ... “Since I took up the post a month ago, there has been no policy plan ...' Nor is one likely, I should imagine.

'Panadda Diskul ... took a swipe at those who participated in Wednesday’s crude denial-of-service attack, accusing them of spreading false information and rumors about the project.' Shakespeare's 'methinks he doth protest too much' comes to mind.


Misinterpretation is only caused when someone does not explain things properly

and if that is not the case, then the statement about misinterpretation is a lie

How do you like them Apples

You cant explain anything properly if you dont understand what it is you are trying to explain


About face!

no - two faced.

More like "bold-face".

When caught out, come out swinging, misdirect, blame the previous government, charge the previous Ministers, call it all a misunderstanding, charge anyone who calls you out with LM.


"“Let me insist this is just an idea,” Minister of Information and Communication Technology Uttama Savanayana said yesterday"

Let me insist I don't believe you!

Let me play Maxwell Smart for a moment "would you believe this is just a very bad idea?"


"“Let me insist this is just an idea,” Minister of Information and Communication Technology Uttama Savanayana said yesterday"

Let me insist I don't believe you!

Let me play Maxwell Smart for a moment "would you believe this is just a very bad idea?"

Sorry, googled him but he's not known to me.


So when this gateway is officially scrapped, I hope all you people who cry 'liar' like an 8 year old at just about everything Prayuth says will come back to this thread and apologize to him for your comment and publicly eat a bit of humble pie.

I will make a point of reminding you if you forget.

I will do likewise if the gateway which filters all the in-country traffic in Thailand actually goes ahead.

It only applies to those of you with any decency. Those hypocrites who have no ethics and quite happily do anything underhand need not bother. We don't expect it from you. You can just ignore that you are wrong yet again and carry on just the same in the next thread.


So when this gateway is officially scrapped, I hope all you people who cry 'liar' like an 8 year old at just about everything Prayuth says will come back to this thread and apologize to him for your comment and publicly eat a bit of humble pie.

I will make a point of reminding you if you forget.

I will do likewise if the gateway which filters all the in-country traffic in Thailand actually goes ahead.

It only applies to those of you with any decency. Those hypocrites who have no ethics and quite happily do anything underhand need not bother. We don't expect it from you. You can just ignore that you are wrong yet again and carry on just the same in the next thread.

Are you taking the p* ss, EJ, read the document, yourself,,, it say's to "implement" it didn't say study,,, it says to control news from outside, again not study,

Talk about grasping at straws man, and not even straws that have a chance to fly, WOT THE???

hope you got your apology ready, although I think not, haven't seen one from u yet.


Pre-industrial mentality trying to come to terms with a post-internet world.

Destined to fail as well. The feudalists shall be assimilated.

As siam lattee'd, good you understand local flexibility

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