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On rare occassions I've had a visual disturbance, about 4 episodes since 2008 and the last episode being about 3 weeks ago.

The disturbance in my vison I can explain as a sudden small greyed out spot in my vison which quickly develops into a sort of crescent flashing lighting streak, which moves around in my vision towards vision periphery. Each episode lasted about 2 to 5 mins.

After each event and when I had calmed down, I quickly rushed off to the opthalmologist to get my eyes examined. They did a series of examinations and tests, but find nothing wrong and cannot explain anything of the event to me.

After the last examination at Rutnin, the opthalmologist suggested I could see a Neurologist but seemed reluctant to refer me to anyone in particular.

Could anyone kindly recommend a Neurologist in BKK whom I could visit to investigate my issue.


This is classical migraine aura. It is almost certainly nothing to worry about. In migraine sufferers this is the typical warning that the headache is about to start, but in a minority of others , only the aura occurs and is not followed up with any headache.

I think you should not worry about this. Google "migraine aura" or "scotoma" for pictures and descriptions of what you experience. There are some good ones out there.

You will see it's almost certainly nothing serious. I have had this since my twenties- usually the visual disturbance would occur about half an hour before the throbbing headache would come on, and as the years have gone by this turned gradually to the visual disturbance only, with a headache only occurring once in say every five times.

Mostly used to happen five or six times a year, but in clusters. Ergotamine or simple analgesics like paracetamol are good if you do start to develop the headaches.



Thanks partington, I did not see this before, it's a big help and better info than what the opthalmologists give. I see some web sites show and descibe the issues similar to what I am experiencing. This could be it, but I do not get the migraine headaches, although reading I see it could also be symptomatic of the condition.

I hope it is this, nevertheless, I would still like to see a neurologist just to rule anything out.


This is classical migraine aura. It is almost certainly nothing to worry about. In migraine sufferers this is the typical warning that the headache is about to start, but in a minority of others , only the aura occurs and is not followed up with any headache.

I think you should not worry about this. Google "migraine aura" or "scotoma" for pictures and descriptions of what you experience. There are some good ones out there.

You will see it's almost certainly nothing serious. I have had this since my twenties- usually the visual disturbance would occur about half an hour before the throbbing headache would come on, and as the years have gone by this turned gradually to the visual disturbance only, with a headache only occurring once in say every five times.

Mostly used to happen five or six times a year, but in clusters. Ergotamine or simple analgesics like paracetamol are good if you do start to develop the headaches.

On a rare occasion I also experience this, I never paid to too much attention because mine are usually short in duration and not followed by headache. I Googled and found a lot of good information, thanks for your feedback in the tread.


Amazing the eye specialist was not aware of this, i get it occasionally but never suffer from migraines, I put it down to dehydration and drink some electrolytes in water and it goes quickly


I am reluctant to dismiss this as migraine aura in the absence of headache, but on the other hand you have been examined by opthalmologists who did not find any retinal pathology and only 4 episodes over 7 years, the latter making a brain tumor unlikely (would have increased in frequency/severity by now). There is a migraine variant that is aura only without headache; it could also be an atypical seizure. An EEG would not be a bad idea to rule out the latter and a general neuro exam (testing the cranial nerves etc) also not a bad idea.

Suggest one of these neurologists at Bangkok Hospital:

Flg. Off. Dr. Kiratikorn Vongvaivanich

A less expensive alternative if you live convenient to the Thonburi side, is this doctor at Thonburi Hospital:

Kanokwan Boonyapisit http://www.thonburihospital.com/en/finddoctor_resualt.asp?id=1011


I am reluctant to dismiss this as migraine aura in the absence of headache, but on the other hand you have been examined by opthalmologists who did not find any retinal pathology and only 4 episodes over 7 years, the latter making a brain tumor unlikely (would have increased in frequency/severity by now). There is a migraine variant that is aura only without headache; it could also be an atypical seizure. An EEG would not be a bad idea to rule out the latter and a general neuro exam (testing the cranial nerves etc) also not a bad idea.

Suggest one of these neurologists at Bangkok Hospital:

Flg. Off. Dr. Kiratikorn Vongvaivanich

A less expensive alternative if you live convenient to the Thonburi side, is this doctor at Thonburi Hospital:

Kanokwan Boonyapisit http://www.thonburihospital.com/en/finddoctor_resualt.asp?id=1011

Dear Sheryl,

As always, thankyou for the considered analysis and advice.

I'll contact the suggested hospitals to make an appointment.

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