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Thai govt eyeing BBC Thai over 'negative' Prayut report


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What's wrong wasn't his good side shown. If you start to be a politician expect criticism, as it comes with the job. If you can't take it then you are in the wrong job. It makes me laugh when those people keep saying don't tarnish Thailand with the same image as Burma, North Korea and China but then go and behave exactly like those countries.

Start being mature and take the rough with the smooth. I can't see and problem with the photos except nobody photo shopped them to be white.

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I saw the photo on FB/Thai. It looks benign to me. It shows the two men from the chests up, doesn't even show their hands touching. What's the problem? Is the caption offensive? (it's in Thai, so I can't read it, and the translation is bunk). There's another photographer taking a pic of the same handshake - should he be hounded also?

Thai top brass need to read the story of Hans Brinker - the boy who stuck his finger in the dike to keep it from failing. Except in relation to the self-appointed Thai government, they're going to need 10,000 fingers stuck in to 20,000 holes, if they're going to try to keep the world from seeing Thailand's leaders as they really are.

Good on BBC for not playing along with Thai gov't's paranoia.

Just trawled through BBC Thai FB and only photo of two men from chest up was Obama and reluctant gladhander Putin biggrin.png I'd be surprised if Obama and Prayuth were ever in the same room together huh.png

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the link below has photos. What's the problem with 'em? I dunno.

Thai language does not translate at all well to English using Google or other software. So it's nigh impossible to gauge what the commentary is trying to say.


Oh okay. 'Though am surprised at Obama's relative diminutive stature compared to Prayuth's whistling.gif Love this bit from the blurb 'delectable prime minister 'laugh.png

Edited by dageurreotype
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Thailand be careful dealing with the BBC, or you'll be sacked like the Top gear guys.....

I wouldn't expect much from the Bigoted, liberal reporting of the BBC, they have been known

to get things wrong, very wrong...

I used to have the greatest respect for BBC as a news reporting agency. No more, they are a complete joke ! After seeing what they put out during the 2010 riots I actually sent 2 letters of protest about the rubbish some moron reporter named Rachel Harvey was dishing out. She knew absolutely nothing about what was really going on, yet felt it her job to misinform the world. Sad when one of your childhood icons goes down, but BBC has done just that sad.png

What the hell are you talking about? She told it EXACTLY as she saw it - the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth,

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wangsuda said

Dear Thailand:

You cannot control events that happen outside of Thailand. Your excuses such as "Thainess," "Thai culture," and the ever-famous "you don't understand Thailand" just don't work. So either man up and sit at the big-boy's table, or continue spitting the dummy and insulate yourselves. Judging by what is going on here, it seems you have chosen the latter.


The Rest of the World

Well said & Oh so true!

Edited by PeVee1st
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I've seen several reports that it was a fake photoshop job. A fake photo is no surprise coming from the British media. I don't think any harm was done by publishing it but it is the type of false reporting that the junta warned about.

Oh purleeze. Why would the 'British media' bother 'shopping a nonentity like Prayuth? Now, Prayuth's PR team however ..

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The unfortunate reality is that army generals anywhere are used to believing in their own importance.

Their subordinate staff tell them this is true - so, it must be!

No soldier would dare to say anything that may offend a general.

When a general becomes the head of a country (especially one in which the patronage system dominates, and its citizens seek to avoid conflict with others at all costs), then the belief in their own importance continues.

When someone chooses to challenge that belief (by saying what they actually believe) then friction is sure to ensue. This is especially so when that person is an outsider, as the added dimension of culture-clash can be used as the excuse to take offence and react.

It amazes me that in Thailand, foreigners are accused of being jai rawn if they show any sign of anger (regardless of the circumstance). Doing so is seen as crude and bad mannered, while we a told we must always be jai yen instead.

That said, the reactions of a certain general would appear to be anything but jai yen whenever someone challenges his belief.

I guess it would be a waste of time suggesting he read the The Oxford Declaration on Freedom of Thought and Expression?

See http://iheu.org/oxford-declaration-on-freedom-of-thought-and-expression/

Edited by waldroj
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Unfortunately in Thai culture, males are gods and have been brought up that way by parents.

What the parents fail to realize is that giving them that status, they grow up to be ignorant knuckleheads as they have the same godly attitude at school and life in general

Some grow up to drive tuk tuks while others are useless as men of any value

Then others manipulate and harm others to get to the top where their knucklehead attitudes again take precedence and they cannot understand true criticism of their basic stupidity which has been nurtured since birth...

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I have a feeling that the junta are pissed off over pictures posted of Prayuth on the podium talking to what appears to be a pretty much empty forum, most of the seats were empty.

In other words his audience were pretty conspicuous in their absence, and they hailed his visit a rip roaring success, I also wouldn't be making a big deal about the picture with Obama, he's a throbber. A Muslim kid builds a clock that looked more like a bomb timer, gets berated in the press and Obama invites him to the White House, then a former Army Veteran saves dozens of lives during an attack on a school by a radicalised "person" and not a peep from the POTUS other than to once again try to blame it on something else!!!

Prayuth and his lackeys still need to understand that they're still nowhere near as popular in the playground as they claim to be!!

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Maybe the issue isn't so much what they said but how they said it - an international new agency of the stature of the BBC setting up a Thai language operation will not be exactly welcomed by an authoritarian regime trying to control the information flow to the Thai people.

To the credit of Jonathan Head, he does seem to be taking a more vocal, critical stance against current events such as the bombing and Koh Tao trial.

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Unfortunately in Thai culture, males are gods and have been brought up that way by parents.

What the parents fail to realize is that giving them that status, they grow up to be ignorant knuckleheads as they have the same godly attitude at school and life in general

Some grow up to drive tuk tuks while others are useless as men of any value

Then others manipulate and harm others to get to the top where their knucklehead attitudes again take precedence and they cannot understand true criticism of their basic stupidity which has been nurtured since birth...

Somewhat of a sweeping generalisation wouldn't you say? I know some good Thai geezers biggrin.png Interesting how Thai men are always referred to as 'males', rather alike animals, whereas Thai women, some of whom are patently ho's are always called 'ladies'. Never 'women'. Hmm coffee1.gif

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Sounds like Ianf was there on the ground risking his life to deliver what was going on, and that's why he seen it differently from pretty much a majority of the other journalists too.

There is no doubt as to what the red shirts were doing, but the trouble with sycophants is that they have drank so much official kool aid, it stops them from looking at things with an open mind.

I am truly grateful that I've only live here approaching 4 years as it must have been horrendous for the entire expat community under the Shins, their lives must've been one of fear, what with 90 day reporting and not being able to own their own land... Things are so much better now......oh wait, it's just exactly the same.. In other words most are just bitter and twisted lonely old men stuck in Nakhon Nowhere without much of a life, and it's easier to blame others for their miserable existence.

I known plenty of people who have lived here 15 years plus, whose lives are pretty much the same as it was the first weeks of arriving here, their biggest complaint is the value of the baht, and big C or Tesco lotus not having a decent curry powder!!! The majority are smart enough to keep their noses well out of Thai politics, and leave that to the locals to fight over, why bite the hand that feeds you? ;)

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I've seen several reports that it was a fake photoshop job. A fake photo is no surprise coming from the British media. I don't think any harm was done by publishing it but it is the type of false reporting that the junta warned about.

What have they warned about exactly (except, of course, to muzzle anyone with an opposing view)?

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Thailand be careful dealing with the BBC, or you'll be sacked like the Top gear guys.....

I wouldn't expect much from the Bigoted, liberal reporting of the BBC, they have been known

to get things wrong, very wrong...

And who gets it right, very right ? Fox News?

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The BBC is not without fault; It's the most anti-Israel media outlet of them all, even Al Jazeera is less biased toward Israel! They stink - but not quite as much as the UN or the clowns who car calling them on this "situation".

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A few days ago the PM said he met the UM leader (which we say pictures for) and the US President. At the time there were not pictures that I could see and no report on his meeting with the US President.

Well, firstly, I stand corrected as I have now seen the pictures, however I am still at a loss as to why the PM with such a desire to increase ratings in Thailand would not be shouting at the rooftops after a positive meeting with the President. Well, perhaps thats because the brief meting was not so positive at all.

Who knows, but it is strange..

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I choose to live in thailand, and am very happy here

There are some things i do not like I have choices and I can always leave

I do believe it is sensible for people to have a good VPN here as it opens the internet from being censored and encrypts our emails etc, and give freedom to read the Daily Mail and also prevents us from being monitored in our own homes when on the internet

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Thailand be careful dealing with the BBC, or you'll be sacked like the Top gear guys.....

I wouldn't expect much from the Bigoted, liberal reporting of the BBC, they have been known

to get things wrong, very wrong...

I used to have the greatest respect for BBC as a news reporting agency. No more, they are a complete joke ! After seeing what they put out during the 2010 riots I actually sent 2 letters of protest about the rubbish some moron reporter named Rachel Harvey was dishing out. She knew absolutely nothing about what was really going on, yet felt it her job to misinform the world. Sad when one of your childhood icons goes down, but BBC has done just that sad.png

I watch the BBC and find it refreshing compared to Faux News who WETV has stuck me with. I would prefer CNN but in the end all these media moguls in charge dictate what we can and cannot hear. They in turn are controlled by their Big Business buddies. We live in a controlled world. The only time they want to hear from us is at election time when they roll out their propaganda machines and try to steamroller us with bullshit.

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I showed this ( http://board.postjung.com/916800.html ) to a Thai friend of mine and she explained that the problem Prayuth's people might have with the (long) caption is that it described the pictures as merely a 'photo opportunity' courtesy that Obama was extending to a number of foreign leaders. The caption implied Prayuth was no more than just among the many who had effectively been waiting in line for an Obama handshake and photo. This would seemingly go strongly against how the Thai govt would want the pictures described, i.e. as a highest level greeting and inferred understanding/endorsement of Prayuth by the U.S.

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