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Thai man massively overcharged at national park because he looks like a farang


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Publicity seeker! Having 5,000 "friends' tells us that!!

He does look farang and if he didn't (unknown) show his ID card to prove otherwise the attendant had every right to charge him the going rate.

I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

And whats the problem with dual pricing anyway. Western tourists can afford to pay more. Would the foreigner still visit if Thais were made to pay the same? It's 200 baht, take it or leave it.

I don't know about that , where I come from we would never think of charging visitors double or over charge, there would be hell to play ,we'd be accused of racism

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good on you farang lookin' Thai man and welcome to the club.

Keep gettin' the word out on social media. Together we can shut down the entire Thai tourist industry.

This guy must be popular with the Thai ladies.

Can we get this story translated to Chinese?

Do chinese also have to pay the farang-price?

soon as they open their mouths.

I have taken the ex who is Indonesian and her daughter (also Indonesian) into Thai places, spoken Thai to the personnel and showed some drivers license or whatever and got Thai rates for them and myself.

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Racism is to be abhored. Whenever I am required to pay a higher price than a Thai national I just refuse to enter. I believe that news of this discriminatory pricing policy has already entered the Twittersphere--the power of social media. If the authorities are honest in their intention to offer Thailand as the Land of Smile(s) to tourists, this practice should stop. Someone in the TAT needs to sit down and consider the damage that they are doing to Thailand's reputation. Their old practices are doomed to failure in this modern cyber age.

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Wow I cannot believe the moaning and gripping of people on this forum there is no duel pricing the price is set and Thai people get a discount because its there bloody country, considering the average Thai wage is about 5000 bht a month how can you expect them to pay full price 200bht is just £4

You don't get it do you.The standard price is 20-40 baht,the Thai price.White people and people of white appearence pay 10x the standard price.Why,because they are white.That's racism in my book.It has nothing to do with what you earn,next time you are lining up to pay your racist tax,ask the BMW Thai driver in front of you what he paid.

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This is very racist, not because the dual price but because he gotta pay the farang price because he LOOKS LIKE a westerner. This is RACISM, just racism and nothing else.

The dual prize system could still be justified in order to promote domestic tourism specially in green areas and make locals more environment oriented. Costa Rica does the same thing and the higher prices for non resident (resident foreigners pay like a Costa Rican, so it's not about racism in that case) is due for the park maintenance.

But charging according how you LOOK LIKE has no excuses: this is racism and nothing else.


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I guess our feet & wallets are bigger.. Does anyone realise when thai's travel abroad a ticket is the same whether you are lbfm or white,, A bum on a chair is one per seat,,,not buy one get one free.. Stop this BS that you at the end of the day are just screwing your tourism,, Great piece of advertising ,, why not put Amaziny Thailand advertise it on the buses.. Farang pay More here.. Make sure you are in express line..

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I have no problem with Thais paying far less to get into public attractions. Tourists should pay more, considering our average income is 10 times the average Thai. Thais should not pay anything to enter Wats, etc that are sacred to Buddhists, whereas tourists who are just there to gawk and snap selfies should pay. It is not racism, it is just logical.

It happens all over the world. Local residents of Southern California can get drastically reduced season passes to Disneyland not offered even to Northern Californians. Students from out of state or other countries pay much higher tuition at US universities, because local residents pay taxes to support the institutions, and they are there for the greater good of the US. Thais who have higher incomes pay taxes to fund national parks etc and Buddhists support their local and regional temples, wats, etc with donations of whatever they can afford, so they should not be expected to pay additionally to worship.

I am so sick of Thai Visa old farts complaining about such inequities, those who complain the most deserve to pay the most, to pay for your bad karma (no I don't believe in karma spiritually, but sociologically it works). We relatively rich bastards should be happy to spend more than Thais to live in the country.

Get over it!!!

Clearly more money than sense

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If he has a Thai ID he pays the Thai price. That is the regulation for a National Park. His use of Facebook to express his complaint should elicit a quick response from the DNP. They will not necessarily respond to a complaint but losing face is a different matter.

But if DNP offered different tiers of entrance fee e.g 50thb entrance only, 200thb entrance plus map, 400thb entrance plus map plus lunch, 1000thb family entrance plus lunch etc and made the tiers irrespective of skin color few would complain. The current policy is discriminatory. Someone should sue the DNP to get them to change the regulations.

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How about a rational approach, and consider on what basis might there be any form of tiered pricing.

Some points to consider:

- modern world, modern values: no discrimination based on nationality; but ok to discriminate based on circumstance. For example, differentiate between "tourist" and "resident", or, as in some countries "OAPs" have various reductions, or free, for various things.

- tax paying residents subsidise nation subsidised bodies, like parks etc. So might be a case for non tax payers to pay more. On the other hand, tourist bring in foreign currency, which some economists would argue brings additional boost value to the nations economy, more than just the coin face value.

- there are mechanisms such as voluntary tiers (basic minimum, but encourage donations); engage third party business, such as shops, restaurants etc, and charge space rental for added income, ...many more!

Bottom line:

-Needs rational justified policy, consistent and enforced.

-"Circumstance" must be provable at the point of entry, eg non-Thai resident tax payer has to show their tax ID card.

-Balance the tier values; a factor of 10 is perhaps too much.

It's not rocket science.

The tax system here is different from the Western way (i believe)

Anyone spending money here be a tourist, an ex-pat or a Thai person pay most tax through what they spend. Not on what they earn.

So by default we can pay a lot of tax just on our monthly expenses. Where as a Thai person on a minimum wage pays very little.

But we can be looked down on due that we don't work and pay no (earnings) tax.

Speak for yourself, I pay tax and I also have a WP, furthermore I pay taxes for my staff and my company.

There's a lot of farrang paying taxes here, some more, some less but we still pay taxes most of us, if not work related, by import goods, by buying a property/condo or whatnot.

There's at least +7000 farrangs paying their taxes in Phuket as there equally many having a WP.

I was just trying to explain how the system works (to my knowledge) here. :)

I pay tax on my spending, you pay tax on spending in addition to business taxes etc.

Which was my point. We all pay tax here, (a lot more than the average Thai person) BUT we still have to pay 10 times to enter some (most) national parks.

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Publicity seeker! Having 5,000 "friends' tells us that!!

He does look farang and if he didn't (unknown) show his ID card to prove otherwise the attendant had every right to charge him the going rate.

I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

And whats the problem with dual pricing anyway. Western tourists can afford to pay more. Would the foreigner still visit if Thais were made to pay the same? It's 200 baht, take it or leave it.

If you have to ask about dual pricing then you probably qualify for a re-education camp somewhere (Obviously not in Thailand). Do you consider that a lot of the Thais that visit these national Parks etc are not better off financially. than farang Tourists (The filthy rich elite from Bangkok driving their luxury cars Vs The recently retired Farang Pensioner on a vacation..as an example. My point is that all Thais,.....rich or poor are charged the same price....therefore the dual pricing system is purely Racist and not about who can afford the prices.

It is not racist. No definition of racism can be applied in this case.

It's the business of tourism.

I'm no tourist, I work and pay my taxes here, also have a Thai family, I still have to pay 10X what my wife is paying. I REALLY DETEST the dual pricing policy. Even if I have a WP, hence paying tax, some places use dual pricing, my family are now used for me turning my back on it and we walk away together.

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$5. Thats the difference. Hardly worth a tweet, never mind any serious press.

If the venue is worth the entrance fee, I go in. If its not, I dont. Thats the extent of my rights.

To those who insist that everyone pay the same price, be careful what you wish for.

If everyone had to pay the white guy price, there wouldnt be hordes of locals paying a small fee, and covering a lot of the overhead. The place may go broke, or they may have to curtail services.

If everyone paid the discounted locals price, theyd have the hordes, but probably not the revenue to stay open and provide reasonable services and maintenance.

Its about revenue required for overhead absorption and its a very common business practice throughout the hospitality industry. Thats why there are corporate rates at hotels and you can pay anywhere from $50 to $500 for the same seat on the same flight on the same airplane.

So, while I have the right to decide for myself, I dont have the right to decide for everyone.

And if I ever get fed up with the racism, Ill hop on a plane and head home instead of whining about the silly little brown people who happen to own the place, and decide how they want to run their country. Why anyone stays in a hotel where they hate the practices of the owner and the staff, Ill never understand. Why anyone stays in a country where they hate the local customs, ditto.

Oh they use $ here now, that's a good idea. Ugh

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I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

In that Emerald pool park you won't and neither the hot spring nearby. I tried last summer, no go. Paid, visited once, won't be going again.

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Disneyland in Anaheim, California does (or used to) charge Southern California zip codes less. You just had to show them your California ID card or drivers license. It really does happen everywhere. Quit picking on Thais.

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Publicity seeker! Having 5,000 "friends' tells us that!!

He does look farang and if he didn't (unknown) show his ID card to prove otherwise the attendant had every right to charge him the going rate.

I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

And whats the problem with dual pricing anyway. Western tourists can afford to pay more. Would the foreigner still visit if Thais were made to pay the same? It's 200 baht, take it or leave it.

When was the last time you used you driving licence?

The charge to most if not all national is 40 for a Thai national and 400 baht if not.

Are you really so daft to accept a 10 fold increase? Well you already stated you use your licence, so you are not! Slightly hypocritical!

Khao Yai Park and most now won't accept the driving licence, although some of the smaller ones still do if you ask politely in Thai.

The point about the driving licence was that even a foreigner that shows a form of Thai issued ID pays the Thai price. So if this Thai had shown his Thai ID he would probably have been treated the same.

Thais rarely leave home without ID. A western looking Thai visiting a place known to charge more for foreigners is either setting himself up for a story or should accept that with no proof of his nationality and looking like he does means he might be charged the higher price. My guess is the former!

I would only pay 400 baht if I thought If I felt the place I was visiting was worth it. The fact that Thais pay less doesn't bother me.

I have more self respect than to ever think it's worth paying a rip off price just cos I'm white

Is it because you're white or not Thai?

Careful, people may accuse you of being racist with comments like that.

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The tax system here is different from the Western way (i believe)

Anyone spending money here be a tourist, an ex-pat or a Thai person pay most tax through what they spend. Not on what they earn.

So by default we can pay a lot of tax just on our monthly expenses. Where as a Thai person on a minimum wage pays very little.

But we can be looked down on due that we don't work and pay no (earnings) tax.

Speak for yourself, I pay tax and I also have a WP, furthermore I pay taxes for my staff and my company.

There's a lot of farrang paying taxes here, some more, some less but we still pay taxes most of us, if not work related, by import goods, by buying a property/condo or whatnot.

There's at least +7000 farrangs paying their taxes in Phuket as there equally many having a WP.

I was just trying to explain how the system works (to my knowledge) here. smile.png

I pay tax on my spending, you pay tax on spending in addition to business taxes etc.

Which was my point. We all pay tax here, (a lot more than the average Thai person) BUT we still have to pay 10 times to enter some (most) national parks.

Your point is completely wrong, this is called money grabbing nothing else.

I have been to parks where there were quite a few visitors, the parks looks like crap, full of garbage and not kept clean.

A waterfall not far away from Khao Lak was so filled with plastic bags and litter so you had to walk on it on the way up to the waterfall, on this occasion I had to pay 600 THB but my wife and daughter paid 50 TBH (the 600 allowed me entrance to a park near the coast as well). There were maybe 400-500 people there that day, mixed Thai with farrang but the majority was farrang. So where does the money go?, Not to keep the park in a clean and tidy state anyway.

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And you sound like a typical winging expat if you don't like it go home the Thai people don't need your cheap Charley but anyway

If it was me you reffered too, than too bad my friend, as the absolute majority of Thai programmers and system architects are on basic level of IT understanding and also IT education, you really do need me and my fellow farrang colleagues.

Edited by KamalaRider
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Done all the places worth paying for years ago and never once paid their stupid skin tax, either got in on a Thai DL or went in the back door . Most places arnt even worth the Thai price let alone the rip off version.

I would dearly love for other countries start returning the favour to countries like Thailand...

Another thing that really really gets me is the airport leaving tax..... like the parasites dont already have enough scams designed to skim .... and no its got nothing to do being needed.

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Publicity seeker! Having 5,000 "friends' tells us that!!

He does look farang and if he didn't (unknown) show his ID card to prove otherwise the attendant had every right to charge him the going rate.

I've visited many parks in this country and if I show my Thai drivers licence I get in for the Thai price!

And whats the problem with dual pricing anyway. Western tourists can afford to pay more. Would the foreigner still visit if Thais were made to pay the same? It's 200 baht, take it or leave it.

If you have to ask about dual pricing then you probably qualify for a re-education camp somewhere (Obviously not in Thailand). Do you consider that a lot of the Thais that visit these national Parks etc are not better off financially. than farang Tourists (The filthy rich elite from Bangkok driving their luxury cars Vs The recently retired Farang Pensioner on a vacation..as an example. My point is that all Thais,.....rich or poor are charged the same price....therefore the dual pricing system is purely Racist and not about who can afford the prices.

It is not racist. No definition of racism can be applied in this case.

It's the business of tourism.

Elvira it's true isn't it.. you really really don't get it

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Hmm.... take a road trip thru the Khao Yai National

Park with the Thai wife and the 50/50 kid

The wife's entrance fee = Tb40, the foreigner with the Thai drivers licence= TB400

Indulging in Thai Xenophobia becomes a privilege and a thang'of beauty here .....otherwise it will send you around the twist!!

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Disneyland in Anaheim, California does (or used to) charge Southern California zip codes less. You just had to show them your California ID card or drivers license. It really does happen everywhere. Quit picking on Thais.

That is soooooo beside the point for most posters here. But i agree with you!

They want the problem. They want to bitch. Most punters here cannot respectfully pay their way in their country of origin. Tax law is designed to collect where funds where it can nothing to do with why or social equity.

Most came to Thailand because it was cheap. Social by-products are cheap. Yet asked for a levy and the cheap will rattle a coin in a lonely jar to make a noise.

This issue is so old anyhow. As old as concessions in most countries too which is s similar pricing issue.

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Most punters here cannot respectfully pay their way in their country of origin.

I don't respect my home country, and I respect Thailand even less.

Bunch of corrupt & ignorant racists.

What exactly is there to respect?

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The Thai ''think tank'' have had some pretty offensive attitudes and price scams over the years. The next bunch of slugs will show their brillance by following the same thought processw /lack thereof as has been demenostrated via numurous cabinet, pM changes , coups to try to get back on a even keel, repeat , repeat.

the thousands of tourists subjected to racist action on a daly basis in this country is applouded by the citizens until one of them is affected, by the loswe of a few baht. now if a dozen had lost their lives in a auto /bus crash there may have been no mention what so ever.

different strokes for different folks I fact the complainer may have gotten the ''hansoman compliment'' a few time which is justification to charge more in itself

some people bitch if hung with a new rope.

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