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Canada to return to its honest broker role under Trudeau


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25000 syrian refugess

in one generation 200000 assuming 8 kids per family

thats 200000 votes Canada gets closer to a Muslim Government

they start trying to change the Canadian way of life the scond they get there using their most pwerful weapon, the word "offensive"

if everyting is so offensive why did they not immigrate to a Muslim country

I am being paranoid but am actually thinking this is a plot and the leaders are sending their people to every western country in the world

to eventually take over by birth rate rather than terrorism

just need patience, eventualy it will get there unless these people get educated and start thinking for themselves

i know, i know, I'm sounding like a redneck but what is going on scares me

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Well, no one can stop you from being scared. It's all in your head, mind you. Maybe pull the covers up over your head in bed at night. That seems to work against ghosts and being afraid of the dark. But in terms of your fantasy of a conspiracy- maybe you should be a screen writer. Your conspiracy theory would make Jerry Bruckheimer millions - and you too!

Edited by namarupa
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A pot-smoking, university drop-out who befriends all walks of life in the Canadian Mosaic, now leader of a democratically-elected majority, with 68% of the country voting , the largest turn out in federal elections since 1993? You go Trudeau! Love it. Love Canada! All is well in the great white north. Looking forward to 5 years of decency and level-headed governance!

Just let me remind you..... Shiny Pony weed smoking Trudeau got less than 40% of the popular vote. Most people voting.... voted for someone else... for good reason.

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@Catoni " Trudeau promises to borrow and spend money Canada does not have... he's promised to run a deficit every year, put us further into debt... he's going to make us all pay more taxes also.. and end income splitting for retired people... resulting in retired couples paying more..."

This from the cons attack ads and is untrue...it's the income splitting for parents that they want to end.



Inherited 1.2 million in 2000 - http://globalnews.ca/news/392961/justin-trudeau-reveals-details-of-his-1-2-million-inheritance/

"Harper was extremely close to a balanced budget.. if not actually a balanced budget..... and even N.D.P. Leader Thomas Mulcair promised a balanced budget."

Martin & Chrétien reduced the national debt by $90 billion and left a budget surplus of $14 billion. Harper's six deficits added $150 billion to the national debt.

Personally I am happy to see the back of Harper and his thuggish politics. Change is good. The future now looks a little brighter. :toast:

I watched the debates.... Trudeau said out of his own mouth that he is going to run a deficit every year...more than once... He made it quite clear...

Out of his own mouth... or do you believe he is lying and he is going to actually run a balanced budget ? ?

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A pot-smoking, university drop-out who befriends all walks of life in the Canadian Mosaic, now leader of a democratically-elected majority, with 68% of the country voting , the largest turn out in federal elections since 1993? You go Trudeau! Love it. Love Canada! All is well in the great white north. Looking forward to 5 years of decency and level-headed governance!

Just let me remind you..... Shiny Pony weed smoking Trudeau got less than 40% of the popular vote. Most people voting.... voted for someone else... for good reason.

Are you still sulking?

Get over it. It's finished. The die is cast. Canada has a new government, whenever that beady-eyed sneaky dick Harper decides to leave Ottawa. Rumour is Nov. 4.

Even if the vote was cast with proportional representation, Trudeau's Liberal party would be a minority government.

In any scenario, the strategic "Anyone but Harper" vote succeeded. Canadians made up their minds it was time Harper and his secret, unilateral and questionable methods got the boot.

Ding dong- the witch is dead!

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Trudeau is so bad for Canada that I'm considering going back to live with my Thai gf after we get married. People who benefit from this regime the most are the ones on dole. Sign me up.

Off you go, then. One less whiner.

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Trudeau is so bad for Canada that I'm considering going back to live with my Thai gf after we get married. People who benefit from this regime the most are the ones on dole. Sign me up.

Off you go, then. One less whiner.

This is a typical Canadian arrogance.

When you tell a Canadian you want to live in Thailand they say exactly that because how can you say anything bad about Canada especially Toronto.

Now that Trudeau has won it seems like all Trudeau lovers are behaving exactly the same like when Obama won. There is no middle ground, just arrogance. The same close minded mentality that thought oil will be above $100 forever and we don't need to have any other economy. It is just too fun to watch a bunch of "whiny" Canadians complaining on internet forums how much they are losing out on cross border shopping. Just hilarious.

Are you declaring your TEFL salary? You know Canada taxes on world wide income. Trudeau needs your help.

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Trudeau is so bad for Canada that I'm considering going back to live with my Thai gf after we get married. People who benefit from this regime the most are the ones on dole. Sign me up.

Off you go, then. One less whiner.

This is a typical Canadian arrogance.

When you tell a Canadian you want to live in Thailand they say exactly that because how can you say anything bad about Canada especially Toronto.

Now that Trudeau has won it seems like all Trudeau lovers are behaving exactly the same like when Obama won. There is no middle ground, just arrogance. The same close minded mentality that thought oil will be above $100 forever and we don't need to have any other economy. It is just too fun to watch a bunch of "whiny" Canadians complaining on internet forums how much they are losing out on cross border shopping. Just hilarious.

Are you declaring your TEFL salary? You know Canada taxes on world wide income. Trudeau needs your help.

Go get 'em, Guy! Unleash your Quebec spirit!

Edited by namarupa
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Trudeau is so bad for Canada that I'm considering going back to live with my Thai gf after we get married. People who benefit from this regime the most are the ones on dole. Sign me up.

Off you go, then. One less whiner.

This is a typical Canadian arrogance.

When you tell a Canadian you want to live in Thailand they say exactly that because how can you say anything bad about Canada especially Toronto.

Now that Trudeau has won it seems like all Trudeau lovers are behaving exactly the same like when Obama won. There is no middle ground, just arrogance. The same close minded mentality that thought oil will be above $100 forever and we don't need to have any other economy. It is just too fun to watch a bunch of "whiny" Canadians complaining on internet forums how much they are losing out on cross border shopping. Just hilarious.

Are you declaring your TEFL salary? You know Canada taxes on world wide income. Trudeau needs your help.

Retired before 60. Well to do. Live in Thaliand (5 years+). Money in Luxembourg.

Uh... were you trying to whinge about something?

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@Catoni " Trudeau promises to borrow and spend money Canada does not have... he's promised to run a deficit every year, put us further into debt... he's going to make us all pay more taxes also.. and end income splitting for retired people... resulting in retired couples paying more..."

This from the cons attack ads and is untrue...it's the income splitting for parents that they want to end.



Inherited 1.2 million in 2000 - http://globalnews.ca/news/392961/justin-trudeau-reveals-details-of-his-1-2-million-inheritance/

"Harper was extremely close to a balanced budget.. if not actually a balanced budget..... and even N.D.P. Leader Thomas Mulcair promised a balanced budget."

Martin & Chrétien reduced the national debt by $90 billion and left a budget surplus of $14 billion. Harper's six deficits added $150 billion to the national debt.

Personally I am happy to see the back of Harper and his thuggish politics. Change is good. The future now looks a little brighter. :toast:

I watched the debates.... Trudeau said out of his own mouth that he is going to run a deficit every year...more than once... He made it quite clear...

Out of his own mouth... or do you believe he is lying and he is going to actually run a balanced budget ? ?

Yes. Trudeau said he'd run a deficit for three years.


A GREAT move to kickstart the economy - invest in infrastructure. A big risk for a politician to make in an election promise, but Canadians voted for it (the "Anyone but Harper" campaign worked).

Harper ran the economy into the ground (deficit) but promised otherwise:


Harper will be known as the worst prime minister in the history of Canada.


As for Trudeau- too early to tell. But I'm all for taxing the rich, giving a break to the middle class, revising sneaky omnibus laws, legalizing cannabis, and ending the era of fear mongering and secrecy.

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Trudeau is so bad for Canada that I'm considering going back to live with my Thai gf after we get married. People who benefit from this regime the most are the ones on dole. Sign me up.

Off you go, then. One less whiner.
This is a typical Canadian arrogance.

When you tell a Canadian you want to live in Thailand they say exactly that because how can you say anything bad about Canada especially Toronto.

Now that Trudeau has won it seems like all Trudeau lovers are behaving exactly the same like when Obama won. There is no middle ground, just arrogance. The same close minded mentality that thought oil will be above $100 forever and we don't need to have any other economy. It is just too fun to watch a bunch of "whiny" Canadians complaining on internet forums how much they are losing out on cross border shopping. Just hilarious.

Are you declaring your TEFL salary? You know Canada taxes on world wide income. Trudeau needs your help.

Retired before 60. Well to do. Live in Thaliand (5 years+). Money in Luxembourg.

Uh... were you trying to whinge about something?

Excellent. You're one of those middle class Canadians Trudeau will be after.

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@ "Guy" (French?).

No. Not quite right, fella. Read again: I'm non-resident. Non-residents don't pay income taxes on earning outside Canada. No ties to Canada. Money in Luxembourg. Tax exempt.

But what does this have anything to do with the fact you are crying- no... pouty and all bunched up - over the fact Trudeau now leads a majority government in Canada? What part of reality don't you understand?

You're in for the long haul of grief given your disposition.

I think your tact is to get over it, or jog on. Whingeing here, or at me or anyone else, is not doing you any good since it certainly won't change the direction Canada is headed under Trudeau. Cry and whinge and pout all you want, pal, it's a done deal.

Edited by JoeBats
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