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Thai university gets first 'mobile phone lane' for smartphone junkies


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Geez... the university is feeding a bad habit... only will cause them to do it constantly "outside of the mobile lane" mayhem... then if people on the sidewalks get a lane, then cars will want their own mobile phone lane... can you imagine all the traffic and foot traffic that is going to happen... probably this will make Thailand the first congested foot traffic lane in the world too..

Plenty of cities in the West have this kind of thing too, fast walking lanes. Guess it doesn't fit into the 'Thais are so stupid' paradigm though :)

It's still a stupid idea. Here or anywhere. People need to learn to look where they are going or get out of the way if they have to text.

Equally stupid is the idea that it's ok to shove and push those inconsiderate idiots who do block or inconvenience others.

I'd go as far as to say that's moronic.

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The sign, "Please notice the lane" is obviously in English. We can assume all, or most, students comprehend this message?

I doubt they would even see it, or the painted floor signs, as they will be to busy looking at there phone screens.

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WOW!!! A sidewalk that people can actually walk on?? In Thailand?? That is a great idea. Usually we are forced to walk on the street because the police have sold the sidewalks to vendors or they are plugged with phone booths that nobody uses or have advertising signs or light poles, TOT boxes etc. right in the middle of them. I have even seen bicycle lanes painted on the sidewalks here.

Then the ridiculous tiles they use that are always broken (from people parking halfway on the sidewalks) and the open storm drain booby traps. Bkk must have the worst sidewalks in the world, Phnom Penh is even better as is Jakarta and Yangon.

I don't know what they should be called but they should not be called sidewalks.

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WOW!!! A sidewalk that people can actually walk on?? In Thailand?? That is a great idea. Usually we are forced to walk on the street because the police have sold the sidewalks to vendors or they are plugged with phone booths that nobody uses or have advertising signs or light poles, TOT boxes etc. right in the middle of them. I have even seen bicycle lanes painted on the sidewalks here.

Then the ridiculous tiles they use that are always broken (from people parking halfway on the sidewalks) and the open storm drain booby traps. Bkk must have the worst sidewalks in the world, Phnom Penh is even better as is Jakarta and Yangon.

I don't know what they should be called but they should not be called sidewalks.

I love it when i come out of the skytrain onto the sidewalk adn the aircons are dripping on my clean blouse, slippers get dirty from the filthy pavement, street dogs and rats everywhere, overloaded binbags who shouldn't be there, hotdogs on skewers half over the table of the vendor so they touch my shorts, people causing congestion because they want to buy something which is deepfried in huge hot oilpans, smoking bbq's, vendors running around like crazy or sitting infront of their stand, cripple beggars crawling on the floor, motorbikes parked everywhere....that's the real Bangkok.... Nothing of that is on the Kasetsart campus though.

Hence they build skywalks now for hundreds of millions baht, that's easyier then cleaning the sidewalks whistling.gif

OK i'll get me coat and drive to Swampy.

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I think a better idea would be to issue all university teachers with large plastic boxes. Students would have to put their phones in these boxes at the start of the lesson and then get them back at the end. This way students would actually concentrate on their classes.

Some professors already do things like this.

Some of the older tough Thai professors (mostly female) confiscate any phone that rings and hold it until the end of semester and the students cannot ask for their SIM card or an opportunity to copy their contacts list.

Well done!

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Perhaps the money is better spent at simply painting arrows on the sidewalk so people know which side to walk on, for a more "Efficient" side walk and better flow of traffic.

Indeed... There's going to be a lot of head on collisions now the texters are confined to only 50% of the pavement

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They're going to need more paint to keep the 'users' apart!

I see the arrows are guiding these folk to walk on the right.

Yet when walking on busy roads and narrow sois, they walk on their left with their backs to the traffic - no thanks!

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"Thailand is that allready. In every mall you have to wait for people standing in the walkways busy with their phones. They won't go stand at the side because they are too important for that." You have to wait? Who waits. Just yell at them, raise your voice or push em outta the way. We're a lot bigger and rude begets rude. They are not that dumb that they don't understand the concept of consequences of ones actions. Anyway they move for me with no problem.

I like the Hong Kong solution - during the rush hour, if you stand on the left on the escalator, you are likely to be barged kicked shouted out of the way.

It confuses the hell out of the tourists, but hopefully after 2 or 3 times they get the message.

In Thailand it is fortunate that the phones are smart - so the cretins playing with them don't need to be.

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"Thailand is that allready. In every mall you have to wait for people standing in the walkways busy with their phones. They won't go stand at the side because they are too important for that." You have to wait? Who waits. Just yell at them, raise your voice or push em outta the way. We're a lot bigger and rude begets rude. They are not that dumb that they don't understand the concept of consequences of ones actions. Anyway they move for me with no problem.

I like the Hong Kong solution - during the rush hour, if you stand on the left on the escalator, you are likely to be barged kicked shouted out of the way.

It confuses the hell out of the tourists, but hopefully after 2 or 3 times they get the message.

In Thailand it is fortunate that the phones are smart - so the cretins playing with them don't need to be.

I know plenty Thai with topmodel smartphones and all they (can) do is Line, candycrush and making pictures for fayboo. They even can't say the word Apple or use the gps.

But do you guys wait in the malls when people are making pictures on the walkway? I get so tired of that, in 1 hour shopping i have to wait at least 5 times for them. And when there is a christmastree or whatever big herds of them are making pics of it. Same as with Tom Cruise in Paragon, there's always somebody standing next to his statue and another making pics.

In Europe people think it's annoying to wait for that but Thai think it's normal. And if you go stand still in a busy walkway in Europe you will be walked over within a minute or just get pushed aside.

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Just one more sad sign of the times.

"I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots."

- Alber Einstein

...................."a generation of idiots.".......................

They are here ! clap2.gif

Yes, and they are here in skinny jeans, listening to "EDM" and watching "The Voice" or some shit, the gits.

Poor old "Alber" will be spinning in his grave.

Had to check what EDM is. Put it on mute and it's the usual peddling of female wares, soft core porn wannabe stuff:

. As long as you can mute it, no objections from me, that's useful idiots.
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