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Britons jailed for life in thailand


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Yes, I think you have a point Joshua. I'm not big into bars either, but you mentioned earlier you are coming to the provinces to experience the culture. And the bars, night life even shopping centers are a significant part of Thai culture today. But nothing wrong in experiencing the traditional Thai culture too. But if you want to see things as they are from all angles, then its something to keep in mind atleast.
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09-11-2003 - 18:57


October 2003 British Foreign Office Appoint a London QC to advise on Gilbey Appeal & provide support 2 Thai lawyer. Maybe now the austrian police & DEA / US embassy will be forced 2 tell court that they knew before arrests that Gilbey did not know about drugs. Plus before arrest & at time of arrest the suitcase was never in Gilbeys pocession it was held by Dutchman Parlivliet & his Thai girlfreind who was nmysteriously aquitted. She was previously seen by agents on 5 previous drug runs

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but I don't understand the thai law system
IMO, it is not only the thai law system, a lot of law systems are illogical. for example, in HK, most rapists I think do not serve more than a few years in jail! just wonder what if it was the judge's own daughter who was the victim.
the big point is that it's your own free will to take drug or not, but you havn't got the choice if somebody murders or rapes you
so why the same sentence
perhaps not the same sentence. murderers and rapists serve 2 or more life sentences. ha ha..
why did you all come to thailand the first time, was it the cheap alcohol, the cheap ######s or maybe the cheap drugs, so please don't be so hypocritical!
this is indeed a hypocritical world! from what I see, hypocrisy is very normal and accepted everywhere! it's human nature.

BTW, not that I am trying to say that drugs should be legal, but have often wondered how big the differences are between drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

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BTW, not that I am trying to say that drugs should be legal, but have often wondered how big the differences are between drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

There is a difference, Cigarettes and Alcohol make Governments Billions of Dollars a year,.................. Tobacco Kills millions worldwide,.................Alcohol is a major factor in Many violent crimes, countless road deaths, and creates much misery the world over, but there is just too much money to be made.

Its not coincidental that many fights start in pubs, there is a reason.............. the consumption of the drug Alcohol is that reason.

If you as an individual created and sold a drug that had the same effect on a person as drinking half a bottle of whisky, you would be Jailed for life for the manufacture of such a terrible dangerous drug.................................. yet you can buy the government controlled and taxed equivalent (Alcohol) in any ammounts you want.....

Cannabis, its a plant....... its a herb.... its natural..... it was not created by man. Have 500 grammes in your Possesion in Singapore they will Hang you. You wanna buy a truckload of Whiskey...No Problem.

Money is what its all about

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One more point should be added. The more people stop to smoke the higher the average age will be. This would be a very high burden to any social insurance system and probably cause a collapse of the systems overall.

Imagine all these 80+ year olds enjoying their non-smoking retirment until 2025 or thereabouts, drawing their retirement allowance month by month...

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Look at Alcohol Advertising.....Clever adverts....you drink you become attractive to the opposite sex....even on this forum in another thread it has been associated with 'Manliness"...why do people drink Alcohol? Is it because they are thirsty?....Or just might it be...(shock horror!).....That people comsume the Drug Alcohol, because it is a mind altering substance? Yet people reel in Horror at some guy rolling a joint and would happily be a judge that sends him to jail for 5 years.

Time for a Drink i think! :o

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sad sad ...

how can you be so stupid or so desperate to make this kind of S##$ business?

and here, it's a suicide!

very wrong, but who are we to judge them?

they are going to be anyway ... might be useless to give them another ban.

Thailand is slowly becoming an alcoholic country ...

"report from the post" ; 250,000 people begin to drink alcohol in Thailand every year! :D

but the actual government is proud to say that the country will be drug-clean!

how can they build such a enormous lie?

I agree with what was said; money and power B)

money money money :o

that's what government have in mind, keep the country financialy healthy ...

eventualy, would think about people then B)

it's a selfish world, filled with hypocrits and money-makers B)

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Thailand is slowly becoming an alcoholic country ...

"report from the post" ; 250,000 people begin to drink alcohol in Thailand every year! :o

but the actual government is proud to say that the country will be drug-clean!

how can they build such a enormous lie?

Alcohol is an accepted money making drug that is controlled by goverments...... the British Government Aquired Hong Kong from the Chinese, by way of the Opium Wars.............the Brits bringing Opium from India to sell and trade to Chinese...all legal at that time.....and who was gonna argue....Britannia ruled the waves at that time...They made the laws.

Alcohol is legal...it is good...it is socially acceptable....its advertised on TV as making you Cool...Attractive....successful....ok....Try making your own Alcohol, and selling it yourself, you will be arrested, why? TAX, MONEY, POWER!

Years and years of social acceptance of the drug Alcohol has brainwashed people into believing it is not a dangerous, harmful substance.........Go to an accident unit of any city hospital on a friday night in UK, those guys are nearly 100% in there cos of Alcohol, it costs UK 20 Billion pounds a year in Alcohol related problems, but the Money made from Alcohol tax far outstrips that, so carry on drinking.

Have you ever seen a guy smoke a joint and go and beat someone up? A man go home after smoking a joint and Kicking his wife around? I personally have not, but have witnessed the above and so much more with Alcohol as the drug involved.

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Drug Smugglers ruin peoples lives, directly or indirectly. They must be punished, severely enough so they are unlikely to re-offend. I reckon two years jail followed by two years work in the community helping ex-addicts, etc. would be a better idea.

However, this won't happen because the financial rewards are so great. Life sentences, do I believe deter some would-be smugglers. It is as clear as day, you know if you are caught, you are as good as dead.

Don't let your Thai girlfriend pack your bag home as a favour! That excuse won't wash at the airport!

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Don't let your Thai girlfriend pack your bag home as a favour! That excuse won't wash at the airport!

I think its the Thai Girls that should not let farangs pack thier Bags when going off to Europe....cant imagine many Thai girls being involved in International Drug Trafficking

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whilst i heartily endorse lengthy sentences for drug smuggling, i would also like to voice my concerns about the possibilities of "fitting up", poor evidence gathering and false accusations

there must be people in thai jails,thais and foriegners,who should not be there.

it pays to be careful who you associate with, and who you annoy here.

years ago,a "girl friend" who i had asked to move out of my apartment went into a fierce sulk and told the maid that she was going to get some heroin and plant it in my apartment the next day and inform the police.

thankfully,the maid told me and within half an hour i was out of the apartment and in the back of a cab to a hotel for a day or two whilst i found a new place to live.

whether this girl would have done it or not i dont know.

but had she done it, i dont think for one minute i could of proved my innocence in the matter if the police had wanted to get a result.

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All this debate, when at the end of the day people have been takikng drugs since time immorial and will be doing so until the end of time. Govts are about control and controlling drugs is just another aspect of that. Don't believe the hype every individual has to make his/her own mind as to what they want to do with their bodies. That is why they are here!

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Tax, i heard some Farang in Pattaya telling his mate that he was gonna flick some yaba under some guy's door and tip off the Police, dunno if he was that serious, but it just goes to show how easy it is to cause someone a lot of hassle.

Maybe he was not that serious, he was in a bar and legally smashed out of his head.

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marquess, that was right on the money.

I knew a "cowboy" way back in the heyday of Miami in 1978. Was involved with "bringin it in" from Cuba and Colombia although of course fidel ( ###### socialism doesn't work, so might as well allow "other" ways of cash flow) knew nothing about it ( sure). Wet runs were happening weekly to the Keys and life seemed real good financially ( a Lot!) for a couple years.

Then everyone ( well nearly everyone) was caught and that cost everyone years.

Pot was the eeeeeevil drug. The "rats" made a deal with the feds, in return for a quantity of what these dummies got caught for, plus coke, a new name and who knows where they are now. Pretty much put a stop to MOST of the pot coming in to south florida and not long afterward, indoor grown stuff became the norm. Then about 2 years later it was in the newspaper that there was an "epedemic" of useage of the "hard stuff". Gee what a coincidence huh?

What happened to the rest of the crew? Hmmm, well one's life resembles that of the Soprano's. One owns a multimillion dollar diamond shop, one became a very well known and respected numismatist and art dealer, a few are dead, another owns a tire store. One simply kept on and just wouldn't stop, merely changing countries ( jamaica mon) and ultimately went on to getting caught again. One had a movie made about him ( the big rat) and was shot and killed in louisiana after the same government made a deal with him and then doublecrossed him ( what a surprise!). But everyone lost years first. It wasn't worth it.

If it were legal, none of the players would have been involved as it wouldn't have been so exciting and profitable.

Government is about force, power and control and that is it. If you have an "in' as in ollie north ( or higher up?), you can do these things. If you don't, then better off doing something else, rather than potentially lose a major part of life, or life itself. They win, you lose and that's the way it is.

Begs, you can make the same arguments that have been made but the fact is, it's a game played by those who have the power and if you don't, it's best off left alone. But you're right, there's no difference what the actual substance is.

Gee did I just make an indictment?


Mr Vietnam :o

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Hard drugs & stereotype views from overweight lazy farangs sitting in there condos in Thailand. Why are you you there, the scenery is terrible, taking the sun is a health hazard Ahh it must be sex.


The way it will go in most sensible countries, that excludes US

Claire short UK MP and former overseas development minister, has said all hard drugs should be available from doctors, this will dramatically reduce drug related crime & let the farmers in the third world sell there crops.

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Hard drugs & stereotype views from overweight lazy farangs sitting in there condos in Thailand. Why are you you there, the scenery is terrible, taking the sun is a health hazard Ahh it must be sex.


The way it will go in most sensible countries, that excludes US

Claire short UK MP and former overseas development minister, has said all hard drugs should be available from doctors, this will dramatically reduce drug related crime & let the farmers in the third world sell there crops.

Do i detect the words of a Bitter and Twisted man wishing he was in Thailand?

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claire short, mp,scheming self publicist and hypocrite, may have put forward those ideas, but thankfully,i doubt if they will ever come to pass.

the uk population needs free access to hard drugs like the thais need central heating in their homes.

and the scenery is pretty good.

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Guest IT Manager
I think its the Thai Girls that should not let farangs pack thier Bags when going off to Europe....cant imagine many Thai girls being involved in International Drug Trafficking

And the address of your Utopia again was....? :o

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I think its the Thai Girls that should not let farangs pack thier Bags when going off to Europe....cant imagine many Thai girls being involved in International Drug Trafficking

And the address of your Utopia again was....? :o

Point being, the majority of International drug Smugglers are liable to be forgieners.

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  • 4 months later...

Thai trial for drug suspects

A Nuneaton man arrested in Thailand on suspicion of drugs offences is expected to go on trial.

Anthony Flannaghan, 34, together with Steophen Wilcox, 40, of Blaby, Leicestershire, has been warned he could face the death penalty.

The two men have been in custody in Bangkok for almost a year after Thai authorities alleged that the men were involved in drugs production and trafficking.

A Foreign Office spokesman confirmed that the men were being provided with legal representation for their trial, which was expected to start in Bangkok today.

Flannaghan was arrested in Bangkok and Wilcox detained on the island of Koh Samui on April 21 last year, allegedly following a tip-off from British agents.

More than an ounce of heroin, one ounce of marijuana, 14 Ecstasy tablets and 11 tablets of methamphetamines were recovered from Wilcox's island home.

It is understood Wilcox, who was married, had lived in Thailand for two years and worked in real estate.

Flannaghan was caught with 2.9lb of heroin hidden in his luggage and alleged he had been paid by Wilcox to travel to the capital with the drugs.

Reports said he failed to produce his passport and was also alleged to have entered Thailand illegally.

--IC Birmingham 2004-04-01

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I wish they would treat drug pushers the same in England and not as the joke that it is there! They deserve all that they get .... time to reflect on the misery they cause when they are languishing in misery themselves for the rest of their natural


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And don't bash Thailand for being excessive in it's approach. To my knowledge Singapore, Malaysia,Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Libya all have the death penalty for drug smugglers.

And they are all regularly catching mules - but seldom the big guys.

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  • 6 years later...

09-11-2003 - 18:57


October 2003 British Foreign Office Appoint a London QC to advise on Gilbey Appeal & provide support 2 Thai lawyer. Maybe now the austrian police & DEA / US embassy will be forced 2 tell court that they knew before arrests that Gilbey did not know about drugs. Plus before arrest & at time of arrest the suitcase was never in Gilbeys pocession it was held by Dutchman Parlivliet & his Thai girlfreind who was nmysteriously aquitted. She was previously seen by agents on 5 previous drug runs

Julain Gilbey was sent back to the UK earlier this year:

Drug smuggler gets parole boost

A drug smuggler who was repatriated to Britain from Thailand to serve the remainder of a life sentence has been told that he will be able to apply for parole next year.

Julian Gilbey, 47, was arrested at Don Mueang Airport in Bangkok on October 19, 2001 after he was caught carrying a bag containing 6.6lb (3kg) of heroin.

He was originally sentenced to death but this was commuted to life imprisonment, backdated to the time of his arrest.

Earlier this year, the former English language teacher was repatriated to Scotland, where his mother and sister live on the Isle of Bute, to serve the balance of his sentence. He has since been in Barlinnie Prison in Glasgow.

The Press Association - July 17, 2010


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But then again, take the Netherlands for example. Needle Parks don't seem to bother the general population and Hash cafes are common.

Go figure... :o

Hash / weed cafe's are common sure but we still dont like needles in a park that is why addicts can trade old needles in for new ones. So far our drug abuse figures are a lot lower then other countries.. go figure.

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in the past, speedy and misguided transfers to serve out sentences in UK jails have been made possible with the direct intervention of "do good" UK politicians, British Embassy Staff and even the former UK Prime Minister, who appealed directly to His Majesty the King for clemency. On that occassion, a death penalty was commuted, and two traffickers (female) were returned to the UK! These people knowingly commit their crime in Thailand. These "do-gooders" should leave them to pay the full tariff in Thailand. Why send them home to be a burden on the UK tax payer?
A guy got transfered back to the UK to serve the rest of his sentence in barlinie jail glasgow..but he'll be able to apply for parole in as little as 1 year as a UK judge put at 10 year sentence on him?? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-10660340 Does this happen often with foriegn nationals? Edited by Peshay
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