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Israel launches airstrikes on targets in Gaza


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It has to do with Israel demonizers relishing the destruction of the one Jewish majority nation even if they have to be long dead before it happens.

I don't like Donald Trump. That's normal. But if I hated Trump in a toxic perverted way I would go on internet forums and gloat that he will surely be dead someday.

That kind of mentally sick toxicity towards Israel is pervasive globally now and no other nation on earth attracts that level of attention so widespread to that degree. It's obviously related to Israel being associated with Jews.

It's like the exact opposite of the Jewish Next Year in Jerusalem. The Israel demonization wet dream is Next Year No Jews in Jerusalem.

The former is about hope and life. The latter is about death.

Anyway all nations are doomed in the long run as our very planet is doomed in the long run. Or maybe not so long. Who knows?

Edited by Jingthing
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It has to do with Israel demonizers relishing the destruction of the one Jewish majority nation even if they have to be long dead before it happens.

I don't like Donald Trump. That's normal. But if I hated Trump in a toxic perverted way I would go on internet forums and gloat that he will surely be dead someday.

That kind of mentally sick toxicity towards Israel is pervasive globally now and no other nation on earth attracts that level of attention so widespread to that degree. It's obviously related to Israel being associated with Jews.

It's like the exact opposite of the Jewish Next Year in Jerusalem. The Israel demonization wet dream is Next Year No Jews in Jerusalem.

The former is about hope and life. The latter is about death.

Anyway all nations are doomed in the long run as our very planet is doomed in the long run. Or maybe not so long. Who knows?

I think is has more to do with the war crimes of the Zionist regime dating from before its founding to the present; along with its refusal to abide by UN resolutions concerning Palestine and the Middle East for decades and therefore being an outlaw state. Then there is also the little matter of it being a rogue nuclear state which has people pissed off as well. And let's not forget its military and economic support for Apartied South Africa for decades...again do you think this may have opened a few eyes to the true nature of Zionism and lessened support for a Zionist state? Nations with similar records, like North Korea, are also treated like pariahs and the last time I checked, there weren't many Jews there so your whole theory goes up in smoke.

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Hate usually displays itself in the form of anger. The more obvious the anger, the greater the hate. Just my opinion. As you read thousands of these posts and threads there are common issues as they relate to hate. Usually the hate falls on one side of the argument and there actually is a great deal of consistency about that.

Anger is more a reaction than a true feeling. As a feeling, anger is a secondary reaction to another feeling and that feeling is usually fear. Not always, but usually.
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It has to do with Israel demonizers relishing the destruction of the one Jewish majority nation even if they have to be long dead before it happens.

I don't like Donald Trump. That's normal. But if I hated Trump in a toxic perverted way I would go on internet forums and gloat that he will surely be dead someday.

That kind of mentally sick toxicity towards Israel is pervasive globally now and no other nation on earth attracts that level of attention so widespread to that degree. It's obviously related to Israel being associated with Jews.

It's like the exact opposite of the Jewish Next Year in Jerusalem. The Israel demonization wet dream is Next Year No Jews in Jerusalem.

The former is about hope and life. The latter is about death.

Anyway all nations are doomed in the long run as our very planet is doomed in the long run. Or maybe not so long. Who knows?

I think is has more to do with the war crimes of the Zionist regime dating from before its founding to the present; along with its refusal to abide by UN resolutions concerning Palestine and the Middle East for decades and therefore being an outlaw state. Then there is also the little matter of it being a rogue nuclear state which has people pissed off as well. And let's not forget its military and economic support for Apartied South Africa for decades...again do you think this may have opened a few eyes to the true nature of Zionism and lessened support for a Zionist state? Nations with similar records, like North Korea, are also treated like pariahs and the last time I checked, there weren't many Jews there so your whole theory goes up in smoke.
Its just so pathetic to compare Israel with North Korea that it removes any legitimacy from your post. It really is very simple, no rockets, no Israeli air strikes. Its not rocket science.
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So in the 600 years time, the Jew haters and obsessive Israel demonizers of the future can have a big old party!

Back to reality, Israel is actively working on building good relations with other powerful nations other than the USA including China, Russia, and India.

It seems to me the relationship with India is especially promising for the future of Israel.

Not to mention the cooperation going on with Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Israel in itself isn't chopped liver either ... the highly skilled and educated Israeli people including it's Arab citizens have a lot to offer the world that the world really needs ... so don't expect "BDS" to ever be seriously implemented.

Nobody can predict the future 600 years from now or even 5 years from now ... but the story of survival of the ancient Jewish people to the present day is still remarkable, regardless of what the future will bring for the Jewish people, for all humans, for our PLANET.

BTW, if some might take that I think that the fate of the Jewish people of the world is linked to the fate of the state of Israel ... yes, that's what I'm saying and that's what I think the majority of Jews think too (no, not all).

Needless to say, your entire post is completely off topic. :rolleyes:

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So in the 600 years time, the Jew haters and obsessive Israel demonizers of the future can have a big old party!

Back to reality, Israel is actively working on building good relations with other powerful nations other than the USA including China, Russia, and India.

It seems to me the relationship with India is especially promising for the future of Israel.

Not to mention the cooperation going on with Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Israel in itself isn't chopped liver either ... the highly skilled and educated Israeli people including it's Arab citizens have a lot to offer the world that the world really needs ... so don't expect "BDS" to ever be seriously implemented.

Nobody can predict the future 600 years from now or even 5 years from now ... but the story of survival of the ancient Jewish people to the present day is still remarkable, regardless of what the future will bring for the Jewish people, for all humans, for our PLANET.

BTW, if some might take that I think that the fate of the Jewish people of the world is linked to the fate of the state of Israel ... yes, that's what I'm saying and that's what I think the majority of Jews think too (no, not all).

Needless to say, your entire post is completely off topic. :rolleyes:

Resorts to the old anti-Zionism = anti-semitism canard. These people are getting desperate nowadays, having already lost Europe and an increasing number of Americans, including American Jews. Now they are trying to replace them with Russians, Indians, and Chinese as supporters of the Zionist project...good luck with that. ?

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It will take only 1 thing for Israel to cease to exist in its present form- a US president that does not support them unconditionally.

A small country/ population surrounded by an overwhelming number of enemies can't survive without support from a superpower.

Even if it takes 600 years, eventually Israel will be defeated if it does not come to a just arrangement with the Palestinians.

You're doing it wrong. Ought to be wearing a cloak and sounding all cryptic. Why can't you be more like Nostradamus?

No nation plans 600 years into the future, and it's a pretty futile exercise anyway. Doubt it? Think what folks back in 1415 knew...

The other fallacy is erroneously assuming all current conditions are maintained without change. And besides, why wait so long?

The Iranian guy said it will only take 25 years...

Losing the USA's support would certainly be a blow to Israel. If and when this happens, though, it does necessarily spell Israel's

immediate capitulation. Even if that's some poster's fantasy. Also, it assumes that the current global balance of power stays exactly

the same, without other shifts in alliances and influence.

While crystal balling is fun, what does it have to do with the OP?

I never said it WOULD take 600 years. I use that number, because it took that long for the Irish to persuade the English to stop oppressing them.

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It has to do with Israel demonizers relishing the destruction of the one Jewish majority nation even if they have to be long dead before it happens.

I don't like Donald Trump. That's normal. But if I hated Trump in a toxic perverted way I would go on internet forums and gloat that he will surely be dead someday.

That kind of mentally sick toxicity towards Israel is pervasive globally now and no other nation on earth attracts that level of attention so widespread to that degree. It's obviously related to Israel being associated with Jews.

It's like the exact opposite of the Jewish Next Year in Jerusalem. The Israel demonization wet dream is Next Year No Jews in Jerusalem.

The former is about hope and life. The latter is about death.

Anyway all nations are doomed in the long run as our very planet is doomed in the long run. Or maybe not so long. Who knows?

It makes some Arabs with a conscience ashamed, light years above some of our esteemed members.


Edited by Steely Dan
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More fuel to the fire of the question so many are asking ... is this an INTIFADA yet?

Hamas leaders say: YES.

Earlier in the day, Hamas’s chief in Gaza on Friday called for additional violence against Israel.

“Gaza will fulfill its role in the Jerusalem intifada and it is more than ready for confrontation,” Ismail Haniyeh said during a sermon for weekly Muslim prayers at a mosque in Gaza City.

“We are calling for the strengthening and increasing of the intifada… It is the only path that will lead to liberation,” he said.


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Bomb Gaza for incidents in the West Bank. A bit strange like collective punishment with a twist.

That's a lie and you know it is.

It's in retaliation for rockets from Gaza.

Israel has conflicts on multiple fronts.

The Palestinians in Gaza and Judea/Samaria are not under a unified government.

Yes we know that the Israel demonization agenda loves to use the "collective punishment" buzzword but suggest saving it for when it might actually make any sense.

It's not a lie and you (should) know it.

"Netanyahu vowed a harsh response to the apparent upsurge in violence saying the country was in an “all-out war against terror”."

"An all out war against terrorism". just like from dunce Dubbya, an emotive phrase designed to excuse and garner support for retribution and furthering personal interests.

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And, the Israelis have been oppressing the Palestinians everyday for about the last 30 years or more. Would you accept it if you had been born Palestinian?

NO ONE has ever been "born Palestinian".

There is and never was a nation called Palestine. There never was a people called "Palestinians" until terrorists under the leadership of Yasser Arafat hijacked that name in the 1960's.


Mmmkay...so following that line of thought, it is not possible for any group of people existing today to declare themselves a nation or express a desire to become an independent state, unless they have a previous entry in recorded history. Less clear is who sets the closing of the lists date, and who can appeal existing members of the Nation Club. The English probably had the same notion back when them pesky colonists started to get ideas...

People do not need a certificate from the Ministry of History in order to define themselves as a distinct group. Boundaries of countries are not set in stone. They can also call themselves whatever they like, or whatever fits. Who did the Palestinians "hijack" the name from? (cue inane pseudo lecture on the ancient history of Palestine). Call them Umpa Lumpas if it makes things easier - does Israel oppress the Umpa Lumpas, then?

And, what does it have to do with the OP?

Under NeverSure's logic, South Sudan could never have come into existence.

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