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14 Thais die of breast cancer each day
Chuleeporn Aramnet

BANGKOK:-- BREAST cancer is still the number one killer of Thai women with about 14 deaths a day, an expert at Chulabhorn Hospital in Bangkok has said.

Thai women should regularly check their breasts for irregular lumps and not be shy about consulting their doctor, the specialist said.

The hospital organised a campaign last Wednesday for the early detection of cancer among Thai women to ensure patients make a complete recovery. The hospital officially opened its service to treat breast cancer and provide patients with cosmetic surgery.

Dr Ongkarn Raungratanaamporn, deputy director for medical services, cited a 2012 statistic that 54,000 new breast cancer patients were found in Thailand every year, saying the fatality rate was approximately 14 per day.

Ongkarn said the cause of breast cancer remains unknown and it is difficult to prevent. But it can be cured and the prognosis is good if the disease is detected and treated early. Detection can be done via mammogram test, a physician's breast examination or a self-examination.

The hospital has a specialised cancer centre established by HRH Princess Chulabhorn Valayalaksana, who was concerned over the dangers of cancer, especially breast cancer among Thai women. Ongkarn said the hospital organised the campaign in October because it was Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Oncologist Dr Sudarat Chaipianchroenkit said the global fatality rate from breast cancer was about 6.5 million a year and one breast cancer death occurs every second. Up to 98 per cent of patients had a breast tumour detected in the first five years.

She urged women to do a self-examination and consult a doctor if any abnormal lump is found so it can be tested and treated quickly. Cancer treatment could be surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or hormonal therapy, she said. Cosmetic surgery, using silicone filling, can be performed on those who have had their breasts removed.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/14-Thais-die-of-breast-cancer-each-day-30271057.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-17


All the Thai women I know who had breast cancer, had silicone implants from the cheapest source they could find.


...better read up on this phenomenon.....

...it is absolutely NOT what 'they' say it is......

...proof after proof...it's all out there....the truth about this 'industry'.....


I was surprised how common this is. Among my wifes associates I know of 3 who were detected early enough and recovered.

My wifes mother died in her mid 30's from it, currently another associate of my wife in her mid 30's is undergoing her 6th chemo treatment and its not looking good as the cancer has spread.

Unlike H90's experience none of them had breast implants.


If you mix mostly with cheap bargirls, of course you will meet the ones with "cheap" silicones. Personally all the girls I know have expensive ones... but mostly have cancer of the brain..!


I was surprised how common this is. Among my wifes associates I know of 3 who were detected early enough and recovered.

My wifes mother died in her mid 30's from it, currently another associate of my wife in her mid 30's is undergoing her 6th chemo treatment and its not looking good as the cancer has spread.

Unlike H90's experience none of them had breast implants.


That destroys my running theory that it is the cheapo silicone....Would be interesting what the reason is....


If you mix mostly with cheap bargirls, of course you will meet the ones with "cheap" silicones. Personally all the girls I know have expensive ones... but mostly have cancer of the brain..!

Actually everyone who think he must put some silicone into some bodyparts (it is not only women and not only breast, actually not only silicone as well), has something connected wrong in the brain.


I was surprised how common this is. Among my wifes associates I know of 3 who were detected early enough and recovered.

My wifes mother died in her mid 30's from it, currently another associate of my wife in her mid 30's is undergoing her 6th chemo treatment and its not looking good as the cancer has spread.

Unlike H90's experience none of them had breast implants.

were detected early enough and recovered.

unfortunately it is fact that numbers of cases with breast cancer are not going down. So in some countries 'breast screening" is not offered by NHS or similar and not paid by insurances.


it's been proven that under-wire bras cause breast cancer as they prevent the lymph from draining properly.

Many of my Thai friends live in a bra 24/7. I've never known a culture that encouraged sleeping with a bra on.

I also wonder how many actually died from breast cancer or died from breast cancer treatment.


If you mix mostly with cheap bargirls, of course you will meet the ones with "cheap" silicones. Personally all the girls I know have expensive ones... but mostly have cancer of the brain..!

Actually everyone who think he must put some silicone into some bodyparts (it is not only women and not only breast, actually not only silicone as well), has something connected wrong in the brain.

We live in a petro-chemical society. Benzene is carcinogenic. Think of all the plastics used daily in our lives, ad infinitum ad nauseam.

Ok, ok - for those who do not understand Latin - ad infinitum means: talked about again and again

- ad nauseam means: talked about so much until making one feel ill

There is no one single cause for cancer but I believe that our modern petro-chemical society has GREATLY increased the odds of us getting cancer. On the plus side, modern medicine and practices have enabled us to deal with cancer problems better.


I took my Mom to have her screening test in Bkk. The palpation took an hour or more. My Mom was taken a bit back by the amount of time the 60 plus year old Dr took doing this. She found a tiny lump. It was stage 1 at a very early age. The Dr's in the US could not believe it was found on palpation. ......There is a link between bottled water in plastic bottles...........


A number of posts containing dangerous and totally incorrect information have been removed.

There is no reliable evidence that "alternative" means of treating breast cancer are effective. Conventional medical therapy has dramatically improved survival rates. In developed countries the survival rate for stage 0 and stage 1 breast cancer with conventional modern medical treatment has now reached 100%. For stage 2 it is 93% and for stage 3, still 72%. It is only at stage IV (cancer already spread to distant organs at the time of diagnosis) that survival is still low.

Urging women to forego "conventional" modern medical treatment for breast cancer is tantamount to murder.

Please note Health Forum Rules:

"2. Quackery and Misinformation: Posters should pay particular attention to forum rule # 1) "You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false"....

This will be strictly applied with respect to presentation as fact any statements which are clearly contrary to medical science. A distinction is made in this regard between statements of opinion/reports of personal experience and statements of fact.

Posters should be aware that factual misstatements abound on the internet and, to a lesser extent, in printed media. In particular, broad claims to the effect that "X number of (doctors/scientists)" agree to something or that something has been "proven in X number of studies" without specific citations are often fictitious. If a poster chooses to repeat such information as fact, the burden of ensuring these citations are reliable rest with the poster, who should take the time to verify this.

This rule will be particularly enforced when, in the judgment of the Moderators, the incorrect information presented is potentially harmful to others." http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/224498-health-forum-rules/

(and no, underwire bras do not cause breast cancer).


None of the "alternative" means of treating breast cancer have been proven to work.

Conventional therapy has dramatically improved survival rates. In developed countries the survival rate for stage 0 and stage 1 breast cancer with conventional modern medical treatment is 100%. For stage 2 it is 93% and for stage 3, still 72%. It is only at stage IV (cancer already spread to distant organs at the time of diagnosis) that survival is still low.

Urging women to forego "conventional" modern medical treatment for breast cancer is tantamount to murder.

(and no, underwire bras do not cause breast cancer).

+ 1000 !



If you mix mostly with cheap bargirls, of course you will meet the ones with "cheap" silicones. Personally all the girls I know have expensive ones... but mostly have cancer of the brain..!

Actually everyone who think he must put some silicone into some bodyparts (it is not only women and not only breast, actually not only silicone as well), has something connected wrong in the brain.

We live in a petro-chemical society. Benzene is carcinogenic. Think of all the plastics used daily in our lives, ad infinitum ad nauseam.

Ok, ok - for those who do not understand Latin - ad infinitum means: talked about again and again

- ad nauseam means: talked about so much until making one feel ill

There is no one single cause for cancer but I believe that our modern petro-chemical society has GREATLY increased the odds of us getting cancer. On the plus side, modern medicine and practices have enabled us to deal with cancer problems better.


Cancer is a growth industry and as more radiation from Fukushima fills the biosphere we will see a rise in heart failure and cancer, No government will admit how bad this accident really is we have about 8 good years left.


If you mix mostly with cheap bargirls, of course you will meet the ones with "cheap" silicones. Personally all the girls I know have expensive ones... but mostly have cancer of the brain..!

"Personally all the girls I know... have cancer of the brain..! "

Maybe in your rush to post a troll-ish comment you didn't notice that you made yourself the butt of the "joke."


Cancer is a growth industry and as more radiation from Fukushima fills the biosphere we will see a rise in heart failure and cancer, No government will admit how bad this accident really is we have about 8 good years left.

radiation increases the risk of cancer...it doesn't mean you get it. There are people who got huge amounts of radiation, almost died, lost all their hair....their hair came back and they lived a long life without cancer.


Cancer mortality statistics in 33 countries of the world were compiled and calculated from data edited from a magnetic tape copy of the World Health Organization (WHO) data base of cancer mortality."



The above graph was "published". but not in any reputable scientific journal, by one William Harris,. of the Kaiser-Permanente Vegan Lifestyle Clinic (VLC)

Clearly a "supporter " of statistical manipulation


It is true that there is a correllation (which does not necessarily mean causation) between intake of animal fats and breast cancer, not only by country but within the same country, by individuals according to their diet. And a negative correllation to intake of a lot of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. (The same is true for a wide range of health problems). However, the majority of women eating diets high in animal fat do not get breast cancer, and some women with diets low or absent in animal fat and high in fruits and veggies do. Whatever the mechanism behind this correllation is, there are other factors that come into play as well.

The two single greatest risk factors for breast cancer are:

1. Genetics: there are some inheritable gene defects that make the development of breast cancer very likely, in some cases virtually inevitable (this is what Angelina Jolie had).

2. Breast-feeding has a highly protective effect. Women with fewer children and women who do not breast feed their children, or do so for less time, have much higher rates of breast cancer than those who breastfeed. This is a major reason why rates tend to be low (but not non-existant) in developing countries and to rise as countries industrialize. Women start working and switch to bottle feeding, and also have fewer children. This does not, of course, mean that women who breastfeed can never get breast cancer, nor that childless women and women who never breastfed their children all will. Nothing of the sort. But the percentages who will and who won't differ significantly between those two groups.

All cancers are caused by uncontrolled cell growth, which in turn occurs when the various genes that normally prevent this are damaged. That damage can be inherited (all or in part i.e. one gene, two or more genes), occur due to environmental factors (e.g. inhalation of toxins, smoking, exposure to radiation, exposure to other carcinogens), and also occur as a result of pure chance -- given enough cell divisions, mutations inevitably occur. This is why the risk of cancer goes up with age - the more cell divisions a body has undergone the greater the odds of accumulating enough gene mutations to allow uncontrolled cell division somewhere in the body (where will depend on which genes were affected). Some people are simply very unlucky and enough chance mutations take place at an earlier age.

It is not yet really understood how diet fits into this but it is likely in an indirect fashion, for example substances in different foods may either help protect cells from the effect of carcinogens or increase their vulnerability.

As can be seen from the above, cancer (like most noninfectious diseases) is multicausal. There is no one thing that causes it and no one thing that will prevent it. But there are things that will raise or lower risk.

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