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Neighbor Built Rooster Shack 20 Meters Away. What's the Law?

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You seem to be fixated on "the law", well the main problem with that is you whilst you may well find one, you then need someone to "enforce it", and therein lies your problem. Thailand has many laws, but no one really interested unless there is a financial incentive, to actually enforce them. This aint the west!

Then you have another problem, you have gone to the Or ba tor?, so now the guy concerned "looses face" in his community, and not just him but his entire extended family may get really pissed at you, and next we hear, there's been an awful accident, or even a suicide, or maybe a damn Cobra got into your bedroom.

Thais have "mai bpen rai" live and let live attitude, you would do well to remember it. Not become a victim of trying to change it.

You'd better have deep pockets, because you are headed on a course of self destruction if not very careful. If you have a Thai wife, LET HER handle it.

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My contact at Or Bor Tor has responded, yes there is a law, both a civil law having animals so close and a criminal complaint making noise so early in the morning. I will go and find out more at 11 AM.

Good luck Please keep us informed on how it goes. I think a lot of us would like to know how this ends.

Yes curious too how this will work if it does work it will be a good story.

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You seem to be fixated on "the law", well the main problem with that is you whilst you may well find one, you then need someone to "enforce it", and therein lies your problem. Thailand has many laws, but no one really interested unless there is a financial incentive, to actually enforce them. This aint the west!

Then you have another problem, you have gone to the Or ba tor?, so now the guy concerned "looses face" in his community, and not just him but his entire extended family may get really pissed at you, and next we hear, there's been an awful accident, or even a suicide, or maybe a damn Cobra got into your bedroom.

Thais have "mai bpen rai" live and let live attitude, you would do well to remember it. Not become a victim of trying to change it.

You'd better have deep pockets, because you are headed on a course of self destruction if not very careful. If you have a Thai wife, LET HER handle it.


Walk into a police station and all they are thinking, "how much can I get out of this farang?"

Nothing is more annoying to a Thai police officer than being asked to do his job, especially if it's a farang making the complaint.

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You seem to be fixated on "the law", well the main problem with that is you whilst you may well find one, you then need someone to "enforce it", and therein lies your problem. Thailand has many laws, but no one really interested unless there is a financial incentive, to actually enforce them. This aint the west!

Then you have another problem, you have gone to the Or ba tor?, so now the guy concerned "looses face" in his community, and not just him but his entire extended family may get really pissed at you, and next we hear, there's been an awful accident, or even a suicide, or maybe a damn Cobra got into your bedroom.

Thais have "mai bpen rai" live and let live attitude, you would do well to remember it. Not become a victim of trying to change it.

You'd better have deep pockets, because you are headed on a course of self destruction if not very careful. If you have a Thai wife, LET HER handle it.

Not everyone has a Thai wife ( or even wants one ) yet I have gotten fake doctors charged, noxious fires put out, an impromptu sawmill shut down, ( and neighbors criminally charged for processing protected trees.) Dogs shut up, rooster fights stopped and have lived through all.

Thanks for the advice though.

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You seem to be fixated on "the law", well the main problem with that is you whilst you may well find one, you then need someone to "enforce it", and therein lies your problem. Thailand has many laws, but no one really interested unless there is a financial incentive, to actually enforce them. This aint the west!

Then you have another problem, you have gone to the Or ba tor?, so now the guy concerned "looses face" in his community, and not just him but his entire extended family may get really pissed at you, and next we hear, there's been an awful accident, or even a suicide, or maybe a damn Cobra got into your bedroom.

Thais have "mai bpen rai" live and let live attitude, you would do well to remember it. Not become a victim of trying to change it.

You'd better have deep pockets, because you are headed on a course of self destruction if not very careful. If you have a Thai wife, LET HER handle it.


Walk into a police station and all they are thinking, "how much can I get out of this farang?"

Nothing is more annoying to a Thai police officer than being asked to do his job, especially if it's a farang making the complaint.

Thanks for that somewhat degrading opinion of Thai police. However if you'll note, the title of this topic is " what is the law" So ... do you have an answer ?

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You seem to be fixated on "the law", well the main problem with that is you whilst you may well find one, you then need someone to "enforce it", and therein lies your problem. Thailand has many laws, but no one really interested unless there is a financial incentive, to actually enforce them. This aint the west!

Then you have another problem, you have gone to the Or ba tor?, so now the guy concerned "looses face" in his community, and not just him but his entire extended family may get really pissed at you, and next we hear, there's been an awful accident, or even a suicide, or maybe a damn Cobra got into your bedroom.

Thais have "mai bpen rai" live and let live attitude, you would do well to remember it. Not become a victim of trying to change it.

You'd better have deep pockets, because you are headed on a course of self destruction if not very careful. If you have a Thai wife, LET HER handle it.


Walk into a police station and all they are thinking, "how much can I get out of this farang?"

Nothing is more annoying to a Thai police officer than being asked to do his job, especially if it's a farang making the complaint.

Thanks for that somewhat degrading opinion of Thai police. However if you'll note, the title of this topic is " what is the law" So ... do you have an answer ?

A well deserved degrading opinion from first hand experience.

The law is a joke. They use the law to exploit their chosen victims.

Get the lawyers involved and double your fun.

You may get a case all the way to the supreme court before you realise they were are "all in on it" to drain your pockets. Thai zig zag.

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My contact at Or Bor Tor has responded, yes there is a law, both a civil law having animals so close and a criminal complaint making noise so early in the morning. I will go and find out more at 11 AM.

Good luck Please keep us informed on how it goes. I think a lot of us would like to know how this ends.

Yes curious too how this will work if it does work it will be a good story.

The going rate is ฿2000 / chicken and of course they will all be prize fighting cocks, even the females.

Why not try getting up early? Nice time of the day, I get plenty done before 7am

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not a thing you can do. In fact you should have realised what the outcome would be and not said anything as now he knows what his farang neighbor is like, as if anything happens to his prize rooster or hens who is he coming after ... ?

simple ....... get use to it or move ..

Thanks for your opinion, do you know what the minimum distance must be ?

come on ....... forget minimum distance or noise pollution.

This is rural thailand, you are in a no win situation .... sorry but reality is you cannot do anything.

Can you put up some tree pot plants to create a wall that might lessen the noise impact ... ?

It's not rural Thailand, but a rural enclave on Phuket about 3 kilometers from several 5 star resorts. The villas up on the hill above us go for $ 1 million USD.

I feel quite sure there is a minimum distance requirement and that is my query. Do you know it?


Your,e peeing into the wind................sorry TIT get on with it or move thumbsup.gif

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4:45? I've heard roosters start their screaming competitions at 2 something (in several provinces. Lampang, Surin, Udon Thani)

In Udon there was a small slum like dwelling with those chicken next to a big rental with about 16 apartments for university students. I would be cheaper to pay the "farmer" 250 B per chicken to stop this!!

It's incredibly selfish and rude, JMHO. Especially in cities.

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Thanks for the comments ( and I'm still alive ) but I am looking for a law on the books about this topic.

Is it on your property or his, is this "farmland " your living in ?..... if so forget about the "law" and get used to country living....and shut your windows and buy an aircon

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Same laws as owning foxes as pets I assume. They're cute, quieter and you don't have to spend money on food for them if you let them roam because they find their own food. They prefer, eggs, chickens and roosters.

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My friend sent me a pic of the law, which is about nuisance noise and I've included the pic of it.

When I got to the Or Bor Tor, naturally there was a lot of "go to this office and then that office...." Finally ended up at the health and safety department and the man there spoke English well. I made a complaint and was told they would not be able to visit for about a week. Fair enough.



Then I went to the building department to ask their opinion if this shack requires a building permit and got a lot of different answers. Probably not as it is temporary, no floor, no foundation, etc is my general impression but it was amazing the confusion this question caused, and one officer getting a bit miffed about " Farang always want to follow law..."

This is when I dropped my drawers and mooned him ( in a fantasy )

It's also always an experience when a small group of Thais all have to stop work, turn, stare incessantly and giggle a lot. Where I'm from this sort of behavior from adults is called " childish."


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Same laws as owning foxes as pets I assume. They're cute, quieter and you don't have to spend money on food for them if you let them roam because they find their own food. They prefer, eggs, chickens and roosters.

I kinda want to avoid killing animals. Really just wish this neighbor would treat me as he does his other neighbors. Obviously he built so far away as he and they would be bothered, but by my virtue of being foreign, I do not deserve the same consideration. Am working off my anger by photo-shopping genitalia onto his shoulders

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You seem to be fixated on "the law", well the main problem with that is you whilst you may well find one, you then need someone to "enforce it", and therein lies your problem. Thailand has many laws, but no one really interested unless there is a financial incentive, to actually enforce them. This aint the west!

Then you have another problem, you have gone to the Or ba tor?, so now the guy concerned "looses face" in his community, and not just him but his entire extended family may get really pissed at you, and next we hear, there's been an awful accident, or even a suicide, or maybe a damn Cobra got into your bedroom.

Thais have "mai bpen rai" live and let live attitude, you would do well to remember it. Not become a victim of trying to change it.

You'd better have deep pockets, because you are headed on a course of self destruction if not very careful. If you have a Thai wife, LET HER handle it.

Not everyone has a Thai wife ( or even wants one ) yet I have gotten fake doctors charged, noxious fires put out, an impromptu sawmill shut down, ( and neighbors criminally charged for processing protected trees.) Dogs shut up, rooster fights stopped and have lived through all.

Thanks for the advice though.

Jesus , sounds as if your the neighbour from hell... you have nothing else to do with your time except complain , youd be better of moving to the moon , no one there to upset what you personally believe to be acceptable.

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You seem to be fixated on "the law", well the main problem with that is you whilst you may well find one, you then need someone to "enforce it", and therein lies your problem. Thailand has many laws, but no one really interested unless there is a financial incentive, to actually enforce them. This aint the west!

Then you have another problem, you have gone to the Or ba tor?, so now the guy concerned "looses face" in his community, and not just him but his entire extended family may get really pissed at you, and next we hear, there's been an awful accident, or even a suicide, or maybe a damn Cobra got into your bedroom.

Thais have "mai bpen rai" live and let live attitude, you would do well to remember it. Not become a victim of trying to change it.

You'd better have deep pockets, because you are headed on a course of self destruction if not very careful. If you have a Thai wife, LET HER handle it.

Not everyone has a Thai wife ( or even wants one ) yet I have gotten fake doctors charged, noxious fires put out, an impromptu sawmill shut down, ( and neighbors criminally charged for processing protected trees.) Dogs shut up, rooster fights stopped and have lived through all.

Thanks for the advice though.

Jesus , sounds as if your the neighbour from hell... you have nothing else to do with your time except complain , youd be better of moving to the moon , no one there to upset what you personally believe to be acceptable.

Jaysus, so you think putting up a rooster shack next to a neighbor is acceptable? Must be hell being next to a neighbor like you. Do you burn your plastic refuse too? Use a chainsaw at 2 am ? Let me guess, you have regular Saturday night karaoke? Good thing you're in a nation where consideration is the exception ( assuming you live in Thailand- if not, then no wonder....)

The thing is, this man knows what he's doing is inconsiderate, that's why he didn't build it next to his neighbors.

Edited by FBlue72
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14 years here , im guessing and hoping your a reletive newcomer and just haven't adjusted to life here.

Or at least I hope thats the case , otherwise and you can remember this statement.

Sooner or later if you carry on with your list of complaints youve made and keep going on you WILL p*ss of the wrong Thai

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Thanks for the comments ( and I'm still alive ) but I am looking for a law on the books about this topic.

1 metre away from the border of the land I think.

No law. An Austrian guy I once knew was unlucky enough to have a timber yard and saw mill built next to his land. He complained, got nowhere.

Have loads of chickens where I live, don`t bother me, get used to it over time.

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^ The Or Bor Tor did not refer to any setback rules so not sure such a thing exists. I know a man who built a enormously expensive villa and then had a worker camp go up right next to his million baht wall. What a crap shoot- literally.

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14 years here , im guessing and hoping your a reletive newcomer and just haven't adjusted to life here.

Or at least I hope thats the case , otherwise and you can remember this statement.

Sooner or later if you carry on with your list of complaints youve made and keep going on you WILL p*ss of the wrong Thai

No I'm not a newcomer. Do you think living in fear of some myth about pissing people off supposed to be some kind of solution ? I've never ever heard of a foreigner being killed for legitimate complaints, just a lot of fear mongering about it- likely attributed to what I call "Young Thai Wives" tales.

In fact the one foreigner I can remember, the US guy in Hua Hin, was shot by a Brit!! So please provide some examples. BTW Do you have an answer to the specific query?

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Maybe your neighbour has a disdain for expat Farang neighbours,it's not unheard of,this may just be the tip of the ice berg.

Given your obvious superiority complex issue I would have to side with him if this were in fact his motive.

Edited by stoneyboy
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I did not say living in fear , god knows where you got that from

And no I dont have the (legal) answer to your query.

But I do look forward to the next thing that someone does that you dont agree with and please do post back so the members can try to find the applicable law to your next complaint.

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