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Australian pedophile arrested in Udon Thani


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Being a paedophile is not a crime. Call him a child molester if he has been convicted of that, Get it right

You not knowing how to spell pedophile should be a crime.

Actuallly both spellings are acceptible.

Only 'acceptable' is ...

Oops - fingers ahead of the brain (but wondering why the spell check missed that one)...

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Trevor will certainly have a reception committee waiting on arr back in OZ, starting with a first class escort from the plane.bah.gif

Why, entering Thailand without a visa / stamp or whatever the problem is, is on no concern to the Australian authorities, now if he has been kiddy fiddling it would be a complete different story - but the news report is about illegal entry - nothing to do with his previous activities and is typical stupid news reporting - anything for a headline / shock lead-in.

But good on the Aussie government - high-lighting his presence in Thailand - just shows they are on the ball and watching those who should be watched.

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Didn't anyone notice the part about his bank transfers being monitored.

I wonder who else has access to your bank transactions?

Exactly - my first thoughts about this post. What gives the Australian Federal Police the authority to monitor this guys bank account, and are not the bank breaching privacy laws by divulging such information?

I'm not defending this creep at all, but the ramifications of the A.F.P. actions are frightening.

Welcome to the real world...You get on somebodys radar they can do prety much what they like these days and that applies to countries the world over....fact is the banking code is not being breached...given there may have been suspected criminal activity may have been involved

1. Convicted Nonce in Aussie

2. Living in Thailand known to be a hot spot for human trafficing and nonces living therr

3. Money being transfered from Aussie to Thailand

One suspects there could be enough there for the AFP to keep an eye on him

Any amount over $A 10,000 transferred o/s is automatically flagged by the Aussie banks.

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Being a paedophile is not a crime. Call him a child molester if he has been convicted of that, Get it right

You not knowing how to spell pedophile should be a crime.

Actuallly both spellings are acceptible.

Absolutely rite.

And may I add the the term paedophile (or pedophile) is particularly ill chosen because etymologically it means who loves children ... which would imply that all normally built parents, for example, are paedophiles biggrin.png

For good measure, I'll mention that homosexual is also a bad choice of words, because then anyone who's had sex with one of his own (even once) is technically a homosexual. What defines gays is obviously not the sexual aspect but the fact that they fall in love with another guy/gal. Here, the term homophile would be adequate. But no one will use it nowadays, of course, because it sounds too much like pedophile, so there we are : it's totally absurd.

That was just twopence of etymology by a logophile.

And what religious function (rite) is being attended to with your claim of being a logophile?

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" Yardley was arrested at the home of his Thai wife and is accused of entering Thailand illegally "

How can you enter Thailand illegally unless you ran the border somewhere at night or swam

across the river from Laos.....

Easy just pay tee money.

He is lucky to be deported, stupid really Thai prison would be justice for him.

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" Yardley was arrested at the home of his Thai wife and is accused of entering Thailand illegally "

How can you enter Thailand illegally unless you ran the border somewhere at night or swam

across the river from Laos.....

Easy just pay tee money.

He is lucky to be deported, stupid really Thai prison would be justice for him.

So you are saying that all people entering Thailand without the correct paperwork, some by paying a bribe, and anyone on overstay (same as illegal entry) should be jailed - that will sort the bastards out, won't it?

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Didn't anyone notice the part about his bank transfers being monitored.

I wonder who else has access to your bank transactions?

Exactly - my first thoughts about this post. What gives the Australian Federal Police the authority to monitor this guys bank account, and are not the bank breaching privacy laws by divulging such information?

I'm not defending this creep at all, but the ramifications of the A.F.P. actions are frightening.

Welcome to the real world...You get on somebodys radar they can do prety much what they like these days and that applies to countries the world over....fact is the banking code is not being breached...given there may have been suspected criminal activity may have been involved

1. Convicted Nonce in Aussie

2. Living in Thailand known to be a hot spot for human trafficing and nonces living therr

3. Money being transfered from Aussie to Thailand

One suspects there could be enough there for the AFP to keep an eye on him

Any amount over $A 10,000 transferred o/s is automatically flagged by the Aussie banks.

The A$10,000 is only for passengers departing Australia.

All bank transfers from Australia to overseas countries are are listed on AUSTRAC.

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" Yardley was arrested at the home of his Thai wife and is accused of entering Thailand illegally "

How can you enter Thailand illegally unless you ran the border somewhere at night or swam

across the river from Laos.....

Easy just pay tee money.

He is lucky to be deported, stupid really Thai prison would be justice for him.

So you are saying that all people entering Thailand without the correct paperwork, some by paying a bribe, and anyone on overstay (same as illegal entry) should be jailed - that will sort the bastards out, won't it?

please don't distort. overstay is nothing like an illegal border trespassing. While the first one is an administrative infraction, the second one is a felony.

And those committing it should be jailed for a long time.

they are entering someone's else home without a permission. they enter the country which doesn't need them. It allows them to commit any kind of crimes and run away with impunity.

any kind of punishment is not too harsh for this.

Edited by TimmyT
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I think it is reasonable to question what they mean by "illegal entry". It strikes me that it the wordage implies a covet act and should warrant incarceration. For an aged person to covertly enter would suggest an intent to commit further crime or would at the very least acknowledge his denial of passage and devious in the extreme.

Certain as you clarify Tim, overstay/permit on arrival, should not be categorized as illegal but it may be the technicality upon his entry. Who knows?

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" Yardley was arrested at the home of his Thai wife and is accused of entering Thailand illegally "

How can you enter Thailand illegally unless you ran the border somewhere at night or swam

across the river from Laos.....

Easy just pay tee money.

He is lucky to be deported, stupid really Thai prison would be justice for him.

So you are saying that all people entering Thailand without the correct paperwork, some by paying a bribe, and anyone on overstay (same as illegal entry) should be jailed - that will sort the bastards out, won't it?

please don't distort. overstay is nothing like an illegal border trespassing. While the first one is an administrative infraction, the second one is a felony.

And those committing it should be jailed for a long time.

they are entering someone's else home without a permission. they enter the country which doesn't need them. It allows them to commit any kind of crimes and run away with impunity.

any kind of punishment is not too harsh for this.

Way off the mark, over stay is against the laws of Thailand and you can be jailed and held until such times as the overstay fine is meet and then deported together with being black listed for further entry. Luckily for some this doesn't always happen but it's always on the cards.

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Being a paedophile is not a crime. Call him a child molester if he has been convicted of that, Get it right

You not knowing how to spell pedophile should be a crime.

Actuallly both spellings are acceptible.

I believe actually has only 2 Ls and the final word is spelt acceptable.

Would you like some more stones to chuck at the glass house?

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Being a paedophile is not a crime. Call him a child molester if he has been convicted of that, Get it right

You not knowing how to spell pedophile should be a crime.

Actuallly both spellings are acceptible.

I believe actually has only 2 Ls and the final word is spelt acceptable.

Would you like some more stones to chuck at the glass house?

He who throws stones. Nice pickup. Criticise at your own peril. (Spelling correct?)

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My understanding is that anyone convicted of a child sex offence goes on the sex offenders register for a significant period of time and ( I stand to be corrected) that there is some annotation in the passport to that effect. 7 years is a hefty sentence and consequently the time on the register would be at least 10 years after release from prison. Somehow the system has failed.

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My understanding is that anyone convicted of a child sex offence goes on the sex offenders register for a significant period of time and ( I stand to be corrected) that there is some annotation in the passport to that effect. 7 years is a hefty sentence and consequently the time on the register would be at least 10 years after release from prison. Somehow the system has failed.

From previous posts I think you will find the system works. He was allowed to leave but did not return. After not returning bank accounts were monitored and his location was known. Good job by all agencies concerned.

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if he had been strung up first time round then all the resources deployed in following/monitoring of the grub could have been utilised elsewhere, don't get me wrong its fantastic the sicko has been nabbed but why even let these types back out in the first place

BTW i think its hilarious that someone would go to the effort to post a dig at another's spelling error and get it wrong themselves cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif see post 76 above

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It seems there are no Thai pedophiles, ...or is it just because there are no foreign organisations hunting on them? I am convinced there are though, from the highest society down to village bullies, but, hush...

Of course there are Thai paedos. Every country has it's own indigenous trash to deal with. But S.E. Asia attracts them like flies to sh*t. A few executions instead of paying off the family with blood money wouldn't go amiss, and would send a message to the rest.

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It seems there are no Thai pedophiles, ...or is it just because there are no foreign organisations hunting on them? I am convinced there are though, from the highest society down to village bullies, but, hush...

Of course there are Thai paedos. Every country has it's own indigenous trash to deal with. But S.E. Asia attracts them like flies to sh*t. A few executions instead of paying off the family with blood money wouldn't go amiss, and would send a message to the rest.

An active firing squad would keep these flies in their home sh**

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Being a paedophile is not a crime. Call him a child molester if he has been convicted of that, Get it right

You not knowing how to spell pedophile should be a crime.

Actuallly both spellings are acceptible.

Absolutely rite.

And may I add the the term paedophile (or pedophile) is particularly ill chosen because etymologically it means who loves children ... which would imply that all normally built parents, for example, are paedophiles biggrin.png

For good measure, I'll mention that homosexual is also a bad choice of words, because then anyone who's had sex with one of his own (even once) is technically a homosexual. What defines gays is obviously not the sexual aspect but the fact that they fall in love with another guy/gal. Here, the term homophile would be adequate. But no one will use it nowadays, of course, because it sounds too much like pedophile, so there we are : it's totally absurd.

That was just twopence of etymology by a logophile.

It appears you have a ritualistic love of words. Is that absolutely correct?

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Actuallly both spellings are acceptible.

Absolutely rite.

And may I add the the term paedophile (or pedophile) is particularly ill chosen because etymologically it means who loves children ... which would imply that all normally built parents, for example, are paedophiles biggrin.png

For good measure, I'll mention that homosexual is also a bad choice of words, because then anyone who's had sex with one of his own (even once) is technically a homosexual. What defines gays is obviously not the sexual aspect but the fact that they fall in love with another guy/gal. Here, the term homophile would be adequate. But no one will use it nowadays, of course, because it sounds too much like pedophile, so there we are : it's totally absurd.

That was just twopence of etymology by a logophile.

It appears you have a ritualistic love of words. Is that absolutely correct?

"That was just twopence of etymology by a logophile."

More like five quid's worth. Right, wright, rite, write ?

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One down about 40,000 or more to find and deport. Foreign criminals here are like fleas they are everywhere in Thailand.

Strange, i have never associated these type of people as criminals.

They have a category of their own in my little world..........................wink.png

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there is essentially a path between Poipet and Arun that the locals use when they don't want to bother with the official border.

the mind boggles

Oh yes, I know that path. It's in the Lonely Planet. whistling.gif

A friend of mine lives in Poipet. Why cross at that shitty bridge is you just want to pop into 7/11?

There must be thousands of other places.

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