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More shootings and knife attacks add to Palestinian – Israeli bloodshed


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More shootings and knife attacks add to Palestinian – Israeli bloodshed


HEBRON: -- Tuesday night in Hebron and two more Palestinians were shot dead after a stabbing attack that wounded an Israeli soldier .

Israeli security forces have now killed 49 Palestinians including. Nine Israelis have died in a string of random shooting and stabbing attacks.

The day’s casualties included an assailant who reportedly drove his car into a group of pedestrians standing at a bus stop at Gush Etzion junction in the West Bank. He than got out and attempted to stab them before he was shot dead.

The worst Palestinian street violence seen in years has spread to all out clashes with security forces in Gaza and the West bank.

Palestinians are said to be fuming at what they see as increased Jewish visits to the al-Aqsa mosque compound, where non-Muslim prayer has been banned for centuries.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-21

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In the interests of survival, I do not think it would be a very smart idea to start throwing rocks at a guy with a machine gun, for any reason smile.png

I take your point. Most people would.

But, if you try to empathise with people who have been treated as 2nd class citizens all their lives, you may see that there are some things that defy smartness and yet need to be done anyway, for the sake of the next generation. When enough is enough, Israel must capitulate and withdraw from their illegal occupation.

It's little wonder that the victims of IDF gunfire are considered martyrs.

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Not to mention their 50 year illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights.

By the way, in Israeli media outlets they don't use the term of West Bank.

It has been replaced long time ago by Judea and Samaria...and still used like that today...

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These suicide attacks are the expression of the worst despair. I pity these people and I hope that a dignified and humane solution will be imposed in the region without considering the opinion of Israel always negative.

But I feel the same compassion for their victims inocentes. The final solution will necessarily pass by the end of these indiscriminate attacks.

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Typical of these people to attack unarmed and usually from the back or with a car.

I guess not enough kahunas to man up, but then situation in Israel is no different to the rest of the world where these people managed to get their way in,

I suppose one way to follow their religion of "peace"

And before Arab lovers & Co come back with yet another nonsense, do tell where in the world arabs live happily, if not fighting someone else, fighting each other, if not each other some ridiculous demands.

Israel made a mistake to give them back Gaza, only to be rocketed for past decade.

Do not give them an inch, until they learn to live in peace and stop targeting civilians,

Christ, they even unable to form an army, let alone government or economy.

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Typical of these people to attack unarmed and usually from the back or with a car.

I guess not enough kahunas to man up, but then situation in Israel is no different to the rest of the world where these people managed to get their way in,

I suppose one way to follow their religion of "peace"

Maybe "these people" should do what's typical of the occupiers and drop bombs on schools and hospitals that slaughter hundreds of women and children. I guess that's how they "man up". bah.gif

I suppose that's just expected from the "chosen" people. vampire.gif

By the way, the word you're looking for is "cojones". gigglem.gif

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Typical of these people to attack unarmed and usually from the back or with a car.

I guess not enough kahunas to man up, but then situation in Israel is no different to the rest of the world where these people managed to get their way in,

I suppose one way to follow their religion of "peace"

Maybe "these people" should do what's typical of the occupiers and drop bombs on schools and hospitals that slaughter hundreds of women and children. I guess that's how they "man up". bah.gif

I suppose that's just expected from the "chosen" people. vampire.gif

By the way, the word you're looking for is "cojones". gigglem.gif

Personally i prefer for occupiers to fire back rocket for rocket with the same aim, but thankfully Israeli government is above that.

Last time i checked Gaza was not occupied, so pretty weak reasoning and before you come back with nonsense of blockade, blockade was created because of rockets so again pretty weak excuse.

I suppose running people over with cars and stabbing in the back is what manning up is? or shooting rockets targeting civilians only is the real man actiongigglem.gif

Actually purposely targeting civilians and then gloating, thats the real arab man waythumbsup.gif

And by the way, its an expectation from normal people who do not start wars, riots or make crazy demands

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The last and not the least, netanyahu Israeli prime minister has said today in another distortion of reality as most Zionist do that (read well): Hitler didn't want or had any intention to kill Jews or commit holocaust. It's the Palestinian mufti who asked him to do it.

It's really time for a collective psychological help for most of Israeli people. Lies, crimes, occupation, killing, spoliation of land, the devil is an angel comparatively to those committing these crimes and trying to find ways to make them look legitimate.

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Knives against m-16's. totally fair fight. Speaking of which, make U.S pull out of the middle east and let's see what happens. Surely, it cannot get worse than it already is.

Oh you think they had nothing to do with it? Then please pay extra in taxes for our newly arrived immigrants. Oh you don't want to pay for them? Then <deleted> and let the Russians clean up the mess that we created.

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Personally i prefer for occupiers to fire back rocket for rocket with the same aim, but thankfully Israeli government is above that.

Right the Apartheid state of Israel is WAY above that. They just build a wall surrounding Gaza and bomb them whenever they want. Surely you cannot compare this to the Warsaw Jewish ghetto in Poland under control by Nazi Germany.

In fact Israel is pretty similar to the Nazis. The Germans just wanted an Aryan state just as the the Zionists just wants a Jewish state. And both of them are pretty keen on using ethnic cleansing to accomplish their goals.

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Every time I think someone has wronged me, I sneak up on some stranger and stab him in the back. It not only makes me feel better, but it brings me sympathy for my complaint.

I always get my way in the larger community after stabbing strangers so I've made it a lifestyle. The more I stab people, the more popular I get. Soon I'll be the most popular and most respected man in the world!

Throwing rocks at people with machines guns or to trying to crash cars by hitting the windshields is for sissies. Stab the bastards and you can rule the world!!


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Personally i prefer for occupiers to fire back rocket for rocket with the same aim, but thankfully Israeli government is above that.

Right the Apartheid state of Israel is WAY above that. They just build a wall surrounding Gaza and bomb them whenever they want. Surely you cannot compare this to the Warsaw Jewish ghetto in Poland under control by Nazi Germany.

In fact Israel is pretty similar to the Nazis. The Germans just wanted an Aryan state just as the the Zionists just wants a Jewish state. And both of them are pretty keen on using ethnic cleansing to accomplish their goals.

Not often, but sometimes it does help to think before speaking.

Not only there is no wall around Gaza but Gaza ONLY gets bombed in response to 10 000 or so rockets and Gaza has not been occupied for a decade.

Furthermore, when Israel pulled out of Gaza, Israel got rocketed within mins not even days.

But do not let facts get in a way of truth, best is to make up drivel, post it and then gloat.

Bit like Arabs latest blooper, claiming Israel killed some terrorist kid in cold blood, only to be proven wrong.

It was also nice of Arabs to NOT apologize to the rest of the world for "mistake"

Edited by konying
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Every time I think someone has wronged me, I sneak up on some stranger and stab him in the back. It not only makes me feel better, but it brings me sympathy for my complaint.

I always get my way in the larger community after stabbing strangers so I've made it a lifestyle. The more I stab people, the more popular I get. Soon I'll be the most popular and most respected man in the world!

Throwing rocks at people with machines guns or to trying to crash cars by hitting the windshields is for sissies. Stab the bastards and you can rule the world!!


And do not forget to complain if person who you want to stab shoots backlaugh.png

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Not to mention their 50 year illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights.

Golan Heights belongs to Palis?

And how did you arrive at 50? at least be smart enough to do the maths or use calculator

As for Gaza, well your knowledge , or i should say lack of any is pretty obvious, so no need to address that.

You do know posting drivel over and over does not turn it into a fact?

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Personally i prefer for occupiers to fire back rocket for rocket with the same aim, but thankfully Israeli government is above that.

Right the Apartheid state of Israel is WAY above that. They just build a wall surrounding Gaza and bomb them whenever they want. Surely you cannot compare this to the Warsaw Jewish ghetto in Poland under control by Nazi Germany.

In fact Israel is pretty similar to the Nazis. The Germans just wanted an Aryan state just as the the Zionists just wants a Jewish state. And both of them are pretty keen on using ethnic cleansing to accomplish their goals.

"Right the Apartheid state of Israel is rogue Palestinians are WAY above that. They just build a wall surrounding Gaza (there's no wall) and bomb shoot rockets or stab Israelis them whenever they want. Surely you cannot compare this to the Warsaw Jewish ghetto in Poland under control by Nazi Germany.
In fact Israel is the so-called Palestinians are pretty similar to the Nazis. The Germans just wanted an Aryan state to wipe out Jews just as the the Zionists just wants a Jewish state Islamists also want to destroy Jews. And both of them the Nazis and the "Palestinians" are pretty keen on using ethnic cleansing to accomplish their goal of eliminating Jews and Israel."
Fixed it for ya. thumbsup.gif
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Typical of these people to attack unarmed and usually from the back or with a car.

I guess not enough kahunas to man up, but then situation in Israel is no different to the rest of the world where these people managed to get their way in,

I suppose one way to follow their religion of "peace"

Maybe "these people" should do what's typical of the occupiers and drop bombs on schools and hospitals that slaughter hundreds of women and children. I guess that's how they "man up". bah.gif

I suppose that's just expected from the "chosen" people. vampire.gif

By the way, the word you're looking for is "cojones". gigglem.gif

You forget to mention that these schools and hospitals where used as terrorist hideaways and also used to fire rockets into Israel.Radical islam do really have a twisted opinion of the term "Women and children first" bah.gif

Edited by Yahooka
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Typical of these people to attack unarmed and usually from the back or with a car.

I guess not enough kahunas to man up, but then situation in Israel is no different to the rest of the world where these people managed to get their way in,

I suppose one way to follow their religion of "peace"

Maybe "these people" should do what's typical of the occupiers and drop bombs on schools and hospitals that slaughter hundreds of women and children. I guess that's how they "man up". bah.gif

I suppose that's just expected from the "chosen" people. vampire.gif

By the way, the word you're looking for is "cojones". gigglem.gif

You forget to mention that these schools and hospitals where used as terrorist hideaways and also used to fire rockets into Israel.Radical islam do really have a twisted opinion of the term "Women and children first" bah.gif

And whose propaganda has you been listening to for this information ? Surely not the same person who has just stated it was the Palistinians who caused the holocaust...

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Not to mention their 50 year illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights.

Golan Heights belongs to Palis?

And how did you arrive at 50? at least be smart enough to do the maths or use calculator

As for Gaza, well your knowledge , or i should say lack of any is pretty obvious, so no need to address that.

You do know posting drivel over and over does not turn it into a fact?

Who said it belonged to the Palestinians (I assume that's who you're refering to. And a point of clarification: Is "Palis" the racist Zionist term for Palestinians... sorta like "Pakis" is in Britain for Pakistanis?) I said it was illegally occupied... not that it was part of the original Palestine mandate.

The Zionist State has been illegally occupying territory captured in war since 1967, which is about 50 years. Sorry if my historical references are too deep for you to see... maybe taking off your Zionist goggles would help you see things more clearly.

The Zionist regime may have formally withdrawn from Gaza but they effectively control it through land, air, and sea blockades so it's still more or less occupied territory.

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Not to mention their 50 year illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights.

Only illegal in your mind. It's called the "spoils of war"...wars by the way, that Israel did not start. Those conquered lands are now part of Israel....

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Not to mention their 50 year illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights.

Only illegal in your mind. It's called the "spoils of war"...wars by the way, that Israel did not start. Those conquered lands are now part of Israel....

So you are also agreeing with me that the Zionist State is an outlaw regime. Thank you, as under international law, these are occupied territories captured in war and to which the Zionist State has been directed by the UN to relinquish many times. There is no "spoils of war" doctrine under international law.

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Not to mention their 50 year illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights.

Only illegal in your mind. It's called the "spoils of war"...wars by the way, that Israel did not start. Those conquered lands are now part of Israel....

Israel has initiated every single conflict with the Palestinians.

Just because the bully wins does not make it right.
Maybe you would like the world to accept Israel behaving like Genghis Khan, but in the 21st century the global community won't allow it.
Israel is a signatory to the Fourth Geneva Convention. If it doesn't like the law it should never have signed up for it.
Under international law a state cannot capture territory, annex it as its own, displace the existing population and transfer its own people there.
Occupied territories
Articles 47-78 impose substantial obligations on occupying powers. As well as numerous provisions for the general welfare of the inhabitants of an occupied territory, an occupier may not forcibly deport protected persons, or deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into occupied territory (Art.49).
Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.
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Typical of these people to attack unarmed and usually from the back or with a car.

I guess not enough kahunas to man up, but then situation in Israel is no different to the rest of the world where these people managed to get their way in,

I suppose one way to follow their religion of "peace"

Maybe "these people" should do what's typical of the occupiers and drop bombs on schools and hospitals that slaughter hundreds of women and children. I guess that's how they "man up". bah.gif

I suppose that's just expected from the "chosen" people. vampire.gif

By the way, the word you're looking for is "cojones". gigglem.gif

You forget to mention that these schools and hospitals where used as terrorist hideaways and also used to fire rockets into Israel.Radical islam do really have a twisted opinion of the term "Women and children first" bah.gif

And whose propaganda has you been listening to for this information ? Surely not the same person who has just stated it was the Palistinians who caused the holocaust...

You need to diverse a bit,just don`t believe everything mainstream media feeds you......................................and your last sentence doesn`t make sence coffee1.gif .

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In the interests of survival, I do not think it would be a very smart idea to start throwing rocks at a guy with a machine gun, for any reason smile.png

I take your point. Most people would.

But, if you try to empathise with people who have been treated as 2nd class citizens all their lives, you may see that there are some things that defy smartness and yet need to be done anyway, for the sake of the next generation. When enough is enough, Israel must capitulate and withdraw from their illegal occupation.

It's little wonder that the victims of IDF gunfire are considered martyrs.


Exactly. No wonder they put their children in harms way, or prefer 72 to life here. I even wonder what they'd do to you if you came to support them. Hey now. That's not a bad idea. Take uptown and your buddies. That way you'd accomplish more...

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Personally i prefer for occupiers to fire back rocket for rocket with the same aim, but thankfully Israeli government is above that.

Right the Apartheid state of Israel is WAY above that. They just build a wall surrounding Gaza and bomb them whenever they want. Surely you cannot compare this to the Warsaw Jewish ghetto in Poland under control by Nazi Germany.

In fact Israel is pretty similar to the Nazis. The Germans just wanted an Aryan state just as the the Zionists just wants a Jewish state. And both of them are pretty keen on using ethnic cleansing to accomplish their goals.

I think you've got this backwards.

The Palestinians MUCH MORE like the Nazis than the Israelis are.

It is the Palestinians that demand a JEW FREE state, just as the Nazis did.

The Israelis include ARABS as about 20 percent of their citizen population.

It was the original leader of the Palestinian political movement who asked Hitler to exterminate all of the Jews of the middle east ... dude, that is about as NAZI as you can get!

You insist on talking about Nazis ... so you asked for this truth. Cheers.

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Personally i prefer for occupiers to fire back rocket for rocket with the same aim, but thankfully Israeli government is above that.

Right the Apartheid state of Israel is WAY above that. They just build a wall surrounding Gaza and bomb them whenever they want. Surely you cannot compare this to the Warsaw Jewish ghetto in Poland under control by Nazi Germany.

In fact Israel is pretty similar to the Nazis. The Germans just wanted an Aryan state just as the the Zionists just wants a Jewish state. And both of them are pretty keen on using ethnic cleansing to accomplish their goals.

I think you've got this backwards.

The Palestinians MUCH MORE like the Nazis than the Israelis are.

It is the Palestinians that demand a JEW FREE state, just as the Nazis did.

The Israelis include ARABS as about 20 percent of their citizen population.

It was the original leader of the Palestinian political movement who asked Hitler to exterminate all of the Jews of the middle east ... dude, that is about as NAZI as you can get!

You insist on talking about Nazis ... so you asked for this truth. Cheers.

So under Bibi's one-state Greater Judea and Samaria Zionist State, are "free and fair" elections to take place before of after they have been ethnically cleansed of Palestinians?

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Personally i prefer for occupiers to fire back rocket for rocket with the same aim, but thankfully Israeli government is above that.

Right the Apartheid state of Israel is WAY above that. They just build a wall surrounding Gaza and bomb them whenever they want. Surely you cannot compare this to the Warsaw Jewish ghetto in Poland under control by Nazi Germany.

In fact Israel is pretty similar to the Nazis. The Germans just wanted an Aryan state just as the the Zionists just wants a Jewish state. And both of them are pretty keen on using ethnic cleansing to accomplish their goals.

I think you've got this backwards.

The Palestinians MUCH MORE like the Nazis than the Israelis are.

It is the Palestinians that demand a JEW FREE state, just as the Nazis did.

The Israelis include ARABS as about 20 percent of their citizen population.

It was the original leader of the Palestinian political movement who asked Hitler to exterminate all of the Jews of the middle east ... dude, that is about as NAZI as you can get!

You insist on talking about Nazis ... so you asked for this truth. Cheers.

So under Bibi's one-state Greater Judea and Samaria Zionist State, are "free and fair" elections to take place before of after they have been ethnically cleansed of Palestinians?

More drivel?rolleyes.gif

Why do not you post example of ethnic cleansing? and then explain the reason for 2 million arabs with Israeli citizenship and why so many want to get and can get Israeli citizenship, while all other "supporting" arab states do not even let them out of so called refugee camps

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