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Report: Face lift at Phuket International Hospital

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In case it is of interest to members, here is a short report about cosmetic surgery that I recently had at Phuket International Hospital.

The surgery was a brow (forehead) lift and lower eyelid (Blepharoplasty), performed under general anathaesthic.

The reason for this surgery was not on medical grounds, just pure vanity on my part to 'refresh' my aging face.

Here is a photo taken a few months ago.


(BTW, I am not so 'shy' as to blank out my face for ID purposes - there are loads of photos of my ugly features all over the internet...)

At 56 years old, I had deep, horizontal forehead lines and 3 vertical frown lines that made me look like I was permanently scowling. The bags under my eyes were not excessive, but there was a lot of loose skin that was not very attractive, (although I still got called 'handsum man'...)

I had an initial consultation with Dr Rashapol at Phuket International Hospital. He explained that in order to perform a good brow lift, he would need to cut from ear to ear, following my hairline. (A 'minilift' under local anathaesthic was not really an option).

He would perform both surgeries whilst I was knocked out by general anathaesthic.

The total cost would be 150,000 baht, including all medicine and private room stay. Interestingly, that package price would not be increased if I had to stay in hospital more than the recommended one night.

I agreed to the cost and treatment, and went home to prepare myself for the operation which would take place 1 week later, (the reason for the 7 day delay was because it fitted into my own business schedule better - the operation could have been performed at an earlier date if I wished).

As instructed, I stopped drinking alcohol and coffee, and contemplated about the scenario of a general anathaesthic. I had never had a GA in my life, (actually, I had previously stayed in hospital as an inpatient on only one occasion ==> when I was born).

I decided that I should not fear a GA, because if I were to die on the operating table, I wouldn't be aware of this anyway, and I had no close family to cry over my dead body.

So, on the morning of the operation, I checked into my private room, and three pretty Muslim nurses ordered me to strip naked whist they watched! Was this included in the package price of 150,000 baht? smile.png

The doctor draw a lot of lines all over my face and then I was wheeled into the operating theatre. I humourously reminded the nurses that this was a face operation, not a sex change, and I did not want to wake up as a ladyboy.

A mask was placed loosely over my face and an intravenous anathaesthic applied to my leg. I don't even remember falling asleep.

I woke up after the operation in the recovery room. I had some short-term alarm at finding my breathing a little difficult - the mask was removed at my request and after a few minutes, I calmed down and was able to breath OK. The dual operation had taken quite a time, about 5 hours.

Drainage tubes had been placed under my face skin to help drain blood from my eye areas. These tubes exited at the top of my head and emptied into a small bottle.

I was bandaged up rather like a Mummy, but was not in any pain - the morphine in the intravenous drip did a great job.

I didn't sleep well that night in the hospital. One aspect of having eye surgery is that the stitches lie very close to your eye, such that your lower eyelashes are continually aggravated by the stitches. It would have been better if they cut off my lower eyelashes.

The next day was spent relaxing and having my blood pressure and body temperature measured every few hours. Happily, my temperature was normal, with no infection or fever. I also had to digest a myriad of pills every few hours.

After inspecting my eyes later that day, the doctor advised that I wasn't ready to go home just yet - blood was still draining from my eye area, which was almost black, both above and below my eye (see photo below).


I was told to use an ice compress to help to drain the blood into the tubes. So I spent a second night in the hospital, (I slept a little better, thanks to a heavy-duty sleeping pill).

On the next day, I continued to apply ice compresses to my eye area, and the black colour and bulging areas of blood very slowly started to diminish.

In the late evening, the nurse came and removed the catheter from my bladder. Again, a pretty Muslim nurse who grasped my dick in her hand and slowly pulled out the catheter, not an enjoyable sensation at all (I mean pulling out the catheter - the hand work was OK...).

Then the doctor arrived and removed all bandages, except for some strips under my eyes. It was now time to remove the drainage tubes and doc explained that it would feel as if a snake was sliding under my skin! Yikes, but the discomfort was soon over.

As it was late at night, I opted to spend a 3rd night in the hospital and then return home the next morning.

I checked out the next morning, still looking far from a hansum man, with stiches running from ear to ear, stitches under my eyes and dark red areas all over my eye area.

I was given a candybag full of pills to take, and told to return after 7 days to remove the eye stitches.

So today, I returned to the hospital and had the eye stitches removed, a procedure which was not painful, just a little discomfort.

Here is a photo that I took a few minutes ago. My eyes area is still red and there is cream under both eyes.


Although my face is still somewhat swollen from the surgery 7 days ago, the results are looking OK. The loose skin under my eyes has gone, (but they are still bruised and swollen ==> need to wait a few more weeks). The most impressive result is on my forehead. I did not expect a 'mirror-finish' result, (and the doctor advised as such). But my vertical frown lines have completely gone and the horizontal forehead lines are very much reduced, (although the before and 7day photos may not display this well, due to different light conditions).

Overall, I am happy with the procedure and result.

Would I consider further cosmetic surgery? Probably not. I'm happy with my appearance now. Additionally, the operation that I underwent was maybe a little bit more involved than what I expected. 5 hours under GA is hardly a minor operation.

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Very interesting.....

And lucky there was no confusion with the sex change customer from room #3 laugh.png

catheter is surprising me....I was only twice in the hospital for surgery and it was both a lot more serious but no catheter, they brought a bottle so I can pee into it in the bed.


catheter is surprising me...

Yes, no reason why I would be unable to walk to the bathroom. Maybe that pretty nurse has a thing about huge d*cks..... :)


Each to our own, but i would not go to all that bother and expense, happy to grow old gracefully, wringles and all that comes with growing old..

But if you are happy thats the main thing...


Thanks for posting this. It would be great to see your "before" photo to have a comparison as to how "bad" you really looked before the surgery...


My eye area will take a few weeks to recover fully - still swollen and now the bruises have turned from black to red to yellow...


Interesting- I had a full facelift a year ago with good results but no need to touch my eyes (yet) and doctors here have always advised me to stay away from the brow lift as it would change my hairline. I just get Botox every 6 months for the forehead. Now that you have had the brow and eyes done I think you may want to get the rest done at sometime in the future. The results generally last 10 years. No need for catheterization. While it hurts to have the drains removed I found out some doctors do not use these when a friend had a facelift done at Bumrungrad earlier this year....he ended up with infections and had to make a second trip to Bangkok...I would always opt for the drains.


Great report, very forthcoming.

Only surprise was the IV in your leg. Ordinarily, outside of a real emergency, I have never seen an IV in a leg vein, because of the chance of phlebitis. Likewise, lab techs don't usually draw blood from a lower extremity for the same reason.

Anyway, congratulations on your new face. Wear it well.


Any reason for mentioning the religion of the nurses.Would you tell us if they were Buddhist.

I guess it is not him who mentioned it, it was them who announced it by wearing the scarf. And it is unusual that they handle naked males. So that is a lot reason in a posting that goes into a lot details, written in a funny, easy to read style. That he is called "handsum man" has no medical reason as well....it is just to make the story a better read.


Interesting. In Thailand you really do have to be careful. There are many back-street places, and I have seen two people with very bungled face and nose jobs.

I have had upper eyelids, bingo wings, man boobs and two tummy lipos, none done here. The final result doesn't show for about 6 months anyway. They always do a before and after series of cam shots. Some will take a shot of more gory bits done when you are asleep, as "proof". I had a neuroma in my foot done here, and I was given the proud photo of it (ok, it's not really plastics, it's neurosurgery really)...a small white maggot on a piece of gauze.

The best plastics guy I knew was an Italian in Marbella. The best plastic surgery is subtle, an art form. This guy could change your face without making it obvious. My eyes (upper bags/fat hooded owl) still look great after 15 years thanks to that man.

I once stood very close to Sophia Loren at Valencia airport. She was 70 but obviously she had had the best work. Flawless but not looking like a 20 year old girl. A terrible example was the spanish Duchess of Alba, who died recently. Her face had been carved like a turkey. Too many facelifts.



Virtually everyone I know who has had plastic surgery ends up looking - odd, fake, altered.

Self-acceptance and acceptance that everything and everyone changes - we get older. So I don't look like I did when I was thirty, who I'm I trying to impress by altering my looks? I'd rather just age right along with my wife. Acceptance.

Vanity will screw your mind up in the long run. Look at Joan Rivers - she didn't look right - sort of freakish. Angelina Jolie looked beautiful, but then did something that now makes her look - sort of freakish.

There is a natural beauty in aging and the acceptance of aging.

But, it's a personal choice. It's not a road I'd venture down as vanity is a dead-end. But all the same, best of luck with your decision. But once that cosmetic work starts to deteriorate, and it will, then what?



Oh, apologies. Just realized that the photo in the 1st post is the "before" photo. Nice work, indeed...

I was thinking along the same brow lines. Dude, you were a handsome guy in his fifties. Why waste the money and risk the surgery? Really. That 'before' picture of you looked great.

But, if you're happy, well, that's good. I won't fault anyone for trying to find happiness in their own way.


Interesting. In Thailand you really do have to be careful. There are many back-street places, and I have seen two people with very bungled face and nose jobs.

I have had upper eyelids, bingo wings, man boobs and two tummy lipos, none done here. The final result doesn't show for about 6 months anyway. They always do a before and after series of cam shots. Some will take a shot of more gory bits done when you are asleep, as "proof". I had a neuroma in my foot done here, and I was given the proud photo of it (ok, it's not really plastics, it's neurosurgery really)...a small white maggot on a piece of gauze.

The best plastics guy I knew was an Italian in Marbella. The best plastic surgery is subtle, an art form. This guy could change your face without making it obvious. My eyes (upper bags/fat hooded owl) still look great after 15 years thanks to that man.

I once stood very close to Sophia Loren at Valencia airport. She was 70 but obviously she had had the best work. Flawless but not looking like a 20 year old girl. A terrible example was the spanish Duchess of Alba, who died recently. Her face had been carved like a turkey. Too many facelifts.


Complete flawless, the same as brilliant white teeth don't look natural. I think the best is if it looks like the person had no surgery and looks naturally.....

I know some elderly Thai women who pretend to be 20. They look like an alien designs a computer generated face. You can't see anything wrong, but still it somehow doesn't look human.


Interesting. In Thailand you really do have to be careful. There are many back-street places, and I have seen two people with very bungled face and nose jobs.

I have had upper eyelids, bingo wings, man boobs and two tummy lipos, none done here. The final result doesn't show for about 6 months anyway. They always do a before and after series of cam shots. Some will take a shot of more gory bits done when you are asleep, as "proof". I had a neuroma in my foot done here, and I was given the proud photo of it (ok, it's not really plastics, it's neurosurgery really)...a small white maggot on a piece of gauze.

The best plastics guy I knew was an Italian in Marbella. The best plastic surgery is subtle, an art form. This guy could change your face without making it obvious. My eyes (upper bags/fat hooded owl) still look great after 15 years thanks to that man.

I once stood very close to Sophia Loren at Valencia airport. She was 70 but obviously she had had the best work. Flawless but not looking like a 20 year old girl. A terrible example was the spanish Duchess of Alba, who died recently. Her face had been carved like a turkey. Too many facelifts.


Complete flawless, the same as brilliant white teeth don't look natural. I think the best is if it looks like the person had no surgery and looks naturally.....

I know some elderly Thai women who pretend to be 20. They look like an alien designs a computer generated face. You can't see anything wrong, but still it somehow doesn't look human.

You just described Joan Rivers to a tee. Have you ever bought a piece of fruit that looks exquisite on the outside, but once you cut into it, you see the reality? Wax, preservatives, and a nice buff job on the outside, but inside it's degenerated and not something that you'd eat.


Interesting. In Thailand you really do have to be careful. There are many back-street places, and I have seen two people with very bungled face and nose jobs.

I have had upper eyelids, bingo wings, man boobs and two tummy lipos, none done here. The final result doesn't show for about 6 months anyway. They always do a before and after series of cam shots. Some will take a shot of more gory bits done when you are asleep, as "proof". I had a neuroma in my foot done here, and I was given the proud photo of it (ok, it's not really plastics, it's neurosurgery really)...a small white maggot on a piece of gauze.

The best plastics guy I knew was an Italian in Marbella. The best plastic surgery is subtle, an art form. This guy could change your face without making it obvious. My eyes (upper bags/fat hooded owl) still look great after 15 years thanks to that man.

I once stood very close to Sophia Loren at Valencia airport. She was 70 but obviously she had had the best work. Flawless but not looking like a 20 year old girl. A terrible example was the spanish Duchess of Alba, who died recently. Her face had been carved like a turkey. Too many facelifts.


Complete flawless, the same as brilliant white teeth don't look natural. I think the best is if it looks like the person had no surgery and looks naturally.....

I know some elderly Thai women who pretend to be 20. They look like an alien designs a computer generated face. You can't see anything wrong, but still it somehow doesn't look human.

You just described Joan Rivers to a tee. Have you ever bought a piece of fruit that looks exquisite on the outside, but once you cut into it, you see the reality? Wax, preservatives, and a nice buff job on the outside, but inside it's degenerated and not something that you'd eat.

Well I am not so into cannibalism. But I complete understand that a cannibal who finds a delicious, juicy 20 year old feel cheated when she tastes dry and tough, because she is already 50. That modern world gets difficult for all parts of society, even for Hannibal Lecter.


Any reason for mentioning the religion of the nurses.Would you tell us if they were Buddhist.

As h90 commented, the female nurses all wore a headress, which is quite common of course in Phuket, (about 30% of the population are Muslim). I know it was in a hospital situation, but I was somewhat bemused to have to strip starkers in front of these 3 nurses, (as well as the catheter experience).

Anyway, I shouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill - the catheter nurse said it was such a little thing anyway (I hope she meant the catheter procedure, not my willy...)

Vanity will screw your mind up in the long run

Would you say the same about all the Ozzie women who were attending the same surgery as me to have boob jobs?

Why should a male not want to care for his appearance? I am happily single and like to look good. Years of working nights had left me with dark and tired eyes - no harm in wanting to touch them up a bit. (I have used botox a few times before, but tend to forget to renew the treatment every few months).


Any reason for mentioning the religion of the nurses.Would you tell us if they were Buddhist.

As h90 commented, the female nurses all wore a headress, which is quite common of course in Phuket, (about 30% of the population are Muslim). I know it was in a hospital situation, but I was somewhat bemused to have to strip starkers in front of these 3 nurses, (as well as the catheter experience).

Anyway, I shouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill - the catheter nurse said it was such a little thing anyway (I hope she meant the catheter procedure, not my willy...)

Vanity will screw your mind up in the long run

Would you say the same about all the Ozzie women who were attending the same surgery as me to have boob jobs?

Why should a male not want to care for his appearance? I am happily single and like to look good. Years of working nights had left me with dark and tired eyes - no harm in wanting to touch them up a bit. (I have used botox a few times before, but tend to forget to renew the treatment every few months).

"the catheter nurse said it was such a little thing anyway (I hope she meant the catheter procedure, not my willy...)"


Personally I don't agree with your reasoning for plastic surgery. But it is an interesting read and who knows maybe my opinion will change when I am 10 years older.


catheter is surprising me...

Yes, no reason why I would be unable to walk to the bathroom. Maybe that pretty nurse has a thing about huge d*cks..... smile.png

Why did you take your ducks to the hospital?

Too big for the neighbours to feed while you were away?


When the girls stop calling me hansum I might consider...nah....never going to happen!!

That depends on the wallet not on the face.

(Edit: than you need a wallet enlargement)


I am no expert, but is that a ''Receeding Hair Line'' ?? could that be the next ''Process' for you....., a full head of Bushy Hair like ''Ike Turner''. ???

i am not judging, all i am doing is bringing some things to light..


I am no expert, but is that a ''Receeding Hair Line'' ?? could that be the next ''Process' for you....., a full head of Bushy Hair like ''Ike Turner''. ???

i am not judging, all i am doing is bringing some things to light..

Just don't do it the Elton John way.....

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