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High demand for Thai restaurant employees in Germany

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High demand for Thai restaurant employees in Germany


BERLIN, 15 October 2015 (NNT) – Thai restaurant owners in Germany have expressed their satisfaction with and demand for Thai employees, according to a survey by the Royal Thai Embassy.

The Royal Thai Embassy in Berlin conducted the survey regarding the level of satisfaction of restaurant owners concerning the work of their Thai employees, most of whom are reported to be chefs from Thailand, and found they are willing to employ more Thai workers.

Employment in Germany for Thai employees requires them to have knowledge of German or English, have at least six years experience in culinary work, and be the bearer of a recognized culinary certificate.

The Department of Employment is now providing support and guidance for Thai employees who wish to be employed in Germany to enhance the likelihood of their gaining employment in the restaurant business there.

-- NNT 2015-10-15 footer_n.gif


As a German living in Germany with a Thai wife i can say that they sure are looking here for skilled Thai Personal but are mostly unwilling to pay even minimum wage ... thats why most Thais here soon find other work better paid ;-)


Agreed, inaktive. My friend's Thai wife works three evenings a week in Thai restaurant in UK, 5pm to 11pm for £30 a shift. She's happy but the owner is only interested in off the cards to avoid minimum wage requirements.


Agreed, inaktive. My friend's Thai wife works three evenings a week in Thai restaurant in UK, 5pm to 11pm for £30 a shift. She's happy but the owner is only interested in off the cards to avoid minimum wage requirements.

Same in Oz, all the Thai owners I know pay below minimum wage, no superannuation, holiday or sick pay for full time workers. Spoken with some of the workers who are friends with my wife, will not report the owners, don't want to work for 'farangs' - go figure...


My friend's wife in the UK works cash in hand every night of the week at a Thai restaurant as does every other Thai employee. They seem to like it that way. No tax or NIC to pay. There are disadvantages but they do not see them. Their approach is more simplistic, more deferential to the owner and less willing to have any direct interaction with government entities than locals or other immigrants.


So in the EU there are still many country's who pay under the minimum wage? Why Brussel can't even manage that?

I thought it was over with underpaying since many years. One call to the government and they are in deep problems.

I wished the Thai also asked for more international restaurants. More Mexican, Indonesian, Turkish and so on. Thai food everyday is getting boring. And Thai waiters in BKK always do things wrong, very annoying.


So in the EU there are still many country's who pay under the minimum wage? Why Brussel can't even manage that?

Because it's under the radar. The Thai management is happy, the Thai employee is happy.

You'll invariably find that the employee has their fingers in more than one pie for good measure. It also gives the Thais freedom to disappear off home for two or three months a year without the restriction of full time employment and return to their off the cards number on their return.


Better get in there quick before all the syrians

mai pen rai....syrians cooking halal....only, no pigs (I mean the animal)

One suspects the syrians will cook bacon butties and if it gets them into Germany for all the free hand outs

So in the EU there are still many country's who pay under the minimum wage? Why Brussel can't even manage that?

Because it's under the radar. The Thai management is happy, the Thai employee is happy.

You'll invariably find that the employee has their fingers in more than one pie for good measure. It also gives the Thais freedom to disappear off home for two or three months a year without the restriction of full time employment and return to their off the cards number on their return.

If one underpays ANYBODY in my EU country then he'll get a fine of 10.000 euro....just 1 phonecall is enough so it very rarely happens.

That whole EU is totally useless it seems, hope we get out soon.


So in the EU there are still many country's who pay under the minimum wage? Why Brussel can't even manage that?

Because it's under the radar. The Thai management is happy, the Thai employee is happy.

You'll invariably find that the employee has their fingers in more than one pie for good measure. It also gives the Thais freedom to disappear off home for two or three months a year without the restriction of full time employment and return to their off the cards number on their return.

If one underpays ANYBODY in my EU country then he'll get a fine of 10.000 euro....just 1 phonecall is enough so it very rarely happens.

That whole EU is totally useless it seems, hope we get out soon.

Isn't it the UK government that has to enforce the rules set by the EU? So what makes the difference when you're out of the EU?


They must have a different work ethic when they work in another country because they are laziest bunch i have ever had the misfortune to employ.Give me Burmese workers any day


So in the EU there are still many country's who pay under the minimum wage? Why Brussel can't even manage that?

Because it's under the radar. The Thai management is happy, the Thai employee is happy.

You'll invariably find that the employee has their fingers in more than one pie for good measure. It also gives the Thais freedom to disappear off home for two or three months a year without the restriction of full time employment and return to their off the cards number on their return.

If one underpays ANYBODY in my EU country then he'll get a fine of 10.000 euro....just 1 phonecall is enough so it very rarely happens.

That whole EU is totally useless it seems, hope we get out soon.

Actually it mostly happens that way. I know for a fact that every single Thai restaurant in my local town pays only cash in hand and under the minimum wage


They must have a different work ethic when they work in another country because they are laziest bunch i have ever had the misfortune to employ.Give me Burmese workers any day

you have employed the wrong person.....Actually all the hard working have already good jobs, so it is always the same type of people who are hired and fired.....

We needed more than a decade to find good people, but they do exist.

Looking at the Burmese that build our house (they work for a company so I don't care how lazy they are), I can't see them overly active.....Owner here: all work at moderate speed. Only Burmese foreman is here, slow down 50%.....If he isn't there for any reason, all go hiding, no one works.


Restaurant workers have never been paid a decent wage anywhere in the world. But Thais can be very simple minded and like to work only for an other Thai. That is

until an other compatriot sees the light and starts something else. My wife works in a large hospital that employs may nationalities including may Thais. The pay above minimum wage, holiday pay (29dys), 75% above hourly rate for Saturday & Sunday work. One Thai tells an other and now they can form there own village. Thais have

to be guided when in a foreign land, that's what the husband for? By the way this hospital is looking for more help all the time.


They must have a different work ethic when they work in another country because they are laziest bunch i have ever had the misfortune to employ.Give me Burmese workers any day

you have employed the wrong person.....Actually all the hard working have already good jobs, so it is always the same type of people who are hired and fired.....

We needed more than a decade to find good people, but they do exist.

Looking at the Burmese that build our house (they work for a company so I don't care how lazy they are), I can't see them overly active.....Owner here: all work at moderate speed. Only Burmese foreman is here, slow down 50%.....If he isn't there for any reason, all go hiding, no one works.

You must be the only lucky one in Thailand, because I notice that large companies like Toyota , Big C, Tesco and many others also only can find people of which they need to employ 3 of them to do the same job as a westerner with one arm and one leg does.

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