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Immigration Promenada One Stop Service v2

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The last time I made my photos for my extension in September I made them exactly the size of the box, 3.25 x 4.5 cm and always did it that way as it made sense it should fit the supplied box. BTW, different countries have different requirements for their passport photos, the US require 5.1 x 5.1 cm, the UK 4.5 x 3.5cm so saying passport size photos is incorrect. Even Thai passport photos are 4.5x3.5 which matches the box on the TM7. Comparison of the TM7 box size and the specified size in the box below. But several reports that immigration are requiring the exact 4x6cm now.

Thank you - seeing it there in red and black shows just how big the difference is. The info I could find online shows that to apply for the Thai passport it's the same size as UK, and it's not just the size that matters, or even the background colour; we have UK and Aus passports and I can't remember which it is, but for one of them there had to be a white border! Size of said border was specified (I suppose it could have been some country we had to get a visa for, but I'm sure it was one of our passports).

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

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There are more than 3 agents in town, but generally here, only 3 are talked about.

Two of these have been highly recommended herein, the one on Chiangmailand Rd.,

and the other, Osthaivisa, between Thanons Sirimagalajarn and Nimman.

The latter one is headed by Khun Pom and Khun Lalydar, with their ikewise excellent staff.

Mentioning this lest the best get lost in the shuffle since there has been some innuendo about some unidentifed agency.


Just some of my personal observations, relating to todays annual extension at Prom.

I was a few numbers after Moe666, arriving around 04:45 eventually handing in the paperwork at 11:30 once my queue number was called.

There seemed to be an inordinant amount of time taken up simply by applicants NOT having their paperwork

prepared correctly - in proper order and fully completed.

Perhaps if more people would take a little more time to prepare and have everything ready to go, the times for initial

checking when they hand out the queue numbers would decrease. Then there are those who must leave the queue to rush

about chasing documents and returning to jump in front of others to hand in the paperwork.

I have to state with the very large amount of people at immig today, I thought the available staff did a tremendous job.

Tourists visa extensions, annual extensions, 90 days and others the place was packed full, the most I have ever seen it

even compared to the old airport office.

So even though I do not like the system there or what has been discussed in all the other topics related to & discussed here on TV,

well done & thank you to all the staff for their patience & work rate today.


Just some of my personal observations, relating to todays annual extension at Prom.

I was a few numbers after Moe666, arriving around 04:45 eventually handing in the paperwork at 11:30 once my queue number was called.

There seemed to be an inordinant amount of time taken up simply by applicants NOT having their paperwork

prepared correctly - in proper order and fully completed.

Perhaps if more people would take a little more time to prepare and have everything ready to go, the times for initial

checking when they hand out the queue numbers would decrease. Then there are those who must leave the queue to rush

about chasing documents and returning to jump in front of others to hand in the paperwork.

I have to state with the very large amount of people at immig today, I thought the available staff did a tremendous job.

Tourists visa extensions, annual extensions, 90 days and others the place was packed full, the most I have ever seen it

even compared to the old airport office.

So even though I do not like the system there or what has been discussed in all the other topics related to & discussed here on TV,

well done & thank you to all the staff for their patience & work rate today.

Thank you for an honest report on what is going on there. Your self and a few others have been very open about the fact that a lot of it we bring on are selves with lack of proper preparation. It is not all immigration inefficacy. That is not to say they do not have room to improve but your and a few other posts shows that we can do some thing about it with out bitching and saying what the immigration should do while we ignore are own part in it.

As I have said elsewhere first time applicants should be given a little leeway. I say give them a little leeway because I am a softie. The rest should be told to get it rite and go to the back of the line.

But several reports that immigration are requiring the exact 4x6cm now.

Sorry, but this is wrong. They have changed the requirement.

Now the photos need to be 4.8974cm by 6.6879cm.

They have ordered a laser measuring device specifically for this. It was, reportedly, only 3.45 million baht. If an antenna is attached (360,000 baht extra) this unit will also detect explosives. It works, really.

A few posts back someone mentioned the necessity of having all pages of your passport copied. This is a bit off topic but I just completed my 10th. marriage extension and every page of the passport was required. And yes the bank account needs to be updated on the day you apply. I was scolded for having no activity in my dedicated 400K bt. extension bank account other than a 500 bt. deposit on that day. I showed the lady out joint account as a reason there was on other activity in the M-extension account saying we use this account for general banking.
Also, all pages copies, documents etc. had to be signed in "Blue" ink. in a dedicated box stamped by the interviewing officer on each copy the stamped box contained Thai script I did not understand. (I needed to re-sign all documents.)
This was done at the Airport branch of course.
I only mention this as the retirement extension and marriage extension share a few similar documents.
Be prepared.
A few posts back someone mentioned the necessity of having all pages of your passport copied. This is a bit off topic but I just completed my 10th. marriage extension and every page of the passport was required. And yes the bank account needs to be updated on the day you apply. I was scolded for having no activity in my dedicated 400K bt. extension bank account other than a 500 bt. deposit on that day. I showed the lady out joint account as a reason there was on other activity in the M-extension account saying we use this account for general banking.
Also, all pages copies, documents etc. had to be signed in "Blue" ink. in a dedicated box stamped by the interviewing officer on each copy the stamped box contained Thai script I did not understand. (I needed to re-sign all documents.)
This was done at the Airport branch of course.
I only mention this as the retirement extension and marriage extension share a few similar documents.
Be prepared.

And this is why I intend to use the GT4 agency for my next retirement extension, because there seems to be many different variations according to experiences reported.

I would rather pay the extra 3000 baht and be sailed through the process then go through all the stress and inconvenience of hours and hours of discomfort, misery and hell fire. Although I`ve been completing my own paperwork for several years and never had problems, it seems for whatever reasons we have had the best of it and so now we must make the best of it, although it stinks to high heaven. I hate it as much as anyone else, but what choices do we have for the pleasure of staying in Chiang Mai?


A few posts back someone mentioned the necessity of having all pages of your passport copied. This is a bit off topic but I just completed my 10th. marriage extension and every page of the passport was required. And yes the bank account needs to be updated on the day you apply. I was scolded for having no activity in my dedicated 400K bt. extension bank account other than a 500 bt. deposit on that day. I showed the lady out joint account as a reason there was on other activity in the M-extension account saying we use this account for general banking.


Also, all pages copies, documents etc. had to be signed in "Blue" ink. in a dedicated box stamped by the interviewing officer on each copy the stamped box contained Thai script I did not understand. (I needed to re-sign all documents.)

This was done at the Airport branch of course.

I only mention this as the retirement extension and marriage extension share a few similar documents.

Be prepared.


And this is why I intend to use the GT4 agency for my next retirement extension, because there seems to be many different variations according to experiences reported.

I would rather pay the extra 3000 baht and be sailed through the process then go through all the stress and inconvenience of hours and hours of discomfort, misery and hell fire. Although I`ve been completing my own paperwork for several years and never had problems, it seems for whatever reasons we have had the best of it and so now we must make the best of it, although it stinks to high heaven. I hate it as much as anyone else, but what choices do we have for the pleasure of staying in Chiang Mai?

Did my retirement extension and multiple entry permit through G4T about a week ago. Showed up at 11:00, got passport copied, and documents checked by 11:15. Told to com back at 1:15. Had coffee and a bite to eat upstairs. Returned at 1:15 and was on my way home by 1:35 with the new extension and permit. Total cost not including government fees was 3500 baht. Very happy with the service and the price. If they are still in business next year I'll most likely use them again.



Hachi and Moe666 -- did everyone in the retirement extension queue yesterday receive a number or were some at the end told "sorry, no more queue cards, come back tomorrow?"

Do you have an idea of approximately how many queue cards were distributed, i.e. how many people were served?

It's great that you're reporting your experiences, but it's essential that everyone stick around AFTER they've received their own queue card to see what happens to others in the queue.

Those of us at Imm. Prom on "official business" have got to watch out for each other, esp. since I've "been told" I can't come out to watch myself.

Generinic & Cyberfarang -- yes, Imm. Prom does appear to keep changing the rules at times to force people into using G4T. By doing so, you're just rewarding that behavior and removing incentive for them to develop real solutions like a Chiang Mai specific on-line appointment queue. Also, you're penalizing expats like Moe666 and Hachi who get up early, wait in the queue and refuse to cave in to corruption.

It would be better if everyone stuck together rather than having expats taking advantage of other expats by using a visa agent that has been granted special privileges by Imm.


A few posts back someone mentioned the necessity of having all pages of your passport copied. This is a bit off topic but I just completed my 10th. marriage extension and every page of the passport was required. And yes the bank account needs to be updated on the day you apply. I was scolded for having no activity in my dedicated 400K bt. extension bank account other than a 500 bt. deposit on that day. I showed the lady out joint account as a reason there was on other activity in the M-extension account saying we use this account for general banking.


Also, all pages copies, documents etc. had to be signed in "Blue" ink. in a dedicated box stamped by the interviewing officer on each copy the stamped box contained Thai script I did not understand. (I needed to re-sign all documents.)

This was done at the Airport branch of course.

I only mention this as the retirement extension and marriage extension share a few similar documents.

Be prepared.


And this is why I intend to use the GT4 agency for my next retirement extension, because there seems to be many different variations according to experiences reported.

I would rather pay the extra 3000 baht and be sailed through the process then go through all the stress and inconvenience of hours and hours of discomfort, misery and hell fire. Although I`ve been completing my own paperwork for several years and never had problems, it seems for whatever reasons we have had the best of it and so now we must make the best of it, although it stinks to high heaven. I hate it as much as anyone else, but what choices do we have for the pleasure of staying in Chiang Mai?

Did my retirement extension and multiple entry permit through G4T about a week ago. Showed up at 11:00, got passport copied, and documents checked by 11:15. Told to com back at 1:15. Had coffee and a bite to eat upstairs. Returned at 1:15 and was on my way home by 1:35 with the new extension and permit. Total cost not including government fees was 3500 baht. Very happy with the service and the price. If they are still in business next year I'll most likely use them again.


And G4 and associates have achieved their objective.

I've "been told" I can't come out to watch myself.

What's that story? It's a public mall; you can stand outside their rental section with impunity, one would believe.


Just completed my extension today arrived at 0430 number 8 in line. When the numbers handed out number 8. There was at least 3 line jumpers before my number called one guy was in a wheel chair no problem. One was an agent no client and the 3rd was a fella only 2 behind me, I guess he could not wait to be sent off with crap paper work. He and the wife were told to come back when the paper work was completed. Jump the line and your paper work not correct what a loser. I was called up around 1000 presented all of my paper work including letter from Consulate for income, they used 35baht conversion rate. I also included my lease agreement but nothing was said about this and it went into the stack. Signed what he asked for paid the 1900baht, took my photo and told to come back after 1330 to pichup passport but not later than 1630. I was out of there by 1030 other than getting there at 0430 not ant different than the airport location. If you want a decent number be there by 0500 after that it started filling up but today could have been a one off because of the holiday and there were a lot of peoplewho didn't know they would be closed tomorrow.

Thank you Moe666 for the beginning of a good report. I look forward to the conclusion, as in what time your passport is actually returned and if you have time to get a re-entry permit.

Did everyone in the queue for a retirement extension this morning receive a queue card or were there some at the end who were told, "sorry none left, come back tomorrow"?

What you saw about some people not having their paperwork correct is normally. There are always a few turned away for that. What's troubling, though, is when people who come with their paperwork in order are turned away because there aren't enough queue cards. Did that happen today?

Did you happen to see how many queue cards, in total, were distributed?

It's important that people stick around after they receive their queue ticket to observe what happens to the rest of the queue.

I went back to Immigration at 1400 and my passport was ready. I cannot answer the rest of your questions mainly because it is none of my business how many cards they hand out. I arrived early to insure a place. Next year if the same situation is inplace I will be useing the agent. Nancy I appreciate what you are trying to do but its is more important to you than it is to me, once a year trip to the immigration will not consume me or my free time.


A few posts back someone mentioned the necessity of having all pages of your passport copied. This is a bit off topic but I just completed my 10th. marriage extension and every page of the passport was required. And yes the bank account needs to be updated on the day you apply. I was scolded for having no activity in my dedicated 400K bt. extension bank account other than a 500 bt. deposit on that day. I showed the lady out joint account as a reason there was on other activity in the M-extension account saying we use this account for general banking.


Also, all pages copies, documents etc. had to be signed in "Blue" ink. in a dedicated box stamped by the interviewing officer on each copy the stamped box contained Thai script I did not understand. (I needed to re-sign all documents.)

This was done at the Airport branch of course.

I only mention this as the retirement extension and marriage extension share a few similar documents.

Be prepared.


And this is why I intend to use the GT4 agency for my next retirement extension, because there seems to be many different variations according to experiences reported.

I would rather pay the extra 3000 baht and be sailed through the process then go through all the stress and inconvenience of hours and hours of discomfort, misery and hell fire. Although I`ve been completing my own paperwork for several years and never had problems, it seems for whatever reasons we have had the best of it and so now we must make the best of it, although it stinks to high heaven. I hate it as much as anyone else, but what choices do we have for the pleasure of staying in Chiang Mai?

Did my retirement extension and multiple entry permit through G4T about a week ago. Showed up at 11:00, got passport copied, and documents checked by 11:15. Told to com back at 1:15. Had coffee and a bite to eat upstairs. Returned at 1:15 and was on my way home by 1:35 with the new extension and permit. Total cost not including government fees was 3500 baht. Very happy with the service and the price. If they are still in business next year I'll most likely use them again.


And G4 and associates have achieved their objective.

Not really there will always more people doing their own extension than who go to a agent


"Not really there will always more people doing their own extension than who go to a agent"

Less by the day.

This business did not exist 4 months ago and is now coining it and growing rapidly I would say objective achieved?


Just completed my extension today arrived at 0430 number 8 in line. When the numbers handed out number 8. There was at least 3 line jumpers before my number called one guy was in a wheel chair no problem. One was an agent no client and the 3rd was a fella only 2 behind me, I guess he could not wait to be sent off with crap paper work. He and the wife were told to come back when the paper work was completed. Jump the line and your paper work not correct what a loser. I was called up around 1000 presented all of my paper work including letter from Consulate for income, they used 35baht conversion rate. I also included my lease agreement but nothing was said about this and it went into the stack. Signed what he asked for paid the 1900baht, took my photo and told to come back after 1330 to pichup passport but not later than 1630. I was out of there by 1030 other than getting there at 0430 not ant different than the airport location. If you want a decent number be there by 0500 after that it started filling up but today could have been a one off because of the holiday and there were a lot of peoplewho didn't know they would be closed tomorrow.

Thank you Moe666 for the beginning of a good report. I look forward to the conclusion, as in what time your passport is actually returned and if you have time to get a re-entry permit.

Did everyone in the queue for a retirement extension this morning receive a queue card or were there some at the end who were told, "sorry none left, come back tomorrow"?

What you saw about some people not having their paperwork correct is normally. There are always a few turned away for that. What's troubling, though, is when people who come with their paperwork in order are turned away because there aren't enough queue cards. Did that happen today?

Did you happen to see how many queue cards, in total, were distributed?

It's important that people stick around after they receive their queue ticket to observe what happens to the rest of the queue.

I went back to Immigration at 1400 and my passport was ready. I cannot answer the rest of your questions mainly because it is none of my business how many cards they hand out. I arrived early to insure a place. Next year if the same situation is inplace I will be useing the agent. Nancy I appreciate what you are trying to do but its is more important to you than it is to me, once a year trip to the immigration will not consume me or my free time.

You only would have had to hang around outside Imm. for about 10 minutes after receiving your queue card to see what happened to everyone else in the queue. Did they get a queue card or were they sent home and told to return another day. That's all.


Just completed my extension today arrived at 0430 number 8 in line. When the numbers handed out number 8. There was at least 3 line jumpers before my number called one guy was in a wheel chair no problem. One was an agent no client and the 3rd was a fella only 2 behind me, I guess he could not wait to be sent off with crap paper work. He and the wife were told to come back when the paper work was completed. Jump the line and your paper work not correct what a loser. I was called up around 1000 presented all of my paper work including letter from Consulate for income, they used 35baht conversion rate. I also included my lease agreement but nothing was said about this and it went into the stack. Signed what he asked for paid the 1900baht, took my photo and told to come back after 1330 to pichup passport but not later than 1630. I was out of there by 1030 other than getting there at 0430 not ant different than the airport location. If you want a decent number be there by 0500 after that it started filling up but today could have been a one off because of the holiday and there were a lot of peoplewho didn't know they would be closed tomorrow.

Thank you Moe666 for the beginning of a good report. I look forward to the conclusion, as in what time your passport is actually returned and if you have time to get a re-entry permit.

Did everyone in the queue for a retirement extension this morning receive a queue card or were there some at the end who were told, "sorry none left, come back tomorrow"?

What you saw about some people not having their paperwork correct is normally. There are always a few turned away for that. What's troubling, though, is when people who come with their paperwork in order are turned away because there aren't enough queue cards. Did that happen today?

Did you happen to see how many queue cards, in total, were distributed?

It's important that people stick around after they receive their queue ticket to observe what happens to the rest of the queue.

I went back to Immigration at 1400 and my passport was ready. I cannot answer the rest of your questions mainly because it is none of my business how many cards they hand out. I arrived early to insure a place. Next year if the same situation is inplace I will be useing the agent. Nancy I appreciate what you are trying to do but its is more important to you than it is to me, once a year trip to the immigration will not consume me or my free time.

You only would have had to hang around outside Imm. for about 10 minutes after receiving your queue card to see what happened to everyone else in the queue. Did they get a queue card or were they sent home and told to return another day. That's all.

I had to make a fast trip home before my appointment as I passed the Q-line they were still handing out cards and that was more than 10 min. after I recieved my card. I think the hold up was bad paper work. There was an annoumcement made before numbers handed out that immigration would be closed today.

I've "been told" I can't come out to watch myself.

What's that story? It's a public mall; you can stand outside their rental section with impunity, one would believe.

I'd rather not say how I received the message that I'm not to go out to Imm. Prom. unless it's to take care of my own business. And I was only going out to observe every two or three weeks, watching the morning queue process, reporting here on ThaiVisa and to others. I didn't speak to Imm. personnel and didn't stay long. But apparently, my reports struck a nerve

What I think was esp. troublesome is that Imm. was telling the Consuls one story about how many people were receiving queue cards each day and how many actually were. How many were being turned away and how many actually were being turned away.

This is why I'm begging people who go for their retirement extension to stick around and see how their fellow expats are being treated.

I've "been told" I can't come out to watch myself.

What's that story? It's a public mall; you can stand outside their rental section with impunity, one would believe.

Not too familiar with "Thai law" but i think a mall is private property and Imm. may have jurisdiction over the area in front of the office.

As to Nancy's statement that we should not accept corruption, I think we all decided to accept corruption by simply stepping off the plane at swampy or Don Muang...

I support her efforts and see that she is an advocate for farangs on many fronts. ... I used an agent and spent money to save on stress, just as planned by Imm. I can afford it and they know that. A successful parasite does not kill it's host.


I talked to a couple of expats in line with me at 0500 and both were clueless that immigration would be open only 2 days this week also both had a list of mistakes they had made concerning immigration in their first couple of years. In general most people are clueless about immigration rules and requirements of course there are exceptions, some are the few peoplewho post here. I do my own paper work so that I can understand the system and know what is required. This is the one of the most important things we have todoeach year and if we do not understand it and make mistakes that is our problem not someone elses

I've "been told" I can't come out to watch myself.

What's that story? It's a public mall; you can stand outside their rental section with impunity, one would believe.

Not too familiar with "Thai law" but i think a mall is private property and Imm. may have jurisdiction over the area in front of the office.

As to Nancy's statement that we should not accept corruption, I think we all decided to accept corruption by simply stepping off the plane at swampy or Don Muang...

I support her efforts and see that she is an advocate for farangs on many fronts. ... I used an agent and spent money to save on stress, just as planned by Imm. I can afford it and they know that. A successful parasite does not kill it's host.

Would you not call that a worth while convience as well. Remember there were agents in Chiang Mai before this guy opened up. Whenthe on-line Q system comes back up lets see how the complaining on this site drops off


The other agents have to send someone to wait in the queue for their customers. Only G4T can jump the queue. That is the key difference.

What you're buying when you employ G4T is queue-jumping. If G4T didn't exist, there would be more queue cards for everyone. Instead, the Immigration officials have to set aside some time to handle the paperwork that G4T brings to them during the day for their customers and take photos of their customers when they bring them in to the Imm. office -- interrupting the processing of people (or their agents) who waited in the early morning hours to obtain a queue card.

Yes, visa agents serve a valuable purpose -- a much broader purpose than merely jumping the queue. That's all you're buying with that 3000 fee to G4T.

Take a look at the website for Assist Thai Visa and OS Thai Visa -- two well-regarded, full service visa agencies. They do much, much more than offer you the chance to avoid the queue. Now take a look at the website for G4T. Oh, wait a minute. They don't have a website.


There are more than 3 agents in town, but generally here, only 3 are talked about.

Two of these have been highly recommended herein, the one on Chiangmailand Rd.,

and the other, Osthaivisa, between Thanons Sirimagalajarn and Nimman.

The latter one is headed by Khun Pom and Khun Lalydar, with their ikewise excellent staff.

Mentioning this lest the best get lost in the shuffle since there has been some innuendo about some unidentifed agency.

Yes a friend of mine went through a different agent. Than the three talked about. It was not Star Visa either. He paid 3,000 baht to get a right to work in Thailand. Not sure what he had as he was and is married to a Thai lady. He was constantly leaving the country on the job he had. Now he has just the one job here in Thailand. G4T could not have done it from him. But they make no claim to. They are mainly for the extensions and reentry permits. They make no claims for other things. As any one who has used them can tell you they are very professional. They make sure your paper work is all in order and your picture is the right size and get you in to have your picture taken the same as any of the other services do only cheaper.

Disclaimer I am in no way connected to them other than as a user of their very good service. If it was not them I would not hesitate to go to Thai Assist on Chiang Mai Land road. They to do excellent work and can do the trickier ones. Just a cost difference of 2,500 baht. But I can walk to them.

As for Osthaivisa They too to the best of my knowledge are as good as G4T in the simpler things. For more complicated things I have heard less than a glowing report and am always suspicious when some one can not explain any thing with out a bunch of superlatives.


An alternative? Avoid visa agents altogether. Then, chaos follows.

The media & government will then need to reassess the whole setup.


Seriously how hard is it to fill in a form or two, get photos and photocopies. Do people seriously need an agent to do this?

I am not meaning to be rude but if people cannot do this how do they manage to organise their daily life.


Seriously how hard is it to fill in a form or two, get photos and photocopies. Do people seriously need an agent to do this?

I am not meaning to be rude but if people cannot do this how do they manage to organise their daily life.

I agree, but if the goalposts are being moved regularly (as it would appear they are) then I have a little more sympathy for people. I posted to find out the size of the photo required and have 2 different answers; I passed one onto my neighbour yesterday but another different and very precise size has been posted today, I can't quite bring myself to tell him, but of course I'll have to. I think I should probably mention the TM30 thing that's been happening over the last couple of weeks, he's owned a condo for years and I don't think has been out of the country for a long time, but I know he's going to stress even more if I tell him this.

The more reports from credible people the better, and they seem to need to be although we have to remember that there an awful lot of people in CM who either don't know about, have been scared off or walked away from this forum.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


With pics, I am using the size as per the official application form. There is a rectangular box showing the required size.


With pics, I am using the size as per the official application form. There is a rectangular box showing the required size.

As already posted on this and other threads, the box on the forms are probably not the correct size. The correct size in 4 cm x 6 cm and that is written on the form, but in Thai script. There have been reports that they have sent people to have new photos made at the copy shop next to Imm. when they submitted forms with photos the size of the box on the form, not 4 cm x 6 cm on blue background.

You've been warned.


I talked to a couple of expats in line with me at 0500 and both were clueless that immigration would be open only 2 days this week also both had a list of mistakes they had made concerning immigration in their first couple of years. In general most people are clueless about immigration rules and requirements of course there are exceptions, some are the few peoplewho post here. I do my own paper work so that I can understand the system and know what is required. This is the one of the most important things we have todoeach year and if we do not understand it and make mistakes that is our problem not someone elses

Could you please clarify this statement

that immigration would be open only 2 days this week

So what day ill they be Open

Because there is only 2 official government Holidays scheduled?

The Monday And the Thursday Today?


So what was the "or else" associated with NancyL if you were to continue to spy on immigration?

Actually i would like to see what Immigration would do

I think they could have more than Egg on there face

Maybe a few people might get transferred to Southern Thailand

That would wake them up

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