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Scammed for 530.000 Bath

J Juster

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Hi members,

Two former friends of mine scammed me for 530.000 Bath one of them is living in Thailand ( Chang Mai ) I forund out that i was scammed doing last weekend i confronted them via skype and quickly made an agreement with the one living out here, he transferred 150.000 Bath Tuesday out of the 265.000 he owed me.

The story is the three of us was suppose to do a business deal, they told me the deal was of which it wasn't. So they pocketed 530.000 bath each and shared my 530.000 among them so they got 795.000 bath each less than a month ago.

Told me i would receive the rest in the end of next week when his Gf will return from Germany, i went along with it so i could get some of my funds back now. But after realising they have done some business damage as well he stopped responding to my messages.

Then i suddenly remembered that he a while ago ( I have the aproxx dates ) he got a fake visa, made by a corrupt immigration worker/officer/agent. So i told him if he dont pay the rest today ( Friday ) before 11.00 o,clock i will contact a Lieutenant Colonel in immigration and expose him.

Also i will expose him with full name and the name of his restaurant he has in Chang Mai here ( Chang Mai forum.

Pros and cons by doing this ?

J Juster

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Cons, its not allowed on this forum and would be immediately deleted.

6) You will not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.

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Make sure your facts are straight for a start. Do they owe you 380k baht (530-150k)? Were you scammed or was it a failed business? Are you certain his visa is fraudulent? Some if your post doesn't add up.

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Make sure your facts are straight for a start. Do they owe you 380k baht (530-150k)? Were you scammed or was it a failed business? Are you certain his visa is fraudulent? Some if your post doesn't add up.

The guy who live in Thailand transferred 150.000 Bath to me Tuesday morning, means he still need to send 115.000 + 20.000 for a loan total 135.000 Bath, the other guy im in dialog with but he lives in Brazil so can't do much about that now.

The business deal was made abroad, and do not involve a Thai national or a Thai company, the 2 former friends and i had been working together for the around 8 months in a company i own, they changed the E-mails used another bank account ( The guy in Brazil ) told me there was no deal.

They did some more things to fraud me, so i didn't notice it, dont se any reason to give all the details about the fraud and the way it was done in details.

then i found out that they made a business deal behind my back, and instead of sharing 3 times 530.000 they shared it 2 ways.

Im 100% sure he has a fake visa, and when I couldn't get in contact with him ( Send messages on Skype )after i told him i would contact immigration he responded 10 minutes after the message,told me he didn't had the money and was waiting for his Gf to return from Germany. come on i said you saying you spend 795.000 minus the 150.000 gave me Tuesday. 645.000 under a month.

I gave to him 11.00 am today he didn't respond to that.

Why i asked about pros and cons, im aware the pros ars that i get my money and we can move on with our separate lives, the con if i report him, the immigration employed get problems to i guess maybe losing her job, i dont want to taste the Thai revenge i you understand what i mean, i been living here with a Gf and 2 kids for over 9 years now, close to Kanchanaburi.

Im scheduled to fly back to Denmark in the beginning of next week.

The fellow in Thailand owes me 135,000 with a small loan added, the other owes me 265.000 which i will take care of when im back home.

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Most scammers dont stay in touch and make payback deals full or in part.

Are you sure this was a scam and not just a business deal that fell through, Mr. Luster?

Maybe you can explain the business deal in more detail.

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Most scammers dont stay in touch and make payback deals full or in part.

Are you sure this was a scam and not just a business deal that fell through, Mr. Luster?

Maybe you can explain the business deal in more detail.

They are not just random scammers but ( Former ) friends for almost 10 years, I wouldn't post here if i wasn't 100 % sure. I see no reason to disclose the details of the business deal here.

I have iskype log from both where they admit what they owe me and other proof.

My issue if i dont get the rest of my money today, i will contact immigration about his fake visa, but dont want a angry maybe fired immigration officer after me since i have my family here.

About him, hope he will get deported and dont care if i see the rest of the money he owes me if that happens.

Troll alert? whatever Mr Faith

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Most scammers dont stay in touch and make payback deals full or in part.

Are you sure this was a scam and not just a business deal that fell through, Mr. Luster?

Maybe you can explain the business deal in more detail.

They are not just random scammers but ( Former ) friends for almost 10 years, I wouldn't post here if i wasn't 100 % sure. I see no reason to disclose the details of the business deal here.

I have iskype log from both where they admit what they owe me and other proof.

My issue if i dont get the rest of my money today, i will contact immigration about his fake visa, but dont want a angry maybe fired immigration officer after me since i have my family here.

About him, hope he will get deported and dont care if i see the rest of the money he owes me if that happens.

Troll alert? whatever Mr Faith

If you could PM me the name of the restaurant in CM. Thanks Andrew.

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You need to open a case with the police in Thailand not contact immigration....

Start a bidding war between the two...

Fact is there are always two sides to the story and we are hearing only 1 side ..if i had been scanmed of money reporting someone to immigration wouldnt even be on the radar...the complaint would be with the police formally....something doesnt seem right with this OP

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i suspect if you had the actual means and influence to get your money back, you would not be wasting time here.

where do i mention i have the influence and means to get my money back, you dont need to reply clearly you only read what your eyes want 2 see.

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You need to open a case with the police in Thailand not contact immigration....

My worries is the effect it will have on the immigration officers involved in making the fake visa, since i live out here and have a family i dont want that kind of problems.

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Maybe live and learn. You (and others) need to get these "business deals" on paper; signed, sealed and delivered. I am guessing that you have lost a good some of money and there is nothing you can do about it. Sorry buddy I can feel your pain and frustration but in reality there is probably little you can do.

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You need to open a case with the police in Thailand not contact immigration....

Start a bidding war between the two...

Fact is there are always two sides to the story and we are hearing only 1 side ..if i had been scanmed of money reporting someone to immigration wouldnt even be on the radar...the complaint would be with the police formally....something doesnt seem right with this OP

So if you contact immigration and let them know about a foreigner who using fake visa they won't do anything, yeah sure. I will post his full name here and link to his fb ( if thats allowed ) and the name +location on the restaurant then you can go there hear his version, after you can come back here and we can compare notes :)

I have proof and a admission from both what they have done, and a downpayment.

Funny you say the immigration won't do anything 10 days ago he went to the office again to make a retirement visa, was told because of the bombs in Bangkok they keeping a low profile and had to come back when its more quiet.

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I will post his full name here and link to his fb ( if thats allowed ) and the name +location on the restaurant then you can go there hear his version, after you can come back here and we can compare notes smile.png

The moderator already informed you that you can not do that by reason of defamation.

Maybe it's you who only reads what your eyes want to see.

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Maybe live and learn. You (and others) need to get these "business deals" on paper; signed, sealed and delivered. I am guessing that you have lost a good some of money and there is nothing you can do about it. Sorry buddy I can feel your pain and frustration but in reality there is probably little you can do.

I will explain it a little bit, they contacted a client behind my back via my company when they finally landed the deal the changed the bank account number on the contract to they own private account, thats how it happend so they where doomed to get caught, but they did it so poorly that the client contacted the head office directly so i got noticed whats was going on.

He is owing me 135.000 bath its not a fortune, and just messaged me that i will get it when his wife from germany returns, if he dont i will expose him here with proof, his full name and his business location in Chang Mai

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I will post his full name here and link to his fb ( if thats allowed ) and the name +location on the restaurant then you can go there hear his version, after you can come back here and we can compare notes smile.png

The moderator already informed you that you can not do that by reason of defamation.

Maybe it's you who only reads what your eyes want to see.

I missed that part, what if i can prove it?

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I will post his full name here and link to his fb ( if thats allowed ) and the name +location on the restaurant then you can go there hear his version, after you can come back here and we can compare notes smile.png

The moderator already informed you that you can not do that by reason of defamation.

Maybe it's you who only reads what your eyes want to see.

I missed that part, what if i can prove it?

Doesn't matter, you can not post libellous or defamatory comments in Thailand, proven or not.

That's the way it is.

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I will post his full name here and link to his fb ( if thats allowed ) and the name +location on the restaurant then you can go there hear his version, after you can come back here and we can compare notes smile.png

The moderator already informed you that you can not do that by reason of defamation.

Maybe it's you who only reads what your eyes want to see.

I missed that part, what if i can prove it?

As you have been told you cannot name and shame on TV even if true...the details will deleted and the thread closed

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Maybe live and learn. You (and others) need to get these "business deals" on paper; signed, sealed and delivered. I am guessing that you have lost a good some of money and there is nothing you can do about it. Sorry buddy I can feel your pain and frustration but in reality there is probably little you can do.

I will explain it a little bit, they contacted a client behind my back via my company when they finally landed the deal the changed the bank account number on the contract to they own private account, thats how it happend so they where doomed to get caught, but they did it so poorly that the client contacted the head office directly so i got noticed whats was going on.

He is owing me 135.000 bath its not a fortune, and just messaged me that i will get it when his wife from germany returns, if he dont i will expose him here with proof, his full name and his business location in Chang Mai

Just be careful. If you have proof then maybe ask for this thread to be moved to "Ask a Lawyer". Otherwise you could be stepping on a minefield.

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You need to open a case with the police in Thailand not contact immigration....

Start a bidding war between the two...

Fact is there are always two sides to the story and we are hearing only 1 side ..if i had been scanmed of money reporting someone to immigration wouldnt even be on the radar...the complaint would be with the police formally....something doesnt seem right with this OP

So if you contact immigration and let them know about a foreigner who using fake visa they won't do anything, yeah sure. I will post his full name here and link to his fb ( if thats allowed ) and the name +location on the restaurant then you can go there hear his version, after you can come back here and we can compare notes :)

I have proof and a admission from both what they have done, and a downpayment.

Funny you say the immigration won't do anything 10 days ago he went to the office again to make a retirement visa, was told because of the bombs in Bangkok they keeping a low profile and had to come back when its more quiet.

Why havent you lodged a case with police ?

You started the thread they scammed you of thb 530k now its 135k ?

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I'll say it again, although posr #3 should have been enough.

You state ANY name or precise location and it will be removed.

You make any statement that leads to any person suffering harm, whether true or false, supported or not, and you could be subject to civil and criminal proceedings.

This is Thailand, be very careful or it could cost you substantially more than 135k.

ANY further discussion of "exposure" will result in this thread being closed.

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I will post his full name here and link to his fb ( if thats allowed ) and the name +location on the restaurant then you can go there hear his version, after you can come back here and we can compare notes smile.png

The moderator already informed you that you can not do that by reason of defamation.

Maybe it's you who only reads what your eyes want to see.

I missed that part, what if i can prove it?

As you have been told you cannot name and shame on TV even if true...the details will deleted and the thread closed

I wont......He will get what he deserves

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