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Syria: We believe that Russia has the wrong strategy, says US


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Syria: We believe that Russia has the wrong strategy, says US


WASHINGTON: -- Russian warships in the Caspian Sea have launched rockets on Islamic State targets in Syria, marking an escalation in Moscow’s role in the country.

The Kremlin announced that their ships carried out 26 missile strikes on the Islamist militants. It is the first known combat use of Russian sea-based cruise missiles at such a long-range.

Lying more than 1,000km away the warships joined Russia’s air campaign, which saw coordinated attacks with the Syrian army in Hama province and nearby Idlib. President Putin called again for cooperation with the US, Turkey and Arab states on Syria.

The Russian Defence Ministry said that the US refusal to share intelligence on ISIL positions was evidence Washington was seeking excuses not to fight terrorism. The US said it was willing to continue discussions to ensure pilot safety.

“We believe that Russia has the wrong strategy,” announced Ashton Carter, US Defence Secretary. “They continue to hit targets that are not ISIL. We believe this is a fundamental mistake. Despite what the Russians say, we have not agreed to cooperate with Russia as long as they continue to pursue mistaken strategy.”

Russia denies claims that its strikes have hit mainly non-ISIL targets. The Defence Ministry stated that 112 targets had been attacked since it joined the conflict in Syria on September 30.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-08

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Too bad US opinion means less than zero in this situation, no matter how they try to spin it in the media... Russia was invited by Assad to defend Syria from US sponsored terrorists, both "moderate" rebels and ISIS... Of course the US is going to disagree with Moscow's tact in taking out their flunkies... This is a lose-lose situation for the US...

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The US wants to bring democracy to Syria much in way it did to , Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, etc .If they have their chance they would do it to Iran also

Before long the only functional country in the region would be Israel.

I think the US strategy is and has being the balcanaization of the region . Divide and conquer.

Russia with a boarder in the region has other ideas.

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i bet they do , all that planning & funding in the creation of IS to carve up the middle east is going to waste, dont worrry the elite idiots who believe they are some sort of demigod (really infested by demons) will just push on into WW3 now

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Too bad US opinion means less than zero in this situation, no matter how they try to spin it in the media... Russia was invited by Assad to defend Syria from US sponsored terrorists, both "moderate" rebels and ISIS... Of course the US is going to disagree with Moscow's tact in taking out their flunkies... This is a lose-lose situation for the US...

Russia was invited by Assad, who may or may not be the legal leader of that country. It's being debated right now, and some really good arguments are being made he is not the legal leader.

This is a lose-lose situation for Russia. I'm afraid Russia may see more terrorist bombings in Moscow. They've already had quite a few, unfortunately.


Russian special services are working tirelessly to prevent potential terrorist attacks by extremists in retaliation to Moscow’s operation in Syria, Dmitry Peskov, presidential press secretary, has said.
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Too bad US opinion means less than zero in this situation, no matter how they try to spin it in the media... Russia was invited by Assad to defend Syria from US sponsored terrorists, both "moderate" rebels and ISIS... Of course the US is going to disagree with Moscow's tact in taking out their flunkies... This is a lose-lose situation for the US...

Russia was invited by Assad, who may or may not be the legal leader of that country. It's being debated right now, and some really good arguments are being made he is not the legal leader.

This is a lose-lose situation for Russia. I'm afraid Russia may see more terrorist bombings in Moscow. They've already had quite a few, unfortunately.


Russian special services are working tirelessly to prevent potential terrorist attacks by extremists in retaliation to Moscow’s operation in Syria, Dmitry Peskov, presidential press secretary, has said.

who is the legal leader of Syria? what are the criteria used to determine the legality of a regime, and what is the controlling agency that determines the legality of a government.

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Too bad US opinion means less than zero in this situation, no matter how they try to spin it in the media... Russia was invited by Assad to defend Syria from US sponsored terrorists, both "moderate" rebels and ISIS... Of course the US is going to disagree with Moscow's tact in taking out their flunkies... This is a lose-lose situation for the US...

"US sponsored terrorists"??? cheesy.gif

craziest post ever?giggle.gif

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Too bad US opinion means less than zero in this situation, no matter how they try to spin it in the media... Russia was invited by Assad to defend Syria from US sponsored terrorists, both "moderate" rebels and ISIS... Of course the US is going to disagree with Moscow's tact in taking out their flunkies... This is a lose-lose situation for the US...

Russia was invited by Assad, who may or may not be the legal leader of that country. It's being debated right now, and some really good arguments are being made he is not the legal leader.

This is a lose-lose situation for Russia. I'm afraid Russia may see more terrorist bombings in Moscow. They've already had quite a few, unfortunately.


Russian special services are working tirelessly to prevent potential terrorist attacks by extremists in retaliation to Moscow’s operation in Syria, Dmitry Peskov, presidential press secretary, has said.

who is the legal leader of Syria? what are the criteria used to determine the legality of a regime, and what is the controlling agency that determines the legality of a government.

In typical legal mumbo jumbo, this is being debated in many different places. The UN being one. The debate being made is a majority of the population no longer support him and no longer recognize the Syrian state as it exists today. I'll try to find the article by a law professor who outlined the debate. But it's not clear and being debated. They are trying to go after Assad for crimes against humanity....and for good reason.

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Russia is evidently acting to fill a "void". The unstability of the region is a problem for them. They can accomplish quite a bit, as they are not concerned about political fallout. However, when you release an attack dog... how do you rein it back in, after it is loose?

Ukraine and Syria....Putin is playing his cards and is capitalizing on opportunity.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Too bad US opinion means less than zero in this situation, no matter how they try to spin it in the media... Russia was invited by Assad to defend Syria from US sponsored terrorists, both "moderate" rebels and ISIS... Of course the US is going to disagree with Moscow's tact in taking out their flunkies... This is a lose-lose situation for the US...

"US sponsored terrorists"??? cheesy.gif

craziest post ever?giggle.gif

What are you quibling about? A sponsor would be someone who funds, arms, trains a group. Al Qaeda used to be considered a terrorist group, so it's not too much of a stretch to continue to call them terrorists. So US sponsored terrorists is a reasonable description.

It's the problem with the "enemy of my enemy must be my friend" strategy, especially if the enemy of your enemy is also your enemy.

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Russia has a huge problem with terrorism. Due to their war with Chechnya and their desire for independence. The rebels there are now associated with ISIL:


Over 2,000 Russians traveled to Iraq and Syria to join ISIS in the past year, mostly from Chechnya. In September, ISIS released a video of a Russian jihadist. He vowed ISIS will liberate Chechnya and the North Caucasus from Russia. The group strongly opposes Russian President Vladimir Putin providing aid to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Scary stuff....

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It is all semantics.

US is waging a war on terrorists. Some people say that this is wrong...put look at everyone squirm...with terminology. Nobody will be calling Russia "terrorists"...will they? I already see some insanity posts supporting Russia...and demonizing the USA. Your choice..basically. Be careful what you wish for.

Worst part is being criticized by people from countries that will not participate..... armchair quarterbacks, who deserve what they get.

Edited by slipperylobster
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who is the legal leader of Syria? what are the criteria used to determine the legality of a regime, and what is the controlling agency that determines the legality of a government.


Russia was invited by Assad, who may or may not be the legal leader of that country. It's being debated right now, and some really good arguments are being made he is not the legal leader.

This is a lose-lose situation for Russia. I'm afraid Russia may see more terrorist bombings in Moscow. They've already had quite a few, unfortunately.


Russian special services are working tirelessly to prevent potential terrorist attacks by extremists in retaliation to Moscow’s operation in Syria, Dmitry Peskov, presidential press secretary, has said.

In typical legal mumbo jumbo, this is being debated in many different places. The UN being one. The debate being made is a majority of the population no longer support him and no longer recognize the Syrian state as it exists today. I'll try to find the article by a law professor who outlined the debate. But it's not clear and being debated. They are trying to go after Assad for crimes against humanity....and for good reason.

though I understand your reasoning ,I only have two words for that concept slippery slope I have no love lost for Assad, but If the situation in Syria was left to the Syrians we might bein agreement, but once the US got involved, I cant see the argument of the exclusion of others involvement as legitimate either exclude all or none.. remember both the US and Russia have veto power in the UN , so any forthcoming resolutions in this matter are moot. Or I could be wrongsmile.png

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LOL. Not my reasoning, just relaying what I read. I'm still trying to find that article!!!! LOL Slippery slope in many ways, for sure. But I think everyone is in agreement Assad is a brutal dictator.


Paris prosecutors opened a preliminary inquiry on September 15 into alleged crimes committed by the Syrian government between 2011 and 2013, the source told AFP.

The French investigation is largely based on evidence from a former Syrian army photographer known by the codename "Caesar," who defected and fled the country in 2013, bringing with him some 55,000 graphic photographs.

Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said France had a "responsibility" to take action.

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Russia has the wrong strategy, this from a country which has a long history of backing the the wrong regimes.

You can probably make that same statement about many countries. All backing regimes of dubious character...for political or economic gains.

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The Ruskies launched cruise missiles at Syria Which with the DoD caused a mild hysteria. They accuse the US of continuing the tragedy And the US says they are using bad strategy. As the war news there gets wearier and wearier.

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Russia has the wrong strategy, this from a country which has a long history of backing the the wrong regimes.

Seriously? Shall we make a little list of evil regimes backed by the US over time?

1. The Taliban in Afghanistan

2. Sadam Hussein in Iraq

3. Pinochet in Chile

4. Noriega in Panama

5. Marcos in the Philippines

6. Abdullah in Saudi Arabia

Mind you, this is just a short list, there are in fact tons more.

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Russia has the wrong strategy, this from a country which has a long history of backing the the wrong regimes.

Seriously? Shall we make a little list of evil regimes backed by the US over time?

1. The Taliban in Afghanistan

2. Sadam Hussein in Iraq

3. Pinochet in Chile

4. Noriega in Panama

5. Marcos in the Philippines

6. Abdullah in Saudi Arabia

Mind you, this is just a short list, there are in fact tons more.

some on your list were the children of the US,Taliban for example, others were actively supported by the US when it suited their agenda

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Russia has the wrong strategy, this from a country which has a long history of backing the the wrong regimes.

You can probably make that same statement about many countries. All backing regimes of dubious character...for political or economic gains.

True, but if you are going to back the wrong regime then for Gods sake win,something the US seems abysmal at

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Too bad US opinion means less than zero in this situation, no matter how they try to spin it in the media... Russia was invited by Assad to defend Syria from US sponsored terrorists, both "moderate" rebels and ISIS... Of course the US is going to disagree with Moscow's tact in taking out their flunkies... This is a lose-lose situation for the US...

Russia was invited by Assad, who may or may not be the legal leader of that country. It's being debated right now, and some really good arguments are being made he is not the legal leader.

This is a lose-lose situation for Russia. I'm afraid Russia may see more terrorist bombings in Moscow. They've already had quite a few, unfortunately.


Russian special services are working tirelessly to prevent potential terrorist attacks by extremists in retaliation to Moscow’s operation in Syria, Dmitry Peskov, presidential press secretary, has said.

I actually want you to be correct here. But what I want most is for the US to get out of the ME and let Israel go it alone. Whatever causes the latter to happen is best for the US.

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Too bad US opinion means less than zero in this situation, no matter how they try to spin it in the media... Russia was invited by Assad to defend Syria from US sponsored terrorists, both "moderate" rebels and ISIS... Of course the US is going to disagree with Moscow's tact in taking out their flunkies... This is a lose-lose situation for the US...

Russia was invited by Assad, who may or may not be the legal leader of that country. It's being debated right now, and some really good arguments are being made he is not the legal leader.

This is a lose-lose situation for Russia. I'm afraid Russia may see more terrorist bombings in Moscow. They've already had quite a few, unfortunately.


Russian special services are working tirelessly to prevent potential terrorist attacks by extremists in retaliation to Moscow’s operation in Syria, Dmitry Peskov, presidential press secretary, has said.

I actually want you to be correct here. But what I want most is for the US to get out of the ME and let Israel go it alone. Whatever causes the latter to happen is best for the US.

Not only the US< all parties should get out of Syria. Iran, Russia, etc. This wouldn't be the big disaster now if they'd left well enough alone. Then again, maybe it would have! LOL

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Too bad US opinion means less than zero in this situation, no matter how they try to spin it in the media... Russia was invited by Assad to defend Syria from US sponsored terrorists, both "moderate" rebels and ISIS... Of course the US is going to disagree with Moscow's tact in taking out their flunkies... This is a lose-lose situation for the US...

Russia was invited by Assad, who may or may not be the legal leader of that country. It's being debated right now, and some really good arguments are being made he is not the legal leader.

This is a lose-lose situation for Russia. I'm afraid Russia may see more terrorist bombings in Moscow. They've already had quite a few, unfortunately.


Russian special services are working tirelessly to prevent potential terrorist attacks by extremists in retaliation to Moscow’s operation in Syria, Dmitry Peskov, presidential press secretary, has said.

who is the legal leader of Syria? what are the criteria used to determine the legality of a regime, and what is the controlling agency that determines the legality of a government.

The criteria is the International Law developed by the United Nations.

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Russia , Syria , Iraq and Iran formed a coalition, hence the disapprovement fom US.

US basically does not know what to do and is "worried " to make a wrong move.

Russia has also mobilised 150 000 troops which are moving in.

If US cooperates it means US will have to lift all sanctions from Russia in few months if US does not it risks an all out war.

Putin once again outplayed Obama, for Russia it is win- win situation because either sanctions get lifted or oil prices go up.

Loss of life is no concern to Putin, as Russia does not play by western moral rules.

Edited by konying
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There is Team A and Team B, and maybe Teams C-Z. Anyhow, it's amazing the PR people on Team A say positive things about Team A, and not so much about the other teams.

shocked. And then there is the election where the candidate votes for himself!!!!

now this is a story!!!!

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