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Russian air strike hits terrorist training camp in Syria, say defence officials


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Russian air strike hits terrorist training camp in Syria, say defence officials


MOSCOW: -- Russia says it’s struck ten more ISIL targets in Syria, after vowing to step up its aerial bombardment

A terrorist training camp and a suicide belt factory where among the sites hit, according to defence officials.

Moscow says it’s aim is to weaken the so-called Islamic State militants.

Western powers claim the campaign is about supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Russia is also facing opposition from Syrians on the ground.

Protesters here in Aleppo want an end to the Assad regime – and an end to Moscow’s air strikes.

“When we see the international conspiracy and the Russian intervention with its aircraft against our civilian brothers, and the efforts of the Free Army Brigades, we feel it is our duty to stand together – unified against Russian intervention,” said Mahmoud Al-Jaber.

“Syria will be, God willing, a graveyard for Russian invaders.”

Assad says Syria, Russia, Iran and Iraq are united in battling terrorism and are likely to succeed.

That message came out of an interview with Iranian television, in which he also reportedly criticised the US campaign against ISIL – claiming there has been an expansion of violence.

Assad says his country and its allies must succeed or the region will face “destruction.”

Meanwhile, amateur video purportedly shows a team of rescuers being hit by a missile in Syria’s Idlib province.

They were apparently searching for victims of an earlier strike at the time. It is claimed one person was killed and another injured.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-05
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Looks like some Black Water "employees" and some other selected army yanks who taught the "bad guys" how to use the "accidentally dropped weapons" will be arriving in the US of A in body bags now. Help!!!! The Russians are bombing OUR terrorists!!!! hit-the-fan.gif

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Well done Russia!

America proved to be useless in fighting Islamic State, a complete failure!

Edited by metisdead
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Well done Russia!

America proved to be useless in fighting Islamic State, a complete failure!

Yes, well done!


The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 39 civilians had been killed since the start of the Russian air strikes on Wednesday. It said 14 fighters, mostly Islamic State militants, had also been killed.


Rescue workers in opposition-held areas in western Syria say the strikes have killed at least several dozen civilians, including children.

In the town of Ihsim, northwest of Maarat al-Numaan, 11 people were killed in two raids, the rescue workers said. Nine of the dead were from one family. The Observatory put the casualties at 12 people killed or wounded.

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Before the uprising to topple Assad, if you had asked any western diplomat about Syria, they would have said something like: "Oh Syria is fine. Assad is benevolent. He's ok. No foreseeable problems. Why worry?" It goes to show how out-to-lunch western intelligence was/is. In a roundabout way, it reflects on wikileaks. Snowden spooked western intelligence-gathering resources so much that they clamped down and didn't want to share data, for fear they'd be exposed.

Israeli intelligence knew more about Syria than any other country. They also don't mind the arab-to-arab killing, as long as troubles don't leak across their borders toward Israel itself. The US is in a multi-dimensional quagmire. They want to arm the good guys to fight the bad guys. Trouble is, the good guys today, can readily become the bad guys of tomorrow. Probably best to sit on the sidelines, as Israel is doing, and let them pound each other to detrus. It puts a dent in overpopulation, if nothing else.

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Well done Russia!

America proved to be useless in fighting Islamic State, a complete failure!

Yes, well done!


The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 39 civilians had been killed since the start of the Russian air strikes on Wednesday. It said 14 fighters, mostly Islamic State militants, had also been killed.

Unfortunately this is inevitable in a war like that. It's not possible to separate civilians from the Islamic State militants in some areas with high density of the Islamic State militants.

Remember what America did the day before yesterday in Afghanistan?


The American public probably is not aware of these numbers and knows even less about the proxy wars for which the United States is also responsible. In the latter wars there were between nine and 14 million deaths in Afghanistan, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, East Timor, Guatemala, Indonesia, Pakistan and Sudan.

Edited by metisdead
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Time for the US to get out of the Middle East. Bring the troops home. Neither Iraq or Afghan Armies will fight and want the Americans to do everything and then turn on them. The Russians can have it. Let them spend their money. America can use the money to help its own people- the poor and provide a real healthcare program. Real strength is in economic power not military.

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Yes, this is very interesting:

On top of that, the report suggests that much of the war propaganda being used to promote international military intervention and “revolution” is actually slick public-relations gimmicks financed by large tax-exempt foundations and even the governments being asked to intervene. And there is big money behind the spread of the disinformation. Consider the seemingly never-ending reports about “civilian massacres” blamed on the Syrian tyrant — almost always from anonymous “activists” — that continually prove to be exaggerated, fabricated, or even perpetrated by the Western-backed rebels themselves, and then blamed on the regime.

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Barin, if we dig a little bit more:

Many western media outlets have frequently been relying on one information source for facts about the death toll in Syria - The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. It was founded in May 2006 and It's run by one man only - Rami Abdul Rahman, who's a Syrian immigrant to the UK and is based in his two bedroom home in Coventry. RT travelled to the midlands, to find the headquarters of the observatory, and investigate more.


and a few words about Syrian Opposition


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Barin, if we dig a little bit more:

Many western media outlets have frequently been relying on one information source for facts about the death toll in Syria - The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. It was founded in May 2006 and It's run by one man only - Rami Abdul Rahman, who's a Syrian immigrant to the UK and is based in his two bedroom home in Coventry. RT travelled to the midlands, to find the headquarters of the observatory, and investigate more.


and a few words about Syrian Opposition


I believe The Guardian is a very reputable news source:


They're selling the idea of military intervention and regime change, and the mainstream news is hungry to buy. Many of the "activists" and spokespeople representing the Syrian opposition are closely (and in many cases financially) interlinked with the US and London – the very people who would be doing the intervening. Which means information and statistics from these sources isn't necessarily pure news – it's a sales pitch, a PR campaign.

But it's never too late to ask questions, to scrutinise sources. Asking questions doesn't make you a cheerleader for Assad – that's a false argument. It just makes you less susceptible to spin. The good news is, there's a sceptic born every minute.

Edited by Barin
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Barin, if we dig a little bit more:

Many western media outlets have frequently been relying on one information source for facts about the death toll in Syria - The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. It was founded in May 2006 and It's run by one man only - Rami Abdul Rahman, who's a Syrian immigrant to the UK and is based in his two bedroom home in Coventry. RT travelled to the midlands, to find the headquarters of the observatory, and investigate more.


and a few words about Syrian Opposition


First, let me say I"m NOT in support of the actions by the US. But also NOT in support of the actions of Russia. Hard to support one if you don't support the other. They are both causing problems now. Agreed?

Sorry, but RT is not a credible news source. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights might not be the best news source, but it's the only one with contacts on the ground reporting what's happening. And yes, they are anti-Assad. Biased just like every other news source.


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The people who support dictators and tyrants such as Assad and Putin will publish and believe what they like and the things they themselves need to believe.

Those over here on the other side recognise the hit jobs done by the fringe media that support Assad and Putin. We on this side also recognise and respect the credibility attained by the Syria Observatory for Human Rights since it was founded in Syria in 2006 by Syrians to protect activists against the Assad regime.

The Observatory has 230 native Syrians on the ground in Syria to include doctors, military, Alawites on the coast Four coordinators assemble information they then transmit to UK where it is confirmed. No one to include the UN has an exactly accurate figure of the deaths and refugees from the civil war.

The Observatory has a viable credibility that applies over the long term.

“Generally, the information on the killings of civilians is very good, definitely one of the best, including the details on the conditions in which people were supposedly killed,” said Neil Sammonds, a Mideast researcher for Amnesty International.

Money from two dress shops covers his minimal needs for reporting on the conflict, along with small subsidies from the European Union and one European country that [Mr. Rahman] declines to identify.


The Assad people would ignore the Observatory if it were not widely respected, credible, reliable. The Observatory is approaching its tenth consecutive year because it has all three qualities.

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The people who support dictators and tyrants such as Assad and Putin will publish and believe what they like and the things they themselves need to believe.

And how about Al-Qaeda? They became "son of the bitch, but our son of the bitch?" ©

CNN calls Al-Qaeda "our guys" in Syria. Has CNN forgotten who they blamed for 9/11? http://


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Barin, if we dig a little bit more:

Many western media outlets have frequently been relying on one information source for facts about the death toll in Syria - The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. It was founded in May 2006 and It's run by one man only - Rami Abdul Rahman, who's a Syrian immigrant to the UK and is based in his two bedroom home in Coventry. RT travelled to the midlands, to find the headquarters of the observatory, and investigate more.


and a few words about Syrian Opposition


I believe The Guardian is a very reputable news source:


They're selling the idea of military intervention and regime change, and the mainstream news is hungry to buy. Many of the "activists" and spokespeople representing the Syrian opposition are closely (and in many cases financially) interlinked with the US and London – the very people who would be doing the intervening. Which means information and statistics from these sources isn't necessarily pure news – it's a sales pitch, a PR campaign.

But it's never too late to ask questions, to scrutinise sources. Asking questions doesn't make you a cheerleader for Assad – that's a false argument. It just makes you less susceptible to spin. The good news is, there's a sceptic born every minute.

Absolutely fascinating article from the Guardian.

The spin from a network of Syrian exiles, neo-cons in the US, right-wing and warmongering 'think-tanks' in the US & UK - just puts a whole new question of credibility on the sources that the mainstream western media uses for 'factual' sources.

No doubt there is some truth in feed-back on atrocities by the pro-government side from those on the ground but there is a total lack of feed-back from those - Assad supporters or not - with information on atrocities from the various opposition groups.

It seems that the lessons of the NATO 'success' in Libya haven't been learned.

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The people who support dictators and tyrants such as Assad and Putin will publish and believe what they like and the things they themselves need to believe.

And how about Al-Qaeda? They became "son of the bitch, but our son of the bitch?" ©

CNN calls Al-Qaeda "our guys" in Syria. Has CNN forgotten who they blamed for 9/11? http://


The Bush-Cheney absolutism of 'either for us or against us' is completely discredited in Washington while it anyway had been rejected in Europe and elsewhere.

There are Syrian Muslim asymmetric fighters in Syria who oppose Assad and who are not interested in global jihad or in imposing a draconian Sharia law on anyone. Russia is determined to kill these guyz too for the single obvious reason they oppose Assad.

Israel and these particular Muslim fighters against Assad share the common goal of removing the tyrant without these Syrian Muslim fighters being the Taliban or bin Laden's al Qaeda, so they and Israel interact well.

We're not talking about bin Laden's al Qaeda.

Do try to keep up plse thx.

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It seems 2 sides are emerging with the US and so the UK on the wrong side sad.png

Putin Moves to Checkmate the Empire in Syria, Save Christians


Even with reading glasses when I read the little headline I'd though it said "Save Christmas." laugh.png

Russia Insider as the source whistling.gif


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It seems 2 sides are emerging with the US and so the UK on the wrong side sad.png

Putin Moves to Checkmate the Empire in Syria, Save Christians


Even with reading glasses when I read the little headline I'd though it said "Save Christmas." laugh.png

Russia Insider as the source whistling.gif


All ' sources ' are biased to some extent …look at arguments from both sides whistling.gifwhistling.gif


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It seems 2 sides are emerging with the US and so the UK on the wrong side sad.png

Putin Moves to Checkmate the Empire in Syria, Save Christians


Maybe we can agree that this news source, along with others, is extremely biased.smile.png

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I don't think Israel dearly hopes for Assad to fall, even though it doesn't like him. Israel knows whomever takes power in Syria will likely be as bad or worse than Assad - in terms of maintaining a war-stance against Israel - and all the other ugly baggage that comes with a non-democratic (the only kind) dune/Muslim state.

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It seems 2 sides are emerging with the US and so the UK on the wrong side sad.png

Putin Moves to Checkmate the Empire in Syria, Save Christians


Even with reading glasses when I read the little headline I'd though it said "Save Christmas." laugh.png

Russia Insider as the source whistling.gif


All ' sources ' are biased to some extent …look at arguments from both sides whistling.gifwhistling.gif



The directive is not necessary thx anyway.

I'd posted to the matter numerous times at various threads. Your post says the same thing my posts say. Which sources are credible is the salient issue, not whether I read diverse media. I read a lot of right wing and pro-Putin shit thx.

I do get a lot from it thx.

As Gen Patton exclaimed as he surveyed his victory at Kasserine Pass in North Africa, "Rommel, you b@st@rd, I read your book!"

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BBC, as usual, has some insightful (not inciteful) articles. here's one dated Oct. 1

It articulates how, among other things, Russia getting active militarily in the conflict zone, will likely bring many more recruits to ISIS. Though all Arab hot heads chant 'death to America' ...they actually harbor a deeper hatred for Russia. America is always a fashionable object to hate, but any Arab worth the rag on his head would love to immigrate to the US (plus they listen to American pop songs and watch Hollywood movies). But none would want to immigrate to Russia.

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It's shaping up to be a possible flashpoint for WWIII. Here are how the sides are stacking up:

On the US side: Turkey, Israel, Europe, Australia/NZ, Saudi Arabia and other Arab Sunni states.

On the Assad side: Russia, Iran

One of the other potential int'l flashpoints: S.China Sea has to take a step to the side and share the limelight (or share the napalm light).

I see no way plausible way these conflicts can play out - without serious military involvement.

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It's getting worse:


“A unit of Russian volunteers, conflict veterans, will probably appear in the ranks of the Syrian army,” Komoyedov said. “What brings volunteers there besides the cause? Of course, it’s probably money.”

Gotta love the spin they put on it. "volunteers". LOL Being paid by Russia:


Interfax-AVN quoted unnamed media reports as saying that such volunteers could make $50 per day.
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