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Biker begs for life after Khao Yai elephants corner him (VIDEO)


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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

if I were him I would certainly do that.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

It's great to hear from people who, sitting behind their keyboards, know exactly what to do, and what they would do, in situations like this.

Does anybody have a video camera and some gasoline? it would be fantastic to see footage of TimmyT demonstrating his brilliant strategy!

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I remember being in Yellowstone as a kid.There was an American Bison in a field. We had a look from the distance. But there were people seeing how close they could get.Some with little kids.......Big wild animals, nothing to get up close with....

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Does anybody have a video camera and some gasoline? it would be fantastic to see footage of TimmyT demonstrating his brilliant strategy!

Poor old Timmy Mallett would have barely considered a rag and petrol, let alone find a lighter, before being trampled to death. Jeez.

Edited by wooloomooloo
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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

if I were him I would certainly do that.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

I can think of one human I'd trade for just one elephant.

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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

if I were him I would certainly do that.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

It's great to hear from people who, sitting behind their keyboards, know exactly what to do, and what they would do, in situations like this.

Does anybody have a video camera and some gasoline? it would be fantastic to see footage of TimmyT demonstrating his brilliant strategy!

I would not do this with an elephant if he is no threatening me, sorry

actually I love elephants, but if I would have to choose elephant's life would cost nothing for me in comparison with my own life wink.png

I am the kind of person who don't retreat If I think I can win. If I meet a soi dog barking in front of me I never try to bypass it but use a stick or throw stones. A few times I had an arguments about this with dog's owners. but I don't care.

in this situation with an elephant I believe I can win. May be I am wrong, but I would definitely try. Otherwise I will not respect myself anymore. in my whole life I never allowed anybody - human or animal - to threaten me without repercussions (sooner or later).

and I am not going to start.

Edited by TimmyT
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I think maybe he knew what he was doing. Had he tried to run up the hill, he would have likely be stomped on before getting very far. Perhaps best to appear passive and not a threat. I imagine park rangers encounter wild elephants frequently and have their own way of reacting. But experts will no doubt tell me I'm completely wrong. I live and learn!

While we laugh at this wai gesture, the elephants are very sensitive to intent through body language and likely a few other indicators. The man was acquiescing sincerely and it was apparent.

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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants


Your comment is too simple. Timmy's post is merely a mountain of elephant dung.

"...one human life worth more than any number of elephants." ?????

Elephant dung has it's uses, more than we can say for TimmyT's post.

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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

if I were him I would certainly do that.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

It's great to hear from people who, sitting behind their keyboards, know exactly what to do, and what they would do, in situations like this.

Does anybody have a video camera and some gasoline? it would be fantastic to see footage of TimmyT demonstrating his brilliant strategy!

I would not do this with an elephant if he is no threatening me, sorry

actually I love elephants, but if I would have to choose elephant's life would cost nothing for me in comparison with my own life wink.png

I am the kind of person who don't retreat If I think I can win. If I meet a soi dog barking in front of me I never try to bypass it but use a stick or throw stones. A few times I had an arguments about this with dog's owners. but I don't care.

in this situation with an elephant I believe I can win. May be I am wrong, but I would definitely try. Otherwise I will not respect myself anymore. in my whole life I never allowed anybody - human or animal - to threaten me without repercussions (sooner or later).

and I am not going to start.

And you would be trampled to death the second any gesture was seen as threatening. It ain't pretty, either. Often the lungs come out of the mouth. Guess which route the intestines usually take. Grisly.

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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

if I were him I would certainly do that.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

Yeah, right. Like they are just going to stand there, wait for you to find a rag, then open your gas tank to soak it, then light it.

Some village is definitely missing an idiot.

truly scared person can do this in less than a minute. there are many examples that the adrenaline rush speeds up metabolism, thinking and moving

PS avatars of Just1Voice and Ratcatcher truly shows that they belong to those animal-crazed lefties smile.pngThey associate themselves with animals like PETA left-liberal fundamentalists..

very well known psychiatric phenomenon

And what does your avatar show about yourself .............

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While we laugh at this wai gesture, the elephants are very sensitive to intent through body language and likely a few other indicators. The man was acquiescing sincerely and it was apparent.

I'm going to have to like your post. Maybe, extend that feeling to roosters.

Roosters are small loud obnoxious creatures with lizard brains. They have barely evolved from their dinosaur ancestry their necks are easily wringed, too.

Think I'll finish off that chicken soup I made a few days ago.

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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

if I were him I would certainly do that.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

It's great to hear from people who, sitting behind their keyboards, know exactly what to do, and what they would do, in situations like this.

Does anybody have a video camera and some gasoline? it would be fantastic to see footage of TimmyT demonstrating his brilliant strategy!

I would not do this with an elephant if he is no threatening me, sorry

actually I love elephants, but if I would have to choose elephant's life would cost nothing for me in comparison with my own life wink.png

I am the kind of person who don't retreat If I think I can win. If I meet a soi dog barking in front of me I never try to bypass it but use a stick or throw stones. A few times I had an arguments about this with dog's owners. but I don't care.

in this situation with an elephant I believe I can win. May be I am wrong, but I would definitely try. Otherwise I will not respect myself anymore. in my whole life I never allowed anybody - human or animal - to threaten me without repercussions (sooner or later).

and I am not going to start.

And you would be trampled to death the second any gesture was seen as threatening. It ain't pretty, either. Often the lungs come out of the mouth. Guess which route the intestines usually take. Grisly.

This particular story has certainly brought out a couple of strange people - it would seem that Timmy and bluey could make a real comedy act with a bit of guidance and coaching.

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I would not do this with an elephant if he is no threatening me, sorry

actually I love elephants, but if I would have to choose elephant's life would cost nothing for me in comparison with my own life wink.png

I am the kind of person who don't retreat If I think I can win. If I meet a soi dog barking in front of me I never try to bypass it but use a stick or throw stones. A few times I had an arguments about this with dog's owners. but I don't care.

in this situation with an elephant I believe I can win. May be I am wrong, but I would definitely try. Otherwise I will not respect myself anymore. in my whole life I never allowed anybody - human or animal - to threaten me without repercussions (sooner or later).

and I am not going to start.

And you would be trampled to death the second any gesture was seen as threatening. It ain't pretty, either. Often the lungs come out of the mouth. Guess which route the intestines usually take. Grisly.

I believe in fate. Que será, será

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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

if I were him I would certainly do that.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

Yeah, right. Like they are just going to stand there, wait for you to find a rag, then open your gas tank to soak it, then light it.

Some village is definitely missing an idiot.

truly scared person can do this in less than a minute. there are many examples that the adrenaline rush speeds up metabolism, thinking and moving

PS avatars of Just1Voice and Ratcatcher truly shows that they belong to those animal-crazed lefties smile.pngThey associate themselves with animals like PETA left-liberal fundamentalists..

very well known psychiatric phenomenon

Aye, don't forget me in the animal crazed, leftie-liberal er,.. fundamentalist (?) labeling.

Edited by FBlue72
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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

if I were him I would certainly do that.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

Yeah, right. Like they are just going to stand there, wait for you to find a rag, then open your gas tank to soak it, then light it.

Some village is definitely missing an idiot.

truly scared person can do this in less than a minute. there are many examples that the adrenaline rush speeds up metabolism, thinking and moving

PS avatars of Just1Voice and Ratcatcher truly shows that they belong to those animal-crazed lefties smile.pngThey associate themselves with animals like PETA left-liberal fundamentalists..

very well known psychiatric phenomenon

And what does your avatar show about yourself .............

my avatar shows that Ernesto Che Guevara was a mass murderer. but many people see something different. Same as with Rorschach test. :)

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I hope this idiot is charged with some offence. The Thai statute is packed with unenforced enactments. There must be something to charge him with.

For what? Riding a motorcycle along a public highway?

Exactly....what was he expected to do?

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I know what he should have done if he was a policeman..

A couple of AFP officers stopped at a property west of Canberra and talked to an old Aboriginal standing on the road. He told the old Aboriginal, "Morning sir, I need to inspect this land for illegally grown drugs."
The elder reluctantly said, "okay, but don't go into that field over there...", as he nodded his head towards the location.

The AFP officer verbally exploded & said, "Look sir, I have the authority of the federal government with me!". Reaching into his rear back pocket, the AFP officer removed his badge & proudly displayed it to the old Aboriginal. "See this badge?! This badge means I can go wherever I want, whenever I want................on any land! No questions asked, no answers given! Do you understand mate?"
The elder nodded kindly, apologized & went about his business. Moments later he heard loud - fearful screams; he looked up & saw the AFP officer running for his life, being chased by a large Bull. With every step the Bull was gaining ground on the officer & it was likely that he'd sure enough get gored before he reached safety. The officer was clearly terrified. The old Aboriginal threw down his tools & ran as fast as he could to the fence & yelled at the top of his lungs...... "YOU’RE BADGE! SHOW HIM YOU’RE F###ing BADGE!"
Edited by Aninquisitivemind
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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

if I were him I would certainly do that.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

It's great to hear from people who, sitting behind their keyboards, know exactly what to do, and what they would do, in situations like this.

Does anybody have a video camera and some gasoline? it would be fantastic to see footage of TimmyT demonstrating his brilliant strategy!

I would not do this with an elephant if he is no threatening me, sorry

actually I love elephants, but if I would have to choose elephant's life would cost nothing for me in comparison with my own life wink.png

I am the kind of person who don't retreat If I think I can win. If I meet a soi dog barking in front of me I never try to bypass it but use a stick or throw stones. A few times I had an arguments about this with dog's owners. but I don't care.

in this situation with an elephant I believe I can win. May be I am wrong, but I would definitely try. Otherwise I will not respect myself anymore. in my whole life I never allowed anybody - human or animal - to threaten me without repercussions (sooner or later).

and I am not going to start.

This is the best solution you have for soi dogs? Wave a stick and throw some stones. A sure recipe for being bitten. But then you say A few times I had an arguments about this with dog's owners. but I don't care. 555 A soi dog doesn't have an owner because it is a street dog. If you don't get attacked by the dog, I am sure one day you will be attacked by the owner. I hope I am never with you when an animal is attacking.. Giving a wai would give you a much better chance of not being attacked.

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This looks staged. The video is too high quality, too clear, and begins before the motorbike even encounters the elephants.

Drruuu, have you never heard of anyone filming a group of elephants they encounter on the highway when passing through an area like Khao Yai - No - you haven't -- well guess what -- have a good look and you might learn something.

I know I would film and take photographs if I had the luck of seen a heard of wild elephants.....

Regards, Pat.....

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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

if I were him I would certainly do that.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

...perhaps why there was an elephant with a patch over one eye, asking about where you lived.

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the best solution would be take some gasoline from his motorbike, soak the cloth with it, burn it (if he has a lighter) and throw in the eyes of an elephant. all wild animals afraid of fire.

one human life worth more than any number of elephants

Yes, some mothers do have em, the sad part is that he is probably serious.
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I hope this idiot is charged with some offence. The Thai statute is packed with unenforced enactments. There must be something to charge him with.

Attempting to overtake on a bend?

Really, no harm done and the road was likely not put there for the elephants.......

I think he learned his lesson, but I might have been better entertained had I seen the bike grabbed by a trunk and tossed down the hill.

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I would not do this with an elephant if he is no threatening me, sorry

actually I love elephants, but if I would have to choose elephant's life would cost nothing for me in comparison with my own life wink.png

I am the kind of person who don't retreat If I think I can win. If I meet a soi dog barking in front of me I never try to bypass it but use a stick or throw stones. A few times I had an arguments about this with dog's owners. but I don't care.

in this situation with an elephant I believe I can win. May be I am wrong, but I would definitely try. Otherwise I will not respect myself anymore. in my whole life I never allowed anybody - human or animal - to threaten me without repercussions (sooner or later).

and I am not going to start.

This is the best solution you have for soi dogs? Wave a stick and throw some stones. A sure recipe for being bitten. But then you say A few times I had an arguments about this with dog's owners. but I don't care. 555 A soi dog doesn't have an owner because it is a street dog. If you don't get attacked by the dog, I am sure one day you will be attacked by the owner. I hope I am never with you when an animal is attacking.. Giving a wai would give you a much better chance of not being attacked.

I did that many times and never been bitten. those soi dogs are much more cowardly than you think.

may be I used a term "soi dog" wrongly, but there are many barking dogs on sois, some of them have owners some of them don't - I don't care of this.

I am sure one day you will be attacked by the owner.

and I am ready for that also. but it's never actually happened yet. most of dog owners are women who would just shout. soon they stop when they see it does not work for me. smile.png

Giving a wai would give you a much better chance of not being attacked.

typical for a leftie ranting: "let's explain to Islamist that we are not threatening them, may be they will stop to rape our women and kids"

next time you will give a wai to an attacking animal and I will fight back, ok?

once I even killed a rabid dog with a shovel. if there were you instead of me there - wai'ing the rabid dog - you and your kid would be dead already.

if enemy doesn't give up he should be eliminated

Edited by TimmyT
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He waied the elephants to show his respect!?

You couldn't make this sh1t up...at least I couldn't!

Well, it worked.

I wonder if wai'ing also works against sharks or tigers?

Or Motor cycle taxi-drivers and Night Club bouncers. Maybe not - the elephants are more intelligent.

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Really? Wai ing to the elephants? Not sure what I would do in that situation, but that doesn't come to mind. Interesting how the elephants like the road to travel on. They may be "wild" but I bet they have been fed by more than one tourist and are a bit used to seeing people and cars and such.

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