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Thailand’s Tourism Minister: The impact of the bombing was only temporary

Jonathan Fairfield

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Thailand’s Tourism Minister: The impact of the bombing was only temporary

BANGKOK, Thailand - Thailand’s tourism statistics can be astounding at times. While after the Bangkok bombings in mid-August everyone warned of an anticipated sharp drop in visitor numbers due to countries re-enacting travel alerts and safety concerns mounting in the military-led country, the shock period was short-lived.

Indeed, accommodation bookings dropped around 10% immediately after the Erawan Shrine bombing in in Bangkok, but – astonishingly – that situation has since reversed with a 20% improvement in September and with reservations for October having climbed by 30% so far, Thailand’s Tourism and Sports Minister Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul said, commenting on fresh data released by the ministry last week.

In the first nine months of the year, Thailand attracted 22.1 million international visitors, up from 17.3 million visitors over the same period last year, an increase of more than 27%. Moreover, a record 28.8 million visitors are expected for the full year 2015 compared with 25.5 million in 2014. And, to the surprise of many, a lion’s share of 7 million visitors is expected to originate from China this year, up from 4.63 million last year, the tourism minister said, despite seven of the 20 victims killed in the bomb attack were Chinese and were likely targeted for their nationality.

“The impact of the bombing was only temporary,” Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul said at last week’s press conference, adding that “tourists have confidence again after we arrested the perpetrators.”

Another interesting fact is that visitors from the Middle East posted the highest growth of all regions globally in the September statistics, with numbers up 31.42% to 66,369 visitors in the month compared to September 2014 after a year-on-year drop of 11% in August, the month of the bomb attack.

Read more: http://www.eturbonews.com/64944/thailand-s-tourism-minister-impact-bombing-was-only-temporary

-- eTurbo News 2015.10.18

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There is no doubt Thailand has the most resilient tourisim industry in the world. Tsunami's,biblical floods,bombs, sars,AIDS, rampant corruption and scamming tourists make no impact on the LOS. Any other country would of buckled under half of that.

The reason of course is that Thailand is a mass tourism market with the cheapest hotel deals and airtickets of any place on the planet.(LHR-BKK rtn 499-550 quid ? ) Thailand is also the home of Asia's flourishing sex industry dating back to the Vietnam war era.

The TAT wants quality tourists to come here. It wont happen. Thailand will always attract the lo-so tourists from places like provincial China,Russia, India and beer swilling knobs from the west.

The drunk Brit who went beserk in Roxy beer bar the other night is the face of Thailand s tourism industry whether the TAT like it or not.

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Sure, when you don't conduct a real investigation, cover everything up including RTP's complicity in the Uighur smuggling ring, then allow the outgoing police chief to blame this bombing, and two others, on a fictional character named "Aod", the underlying lack of security and protection is hidden from sight.

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Of course bookings for Sep and Oct are increasing as we are moving into the cool/nice season in Thailand and getting chilly/cold period in many places like Europe....and Nov bookings will be even higher due to the weather changes....happens every year.

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There is no doubt Thailand has the most resilient tourisim industry in the world. Tsunami's,biblical floods,bombs, sars,AIDS, rampant corruption and scamming tourists make no impact on the LOS. Any other country would of buckled under half of that.

The reason of course is that Thailand is a mass tourism market with the cheapest hotel deals and airtickets of any place on the planet.(LHR-BKK rtn 499-550 quid ? ) Thailand is also the home of Asia's flourishing sex industry dating back to the Vietnam war era.

The TAT wants quality tourists to come here. It wont happen. Thailand will always attract the lo-so tourists from places like provincial China,Russia, India and beer swilling knobs from the west.

The drunk Brit who went beserk in Roxy beer bar the other night is the face of Thailand s tourism industry whether the TAT like it or not.

Speak for yourself...

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Oh man I'm so glad I moved my family back to the USA a few months ago. We all know there are substantially reduced numbers of tourists just by walking around. As a tourist now, I can say definitely the bombing impacts where to visit. I can see talking to my wife, "hey you mind if we holiday in the place that just had its worst terror attack in its history?" No wonder the middle eastern a are coming, no threat to them.

However, no way does a place packed with Muslims and hordes of Chinese sound like an appealing destination. I really don't know how the one guy I know that stayed in Thailand can remain there, even Stickman left.

Edited by Praematura
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It makes me sick to my stomach how they always relate tragedy to loss or no loss of tourism.

It trivializes the death of innocent people and their memories.

Agreed. To come out with these statements is crass and in poor taste (to say the least). But it speaks volumes to the mindset of those who (both past and present) attain positions of power and then go about treating the Kingdom (or parts of it) as their own private fiefdoms.

As 2015 draws to a close, Thailand patiently awaits the arrival of the 17th century.

Sad for a country and people with so much potential.

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TAT will always be our favourite government agency for lies and absurdity. The phrase coined by Schopenhauer from Aristophanes, used later by Nietzsche, Hitler and Margaret Thatcher, "cloud cuckoo land" refers to a place that only deranged people believe in. And what TAT believes is, for sure and for always, 'wolkenkuckucksheim". "Temporary" lacks precision. One can say truthfully that the existence of Planet Earth is temporary. Surely the folks at T.A.T. don't believe what they produce. and yet, and yet, this is the LOS.

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"...The impact of the bombing was only temporary."

However the impact of treating western tourists as marks and overcharging them is permanent.

And the destroyed nature....I know scuba diving people, they go Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines but skip Thailand.....nothing here anymore

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"...The impact of the bombing was only temporary."

However the impact of treating western tourists as marks and overcharging them is permanent.

And the destroyed nature....I know scuba diving people, they go Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines but skip Thailand.....nothing here anymore

You nailed it. Thailand no longer the exotic tropical paradise it once was. I will be back in the New Year to take care of some business, but my winter beach holiday will be spent elsewhere (Philippines and Sri Lanka). Both places have the same laid back feel as Thailand had 15+ years ago and lots of nature and outdoor things to do. You can almost feel the misery/desperation in Thailand the moment step off the plane.

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There is no doubt Thailand has the most resilient tourisim industry in the world. Tsunami's,biblical floods,bombs, sars,AIDS, rampant corruption and scamming tourists make no impact on the LOS. Any other country would of buckled under half of that.

The reason of course is that Thailand is a mass tourism market with the cheapest hotel deals and airtickets of any place on the planet.(LHR-BKK rtn 499-550 quid ? ) Thailand is also the home of Asia's flourishing sex industry dating back to the Vietnam war era.

The TAT wants quality tourists to come here. It wont happen. Thailand will always attract the lo-so tourists from places like provincial China,Russia, India and beer swilling knobs from the west.

The drunk Brit who went beserk in Roxy beer bar the other night is the face of Thailand s tourism industry whether the TAT like it or not.

Neither are the worldwide big tourism companies willing to have the traveller ask too many questions when booking.

Self preservation.

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There is no doubt Thailand has the most resilient tourisim industry in the world. Tsunami's,biblical floods,bombs, sars,AIDS, rampant corruption and scamming tourists make no impact on the LOS. Any other country would of buckled under half of that.

The reason of course is that Thailand is a mass tourism market with the cheapest hotel deals and airtickets of any place on the planet.(LHR-BKK rtn 499-550 quid ? ) Thailand is also the home of Asia's flourishing sex industry dating back to the Vietnam war era.

The TAT wants quality tourists to come here. It wont happen. Thailand will always attract the lo-so tourists from places like provincial China,Russia, India and beer swilling knobs from the west.

The drunk Brit who went beserk in Roxy beer bar the other night is the face of Thailand s tourism industry whether the TAT like it or not.

Speak for yourself...

And what category do you place yourself in, or are you a native Thai who spends all his salary on cheap whiskey and even cheaper Thai karaoke bars while his wife is home taking care of the 3 children that you never support.

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I have lived, worked, employed Thai people and married to a Thai for the past 9 years. I am in the restaurant business and most of the tourist that visit this town are normal everyday type people. Not lo-so as you put it. Not everyone that visits Thailand head for the bars.

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I have lived, worked, employed Thai people and married to a Thai for the past 9 years. I am in the restaurant business and most of the tourist that visit this town are normal everyday type people. Not lo-so as you put it. Not everyone that visits Thailand head for the bars.

My apologies John. Was meant for the other guy.

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There is no doubt Thailand has the most resilient tourisim industry in the world. Tsunami's,biblical floods,bombs, sars,AIDS, rampant corruption and scamming tourists make no impact on the LOS. Any other country would of buckled under half of that.

The reason of course is that Thailand is a mass tourism market with the cheapest hotel deals and airtickets of any place on the planet.(LHR-BKK rtn 499-550 quid ? ) Thailand is also the home of Asia's flourishing sex industry dating back to the Vietnam war era.

The TAT wants quality tourists to come here. It wont happen. Thailand will always attract the lo-so tourists from places like provincial China,Russia, India and beer swilling knobs from the west.

The drunk Brit who went beserk in Roxy beer bar the other night is the face of Thailand s tourism industry whether the TAT like it or not.

And what category do you place yourself in, or are you a native Thai who spends all his salary on cheap whiskey and even cheaper Thai karaoke bars while his wife is home taking care of the 3 children that you never support

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It makes me sick to my stomach how they always relate tragedy to loss or no loss of tourism.

It trivializes the death of innocent people and their memories.

I totally agree. To add to your comment it is also sick when they come out right after a tragedy how much money the victims or thier families will get. Life here it seems is all about money.

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