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Kunduz attack may amount to war crime – UN Human Rights chief

Lite Beer

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Not only were the Afghan and US forces informed of the coordinates well before the attack, they were notified during the attack that they were attacking a hospital and still continued the attack. Those in their correct minds will continue to call for independent investigation into what appears to be a deliberate attack and therefore a war crime. Of course we all know nothing will come of it except some very low ranking Pvt. etc. will be the scape goat, if that. After all the infamous war criminals Cheney/Bush et al are still walking around free instead of being in GitMo where they belong. http://www.latimes.com/world/afghanistan-pakistan/la-fg-doctors-without-borders-20151004-story.html

Good post.

Well-considered and concise.

Similar incidents have happened so many times before and nobody of any consequence has been punished.

The outcome is predictable.

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Civilians are not targeted. The incident in Kunduz Afghanistan was an real life and death engagement with the enemy that for obvious reasons is under investigation, more than one investigation.

Keep your powder dry for when you need it cause Putin's mighty forces are going to blow up a whole lot of people long before all of this is over. It has already begun with 39 civilians counted dead after the first three dayze of Russian air assaults.

Sen McCain has the right idea to arm the Syrian rebels to take down Russian fighter planes. The US however will instead be a bystander to Putin's carryings on.

The rest of the ME will be waiting to see who Putin goes after next when he decides he's finished in Syria, however it may end up for him. If it ever does end.

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War crimes, an oxymoron really, have you ever seen a war that was fought in a gentleman ways

where one side take the out most care not to hurt the other side? this is war, partaked by all sorts

of people with all sorts of personalities, in wars, fear of dying is the order of the way, and one

will do his best to stay a live and win, and if it means committing 'crimes' than so be it...

So we can call you than to fly the next suicide mission to make sure that you won't survive/come back ? thumbsup.gif

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War crimes, an oxymoron really, have you ever seen a war that was fought in a gentleman ways

where one side take the out most care not to hurt the other side? this is war, partaked by all sorts

of people with all sorts of personalities, in wars, fear of dying is the order of the way, and one

will do his best to stay a live and win, and if it means committing 'crimes' than so be it...

So we can call you than to fly the next suicide mission to make sure that you won't survive/come back ? thumbsup.gif

Not to be taken seriously.

It's wartime rhetoric of the chickenhawk variety.

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