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We go to doctors and hospital for diagnosis and treatment which will often include painkillers. Even at the pharmacy I see people discussing their problems and I do myself.

Used properly they are an accepted and valid treatment option imo, and there are some chronic conditions where they are essential.

My comment, more a question, do any of them actually work?

Take paracetamol, for instance, does it do anything for anyone?

Tramadol is ok but even then I think the gain is more from its sedative effect.

Paracetomol does nothing for me, I don't notice a thing. But Paracetamol and Iprobrufen, now those two are a good combo. I had a killer migraine the other week, went to the pharmacist and she recommended those two and they really worked

Nothing quite as sickening as migraine.

There are specific medicines that are effective. I use ergotamine.

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PLEASE seek correct appropriate medical advice from a qualified professional,

NOT the "recommendation" of "what worked for me" OR SIMILAR PHRASES as this could be dangerous and even fatal !


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Have you tried 'Tramadol'

Available over the counter (with pharmacist present) for about 40bht a strip of 10.

Works very well for pain from healing broken bones.

Only one side effect, you won't be having sex while you're on them.

Tramadol is now "restricted" due to its abuse, mainly by teenagers, probably need a prescription for it now.

So, why pain?

Do I have to suffer it?

Pain is the means by which the body draws attention to the fact that "something" is wrong.

All pain can be alleviated if not completely eliminated.

Often the cause of pain is self evident (ie. a twisted ankle) and relatively simple OTC analgesics/anti-inflammatory medication self prescribed and taken in strict accord with the manufacturers instruction will suffice as a means of pain control.

Very acute pain with an unknown etiology (cause) should never be self treated ...........Medical diagnosis and advice is always required.

The treatment of chronic or recurring pain can be very challenging. The advise of a Dr. specialising in pain management should be consulted (not easy in Thailand as there are few such specialists) . There are many options available for treating chronic pain, not all of which rely on medication. Each case of chronic/recurring pain is unique and the treatment patient specific.


+1 to the idea of consulting a pain management specialist. There are many things that can be done for chronic pain including nerve ablation, spinal cord stimulation etc. Unfortunately not many specialists in Thailand able to provide these but there are some in Bangkok.

Acute pain is comparatively easy to manage with narcotics. It is chronic pain that is the big challenge. Not only are the side effects of narcotics and their addiction potential much more of a concern with chronic use, but a tolerance develops making them less effective. So different approaches have to be taken for chronic pain. Each case is unique a sit depends on the type and cause of the pain.


Consulted a PM specialist.

Copious amounts of morphine in various forms.

This is followed by a juggling act - correct dosage of laxatives.

This equates to a lotta fun.


Consulted a PM specialist.

Copious amounts of morphine in various forms.

This is followed by a juggling act - correct dosage of laxatives.

This equates to a lotta fun.


In Thailand it is extremely unlikely that anyone will be provided with "copious" amounts of Morphine in any form!


A pain management specialist in a hospital?

I must have been dreaming.

BTW, with the morphine, I was having hallucinations @ no extra charge.

  • 2 weeks later...

I remember when I have a shoulder surgery morphine did it exactly the same. That was the strongest pain killer but did not help.

They put me on something different / simple and cheap. All changed in a couple of hours.

  • 3 weeks later...

Wheat gluten causes inflammation and visible redness of sores and that is just pain on the outside. It has also been the cause my lung inflammation for almost 48 years until September 25th when I watched Pope Francis speaking in New York City at 10pm Perth time and listened very carefully to a Catholic man for the very first time. I went to bed and prayed for about the tenth time that month. I was 92kg and sick almost about to die.

I vowed to stop eating animals, and that promise still holds true except for some accidental Thai meals and misunderstandings which were left half-eaten. That was my promise to God, and I have never been much of a Chtistian in my life, so please don't take this as some evangelistic testimony. I took the Pope on his word, just as any man's word.

I lost 23kg in one month, and am now a healthy 68kg, but it was after nine days of stopping smoking tonacco that the hay gever came on, (tobacco is a good cure for hayfever). I had bought some chocolate nut-bars to eat after dinner, and the were full of gluteh. I was eating six meals a day at the start, to get off meat, and those nutbars made me so sneezy for want of a better red-nosed dwarf reindeer word, that I started on the smokes again, and went down to the supermarket and [aif 4 x the price for a loaf of corn-bread.

The toxins in wheat cause me terrible reactions and inflammation of the lungs and the skin, and bad health.

Now I am back in Thailand and eating rice instead of wheat, I have the lungs for 22 pushups for the first time in 10 years, and my skin is not reddened by the remnants of hookworm (necator americanus - aka PAYAT) but I can cope with afflictions that would have made me very sick aged only two months ago, plus I just lost 22kg in a month and can run like a young man again.

Get off the addiction to dead animals; it's a filthy habit. Also get off the wheat gluten if you want to beat pain easy, There's Karma in this, and there will oneday be science to match it, once they conduct their empiical studies in the next few decades and the financiers allow them to fund it.

I am living proof. Pain comes from wheat. Chicken is for egg, cow is for milk, sheep is for wool, and pig is for self0awareness.

You can eat fish once a week if you are desperate for a fix, but if you want to ease your pain, eat nuts, eggs, broccholi, and rice, corn, mushroom, onion, it's on the google meny.

Bon appetit'. Young Fellow.

PS: another advantage of stopping meat (and perhaps gluten too but I can't honestly say) is that your taste-buds will recover and you will rejoice in the succulence of what was once a bland carrot or someother vegetable that has no flavour to compare with juicy steaks and fried bacon. Onion is the gatekeeper.

You will praise those veges once your tongue adjusts back to normal, and the olfactory nerves don't stop. They just keep on coming. You will need less deodorant, because you will smell better. You will notice the smell of carnivores whenever you get on a bus or a train, and it is not unbearable, but a good reminder of what was in the Garden of Eden, if you will excuse a Biblical reverence without wanting anyone to come to Jesus. This is the Health forum, not the religion forum.

Try it for a month and see how nuts and eggs and vegetables can do yourself a favour, without a church in sight. I am stuck between two religions so please don't think I am some priest. This is the health forum ...


There are good reasons not to eat meat or to eat less of it, but relief of pain is not one.

And gluten most definitely does not cause pain. In people with a gluten intolerance it causes some GI problems. The vast majority of people are not gluten intolerant and do just fine with it.

Please note health forum rules:

"2. Quackery and Misinformation: Posters should pay particular attention to forum rule # 1) "You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false"....

This will be strictly applied with respect to presentation as fact any statements which are clearly contrary to medical science."



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7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

8) You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages, vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.


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If I knew how to relieve pain, I would do it now.

It affects your sleep, your general peace of mind.

It is ugly!

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