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Because you are in Thailand, and she knows a lot of things here that you don't know.

If I tell my wife I want to do something and she says no, I will always listen to her as she knows about things here in Thailand I do not know.

Every time my wife suggests what I should or should not do in Thailand, I always listen to her, although I still want to know her reasons.

After ten years here together, she has never been wrong.

What about when you're diabetic, and you selfishly prefer salad? Does she, in her unfathomable wisdom, serve up processed food instead? I guess she automatically knows best, because the diabetic, the salad and the hot dog all happen to be located in Thailand.

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[background: I'm 61yr old - Thai Wife of 3 years is 49yr old. She BBK woman, but family Issan. She been in USA with me 6 whole months.]

+ My Wife thinks she is always right.

+ Worse, she always, always wants to do things HER Way.

I can say:"We walk ahead one block. Turn to left and go two blocks.

She will say: "No, we turn now, go six blocks, take right, take right, come back four blocks."

Phapassorn always thinks her way is better. Even in a foreign country.

+ She doesn't know a thing about the USA. But is always telling me how things are done here.

She'll say: "No, I think USA do it this way!"

ME: "What? What? Jing Jing? You know USA better than me?

Generally, life is great:

* I do things my way.

* I tell her what I am going to do. I do it. I tell her what I have done.

* Now, I just ignore most of what she thinks or says about the USA.

Also --- Thai Women think Thailand is perfect.

She's always telling me how some thing is better in Thailand. I say nothing. I believe it is a form of pride. But it drives me crazy. She lives a life here on Maui, Hawaii that 99% of Thai Women can not even dream about.


[background: I'm 61yr old - Thai Wife of 3 years is 49yr old. She BBK woman, but family Issan. She been in USA with me 6 whole months.]

+ My Wife thinks she is always right.

+ Worse, she always, always wants to do things HER Way.

I can say:"We walk ahead one block. Turn to left and go two blocks.

She will say: "No, we turn now, go six blocks, take right, take right, come back four blocks."

Phapassorn always thinks her way is better. Even in a foreign country.

+ She doesn't know a thing about the USA. But is always telling me how things are done here.

She'll say: "No, I think USA do it this way!"

ME: "What? What? Jing Jing? You know USA better than me?

Generally, life is great:

* I do things my way.

* I tell her what I am going to do. I do it. I tell her what I have done.

* Now, I just ignore most of what she thinks or says about the USA.

Also --- Thai Women think Thailand is perfect.

She's always telling me how some thing is better in Thailand. I say nothing. I believe it is a form of pride. But it drives me crazy. She lives a life here on Maui, Hawaii that 99% of Thai Women can not even dream about.

She knows how better off she is. Just BS and pride as you say. If you were privy to any conversations among her friends they will be saying she's won the lottery..I've heard it myself. My Thai wife is a little the same but after 5 years in another country it turns around. Her kids are worse! Have to be careful not to criticize Thailand too much, they are immensely proud,( misplaced in my opinion, but...).Now my wife is very critical of her country and never knew a relatively honest country (NZ) could exist. I intend to keep mine away from Thailand as long as possible to absorb other values and to realize a few home truths when they return in a few years by reason of contrast. If they and I want to come back, which will depend on a few things like completing their education here and the political situation there.

Change is incremental and by degrees and slow in recognition but totally real especially if she's a little bit adventurous and independent in nature.

Patience my friend wai2.gif


Thank You!

Excellent advice for all of us. Patience.

Thai women are very proud.

Thai people can not process logic.

That's their difficulty.

They think linear.

Thai Thinking: Dirty Floor. I Clean.

Instead Of: "Maybe husband go back out. Maybe I go help him outside and get dirty too. Maybe I wait."

They can not process: "If's ... Or's ... Maybe's ... If then .... etc." Logic.

It seems to me she lacks a "big picture" view of many things. It's the interactions between events and experiences that she can not process mentally. And yet she is very smart. She's an International Currency Trader and SET day trader --- yet she can not mentally process logical extensions.

She'll go to the store.

Come home, and then say she needs to go to the bank.

She can not logically bind the two events together to make one trip.

She thinks very linear.

Maybe just her.


Why,,,,,,Because they are THAI,,,,,,Thais know best,they can do anything (they think that) giggle.gif

True Doc. There's a bit of indoctrination at school along with their national anthem sung everyday and the thinking that the Thai royal family is above criticism.There's a duality of belief in democracy and shades of North Korea at the same time. Corruption is obvious but just accepted and not talked about. They are very insular in their thinking and the only way to change this is to give them some experience in other countries if at all possible. It opens their eyes and changes their lives.


Thank You!

Excellent advice for all of us. Patience.

Thai women are very proud.

Thai people can not process logic.

That's their difficulty.

They think linear.

Thai Thinking: Dirty Floor. I Clean.

Instead Of: "Maybe husband go back out. Maybe I go help him outside and get dirty too. Maybe I wait."

They can not process: "If's ... Or's ... Maybe's ... If then .... etc." Logic.

It seems to me she lacks a "big picture" view of many things. It's the interactions between events and experiences that she can not process mentally. And yet she is very smart. She's an International Currency Trader and SET day trader --- yet she can not mentally process logical extensions.

She'll go to the store.

Come home, and then say she needs to go to the bank.

She can not logically bind the two events together to make one trip.

She thinks very linear.

Maybe just her.

Yep patience is the key.

Your wife is a currency trader? I've been interested in that for a while now, not so good yet, very difficult to succeed with about 95% traders losing money. Maybe I need a linear brain like your wife!


I have found 'instructions' are regarded as a temporary thing.

If you do not mention it again, it must mean it no longer applies.

Like falling over the shoes on the step or the motorbike right in-front of the door, it will happen again.


Stick with the salads..explain to her that carbos are a killer..if she ignores You. Get up and go get a salad.



Because most lack the ability to judge what is best. It's a flaw in the education system, they are taught what is best rather than being taught how to determine what's best.

And they're taught that Thailand is the centre of the universe and Thai people are no. 1 in the world.facepalm.gif


Because men sometimes think with the wrong head.

Women sometimes use emotion instead of logic when making decisions. However, neither of these reasons mean only one person in the relationship can make a decision.


Because most lack the ability to judge what is best. It's a flaw in the education system, they are taught what is best rather than being taught how to determine what's best.

What a load of cr.ap, it's got absolutely nothing to do with the education system you doughnut, it's to do with how someone thinks, I know lots of people in England who think they know best I presume that's also down to the flaw in the education system?????? Idiot!


Because most lack the ability to judge what is best. It's a flaw in the education system, they are taught what is best rather than being taught how to determine what's best.

What a load of cr.ap, it's got absolutely nothing to do with the education system you doughnut, it's to do with how someone thinks, I know lots of people in England who think they know best I presume that's also down to the flaw in the education system?????? Idiot!

Wow, lucky that this wprime fellow wasn't in the same room as you, or you'd have had to beat him senseless for being so stupid, eh? I bet you have lot and lots of friends down at the pub, eh? Or maybe they are just people who are scared of you.

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