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AIDS group protests against TV Channel 3's TV series


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Most of the Thai do fall for the stupid adds on tv and believe in the add and as for news the same, believe what ever the tv reporters has to say . Thus it won't surprise me if they believe almost everything they see on the tele film or soap opera

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The depiction of death in the way it was shown is not accurate. Death normally occurs from opportunistic infections of the immune system. People lose a lot of weight, unable to eat, cannot breathe etc. etc. The lesions do not always occur but they can be unsightly but not like Leprosy. There is medicine today that can keep people alive indefinitely. I agree that while it is admirable for the AIDS group to have called out the station on the inaccuracy of this scene- it is also important for them to continue to put forth their agenda and education on the subject so Thai people or others will not discriminate against people with the disease.

It is rather interesting to note that Thailand used compulsory licensing in 2006 to break a patent on an Aids drug manufactured by big Pharma in the West that was incredibly expensive. A Country can do this when it makes the case that it needs the drug to save lives but cannot afford it. The United States government attempted to block Thailand from doing this by intimidation. Thailand, to its credit, held its ground and ultimately saved many lives because of it. The US was incredibly selfish and unethical in its stance on this issue. Hence, my often use of the term materialistic capitalism.

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I saw that scene on Tuesday night. It's one of the most dishonest displays of either total ignorance or complete indifference by a high rating TV Channel.

Perpetuating the myths and stigma amongst the less well informed members of society doesn't help those dealing with HIV and trying to live in the wider community free from prejudice. It's not a death sentence anymore. Nor do HIV patients look like they've just been dragged along behind a car for 10 kilometres. Put that message in your damn soap operas !

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It is suppose to scare the shit out of people ,,,,that maybe make people think and try to do the right thing of not getting Aids....The stupid Aids group should be Happy that the TV soapy is trying to help scaring people and making them aware of the deadly disease.

There are more honest ways of doing that.

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Question number one, Do some AIDS patients actually die in this condition or not ? If so then the truth needs to be out there for all to see and be aware of.

I have no first hand experience other than the wife has a friend with AID and has medication that appears to control, although I guess she could still be a carrier. She got the disease from her drug using husband, who died from the disease.

Like Jack Nicholson said in the movie "You can't handle the truth", if it was a true depiction of the final and fatal stage of the disease, then let it be !!

This disease is and was a problem to be controlled !!

In answer to your question :- Hiv/Aids does not kill anyone. The disease gradually affects the immune system, meaning the patient can become ill with a number of illnesses. It is this, that can result in death.

If anyone contracts HIV and is not treated eventually they can get infections that the body cannot fight but not as on this TV show HIV is not AIDS until the CD4 count is lower than 200.




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It is suppose to scare the shit out of people ,,,,that maybe make people think and try to do the right thing of not getting Aids....The stupid Aids group should be Happy that the TV soapy is trying to help scaring people and making them aware of the deadly disease.

If fear is the preferred language of instruction - Then heaven help the human race.

You should pass this insight on to the producers of TV ads aimed at preventing people from drinking and driving, both in Thailand and in western countries, because they all seem to still think it works.

Fear is one of the primal instincts that triggers the flight or fight reaction in humans - it gets the adrenaline pumping. Take away our fear of the dangerous or deadly and the human race would have died out many, many moons ago...

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Unfortunately Thais believe what they see on TV

Similar to Americans then, and a lot of other Western Nations who Belive every thing they see on TV or in films at the Cinemas, Thats how America is re writing History,

Edited by Thongkorn
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Yes, it is ignorant and only feeds prejudice.

I have many friends who are HIV+. With the newer drugs, people live to be 70 or 80 and have normal lives.

Some of my + friends are gay, of course. Some are completely heterosexual. Globally, far more heterosexual men and women than gay people are HIV+, proportionally. I laugh so much at the gaybashers, especially when they end up drunk in Nana or Pattaya and go to bed with very attractive ladyboys but only realise it the next day.

Thais remain uneducated about many things, and lack critical thinking. The reasons are legion. But, this rubbish comparing HIV with leprosy etc only adds fuel. 100 years ago, lepers were kept in special colonies, although many were "normal" people. Fortunately, things have now changed a lot.

So good to see a gay priest come out this week and kiss his BF. As he said, Love is from God. Who gives a damn whom he cuddles in bed at night, if he feels genuinely nearer to God. His God. Up to him about his God and who he takes to be his partner. Life is short. Why be miserable for 70 years? Actually, it is an open secret that well over 50% of Vatican priests and staff are gay anyway. It is imposed from the top down as a sort of control mechanism, almost a gay mafia...which in itself is just as divisive as any other mafia.

Roll on freedom with responsibility. Gay marriage is getting huge, and HIV is well-controlled in modern countries. 4.9% of young people in the UK declare that they are gay, and the true number is 10% but around 60% if you include bisexuals and the millions of people who played strip poker with the boy-next-door when they were 15. The dinosaurs on here will not be around forever. The best thing to do if you are gay is to come out. Thousands of people feel so much better after coming out, as Sam Smith or George Michael will tell you.

Starting to get off-topic here, but let's try to reduce ignorance and stop spoon-feeding uneducated people with this soap rubbish!

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"So good to see a gay priest come out this week and kiss his BF. As he said, Love is from God. Who gives a damn whom he cuddles in bed at night, if he feels genuinely nearer to God. His God. Up to him about his God and who he takes to be his partner. Life is short. Why be miserable for 70 years? Actually, it is an open secret that well over 50% of Vatican priests and staff are gay anyway. It is imposed from the top down as a sort of control mechanism, almost a gay mafia...which in itself is just as divisive as any other mafia."

Hard to believe i just read this...

How the Catholic Church has survived the accusations, allegations and actual proof of the apparently systemic child abuse that it fostered is a testament to its wealth, and nothing more. Any other institution would've been shut down as being a secret club for paedophiles.

These clergymen doing the abusing are supposed to be closer to God than the rest of us - so if they are child abusers there are only 2 possible reasons for their actions:

1. They do not believe their actions are sinful (In which case they should make it public that the Catholic Church supports child abuse, don't you think?)


2. They have no fear of the repercussions of their actions. (In other words, being cast into the fires of hell for all eternity maybe ain't that bad...)

Now, is that a Church that anyone would want to be a part of? One that either says child abuse is OK... Or if it's not OK, even the senior management have no fear of the payback for doing some seriously bad shit...

It's evil, it's corrupt and it's a moral sin that it is still in existence to this day... But hey, money talks, so don't be shy about contributing to the collection plate...

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Unfortunately Thais believe what they see on TV

Similar to Americans then, and a lot of other Western Nations who Belive every thing they see on TV or in films at the Cinemas, Thats how America is re writing History,

Good point.

Most of the Americans that I grew up with learned their history from movies.

We weren't taught it in school... that's for sure.

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