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Arrested suspect confesses to murdering Japanese businessman in Ang Thong


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I smelled it yesterday already that this guy was killed because someone can't wait for him to expire. As someone said yesterday in the other post which young chick wants to ride a 80 year ++ c..k.

Correct many of those large age gap relations are not love. Its about money and if they find a way to get the money faster (death) it will happen.

Though of course there are relations with a large age gap that do work. Its just not the norm.

My one works perfectly well and already almost 5 years. I am 50 and my Mrs is 21.

Some do work, not going to contest that I know of others that work too. But plenty of evidence of them not working too. (in the worst case it ends like this in the best case she just has a few bf's)

edit my relation with a age gap (not large) did not work so ages that are close is not a guarantee.

Edited by robblok
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I smelled it yesterday already that this guy was killed because someone can't wait for him to expire. As someone said yesterday in the other post which young chick wants to ride a 80 year ++ c..k.

Correct many of those large age gap relations are not love. Its about money and if they find a way to get the money faster (death) it will happen.

Though of course there are relations with a large age gap that do work. Its just not the norm.

My one works perfectly well and already almost 5 years. I am 50 and my Mrs is 21.

You were a 45 year old man who married a 16 year old girl?

Did I get that right?

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....when you want to ask if you should marry....

...if you want a charade where you pay the way...until your time is up...the answer is yes....

...while you are giving everything....you are never part of the family...until when itis all gone...or in their hands...then your clock has run out...

...one way or another...

...that is not culture...that is simply criminality....lie...cheat and steal....but in a marriage....

...that is why so many of us...with firsthand experience...reply in the negative....

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What I find so mind-boggling is that in many other countries, where the police resort to brutal, sophisticated torture techniques to obtain confessions from suspects, and yet the suspect steadfastly refuses to give-up, even his own name. But in Thailand, the suspects always manage to give a full, detailed confession, plus give a crime scene re-enactment tour, almost immediately following their arrest. A phenomenal level of detective work,....I suppose! Way to go, Thailandclap2.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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When i first got involved with my Issan darling, i was exposed to

the village lifestyle completely alien to me but i thought, lets ride

the wave and see where it ends, the village is so isolated it isn't

on any map i have searched, when i moved there apart from the

shopping trips there were the monthly trips to the insurance shop

and my girl had insurance policy for every member of the family

and would comment on how much she would get once the grand

parents passed away, her sister had the duplicate policies as well

I was a bit confused by all this until she started discussing getting

a life insurance for me, i got concerned and made excuses that I

already had one in my country and could not get another one.

A subject rarely discussed, it worried me.

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Incredible botch job. Firstly taking on the job, then making an almighty mess of it, fleeing, which is tantamount to an admission of guilt, and, finally dropping the sister in the mire. I guess the dream of farang husband big bucks faded when the old fella only rented a place to live and the loss of face was too much.

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I smelled it yesterday already that this guy was killed because someone can't wait for him to expire. As someone said yesterday in the other post which young chick wants to ride a 80 year ++ c..k.

Correct many of those large age gap relations are not love. Its about money and if they find a way to get the money faster (death) it will happen.

Though of course there are relations with a large age gap that do work. Its just not the norm.

My one works perfectly well and already almost 5 years. I am 50 and my Mrs is 21.

So a 35 year difference is understandable cause for murder, but your 29 year difference is no problem, so far?

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I smelled it yesterday already that this guy was killed because someone can't wait for him to expire. As someone said yesterday in the other post which young chick wants to ride a 80 year ++ c..k.

Correct many of those large age gap relations are not love. Its about money and if they find a way to get the money faster (death) it will happen.

Though of course there are relations with a large age gap that do work. Its just not the norm.

My one works perfectly well and already almost 5 years. I am 50 and my Mrs is 21.

So a 35 year difference is understandable cause for murder, but your 29 year difference is no problem, so far?

Married a 16yo child in a foreign country lol

What could possibly go wrong?... :)

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I smelled it yesterday already that this guy was killed because someone can't wait for him to expire. As someone said yesterday in the other post which young chick wants to ride a 80 year ++ c..k.

Correct many of those large age gap relations are not love. Its about money and if they find a way to get the money faster (death) it will happen.

Though of course there are relations with a large age gap that do work. Its just not the norm.

My one works perfectly well and already almost 5 years. I am 50 and my Mrs is 21.

Yes and no doubt you've been happily married to her for the last 10 or 15 years.

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Japanese live a lot longer than Thais. I guess she couldn't wait for him to kick the bucket of natural causes. RIP dude.

Let this be a lesson for all those in their seventies and eighties living with girlfriends 30-40 years younger to them.

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So much speculation without any evidence. My guess is that the brothers statements are completely true but assuming she had another husband or bf is presumptuous at best. It's just as likely she wanted his life insurance and belongings and she promised her brother much of the 'profit' from the crime.

Wow, so many of you must have been scorned so badly. Methinks some need to pick their ladies better.

Have to agree, these incidents although tragic do not occur every day as some would have you believe.

I and several of my friends have Thai wives and are perfectly happy, I expect that we are in the majority.

It is ridiculous to demonize all Thai women due to the actions of a very small minority.

No evidence? The bro said he was hired by his wife!

Yes, you are in majority that your lowly educated ex bar girl won't murder you. After all, murder is a crime.

However, I highly doubt that your friend's wives are perfectly happy.

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It looks like I have egg on my chin. Yesterday I said it was unfair to assume the wife was involved. Now it seems it was spot on. Forever the optimist but slowly but surely it's chipping away. Perhaps I'll end up as cynical as others here.

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So much speculation without any evidence. My guess is that the brothers statements are completely true but assuming she had another husband or bf is presumptuous at best. It's just as likely she wanted his life insurance and belongings and she promised her brother much of the 'profit' from the crime.

Wow, so many of you must have been scorned so badly. Methinks some need to pick their ladies better.

Have to agree, these incidents although tragic do not occur every day as some would have you believe.

I and several of my friends have Thai wives and are perfectly happy, I expect that we are in the majority.

It is ridiculous to demonize all Thai women due to the actions of a very small minority.

No evidence? The bro said he was hired by his wife!

Yes, you are in majority that your lowly educated ex bar girl won't murder you. After all, murder is a crime.

However, I highly doubt that your friend's wives are perfectly happy.

Given the attitudes of some TV members i am suprised there are not more who have had their throats cut by their teeraks or their immediate family members :rolleyes: Edited by Soutpeel
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So much speculation without any evidence. My guess is that the brothers statements are completely true but assuming she had another husband or bf is presumptuous at best. It's just as likely she wanted his life insurance and belongings and she promised her brother much of the 'profit' from the crime.

Wow, so many of you must have been scorned so badly. Methinks some need to pick their ladies better.

Have to agree, these incidents although tragic do not occur every day as some would have you believe.

I and several of my friends have Thai wives and are perfectly happy, I expect that we are in the majority.

It is ridiculous to demonize all Thai women due to the actions of a very small minority.

No evidence? The bro said he was hired by his wife!

Yes, you are in majority that your lowly educated ex bar girl won't murder you. After all, murder is a crime.

However, I highly doubt that your friend's wives are perfectly happy.

Did you read what I said? It was fairly clear that there was no evidence that she had a husband or another boyfriend, I said she is clearly guilty of hiring her brother.

Also, my wife has a Masters of Business Administration in marketing and is a sales executive, has never stepped foot in a bar, let alone worked at one but I appreciate your concern smile.png

Edited by JeffreyO
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I smelled it yesterday already that this guy was killed because someone can't wait for him to expire. As someone said yesterday in the other post which young chick wants to ride a 80 year ++ c..k.

Correct many of those large age gap relations are not love. Its about money and if they find a way to get the money faster (death) it will happen.

Though of course there are relations with a large age gap that do work. Its just not the norm.

My one works perfectly well and already almost 5 years. I am 50 and my Mrs is 21.

You were a 45 year old man who married a 16 year old girl?

Did I get that right?

he did married a woman girl, a third of his age.... yes his "wife" is clearly different!whistling.gif

and this old man claims this is real lovelaugh.png

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So much speculation without any evidence. My guess is that the brothers statements are completely true but assuming she had another husband or bf is presumptuous at best. It's just as likely she wanted his life insurance and belongings and she promised her brother much of the 'profit' from the crime.

Wow, so many of you must have been scorned so badly. Methinks some need to pick their ladies better.

Have to agree, these incidents although tragic do not occur every day as some would have you believe.

I and several of my friends have Thai wives and are perfectly happy, I expect that we are in the majority.

It is ridiculous to demonize all Thai women due to the actions of a very small minority.

yeah right, your wife and your friends 's wife are also different. Where did i heard this before?!

I am sure this japanese did also thought his wife was different.coffee1.gif

These british guy, Ian & Colin who were defrauded by their wife, did think same.

These 2 others japaneses who got murdered by the same thai woman, did also think......whatever.







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When i first got involved with my Issan darling, i was exposed to

the village lifestyle completely alien to me but i thought, lets ride

the wave and see where it ends, the village is so isolated it isn't

on any map i have searched, when i moved there apart from the

shopping trips there were the monthly trips to the insurance shop

and my girl had insurance policy for every member of the family

and would comment on how much she would get once the grand

parents passed away, her sister had the duplicate policies as well

I was a bit confused by all this until she started discussing getting

a life insurance for me, i got concerned and made excuses that I

already had one in my country and could not get another one.

A subject rarely discussed, it worried me.

Are you still in that same relationship?

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It looks like I have egg on my chin. Yesterday I said it was unfair to assume the wife was involved. Now it seems it was spot on. Forever the optimist but slowly but surely it's chipping away. Perhaps I'll end up as cynical as others here.

Cynical in Los seems better than gullible these days, more chances to live longer whistling.gif

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....when you want to ask if you should marry....

...if you want a charade where you pay the way...until your time is up...the answer is yes....

...while you are giving everything....you are never part of the family...until when itis all gone...or in their hands...then your clock has run out...

...one way or another...

...that is not culture...that is simply criminality....lie...cheat and steal....but in a marriage....

...that is why so many of us...with firsthand experience...reply in the negative....

I totally disagree with you. All that conniving, contriving, lying and planful cunning, maliscious gossip mongering (especially among the menfolk) is indeed integral with the cultural character, to begin with. These folks do not trust each other, and for all of those foregoing reasons. That is the root of their general paranoia, just in case you never noticed. They do to us foreigners, things they would never do to one another. They dare not. On the other-hand, we farangs are fair game for the pickings, and the judicial system turns a blind-eye to it all. Welcome to the LOS. You've got to Lcheesy.gifVE the insanity of it all, just to rationalize on the logic of remaining here, year, after year, after year, et cetera.coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Like all death, it's either sad or bloody. The whole affair is both sick and sad. We all know what happened. May be best just to say RIP to a gentleman who just wanted some companionship in his final years .... and leave it at that.

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And so we have another foreigner murdered by his Thai wife, either directly or indirectly.

Do these old men honestly believe that Thai women young enough to be their daughters or granddaughters love them for their good looks, charm and personality?

It beats me why retired foreigners in Thailand would want to commit themselves to marriage, when it`s just as easy to have a live in girlfriend and pay as you go, a rent a wife where the man holds the trump cards and can boot them out any time they don`t tow the line.

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He had a terminal illness and wife didn't want to see him suffer. Other than that she loved him true.

We don't really know, perhaps the husband asked the wife to find somebody to end his suffering. The husband can not get into heaven if he commits suicide so he has the wife help him out. Maybe the husband couldn't commit suicide because of legalities so he had his wife help him out. Other scenarios than a greedy wife.

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