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Police arrest Thai man for repeatedly raping 12 year old daughter


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She'll need an awful lot of help.

He just needs to be put somewhere where, for his lifetime, the most heinous of criminal scum can teach him what rape really means.

And stream it so that other potential parent rapists get the idea what they would be in for.

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"The father was then arrested and whilst under police questioning, allegedly told officers that when he got drunk he would grope his daughter whilst also touching his genitals but denied that he had raped the girl."

Like that's any better!

The reasoning of scum like this is unfathomable to me.

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Well,it sounds as if the old woman has not been well enough to do something,perhaps bedridden a while,and could not bear to see it continue.There will be so many factors here,no doubt in my mind this old lady has suffered as much as she could bear,listening and hearing what went on,unable to help.I think it would do us all good to try and see how difficult this situation was for the old lady.There is no doubt in my mind that this animal took advantage of his own mother and his daughter.I dont condone what he did,quite the opposite,but it is far better if possible to make suggestions that may help others in the same situation,i say MAYBE HELP.The mother of the girl has a lot to answer for in this,Lets hope the poor girl can get over this animal thats supposed to be her PAPA.just like a soi dog.

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All the expats who live in the lap of luxury here are quick to condemn the poorest dregs of society here without a thought as to the lives of those involved.

I don't condone the actions of this pathetic excuse of a human being,but I do take into account the ever increasing social divide within the Kingdom which obviously does little to help those at the bottom of the socio economic ladder who are more often than not the perpetrators of these crimes.

Rather than spouting off why don't some of our Thai Visa regulars make a donation to a charity which may assist in helping to deter these grave acts being repeated time and time again.

Thailand got hundreds of millions of dollars when the tsunami hit in '04, it hasn't changed a single thing.

Cut is Vienna Sausage off. That changes things!

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Why is it that whenever something like this is posted on TV all the "real men" post that they would cut thi s off or do this horrible thing or that to the man..and no one ever tries to discuss a way to prevent things like thiis from happening or ifinding out why things lke this happen and how these young girls could be protected or even helped to recover from such an experience.

My guess is that it makes :real men' feel like more of a man to make stupid unobtainable threats.

I wonder how many retirement ages alcoholic, obese heros are in any shape to take on a 40 year old man from anywhere but behind the safety of your keyboard?

Note: How manly you think you are does nothing to solve the problem or even have anything to do with this sad topic.

I would agree with you if we were in a civilized society, like in Switzerland for example. In reality I am saddened but not surprised by the type of comment posted here. My only hope is to leave this country safe and sound. Next time I want to get some nice weather I'll go in southern Europe, at least nobody will call me falan there.

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Why is it that whenever something like this is posted on TV all the "real men" post that they would cut thi s off or do this horrible thing or that to the man..and no one ever tries to discuss a way to prevent things like thiis from happening or ifinding out why things lke this happen and how these young girls could be protected or even helped to recover from such an experience.

My guess is that it makes :real men' feel like more of a man to make stupid unobtainable threats.

I wonder how many retirement ages alcoholic, obese heros are in any shape to take on a 40 year old man from anywhere but behind the safety of your keyboard?

Note: How manly you think you are does nothing to solve the problem or even have anything to do with this sad topic.

Instead of insulting posters can you share your thoughts on how to deal with and also prevent child abuse?

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"The father was then arrested and whilst under police questioning, allegedly told officers that when he got drunk he would grope his daughter whilst also touching his genitals but denied that he had raped the girl."

Like that's any better!

The reasoning of scum like this is unfathomable to me.

Terrible stuff, If convicted I hope his daughter gets justice and support to continue her life without her <deleted> father.

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ever see the hillbillies up around Udon Thani? I was way out in the middle of the no where when I saw them. They had flintlock rifles. and no teeth. Right out of the film "Deliverance". god knows what goes on out there.

they where sort of from another time.

This would get sorted by the Villagers if the police had not been called, Many villages deal out there own Justice without the police Knowing. And as for No teeth i have lived in

the jungles with these so called hillbilly's, Some of the most Generous caring people i have met, and most have all their own teeth if not all, I hope this girl gets the love she

needs< what must it feel like to be betrayed by the person who is suppose to nurture you and protect you,

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Tie him up to the local palm tree and let the neighbours chat to him about his evil habit.

Normally, such things are well known in villages and nothing will happen as long someone from the own family intervene. Tie him up like you say and let his daughter handle this. Give her a castration plier for bulls then give him and the entire village a lesson that he is an animal and must be treated like one.

UK jails are chock full of men, and some women who have committed child sex abuse, would you apply such a barbaric punishment to them also? We have moved on since medieval times, well,...............perhaps you and a few other TV throwbacks haven't.

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There's crime and there's crime.

But this crime goes beyond all comprehension.

What a despicable human being.

Absolutely dreadful !!

Unfortunately it is common in these SE Asian countries sad.png

I consider this a racist comment because this kind of thing goes on in many countries of the world including my adopted home country New Zealand.

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Tie him up to the local palm tree and let the neighbours chat to him about his evil habit.

Normally, such things are well known in villages and nothing will happen as long someone from the own family intervene. Tie him up like you say and let his daughter handle this. Give her a castration plier for bulls then give him and the entire village a lesson that he is an animal and must be treated like one.

UK jails are chock full of men, and some women who have committed child sex abuse, would you apply such a barbaric punishment to them also? We have moved on since medieval times, well,...............perhaps you and a few other TV throwbacks haven't.

Many studies have shown that you can’t cure this pedophilia and pedophiles they got released form mental hospitality and got called rehabilitate have done this crime again. This is a hormone imbalance in some male bodies. You can only prevent from this kind of people in 3 ways.

1. Lock him away for life time. Tax payers have to pay for him many years.

2. Try to cure him with medicine. Those he will take only if he is under supervision. You’ve to pay this supervision and of course the medicine. No supervision, he will stop to take the medicine and after a while he’s the same monster again.

3. Chop his b***s and his craving is stopped forever. Cheap and easy operation.

May you have to over this to your government? But the lefties and do-gooder will anticipated this proposal. The humanity has moved to the 21st century but the human body is still the same like the one from the stone age.

That’s fact!

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There's crime and there's crime.

But this crime goes beyond all comprehension.

What a despicable human being.

Absolutely dreadful !!

Unfortunately it is common in these SE Asian countries sad.png

@Hood Robin...read more on internet... you will be surprised how many sick bastards are out there in UK and in other so called Advanced countries too.

Locked in the boot, plied with ecstasy and repeatedly raped... by my own father:

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3223782/Locked-boot-piled-ecstasy-repeatedly-raped-father-Daughter-abused-30-years-tells-devastating-story-no-one-authority-believed.html#ixzz3nypKQY6j Father jailed for 20 years after raping five-year-old daughter in UK

Father Rapes his daughter and gives birth to a baby girl ( Canada)

all these sick people should be dealt without showing any mercy in my opinion.

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The grandmother allegedly told police that her son had raped his daughter on multiple occasions over a period almost one year.

Maybe the judge could see fit to let the grandmother and father share the same jail cell...

This child should be placed in protective custody until an acceptable relative can be found...an orphanage would be a better environment that the home she has been accustomed to...

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Tie him up to the local palm tree and let the neighbours chat to him about his evil habit.

Normally, such things are well known in villages and nothing will happen as long someone from the own family intervene. Tie him up like you say and let his daughter handle this. Give her a castration plier for bulls then give him and the entire village a lesson that he is an animal and must be treated like one.

UK jails are chock full of men, and some women who have committed child sex abuse, would you apply such a barbaric punishment to them also? We have moved on since medieval times, well,...............perhaps you and a few other TV throwbacks haven't.

Many studies have shown that you can’t cure this pedophilia and pedophiles they got released form mental hospitality and got called rehabilitate have done this crime again. This is a hormone imbalance in some male bodies. You can only prevent from this kind of people in 3 ways.

1. Lock him away for life time. Tax payers have to pay for him many years.

2. Try to cure him with medicine. Those he will take only if he is under supervision. You’ve to pay this supervision and of course the medicine. No supervision, he will stop to take the medicine and after a while he’s the same monster again.

3. Chop his b***s and his craving is stopped forever. Cheap and easy operation.

May you have to over this to your government? But the lefties and do-gooder will anticipated this proposal. The humanity has moved to the 21st century but the human body is still the same like the one from the stone age.

That’s fact!

Well, thankfully, your morbid and uninformed fantasies about crime, punishment and rehabilitation are unlikely ever to see the light of day in a legislative arena.

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It's common in the SE Asian countries is it? I checked.

Out of the top 18 countries for rape alone, per 100,000 of the population. only ONE SE Asian country features, at number 18.

(UN statistics 2012)

The top Five countries for child sexual abuse: Thailand number one? number two? three? four? five? Nope, none of them. The top five are

South Africa



then many of you will refuse to believe:

United Kingdom

United States of America

(International Business Times)

So whilst this is a hideous crime and clearly it happens in Thailand, it's best to stick to the facts.

There's crime and there's crime.

But this crime goes beyond all comprehension.

What a despicable human being.

Absolutely dreadful !!

Unfortunately it is common in these SE Asian countries sad.png

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It's common in the SE Asian countries is it? I checked.

Out of the top 18 countries for rape alone, per 100,000 of the population. only ONE SE Asian country features, at number 18.

(UN statistics 2012)

The top Five countries for child sexual abuse: Thailand number one? number two? three? four? five? Nope, none of them. The top five are

South Africa



then many of you will refuse to believe:

United Kingdom

United States of America

(International Business Times)

So whilst this is a hideous crime and clearly it happens in Thailand, it's best to stick to the facts.

There's crime and there's crime.

But this crime goes beyond all comprehension.

What a despicable human being.

Absolutely dreadful !!

Unfortunately it is common in these SE Asian countries sad.png

I would say that the statistics have a lot to do wit reported crime. For example rape is far more reported in the UK and the USA then here in Thailand. Its just like any other crime in Thailand the police dont want to know a lot of the time but in the UK once contact is made it is reported, simple.

2 friends of mine were walking along Jomtien beach one evening and they set upon by 4 people. They stole necklace some other jewellery and made off off the beach. They went straight to the police station and were told to go and take a picture of them and bring it back to the police station? I know this is not a horrific child rape but its one of many examples I know where not only is crime not reported you dont even get assistance from the police.

I can't help but think this is such a disgusting crime how many families cover it up due to the issue of losing face?

There is definitely a problem with child welfare here, I have seen the orphanages and shelters. However, 1 thing I will say that I have on good authority that over the last 15 years things have improved dramatically here, (I have only been here about 4 years now) but clearly still a lot to do.

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There's crime and there's crime.

But this crime goes beyond all comprehension.

What a despicable human being.

Absolutely dreadful !!

Unfortunately it is common in these SE Asian countries sad.png

I consider this a racist comment because this kind of thing goes on in many countries of the world including my adopted home country New Zealand.

Racist comment? Get a life.

Edited by nottocus
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