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What could be the problem that updates are too slow, or don't even happen?

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Hello and awasdee Khrap,

I've just upgraded an older PC I'm planning to use at school, instead of always talking my notebook back and forth.

Got an AMD Athlon 64 X 2 Dual Core Processor 4000 + with 2.11 Ghz. I put some more memory in and got a 1 GB graphic card and 4 GB DDR 2 RAM

The PC is really fast and works well. I was trying to upgrade it from Windows 7 to 10, just put a Windows 7 Ultimate- genuine- program on it.

I've already updated a few things, for example some MS office 2013 stuff, but now it doesn't update anymore.

It's just searching and searching and searching. I've tried programs from Windows, did some fixes, but still the same problem.

Even when I go to Control Panel and want to update drivers, it takes forever and nothing happens when choosing check online drivers.

I'd really appreciate some ideas what the problem could be. My goal is to upgrade it to Windows 10, so it doesn't work with the Media creation tool, because I didn't get the message yet.

Thanks a lot in advance. wai2.gif


just put a Windows 7 Ultimate- genuine- program on it.

Really? You have a genuine Windows 7 Ultimate COA sticker?

Well, a sort of......blink.png

P.S. Downloaded the Image creating tool on my very genuine one and the set up has just started. Let's see.


It doesn't help anyone if you lie... just say that you are using a Loader if that it what you are doing. Otherwise anyone trying to troubleshoot for you is at a disadvantage.


It doesn't help anyone if you lie... just say that you are using a Loader if that it what you are doing. Otherwise anyone trying to troubleshoot for you is at a disadvantage.

Okay, I'm guilty. When will I be executed? smile.png


It doesn't help anyone if you lie... just say that you are using a Loader if that it what you are doing. Otherwise anyone trying to troubleshoot for you is at a disadvantage.

Okay, I'm guilty. When will I be executed? smile.png

I have no idea.

But I would be certainly reluctant to help someone who wastes my time by lying to me. What was the point of writing "genuine" when you know that is isn't? If you think that it makes no difference, then you are less intelligent that you might imagine. I don't care if you are running 'non genuine', but I

need to know so that I don't waste time wondering why it is being indicated as 'non genuine' when you say that it is genuine.

The reason why I appear to be 'banging on' about this issue....is that we've had this conversation before....but it appears that you took no heed.

What Motherboard exactly is in the machine? Let's see if we can stick to facts from now on. Then we can deal with the licencing and Drivers issues accurately.


It doesn't help anyone if you lie... just say that you are using a Loader if that it what you are doing. Otherwise anyone trying to troubleshoot for you is at a disadvantage.

Okay, I'm guilty. When will I be executed? smile.png

I have no idea.

But I would be certainly reluctant to help someone who wastes my time by lying to me. What was the point of writing "genuine" when you know that is isn't? If you think that it makes no difference, then you are less intelligent that you might imagine. I don't care if you are running 'non genuine', but I

need to know so that I don't waste time wondering why it is being indicated as 'non genuine' when you say that it is genuine.

The reason why I appear to be 'banging on' about this issue....is that we've had this conversation before....but it appears that you took no heed.

What Motherboard exactly is in the machine? Let's see if we can stick to facts from now on. Then we can deal with the licencing and Drivers issues accurately.

I guess I've been here for too long and see "illegal activities" as normal. Never had a school computer that was genuine and after a while you'll ask yourself why you should pay relatively good money to have what you can get for free.

Once the school administrators find out that you know a little bit about computers, they give the responsibility to you to keep them running. Of course could i also ask our computer guy, who's got a completely infected system and i wouldn't allow him to use his memory stick on one of the computers I'm using.

MS sees it as genuine and that was my point. I've found a way t start the download by using my genuine PC to download the Image creating tool and it seems that I'm good to go.

It's at 50 % download now and I'm certain that I'll get it to work well.

I really apologize as it was never my intention to waste anybody's time on this forum. I just don't understand why some programs (also genuine ones) do not update well.

To make a long story short, all i wanted to know why some program just don't update drivers and programs. I don't think that this could be a license issue.

The machine runes well on Windows 7 and if it doesn't turn put well, I'll keep 7. Sorry for any inconvenience my post might have caused. This PC will be used at my school and they tell me that they don't have the money to buy a PC.

Again, sorry for any troubles you might have with my post. Cheers. wai2.gif


Recently arrived back in LOS after 2 years abroad,during this period I had many updates on my laptop.

Firing up my Win 7 desktop,it tried to download updates but failed after 2 minutes every day for a week.

Went to MS site for help,many fixes there,tried them all to no avail,decided to give it a miss but on checking update history found a recent update had been successfully installed.Ran update again only to have it fail again,gave up, shut down pc only to find 47 updates awaiting installation.

Sorry can't tell which of the fixes worked.

Hope you can overcome your problems more easily


If the win7 image is from your notebook you might run in to several problems, if it's an OEM Windows you have, then all drivers for you notebook PC are included in that specific image, which means that if you try to install same image onto another desktop PC you will run in to a lot of different problems, like no drivers for you HD, DVD, driver incompatibility for all hardware(HW) buses and ports, internal graphic etc.

It's not the end of the desktop comp, but you need to download drivers for your specific desktop motherboard and install it as soon win7 is installed, make sure you know exactly which motherboard you have as AMD and Intel are competing against each other and they don't provide any compatibility between chips and CPU's. An exact match with brand and model number are required. You most probably have the wrong ATA/IDE drivers and also wrong bus chip drivers.

If the drivers can't install, win7 and earlier had Microsoft default drivers just for the purpose if you haven't installed it during win7 installation, you can still use the computer to download the real drivers.

Always download from the manufacturers website as all the others infest drivers and programs with virus.


just put a Windows 7 Ultimate- genuine- program on it.

Really? You have a genuine Windows 7 Ultimate COA sticker?

LostinIsaan and genuine software ? cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

+ 3 cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


If the win7 image is from your notebook you might run in to several problems, if it's an OEM Windows you have, then all drivers for you notebook PC are included in that specific image, which means that if you try to install same image onto another desktop PC you will run in to a lot of different problems, like no drivers for you HD, DVD, driver incompatibility for all hardware(HW) buses and ports, internal graphic etc.

It's not the end of the desktop comp, but you need to download drivers for your specific desktop motherboard and install it as soon win7 is installed, make sure you know exactly which motherboard you have as AMD and Intel are competing against each other and they don't provide any compatibility between chips and CPU's. An exact match with brand and model number are required. You most probably have the wrong ATA/IDE drivers and also wrong bus chip drivers.

If the drivers can't install, win7 and earlier had Microsoft default drivers just for the purpose if you haven't installed it during win7 installation, you can still use the computer to download the real drivers.

Always download from the manufacturers website as all the others infest drivers and programs with virus.

I didn’t create an image by using another PC, or notebook. I just used my genuine PC at home to have an Image creation tool. The machine I want to upgrade to Windows 10 will be used at my school only and I’m trying to use the midterm break to get it running well and I might learn something as well.

Two hours ago I started the image creating tool from a memory drive. All went well and it downloaded the setup. But only until the “Getting updates part”.

Which is also my point why I made this thread. Neither a driver via Device Manager can be updated, nor does the Windows 10 “Getting Updates- This may take a few minutes (please see image) start to actually update.

I bought the machine for under 2 K, bought a new 500 GB Sata hard drive, put a DVD drive in, added 2 GB of DDR 2 RAM, a 1 GB graphic card of my son's old PC, plus some other parts, just to have a functioning PC at school.

Before I always took my notebook to school and had to take it home at the end of the day, because thieves already tried to get into the building.

Why do some people here give me the feeling that I’m a criminal, if I’m only doing something what was done on the other machines before?

Would I go to the local dealer, they’d try to sell me a genuine copy, but finally put their virus loaded installation disc in. I might buy a Spanish version of a Windows 10 image for 550 baht and make this world to a better one.

I apologize again for asking such an insane question. I can't afford to put anther 5 K into an old machine for a genuine program.

That's the truth and nothing but the truth and i really hope that some of you understand why I'm doing it this way. My apologies.

The PC with Windows 7 with a clean installation is as fast as a racehorse, but i was just thinking that I might try to run Windows 10.

I have all backed up and wanted to give it a try. Thanks a lot.

P.S. I just checked and saw that 309 !!! updates are ready to install.( Nothing to do with the Windows 10 upgrade, I guess.)

I let them run now and then see....

Maybe it took a little bit longer as usual? I'm still learning, so please don't be too hard on me.



Well, it may be of some use to you to know that legitimate keys for Win 7 and Win 8 or 8.1 are available pretty cheaply on ebay, newegg and other sites. Also, Microsoft is making it possible for Win 10 to be activated with legitimate WIN 7 or 8 keys after a completely fresh install of Win 10. Look up the latest ZDNet article on this for instructions. It may be possible for you to install legitimate Win 10 copies pretty cheaply. Also, when I arrive back in Bangkok in November, I plan to sell two of my Lenovo laptops. I really don't like their keyboards and their WiFi connectivity is balky and Bluetooth very cranky. If you're interested, we can make a deal. You can PM me around the end of November.


It doesn't help anyone if you lie... just say that you are using a Loader if that it what you are doing. Otherwise anyone trying to troubleshoot for you is at a disadvantage.

Okay, I'm guilty. When will I be executed? smile.png

I have no idea.

But I would be certainly reluctant to help someone who wastes my time by lying to me. What was the point of writing "genuine" when you know that is isn't? If you think that it makes no difference, then you are less intelligent that you might imagine. I don't care if you are running 'non genuine', but I

need to know so that I don't waste time wondering why it is being indicated as 'non genuine' when you say that it is genuine.

The reason why I appear to be 'banging on' about this issue....is that we've had this conversation before....but it appears that you took no heed.

What Motherboard exactly is in the machine? Let's see if we can stick to facts from now on. Then we can deal with the licencing and Drivers issues accurately.

I guess I've been here for too long and see "illegal activities" as normal. Never had a school computer that was genuine and after a while you'll ask yourself why you should pay relatively good money to have what you can get for free.

Once the school administrators find out that you know a little bit about computers, they give the responsibility to you to keep them running. Of course could i also ask our computer guy, who's got a completely infected system and i wouldn't allow him to use his memory stick on one of the computers I'm using.

MS sees it as genuine and that was my point. I've found a way t start the download by using my genuine PC to download the Image creating tool and it seems that I'm good to go.

It's at 50 % download now and I'm certain that I'll get it to work well.

I really apologize as it was never my intention to waste anybody's time on this forum. I just don't understand why some programs (also genuine ones) do not update well.

To make a long story short, all i wanted to know why some program just don't update drivers and programs. I don't think that this could be a license issue.

The machine runes well on Windows 7 and if it doesn't turn put well, I'll keep 7. Sorry for any inconvenience my post might have caused. This PC will be used at my school and they tell me that they don't have the money to buy a PC.

Again, sorry for any troubles you might have with my post. Cheers. wai2.gif

After all that, you still haven't come up with the Motherboard details. You say that you want to learn, but instead you just repeat the same behaviour.

If you want to learn something...come up with the Motherboard details.....


<snip> After all that, you still haven't come up with the Motherboard details. You say that you want to learn, but instead you just repeat the same behaviour.

If you want to learn something...come up with the Motherboard details....<snip>

It's a ASrock motherboard ddr2 PCI Express rate with 4 RAM slots and 4 SATA connectors for hard drives. I don't see a particular model number. ( PC is updating now and it seems that there're just too many.

Started with 309 updates, now installed around 20 twice, then reboot. It seems to work, but will take some time.

I might get the invitation from MS sooner, or later via update. Thanks a lot for your time. Cheers- wai2.gif



If this is the same board you were previously asking about using DDR 2 400 RAM with, then the answer to that question is no.

You will find the specs here:


You can download the User manual here:


You can select the ASRock drivers here:


Vista drivers will hopefully work with Windows 7


If this is the same board you were previously asking about using DDR 2 400 RAM with, then the answer to that question is no.

You will find the specs here:


You can download the User manual here:


You can select the ASRock drivers here:


Vista drivers will hopefully work with Windows 7

Thanks a lot for the very useful links. Yes, it's the same board I was asking if a DDR 2 400 would fit, because I've got some sitting here.

But it turned out that a 800 Mhz was needed, just to have the same speed as the already existing one.

I've also installed a 1 GB graphic card which makes the machine pretty fast.

Thanks a lot for your nice post, deeply appreciated. Just found out that I'll have to take my 111 GB notebook hard drive out, the 500 GB hard drive I bought seems to be enough.

I've read in the manual you've attached that it automatically takes over the smaller size hard drive.

BTW, ADVICE right now have a promotion going on and a 2 GB DDR 2 800 Mhz was only 830 baht. Just in case if anybody's planning an upgrade.



This is why I do not troubleshoot a problem online (social media, email, messenger) or on the phone . The real way to deal with a computer problem is face to face with the owner and his/her hardware.



Lostinisaan, you seriously need to read the responses correctly.

Read what me, Jiu-Jitsu and kkerry wrote and you will have ALL information in hand what you need to do and how.

I will be a little arrogant now but you might learn something from it.

A PC consists of electronic components, right.

The components are made to supply with functionality to different parts of the computer, and depending on what chosen operating system you chose to use in the computer the drivers are all different between OS'es, BUT depending on manufacturer of THE MOTHERBOARD which clearly says what it is, the mother of all chips and electronics on the MOTHERBOARD AND depending on the manufacturers CHOICE of chipset brands, there will be different drivers for each and every motherboard model.

There are different drivers for ALL of the components in the PC.

The internal clock, CPU, graphics, USB ports, Com ports, Disk drives, network chipsets, internal pipes and hard drive interfaces like IDE/SATA/PATA/SCSI.

Again, everyone need drivers except the ones that the BIOS are taking care of, so when you install an operating system only the standard drivers are installed by Microsoft having a subset standard functionality for those drivers.

That's why it's VERY important you download or use CD that have the manufacturers drivers.

Microsoft's driver DOESN'T have optimal functionality with enhanced speed for different hardware, such as the graphic drivers, HD enhanced speed buffers, cache and pipes or network cards with burst cache and so fort.

THAT'S why I told you to install drivers directly before doing anything else.

Windows 10 is free for valid genuine Windows 7 or 8.x owners, so it's a simple way to upgrade to a better operating system, but I didn't said anything about you have an illegal copy or not, I didn't include myself in that discussion.


Lostinisaan, you seriously need to read the responses correctly.

Read what me, Jiu-Jitsu and kkerry wrote and you will have ALL information in hand what you need to do and how.

I will be a little arrogant now but you might learn something from it.

A PC consists of electronic components, right.

The components are made to supply with functionality to different parts of the computer, and depending on what chosen operating system you chose to use in the computer the drivers are all different between OS'es, BUT depending on manufacturer of THE MOTHERBOARD which clearly says what it is, the mother of all chips and electronics on the MOTHERBOARD AND depending on the manufacturers CHOICE of chipset brands, there will be different drivers for each and every motherboard model.

There are different drivers for ALL of the components in the PC.

The internal clock, CPU, graphics, USB ports, Com ports, Disk drives, network chipsets, internal pipes and hard drive interfaces like IDE/SATA/PATA/SCSI.

Again, everyone need drivers except the ones that the BIOS are taking care of, so when you install an operating system only the standard drivers are installed by Microsoft having a subset standard functionality for those drivers.

That's why it's VERY important you download or use CD that have the manufacturers drivers.

Microsoft's driver DOESN'T have optimal functionality with enhanced speed for different hardware, such as the graphic drivers, HD enhanced speed buffers, cache and pipes or network cards with burst cache and so fort.

THAT'S why I told you to install drivers directly before doing anything else.

Windows 10 is free for valid genuine Windows 7 or 8.x owners, so it's a simple way to upgrade to a better operating system, but I didn't said anything about you have an illegal copy or not, I didn't include myself in that discussion.

Thanks a lot for the informative post.I've just found a website- through kkerry's help, where I'll be able to download all the needed drivers.

Will wait until the Window updates will let my PC switch off, then go to the website and download all needed drivers for Windows 7.

There's even an option to run a free scan for outdated drivers. Considering the age of the motherboard I can only say it seems to be a great one and fast enough for me.

Thanks a lot for your post and of course to the other posters. Here's what I found, great to have support for such an old motherboard.



Well, it may be of some use to you to know that legitimate keys for Win 7 and Win 8 or 8.1 are available pretty cheaply on ebay, newegg and other sites. Also, Microsoft is making it possible for Win 10 to be activated with legitimate WIN 7 or 8 keys after a completely fresh install of Win 10. Look up the latest ZDNet article on this for instructions. It may be possible for you to install legitimate Win 10 copies pretty cheaply. Also, when I arrive back in Bangkok in November, I plan to sell two of my Lenovo laptops. I really don't like their keyboards and their WiFi connectivity is balky and Bluetooth very cranky. If you're interested, we can make a deal. You can PM me around the end of November.

Thanks a lot, really a kind offer. But I'm not planning to buy another notebook. One seems to be enough. Plus three PCs....

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